Tuesday 05.23.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Easy Cardio Challenge Day 24: 100 step jacks, throughout the day. In one go. Rating = 9.5
3. Easy Core Challenge Day 24: 80 side bends, throughout the day. In one go. Rating = 9.5.
4. Foundation Day 29 | Abs & Core: Level 3, no rest.
5. Foundation Day 30 | Fast PaceCardio: Level 3, no rest.
6. From Walking to Running Challenge Day 6: 2 minute walk, 2 minute run, 3 sets (12 min): Time: 12:05, Dist: .90, AHR: 149
7. Arms of Steel Day 15: 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets and exercises. Kept my feet moving during all exercises.
8. Tiger, Tiger Workout: Level 1, no rest.
9. Boxing: 50 knee-elbow strike combos on heavy bag. Rating = 8.0
10. YWB: Restorative Yoga Upper Back Tension Relief | 30 Days of Yoga
11. 4 mile walk outside. 1:10:51.
Foundation Day29: Rating = 7.5. Small reps but I focused on pushing my lower back into the mat, which made this harder.
Foundation Day30: Level 3, no rest. Rating = 8.0. Even small reps of high knees gets me every time.
FWTRC: Rating = 7.5. My stats were slightly better than Saturday even with the extra interval. However, during the first running I got a tickle in my throat so I hacked my way through that interval and part of the second walking interval.
AoS: Rating = 9.5. This felt easy today.
TT: Rating = 7.5. I intended to do all 7 sets but I ran out of time. Random pains (right knee during the first set of lunges, right arm when doing left arm raises during plank).
YWB: Rating = 9.0. This was lovely.
Walk: Poor air quality but at least we got to see baby bunnies.
Notes: At least I finished my redo of Foundation and my walk/run was ok (except for the coughing fit). However, we still have poor air quality and the hockey game was terrible. The worst news that came out of today is that we need a new roof. The hail storm did significant damage. The guy from the roofing company showed Scott pictures. He’s coming back Thursday so they can call the insurance company together. We already know we have a high deductible.
@TakingBabyStepsBack It's just my irritation at myself when I do stupid shit.
. Thanks for your encouragement on the running. So far so good with the From Walking to Running Challenge.