Quest for Muscle: The Return of the Pump


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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 672
"So sleepy!"
Thank you @JCU and @Laura Rainbow Dragon and @Fremen.
@Laura_Rainbow_Dragon Haha, I admit that I've had a preference for less than mainstream films these days. I know that there are quite a few good mainstream movies, I just can't be bothered to watch them when there are tons of quirky movies around.

Ahoy, Bees! I'm super tired, but I made it home safe and sound and am ready for another update. Today was the second Push day of the week.

Paused Bench Press: 125 x 5, 127.5 x 5, 130 x 5. I was not expecting to get 130. Eventually I'll move on to 132.5, but that may take awhile.
Paused Overhead Press: 60 x 5.
Incline Dumbbell Flys: 26 x 6.
Rope Pushdowns: 12 x 8.
Flat Dumbbell Curls: 18 x 20. Up to 20 next time, I'm sure I could get it.

The date went well: she was very friendly and kind. I just didn't detect that spark or chemistry between us, so... I may have to keep at it. Also, I'm surprised that I used Chinese through most of it, though that she was so forgiving of my terrible pronunciation. Flaggle Claggle.

Off to another lesson tomorrow. Oh well. I'll see if I can squeeze in another workout before class, but we'll see.

Playing: A bit of Vampire Hunters, a bit of the Sulfur demo (you know they've made a good demo when you want to replay it, even after beating it!). Silent Hill 2 (the remake) looks amazing, but it would kill my PC, sadly. Callisto Protocol is still sitting on my hard drive...

Watching: Mostly V/H/S Beyond, which is a fun, breezy found-footage watch. Maybe I'll write a review tomorrow...

Listening to: Betrayer - Credits/Trailer music (I don't know the details for this one, and there's close to no music in the game itself). Today's Halloween song is from a stealth/supernatural horror/action game released a decade ago. Ignore the sound effects and listen to that theme. It perfectly captures the eerie feel of the game and the mystery of that time period, and I honestly wish that they had composed a longer version. The game itself was quite good - one of the few sneakers that also doubled as a very deliberate shooter, as you might expect from the period weaponry. A shame more people didn't play it.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 672
"So sleepy!"
Hi, I'm Ox, and I'm back with another workout! As you may or may not know, two days without a workout is way too long for me, so I made up for it with a PR attempt during Leg day. Could I do it?

Squats: 125 x 12. Dear God, that was an almighty hell of a set. This is a new PR, as I've never done 125 this many times before. I stopped two thirds of the way through before powering through the rest, as it was just *that* taxing. Sometimes you have sets that totally tear through your body and beat you to a pulp, and this was one of those.
Paused Squats: 70 x 3. A token effort, as I really didn't have the mojo at this point to go for more.
Leg Extensions: 70 x 10.
Lying Leg Curls: 45 x 4. Meh.
Back Extensions: Sets of 10.

That set of squats beat me up so badly that I'm thinking of taking a break tomorrow. I'll see how things turn out.

Hope you're having a great Sunday, Bees!

Playing: I've been playing Sulfur, mostly - just stocking up on my arsenal and crafting new kinds of foods (!) has been time-consuming, but good fun. Cannot wait for the end of this month (even DAV is coming out)!

Watching: I finally finished watching VHS Beyond (I refuse to add those stupid backslashes!). Basically, this is an anthology of found-footage horror short films loosely unified by the theme of science fiction, and in several of those, aliens. As this is an anthology flick, I'm going to take the unusual step of delivering a description and review of each segment - call it a writing exercise.

Abduction/Adduction: The wraparound story: A set of tapes upon which are various horrific stories (the ones we're watching) are found in a house with a troubled history. A capper on the end where we purportedly see a visitor from outer space is... okay I guess? It doesn't provide a fitting conclusion after we've already seen such bloody and zaney madness in the tapes. A serviceable two and a half tapes out of five, as there's not much to say about it.

Stork: A crew of hardened police officers arm themselves to the teeth to investigate a house which may be the center of child abductions. This one was solid, unambitious, gory fun, and the most well-served by the found footage format. I give it four shotgun blasts out of five.

Dream Girl: In India, a novice tabloid photographer seeks to get prime candid footage of pop star Tara. He gets his wish, but stumbles upon much more than that... More gory fun, though I thought this one struggled to create its message on stardom (I may be giving it too much credit). I give it three Bollywood dance sequences (I'm surprised they included one in the flick!) out of five.

Live and Let Dive: A group of people are on a plane celebrating Zach's birthday by getting ready to skydive. However, the appearance of a UFO throws their plans for a loop (perhaps literally). This one was thrilling and fun, and it's always great to see youtubers get their just desserts, even if the cg was a touch spotty. I give it three and a half parachute cords out five.

Fur Babies: An obnoxious group of animal rights activists seek to investigate and expose a woman who provides doggie day care services. But they're in for much more than they bargained for... This one was twisted fun, and though the twist was easy to guess, it was still fun to watch the chaos unfold (interestingly, it borrows from a certain Kevin Smith film that was panned). I give it four and a half doggie treats out of five.

