696 Days


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 03.24.2023
1. 10 .Jumping Jacks
2. Easy Arms Challenge Day 24: 88 bicep extensions, 30 seconds active rest of march steps, 3 sets in total.
3. Unbound Day 27: Rating = 7.5.
4. Foundation Day 7: Strength: Level 3, no rest.
5. 4 mile walk outside. 1:09:39.

❤️EAC: Rating = 7.5. Ouch.
❤️Unbound: Rating = 7.5. I finally got back to this. I really had a hard time with the second pose.
❤️Foundation: Rating = 8.0. I kept my feet moving during upperbody exercises.

Notes: Work was dumb but uneventful today. Only one out of the 4 basketball games was good. At least I started a new book.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 03.25.2023
1. 10 .Jumping Jacks
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
4. Easy Arms Challenge Day 25: 82 arm circles, 30 seconds active rest of march steps, 3 sets in total.
5. Ace Workout: Level 3, no rest. Punches on the bag.
6. 4 mile walk outside. 1:08:22
7. Unbound Day 28.
8. Foundation Day 8 Tendon Strength: Level 3, no rest.
❤️Boxing: Rating = 8.5. This was decent workout today. Some of my kicks were a little sloppy though.
❤️YWB: Rating = 8.5
❤️EAC: Rating = 7.5. I really felt this today.
❤️Ace: Rating = 6.5. This took me longer than I thought. I struggled with balance on the lunge step-ups. I have to find the YouTube video on deadlift and twist because I am sure I was doing it wrong. And my hair was in the way the whole workout.
❤️Unbound: Rating = 7.5. I had balancing problems with pose 4.
❤️Foundation: Rating = 8.0. Not bad for tendon strength.

Notes: It’s finally the weekend. Today was cold, cloudy and breezy so we only walked 4 miles. There was only 2 basketball games on. One went my way and the other one didn’t. Last night I calculated that from Sunday there are 696 days until my next journal project. I have been struggling lately. Work is overwhelming and my family has been having health issues. So, I set up a list of 12 “goals” with 8 checkins. These are things that I can focus on. Some are health/fitness related, some are work related, some are related to my general well-being, one is something I want to do everyday but haven’t been (yoga) and the last one meditation. I do it everyday but just go through the motions. I want to do it for real. I know that focusing on these goals won’t be a miracle worker but I am hoping it gets me to a better place physically and mentally.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 03.26.2023
1. 10 .Jumping Jacks
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
4. Easy Arms Challenge Day 26: 92 bicep extensions, 30 seconds active rest of march steps, 3 sets in total.
5. 1 mile walk outside. 17.37 (a little more than a mile)
6. Right Place, Right Time Workout: Level 3, no rest.
7. Foundation Day 9 Fast Place Cardio: Level 3, no rest.
8. Unbound Day 29.

❤️Boxing: Rating = 9.0. This was a great workout.
❤️YWB: Rating = 9.5
❤️EAC: Rating = 8.0.
❤️RPRT: Rating = 9.0. I kept my feet up.during the sitting twists.
❤️Foundation: Rating = 8.5. My shoulders were getting weirdly tired.
❤️Unbound: The 2 minutes of arm circles were really tough tonight.

Notes: We didn’t get much of a walk in today but it was cold out anyway. I was disappointed in both the basketball games. Things are not looking good for my grandmother.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 03.27.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Easy Arms Challenge Day 27: 96 arm circles, 30 seconds active rest of march steps, 3 sets in total.
3. Unbound Day 30.
4. Foundation Day 10 Strength: Level 3, no rest.
5. Arms of Steel Day 1: Level 3, no rest. Rating = 8.5.
6. Reps to the Rhythm: 1000 STEPS • WALKING AT HOME • 9 MIN POWER WALK • Walking Workout #55 • Keoni Tamayo
7. Heather Robertson: Day 25: 30 Minute FULL BODY HIIT // With Weights
8. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
9. 4 mile walk outside. 1:07:30.

