Thank you warmly
@PetiteSheWolf. I wish the same thing!
Hi again, Bees. I didn't go to the gym yesterday, but that wasn't so bad. Today I hit the gym again for a Pull day, which I really didn't want to do (snacks and sleep were calling), but I headed over and smashed my workout.
Neutral Grip Pull Ups: Top set of 5. Should've gone for 6 or 7, but will save it for next week.
Deadlifts: 150 x 6. Smooth as silk, ergo will go up to 155 next week.
T-Bar Rows (sans a T-Bar, so I did it with my hands on the bar): 85 x 5. Meh.
Meadows Rows: 45 x 6.
Cable Rows: 60 x 7.
Despite the relative paucity of exercise, my back feels absolutely smashed. Good times.
The gym was absolutely packed! Some young guns, old ones, and the inbetweeners like me. Good to see people getting into the spirit of fitness.
I had a small Ox-ident today. I was doing my usual cyberpunk-ing around CWB, when my foot caught on something in the road. I found myself windmilling and lurching forward until gravity won and I hit the ground: fortunately, no one was struck on my journey to the ground, and I managed to stick my palms out and didn't hit my face. There was that universal, embarassing span of two seconds where I lay flat on the ground, and then uttered "Ow." I then managed to push myself up, dust myself off, and continue on my way home. However... I felt some pain in my hands and knee. The latter I had scraped, and is still red. One of my fingers was bleeding profusely and I washed it clean before heading home. They're both still a bit sore.
And now, sleepy once again.
Hope your week is going well, Bees!
Playing: Still stockpiling supplies in Sulfur. Would buy something new, but my capricious purchasing whims haven't settled on anything. I am very, very tempted to buy Neverwinter Nights 2 on GOG, but I'll give it some thought.
Watching: I haven't watched much lately, apart from some weird stop motion films (but aren't they all?). I've kept meaning to watch Willow Creek, and I got around to it today! Here's a trailer, and a review.
Couple Jim and Kelly are driving through northern California to the town of Willow Creek, the home of Bigfoot fandom. They plan to fulfill Jim's dream of filming a Bigfoot documentary by visiting the town, interviewing the locals, and eventually, visiting the woods in which the fabled Patterson-Gimli footage was shot. However, their camping in the woods is disturbed by strange occurrences that terrify them and lend credence to the Bigfoot tales.
Synopsis: It meanders for a bit in its first half, but this only leads to a frightful and taut second half that makes for one of the better found footage experiences.
As my synposis suggests, Willow Creek is a film of two halves. In the first, our protagonists explore, conduct interviews, and film their documentary. These are slice-of-life segments that add colour to the Bigfoot mythos, and paint a picture of life in eccentric Willow Creek. Viewers will be frustrated that this chunk of the film does little to propel the action forward, and that the film only seems to truly begin when the two go to camp in the woods.
I'm not so sure. I find that the first half lends a uniqueness and eccentricity of its own that gives the film some of its character. Fortunately, the horror, while minimalistic and true to the boundaries of the found footage genre, is still present, and results in several very potent scares. There's a 15 minute, one-take set piece that's a masterpiece of staging and acting that should've been the film's calling card. And as the film draws closer to its conclusion, what little we see is horrifying in its implications, even if a little ambiguous.
There's also the saqu-err, elephant in the room. This film liberally borrows from The Blair Witch project - young people venture out to a local town to investigate folklore and end up getting more than they bargained for. Is it a rip-off? Again, I don't think so. It comes across more as a tribute to the Blair Witch Project with slightly more refined scares. The two leads don't have the depth or the character of Heather, Mike, and Josh, but it's still possible to empathize with them as things increasingly go south. As such, the improvisational and experimental nature of the film is quite compelling.
For its competent execution and scares, I bestow upon Willow Creek four Bigfoot Burgers out of five.
Humour: Let's face it. When this weird novelty game (it's called "Spreadcheat" har dee har) comes out, it's going to try and coast on 90s culture, but will be a flash in the pan, thanks to lacklustre and limited gameplay. However, that trailer is absolute gold. The song is a bop, and I confess that I love the 90s imagery. I've been shaking my tail to the beat the whole day!
Listening to: Erasure - Always. Have I seriously not posted this one yet? Absolute gem. I love how the mv borrows from Asian imagery.