Stowaway: A young women investigating UFO appearances and lights in the sky finds herself hitching a ride on a UFO, while discovering its unusual properties. Probably the most ambitious one of the bunch. In its own way, the most heartfelt and tragic story. I give it four cute plushie toys out of five.

Seeing a pattern here?

As a complete movie, I give VHS Beyond three and a half UFOs out of five. It doesn't do anything particularly new with the franchise (we can safely say that it's been blasted into space by this point), and none of the portions are particularly scary, but the films are surprisingly creative and fun to watch.

Listening to: Michael Giacchino - Roar! Tonight's Halloween song is from the first Cloverfield movie (apropos of VHS Beyond, this one is also a found footager), and punctuates the film's sense of ominousness and terror well.

Bonus: I don't associate it with gym music, but I was repeatedly listening to The Coup's Guillotine repeatedly at the gym. In fact, that song carried me through my massive 12 rep set!

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 672
"So sleepy!"
Thanks a bunch @aku-chan, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @MadamMeow, @JCU, @Fremen and @TopNotch! I couldn't do it without all of your support!

Hello, all! I certainly hope you're having a spooky week - or at least a good one.

Today was a "fast" Push day.

Bench Press: 130 x 7. Moving on up! I haven't hit 6+ reps with this weight in awhile. I was aiming for 8, but I'll take it.
Overhead Press: 62.5 x 5. Ugh. Felt harder than it was.
Cable Flys: 6 x 8. I haven't done these in years! Usually the cable apparati are used for all sorts of tomfoolery, and I guess I'm no exception.
EZ Bar Pushdown: 13 x 8.
Flat Dumbbell Curls: 20 x 22. I haven't done this much in ages. Stronger bis, maybe?

So... there may be another date on the cards (same person). We'll see... Last time around, I picked a venue in which, unbeknownst to me, there were live performances, so we weren't able to communicate over the amateurish cacophony. It's on Tuesday. I'd better hit the treadmill, shave and get a haircut!

Which is all well and good, because for the time being, I'm super pooped and could use some sleep, and gaming.

Keep chugging, Bees! We'll make it through the week.

Playing: Still making my way through Sulfur - perhaps not to extract every secret I can from this limited (this is relatively speaking, because it's actually very generous in replayability) demo, but at least ready myself for the full deal. Played a bit of Vampire Hunters too.

And... Shantae and the Pirate's Curse? What sorcery is this?? In my defense, it was pretty late at night and I wanted to play something with a controller. It's bouncy (uh... no perverted pun intended) and easily digestible platforming fun, though I'm a touch disappointed to note that it's not a metroidvania like previous entries in the series.

Watching: Back on the Seal Team train, ignoring the whiney dialogue and soap-opera nonsense of it all. I am also, God help me, going to try to watch Fateful Findings, by amateur auteur Neil Breen. If you haven't heard of it... don't bother watching the trailer. That's 2 minutes of your life you could've spent trimming your nails, watering your plants, or watching paint dry.

So why am I watching it? Morbid fascination, and to continue my trend of watching really bad movies. Hopefully I'll make it through the other side!!

Edit: It is unbelievably bad, and I mean this almost literally. There is so much fail on display. I'll write a review if I manage to endure the full movie (fifteen minutes in, it's pretty mediocre).

Listening to: Brocas Helm - Cry of the Banshee. Tonight's spooky Halloween song is a razor-sharp speed-metal treat by Brocas Helm. I first heard this song in Brutal Legend, where it accompanied a boss fight (with a giant metallic spider, no less!) perfectly. That bass line is to die for.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 672
"So sleepy!"
@NancyTree Thanks a bunch! I hope it'll be great too.

Hey Bees.

I didn't go to the gym today, as I needed to rest up a bit more. Just a short walk outside was today's exercise.

But tomorrow, I'll hit the weights with a vengeance. I also finished watching a terrible movie, and couldn't resist writing up a review for it.

See you again tomorrow, Bees!

Watching: So I watched Fateful Findings, a film you've hopefully never heard of and will hopefully never watch. It's a 2012 film by notorious indie filmmaker Neil Breen, and he bears the brunt of responsibility for this cinematic turd. Here's a review...

Two children play and grow close together, eventually being separated when one moves away. The boy, Dylan, grows up to become a writer, and eventually a hacker, whose goal is to expose the villainy of the world's governing bodies and financial institutions. Will he succeed in his goal? Will he reunite with his childhood friend? And will Neil Breen actually become a competent filmmaker? Stay tuned.

Look. I constantly crack jokes about the bad movies I watch, and enduring them and writing up zany reviews is a literary exercise and dare I say, even enjoyable. After all, they can be so bad that they're entertaining. This film's sole point of redemption, despite being a shining example of mediocrity, is that it fits squarely into the bargain bin of shitty, yet entertaining movies. But let's be clear: this is one bad movie. The written word can't quite convey the guns out, unashamed crappiness of this one. Pick any scene to watch, and you'll be "rewarded" with incompetence and I kid you not, my face hurt from all the cringeing I did (at almost every scene in this movie). So let's quickly break it down.

