696 Days


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thank you @FlowersandPetals and @Mamatigerj @Anek @Maegaranthelas

Monday 12.02.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 2 - Tai Chi for Joint Health | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Gentle but seemed to by really fast.
2. Fit December Day 2: No rest. Leg Day. It got my heart rate up.
3. Total outside walking: 2.25 miles.

Notes: Back to work and it was ok. While on the phone with my parents, I basically said we wouldn’t be out for Christmas again and my mom promptly got off the phone. Instead of doing Yoga, I sat in my chair and cried because I thought we would go a week without any appointments and the specialist wants to do a televisit on Wednesday. It never ends.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday – Wednesday 12.03.2024 – 12.04.2024
Total outside walking: 2.55/3.0 miles

Notes: A couple of rough days emotionally for me. At least we felt the appointment Wednesday was positive. For some reason, I kept crying the rest of the day. After work, I curled up with my Kindle and read. ❤️


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 12.05.2024
1. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 3 - Cultivating Stillness | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Another nice session. I incorporated visualization.
2. Fit December Day 3: No rest. It's been a while since I've done anything about ab related...plus I was hungry. 🙀
3. Total outside walking: 3 miles.
4. BYNM: Day 3- Cultivate Love: Heart-Opening Flow | 🍂 7‐Day SAD Series🍂: I accidentally repeated this one but that's ok. 😺

Notes: A better day where I did all my fitness stuff. Wednesday I has a good talk with my parents and my mom has accepted we can’t make it out again. My husband had some weird symptoms today bur we’re hoping some of them might be signs of improvement. Fingers crossed.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,936
"Striving to be the change."
Notes: A couple of rough days emotionally for me. At least we felt the appointment Wednesday was positive. For some reason, I kept crying the rest of the day.
Relief can bring tears too.

I has a good talk with my parents and my mom has accepted we can’t make it out again.
I am happy your mother has been able to accept your decision (which is absolutely 100% the right one!) There are times I wonder at how the entire planet does not collapse under the sheer weight of all the completely unhealthy, inappropriate, and sometimes even cruel expectations that people manipulate and crush one another with this time of year. Kudos to you and Scott for having the strength to do what you need to do, and to your mother for finding her way to a place of understanding that.



Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 12.06.2024
1. Fit December Day 4: No rest. I found the holds difficult and I had to modify. At least I don't consider modifications failures.
2. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 4 - Easing Chronic Pain | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This was a seated session but we did it standing. Relaxing. ❤️
3. Total outside walking: 3 miles.
4. BYNM: Day 4 - Nurturing Self-Care: Slow & Gentle Practice | 🍂 7‐Day SAD Series🍂: This was nice except that I am not really a fan of eagle arms...probably because I don't have the shoulder mobility.

Notes: Today was ok. My husband sent messages to 2 of his doctors about the weird symptoms. On one of the messages, he asked about relief for the medication side effects. He’s already tapered once. Also, he needs to put on some weight. 😐 Anyway, I did all of my fitness stuff. I’ve been reading on other threads what a great program SOMA 40+ is so I plan to start that tomorrow. Wish me luck. 🍀


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 12.07.2024
1. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 1: 10 sec hold, 10 sec rest. 3 sets. This felt a little odd. Maybe I wasn't doing it right?
2. EOTD: 30 Clamshells. In one go. I haven't done EOTD in a long time but this was a good one to start with.
3. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 5 - Enhancing Focus and Clarity | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Another great session with some gentle neck stretches.
4. BYNM: Day 5 - Mental Break: Mindfulness Focused Flow | 🍂 7‐Day SAD Series🍂: This was the most active of the sessions so far but still really nice.
5. WOTD Ava: 1 set. Ok, so my new thing is to do one set of the WOTD to challenge myself and add some variety. This was a Combat workout. I usually do these on the heavy bag but since I am only doing 1 set, I didn't. Ava was a really fun workout and I may have to do it on the bags sometime.
6. Fit December Day 5: No rest. Quick and easy.
7. SOMA 40+ Day 1: Strength, Level 3, 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets. OMG. This workout kicked my ass even though I used light weights. I was winded.
8. Total outside walking: 4 miles.
Notes: Today was ok. My husband was in a a good mood, which was nice because it was our 32nd anniversary. I was feeling a bit melancholy because he continues to have new, weird symptoms. In other news, I did all my planned fitness stuff and we walked a total of 4 miles (2 2mile walks), which we haven’t done in a while.


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from USA
Posts: 325
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14"
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary Love GIF

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,936
"Striving to be the change."
Congratulations on your anniversary Dawn & Scott!

This was nice except that I am not really a fan of eagle arms...probably because I don't have the shoulder mobility.
Shoulder mobility is one of the things eagle arms are meant to help with. Just wrap your arms as far as you can. A nice alternative, especially if you don't have the hand hook, is to just put your hands on the opposite shoulders (or wherever they reach to) like you're giving yourself a hug.


