Tuesday 05.09.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Easy Cardio Challenge Day 10: 70 step jacks, throughout the day. In one go. Rating = 9.5
3. Easy Core Challenge Day 10: 50 side bends, throughout the day. In one go. Rating = 9.5
4. Foundation Day 20 Tendon Strength: Level 3, no rest.
5. Arms of Steel Day 7: Level 3, no rest.
6. Get Fit With Rick: Queen Walking Workout | 10 minute 1300 steps at home.
7. Arms of Steel Day 8: 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets and exercises. Exception: No rest after last set of overhead punches. No rest between sets of regular punches (done on heavy bag).
9. Boxing: 12 minutes of heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos
10. 4 mile walk outside. 1:10:56
Foundation: Rating = 7.0. An unpleasant little workout but I don’t like tendon strength.
AoS Day7: Rating = 8.0. I kept my feet moving. Quick and easy but I could feel it.
GFWR: Rating = 8.5. Quick and fun and I actually got the steps mostly correct.
AoS Day8: Rating = 7.5. Standard push-ups output sucked (4-2-2). The rest of it was ok.
Boxing: Rating = 8.5. I was tired but this was good anyway.
Walk: TG for clouds and a breeze.
Notes: I finally returned to my re-do of the Foundation programs. Foundation and AoS Day 7 were done during the work day (I’ve been a remote worker since we moved to Colorado in 2014). And speaking of work…just ugh. No, I did not depend on my journal more. Yes I lost my temper. After work, I GFWR, AoS and Boxing. It’s amazing how bad I’ve gotten at push-ups (not that I was ever great
). The hockey schedule was back to normal so didn’t get a cool down after the workout as I wanted to get a 4 mile walk in before puck drop. And speaking of hockey, the first game was a huge disappointment. The second game was not. I missed the end because a storm blocked th satellite dish. This was a rare storm that gave us pretty large hail.