Not a single aspect of this movie is competently made.

The plot is absolutely clown-car bonkers, throwing together a bunch of crap in the hopes that a good plot it makes. Pill addiction, alcohol addiction, suicide, a mystic tome of secrets, psychiatry, domestic problems, and even more pointless dreck are featured here, and not a single one has any bearing on the real plot (blah blah blah expose the conspiracy blah). And even the real plot doesn't make any sense. How did Dylan get his hacking abilities? When did he start? What kind of books does he write? Why does he want to expose the gov't et al? None of it's explained - but you get the sense that in a film like this, it's not really worth explaining. I'm going to gloss over the next points, which contribute to the horrible quality, but aren't at its epicenter. The editing is crap (so many pointless shots), and the minimal budget (I would guess five thousand bucks ) is apparent in every frame, prop, and setting. The score is kinda nice. I guess.

But the crowning source of hilarity are the writing and acting combined. A good thing to watch out for in a bad movie is whether or not they state the obvious. Good writing is subtle, and you have to read between the lines to see what characters are thinking or feeling. This is not the case here. The dialogue is hilariously lacking in nuance. Characters almost always state the obvious, and even repeat themselves! There's are a lot of different situations and conversations, but they're all so ham-fisted in execution and lacking in subtlety. Example? One character stumbles into the aftermath of what looks like a suicide.

Dylan: "X! You committed suicide. How could you do it. How could you do this to yourself?"

That leads us to the acting. "Stilted" and "wooden" are commonly thrown around for performances like these. None of them are convincing at all, but for the most part, they're simply very bad. In contrast, and standing at the top of the pantheon of crappy performances is Neil Breen, the very director and writer of this dung heap. Guy deserves some credit for making a movie practically by himself, but ambition does not make up for a crushing lack of acting talent. It's possible that he's even worse of an actor than Tommy Wiseau - if such is even possible. Here're a few examples:

What we're left with is a bizarre fantasy fulfillment that relied on one man's vision - unfortunately! With everything considered, I justly give Fateful Findings zero plates of salad out of five. May it be remembered as everything you should avoid doing in filmmaking. Unless you want your legacy to be hilarity and derision, of course.

Listening to: Carpenter Brut - Beware the Beast. Tonight's Halloween song is a spooky synthwave thrasher from Carpenter Brut. I'm surprised I've never posted the song until now, but as it's spooky season, the time is right!

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 672
"So sleepy!"
@JCU Thank you kindly, fellow reviewer. Yeah, that clip always gets me lol.

Hey everyone, I'm back, and I'm a sleepy Ox, but miles to go before we sleep etc...

Today was an alternate Push day (I really should squeeze in Back day sometime this week, perhaps tomorrow).

Paused Bench Press: 132.5 x 5. So... this was pretty hard, but it's a step in the right direction. My gut instinct tells me I'm unlikely to get 132.5 so quickly, so while I'll increase the weight, I'll work up the reps gradually.
Paused Shoulder Press: 62.5 x 5. They were alright.
Straight Bar Pushdown: 12 x 8.
Incline Cable Flys: 6 x 8.
EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 45 x 7. Ugh. A lot of cheating to get this many reps, but that's okay.

Not much cyberpunk-ing around today, as my workout left me pretty bushed. Maybe tomorrow?

Stay safe and sane, Bees!

Playing: Hades just dropped a new, meaty update that adds an entire series of levels (taking place in Olympus)! What a treat! I dusted off my copy and played the surface levels and... got my ass handed to me. Either my months-long hiatus has left my playing rusty, or the enemies have gotten some serious rebalancing (it's very likely the latter). I'll play a bit more tonight, and see if I get to the new boss (who's even more austere and menacing than the game's original villain, Chronos). Huzzah! Not sure if I'm going to be playing anything else tonight, as it seems like the expansion to Hades 2 will take up my free time...

Watching: Back firmly on the Seal Team train, in all its unsubtle cheesiness. There are a lot of enticing new watches to be had, like Alien: Romulus, and Caddo Lake, but I'm going to stick with a found-footager called Dagr first, and see how that one is.

Listening to: Binding of Isaac: Rebirth OST - Diptera Sonata. Tonight's Halloween song is from the frightening, foreboding, and funny(!) roguelite Binding of Isaac (the Rebirth edition). If you haven't heard of BoI, it's basically a roguelite with the darkest premise in the genre, or any other for that matter, with dollops of equally black comedy mixed in. It also happens to be possibly the best roguelite game in existence, and is one of the founders of the genre. While the original iteration's soundtrack is amazing in its own right, Diptera Sonata happens to be my favourite theme from the series. Grim and dire it may be, but it's also captivating.

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