❤️EAC: Rating = 7.5. Ouch towards the end.
❤️Unbound: Rating = 7.5. I never got better at that one pose (pose 2 in this workout).
❤️Foundation: Rating = 8.0. A little wobbly on the calf raise hold.
❤️AoS: Rating = 8.5. Kept my feet moving during all exercises except for the holds.
❤️RttR: Rating = 9.5. Fun with cats even if I screw up the steps.
❤️HR: Rating = 8.0. Tough but only minor modifications. I couldn't hold the side plank though.
❤️YWB: Rating = 9.5.
Notes: I woke up to a half a foot of snow. I am ready for spring. Work was chaotic and annoying. My Grandmother is now on morphine. She is nearing the end. 😿

I finished Unbound today. I found some of the workouts difficult. I am ready to be done with Easy Arms Challenge but I’ve just restarted Arms of Steel so the upper body fun never ends. Heather’s workout was tough but not torture but it was cold for the walk. The best part of the day was reading my book with dessert. The whole world melts away.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 03.28.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Easy Arms Challenge Day 28: 96 bicep extensions, 30 seconds active rest of march steps, 3 sets in total.
3. Foundation Day 11 Fast Pace Cardio: Level 3, no rest
4. Foundation Day 12 Tendon Strength. No rest.
5. Get Fit With Rick: 10 Minute Non Stop Cardio For Beginners
6. Arms of Steel Day 2: Active rest of march steps except with punching (no rest, done on heavy bag).
7. Boxing: 15 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos
8. YWA: Move – Day 29 – Trust
9. 4 mile walk outside. 1:08.56

❤️EAC: Rating = 7.5.
❤️Foundation Day 11: Rating = 8.0. I am not really a fan of shoulder taps but there were only 6.
❤️Foundation Day 12: Rating = 7.5. My shoulders and wrists got tired.
❤️GFWR: Rating = 8.5. A good warm-up.
❤️AoS: Rating = 6.0. Push-up output (4-2-2) was terrible, shoulder taps were OK and plank rotations were rough.
❤️Boxing: Rating = 7.5. This was hard as I was beat from AoS.
❤️YWA: Rating = 7.5. This was really challenging for me. Side plank holds…ugh.

Notes: I was really tired today. At least it was warmer for the walk.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 03.29.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Easy Arms Challenge Day 29: 100 arm circles, 30 seconds active rest of march steps, 3 sets in total.
3. Foundation Day 13 Abs & Core. Level 3, no rest.
4. Foundation Day 14 Fast Pace Cardio. Level 3, no rest.
5. Kyra Pro: GET 500 STEPS TO "VOGUE" BY MADONNA (Low Impact Walking Workout).
6. Heather Robertson Day 26: ABS +BOOTY Workout
7. Close Contact Express Workout: Level 3, no rest.
8. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
9. 4 mile walk outside. 1:08.44

❤️EAC: Rating = 7.0. It didn't start hurting until the end.
❤️Foundation Day 13: Rating = 9.0
❤️Foundation Day 14: Rating = 9.5
❤️KP: Rating = 9.5. Super quick but super fun.
❤️HR: Rating = 7.5. Some of this was hard. Modifications were required.
❤️CCE: On the heavy bag. Rating = 9.0. Just what I needed.
❤️YWB: Rating = 9.5. I had a different one planned but I was running late.

Notes: Today was a really rough day. Work sucked. The really great thing is that I finished my book and it was wonderful.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 03.30.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Easy Arms Challenge Day 30: 100 bicep extensions, 30 seconds active rest of march steps, 3 sets in total.
3. Boxing: 40 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
4. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
5. 4 mile walk outside. 1:11.32.

❤️EAC: Rating = 7.0. The last day was tough.
❤️Boxing: Rating = 9.0. Worked hard and rocked hard...🥊
❤️YWB: Rating = 9.5. I had a different one planned but I wanted to chill.

Notes: I had another bad day at work and took it out on the heavy bag.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 03.31.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Power Grip Challenge Day 1: 40 seconds clench/unclench.
3. Easy Abs Challenge Day 1: 10 air bike crunches, 6 sitting twists. 3 sets, no rest.
4. SBY: 15 minute Yoga for Grief, Loss & Broken Heart 💜 Low Energy Yoga.

❤️PGC: Rating = 9.5.
❤️EAC: Rating = 9.5.
❤️SBY: Rating = 8.0. Sweet practice but I was fidgety.

Notes: Bad day at work. And during work I got the news that my grandmother passed away. I knew it was coming but that didn’t make it hurt any less. It was too windy to walk and I didn’t feel like doing anything else. I kept my streak with yoga.


Well-known member
Druid from Colorado
Posts: 79
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Marilyn Monroe"
Sad Best Friends GIF by Lisa Vertudaches