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 12.08.2024
1. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 2: 10 sec hold, 10 sec rest. 3 sets.
2. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 6 - Achieving Flexibility Safety| FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Nice session. We will be repeating it tomorrow.
3. BYNM: Soft Life Yoga | 10 Minutes: Nice but she didn't do any affirmations at the end. 😿
4. EOTD: 10 Butterfly Sit-ups. In one go. Ugh. I struggled.
5. WOTD: Balance: This was a struggle...to say the least. My balance is the worst.
6. Fit December Day 6: No rest. More legs. I was shaky on the reverse lunges.
7. SOMA 40+ Day 2: HIIT, Level 3, 30 seconds active rest of march steps between sets. I needed to be wearing shoes and a sports bra. Ooof.

Notes: I sat in my pajamas and watched football all day. I did 5-7 in front of the TV. I have DOMS, something I am not used to.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thank you @Maegaranthelas ❤️

Monday 12.09.2024
1. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 3: 15 sec hold, 15 sec rest. 3 sets.
2. EOTD: 10 Crunch Kicks: This went much better than yesterday's EOTD.
3. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 6 - Achieving Flexibility Safety| FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: We repeated this so my husband could finish. Yesterday, he had a stomach issue.
4. WOTD: Feel Good Workout. 1 set.
5. 1 mile walk outside.
6. Fit December Day 7: No rest.
7. BYNM: Day 6 - Giving Grace: Loving-Kindness Practice | 🍂 7‐Day SAD Series🍂: Not my favorite of the series but the meditation at the end was interesting.

Notes: A rough day. My husband had bloodwork. We weren’t happy with the one panel we got back. My dad told me he feels weaker and more tired. I am just so exhausted from it all.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 12.10.2024
1. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 4: 15 sec hold, 15 sec rest. 3 sets.
2. EOTD: 30 alt arm/leg raises: In one go.
3. Ornament: Hot Cocoa: 50 push-ups (wall/knee and 1 standard). Total = 50/200
4. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 7 – Mindful Breathing | FLEXIBILITY – 30 Days of Tai Chi: I probably didn’t focus on my breathing enough.
5. WOTD: 2-Minute Arms: I could really feel it by the time I got to thalast exercise.
6. 1 mile walk outside.

Notes: We had an appointment with the doctor who ran the bloodwork. She said the abnormal numbers were due to the meds. She had access to another panel that looked good. She does want appointments and bloodwork every week.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 12.11.2024
1. Ornament: Hot Cocoa: 50 push-ups (wall/knee). Total = 100/200
2. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 5: 20 sec hold, 20 sec rest. 3 sets.
3. EOTD: 20 squat hops on the spot. In one go.
4. WOTD: Touch the Sky Workout. 1 set. This was a struggle. I had modify ALL of the plank rotations. 😿
5. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 8 - Building Resilience| FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This went by really fast.
6. Fit December Day 8: No rest. This was my least favorite day.
7. Total outside walking: 3 miles.
8. BYNM: Day 7 - Reflect & Refresh: Seated Practice With Affirmations | 🍂 7‐Day SAD Series🍂: Some of the stretches were a bit uncomfortable but I loved the affirmations.

Notes: This rest of the bloodwork came in…stable to improving. And he also had a good day ay PT. The sad news is that I canceled our flights today…just not a good idea to travel this year. 😿

@PetiteSheWolf I was so sorry to read about your dad. I hope he is able to achieve a full remission.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 12.12.2024
1. Ornament: Hot Cocoa: 50 push-ups (wall). Total = 150/200
2. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 6: 20 sec hold, 20 sec rest. 3 sets.
3. EOTD: 20 Bridge Taps. In one go. Glutastic.
4. WOTD: Loading...Abs 1 set. This included one if my favorite exercises...sit-up punches.
5. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 9 - Grounding Flow | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: Some different "combos " that I kept messing up.
6. Fit December Day 9: No rest. More glute stuff.
7. Total outside walking: 1.5 miles.

Notes: My husband pulled a calf muscle. Ibuprofen seemed to help. Today was our last day of work until 1/6. It was uneventful but I have a great supervisor. I was super tired today.

@PetiteSheWolf I'm happy to hear his response to the chemo is better than you hoped. Hugs to you too.💓🫂


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 12.13.2024
1. Stomach Vacuums Challenge Day 7: 25 sec hold, 25 sec rest. 3 sets.
2. Ornament: Hot Cocoa: 50 push-ups (wall) in one go. Total = 200/200. Yay! I get my hot cocoa ornament. 😺
3. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 10 - Effortless Movement | FLEXIBILITY - 30 Days of Tai Chi: This session was very chill.
4. YWK: 15 min Gentle Morning Yoga - Full Body Stretch: This was a little more active than I would've liked but I need to start doing some of this stuff.
5. EOTD: 40 clench/unclench: In one go.
6. WOTD: Still Standing Workout: 1 set.

Notes: First day of vacation. It was ok. I spent the day in my pajamas. My husband’s calf seemed better but he had another health issue.