A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Sunday did the 5,000 steps, did meditation and daily habit.

This morning Fit December D16, and One and done challenge D16.

Oh, that means that last week (Sunday to Saturday) was a miss for the walking (missed it two days), fine for the rest.
Weight wise still plateauing, not much to show there. I may have to take stronger action in January, we'll see.

254 consecutive days (D240 on 02/1)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
So, Wednesday no walking, meditation and daily habit.
Thursday no walking, meditation and daily habit.

Back in bretagne! Air's so much better here, but my parents aren't in a great mood...

Wednesday Fit December D18 and Once and done D18
Thursday yesterday one and done "done", but Fit december - used the pass ( still one pass prepared) - as it was train day.
This morning Fit December D20 and Once and done D20.

258 consecutive days of exercise (D240 on 02/1)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Friday and Saturday walking, meditation and daily habit.
So, this week still not good for the walking, but good for the rest. Today there are high winds and hail so... ahem.... we'll see.

Yesterday morning Fit December D21 and Once and done D21.
This morning Fit December D22 and Once and done D22.

258 consecutive days of exercise (D240 on 02/1)

thanks @Laura Rainbow Dragon . Mom broke down first in anger, then in tears, yesterday morning - long stories, but it was a bit better after the real fear (dad leaving) was uttered loud and clear. Still very frustrating as she nixes lots of my helping suggestions for Christmas and food - I know my cooking habits are not quite theirs, but it starts getting a bit depressing. Sorry for the vent, and I get it's hard for mom as she navigates her poor eyesight, dad's illness, and Christmas preparation. Just to hope help as I may...

And ETA : forgot but we (in the northern hemisphere) just got over the longest night of the year. Happy Yule to all, and may the light grow again steadily in your lives!

And may the yule kitty remind you also to take care of your loved ones and neighbor's needs with good clothes ;) He looks terryfying, but his mission is a friendly one, actually!

Cat Christmas GIF by PBS Digital Studios

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
No need to apologize, @PetiteSheWolf . I know well how stressful family gatherings can be, especially at this time of year. Kudos to you for toughing it out and trying to be as helpful as you can. I know too the pain of having one's offers of help rejected. (Although, in my case, in later years, it was more often taken but then devalued--that's a whole other level of not fun!) I'm thinking of you and your family, wishing for you all strength and some peace of mind as you navigate this difficult time.



Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon , I know you can understand (and I thing being devalued is even worse!!!)

Sports wise : walking was off and will continue to be off all the length of my stay here, I am afraid : BUT meditation and personal habit well done.
(weight shall not be discussed until we speak of next year's plan)

Did every day the Fit Christmas and Once and Done challenge - yay, so we are at D 27 for both of them.

265 consecutive days of exercise (D240 on 02/12)

Second bro arrived with SIL, Darling Nephew, and SIL's mom Monday, Older bro and Good Doggo arrived Tuesday. Preparations for food and all went well, once Mom relaxed and realised everything would be lovely - if not perfect. Christmas was just lovely - good atmosphere, and having dad here and in decent shape... It is a memory to keep very well in our hearts for later, harder times.
Of course dad was kind of specially spoiled : thinking of you @Laura Rainbow Dragon since he got bird feeders with inbuilt cameras for some more birdwatching from the comfort (and warmth and lack of ingections) of home ; plus music and music equipment that he can even enjoy if hospitalised again.

Second bro and his group left yesyersday, Older bro is here till tomorrow. mademoiselle Luna isn't thrilled but watching her and Good Doggo interact is priceless.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday walked my 5,000 steps, did meditation and daily habit.
Pondering if, when in St Malo, I should add another cardio exercise on the days I cannot walk my 5,000 steps, that may help with this recurring issue.

This morning did Once and done challenge D30 - :star:, and Fit Chrismas D30 - one more to go.

268 consecutive days of exercise (D240 on 02/12)

Gotta start to plan the new year... So, I signed for the DownDog new year challenge - hopefully I stick with is since it will be more flexible than several of the other yoga challenges. The January challenge here is just perfect ; I just need to add a little something (one of the cardio challenges ?) to make it complete for next month.
Afterwards, there is 30 days of change calling my name, and maybe 30 days of cardio light (I fear the "normal" level may not be friendly with my knee, by experience).
So, all that should carry me up to early April!

I am pondering also food-wise for new year. Either take some more info and a challenge on my intermittent fasting, or adding some serious food tracker, because it is ... not good, when I look through all 2024. Can't let the pounds add every time my ticker isn't happy!

ETA : hmmm, This may be my second January challenge:
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you all for your grats, and wishing you an excellent eyar 2025 - health, peace, stability, and time with the people who are meaningful to you.

31st and today did not walk but did meditation and personal habit.

Yesterday - January first, I started my DownDog yoga challenge, with 12 minutes of yoga (with Heart opening focus), standing ABs D1 and Daily HIIT D1.
Today - DownDog yoga challenge, with 12 minutes of yoga (with lower back focus), standing ABs D2 and Daily HIIT D2.
Let's get this show on the road!

Just adding a huge hug to our American bees, sigh...

271 consecutive days of exercise (D270 on 01/01)


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Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 165
Friday Saturday Sunday not enough walking
Some days* not enough is all that can be asked of one. Weather is a big factor for you, if I recall correctly, so if Mom** doesn't cooperate you don't get your walks.

*Weeks in this case. More generally, whatever duration of time is important in a particular context.
**As in "Nature".


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you for those words, @wjs . Moral isn't at its best so gotta work on it (and that means enough rest too). And yeah, weather right now is nasty. But heck, it isn't as cold as Chicago, LOL! And giggles for Mom Gaia, she can be ... fickle, though sometimes so lovely!

Monday did not walk enough, but yesterday I did, and today should be good. Fine with meditation and daily habit.

Tuesday - yesterday and today did DownDog yoga challenge, standing ABs D7-8 and Daily HIIT D7 - 8.

277 consecutive days of exercise (D270 on 01/01)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Always welcome, Dragon ;)

So, Monday and Tuesday did my walking, meditation, daily habit.

Tuesday and this morning DownDog yoga challenge, standing ABs D14 - 15 and Daily HIIT D14- 15.

Yesterday went to the office - we had the monthy department meeting, then rushed home because we had our building's "galette des rois" (epiphany cake). A good occasion to chat with the residents I already know, and get to know the new ones. Fun, and I think this plays in giving our building a nice atmosphere. But sooooo tiring. I can feel it today.

Oh, Monday I saw the rythmologist, and he was happy with the results of December's holter recording, so yay! Hopefully, since last ablation was performed when I was in tachycardia conditions, this one will last longer.
And dad's bloodwork are again good this week, so even bigger yay ; he gets a full week without poking (no growth factors nor anticancer drug), and will resume the subcutaneous injections of the anticancer drug in one or two weeks.

284 consecutive days of exercise (D270 on 01/01)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday Thursday did my 5,000 steps, meditation, personal habit.

This morning DownDog yoga challenge, standing ABs D17 and Daily HIIT D17.

Got my COVID shot yesterday evening (I had COVID early July last year, so I had to wait 6 months), went well. I am very lucky that I react well to vaccines, they've only very rarely bothered me. And Mademoiselle Luna gets her shots and well-kitty-check-up tonight. She's turning 10 years old! One of the best decisions ever I took.

286 consecutive days of exercise (D270 on 01/01)
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