Well-known member
Thank you @daejamurrachan
I hope she gets better soonWednesday 03.22.2023
1. 10 .Jumping Jacks
2. Easy Arms Challenge Day 22: 84 bicep extensions, 30 seconds active rest of march steps, 3 sets in total. Rating = 7.5. This was hard today.
3. 4 mile walk outside. 1:08:39
Notes: On top of everything else, my grandmother is in ICU with COVID. She is 91 with other serious health issues.
Oh I’m so sorry….and so late. My sincerest condolences, Dawn….Saturday 04.08.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24.
4. Power Grip Challenge Day 9: 1 min 20 sec clench/unclench.
5. Easy Abs Challenge Day 9: 14 Air bike crunches, 6 sitting twists. No rest.
6. 8 mile walk outside. 2:25:55.
Boxing: Rating = 8.5. Much better than Wednesday.
YWB: Rating = 8.0. My lower back was a little stiff.
PGC: Rating = 9.0
EAC: No rest. Rating = 9.0
Notes: Warmer weather so we walked 8 miles. My feet were killing me.
Thank you @DorothyMH unfortunately she passed away.