A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Friday did meditation, daily habit, no walk.
Saturday, did meditation, daily habit, and walk.
Sunday / today did daily habit, meditation, and walk.

So, overall, for a week Sunday to Saturday, good for the walk (6 days /7), meditation and daily habit.

Ronin's blade D11 done Saturday, and D12 done Sunday / today.

Weight wise, still plateuing - 43.6 kg this week. Sigh. Still want to keep an eye on it.

197 consecutive days of exercise (D180 on 03/10).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
This morning Ronin's Blade D15. Already halfway through it, wow! I will probably have to switch some days / throw some yoga day in because this WE I go again back to Bretagne see Dad and Mom. (And Older Bro and Good Doggo of course), so no katana, and maybe super busy since we'll again be in paperworks for Dad.

PS : didn't mention, but of course I rescued baby Panda, so he helped me getting some plums yesterday, LOL.

200 :LOL: consecutive days of exercise (D180 on 03/10). You take your victories where you can!


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Thank you @wjs and @NancyTree !

Thursday, Friday, managed walking 5,000 steps, meditation and personal habit.
Saturday a bit less than 5,000 steps, meditation and personal habit.

So, pretty good week , all three goals reached.

Yesterday 5,000 steps, meditation and personal habit.

I managed to complete D16, 17 and D18 of Ronin's blade on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
This morning D19 Roning's blade.

205 consecutive days of exercise (D180 on 03/10).

Weight wise, still plateuing - 43.5 kg compared to 43.6 the week before.

Dad-wise, the last few days his platelets are rising again - good, but he has fever peaks, some quite bad - not as good. They're doing another myelogram today, next steps willl depend on the results. Continue thinking of him, it's long and not easy. Mom's by moments OK , by moments very frustrated and irrational - which I can understand. I did, and have still things to do, to help her paper-wise. We all need to hold on for a long haul to help them both.

ETA : added 60 side kicks for the Halloween fight! Go bees!
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
First, thank you for this comment, @wjs . By experience, yep; stress can increase my weight. And it's sweet you say I have a low mass, but I am /very/ petite, I am 4'8'', or 1m42. By comparison, Peter Dinklage (Tyrion of Games of Thrones) is 1m35 / 4'5'' - though he has achondroplasia which gives this ununual bone structure, and mine is normal, I am just, well... miniature, LOL. So, my mass is in the "normal" range for my size.

Monday walked 5,000 steps, meditation and personal habit.

This morning Ronin's blade D21., and 200 squat punches to get rid of the rat king.

206 consecutive days of exercise (D180 on 03/10).

And .... the news of the day... Dad responded very well to the chemotherapy, hurray! His bone marrow is swiped clean, so now thet're gonna let it regrow (with some growth factors) 2 weeks and he could be out of the hospital for outpatient follow-up chemos... We are so relieved! He is not yet out of the woods, I realise everything that could go wrong (one of the down sides of working in the health "world") , but this is the best outcome we could have hoped for. Phew... Tonigh I'll have a celebratory beer for him!!!


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Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 176
First, thank you for this comment, @wjs . By experience, yep; stress can increase my weight. And it's sweet you say I have a low mass, but I am /very/ petite, I am 4'8'', or 1m42. By comparison, Peter Dinklage (Tyrion of Games of Thrones) is 1m35 / 4'5'' - though he has achondroplasia which gives this ununual bone structure, and mine is normal, I am just, well... miniature, LOL. So, my mass is in the "normal" range for my size.
Ah, I remembered you being about that height, but I thought a bit taller. I guess I see the numbers you post and think "that seems ten to fifteen pounds* small," probably because I'm American**.

*Or four to seven kg, if one prefers.
**Or I have no sense of scale. Could be either.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @Anek , @Maegaranthelas and @TopNotch . Grins for @wjs. Yeah; not out of the woods, but soooo relieved.

Tuesday I walked 5,000 steps, meditated, did daily habit.

This morning Ronin's Blade D22 ; also yesterdau afternoon added some squat punches against the Rat King. We saved the hive, hurray!

207 consecutive days of exercise (D180 on 03/10).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Friday and Saturday walked 5,000 steps, did daily habit, meditated.
So, good week for habits!

Saturday morning Ronin's blade D25
This / Sunday morning Ronin's blade D26

Weight wise, this week is not too bad, 43.1 kg - overall, if starting point was August - 44.4 kg, average for September was 43.7 and average for October was 43.4, so that's not that bad. Lt's keep an eye and try to eat sensibly. I will have to think what to do when I will be back in Bretagne, but on step after the other.

211 consecutive days of exercise (D210 on 02/11).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Tuesday walked my 5,000 steps, meditated and did daily habit.

Tuesday morning and this morning Ronin's Blade D28 and D29. of course siding with the foxes against the shadows!

214 consecutive days of exercise (D210 on 02/11).

Again good news regarding dad : his white cells rose enough that he was authorised to LEAVE THE HOSPITAL! yay!!!
The Little Mermaid Dancing GIF

He will have another round of chemotherapy as outpatient in something like 2 weeks. And I know this story is far from finished. But what a relief ... 7 weeks of hospital, oh my. My own stay was about 5 weeks and that was wayyyyy long enough!

What else ; saw my endocrinologist today. He confirmed I am most probably menopausal (yeah!), and osteoporotic (awwwww....) but agreed to leave me at least one year with just vitamin D supplementation and no other drug or consultation regarding the osteoporosis. He understands I got already enough treatments as it is and to keep it realistic for follow up. I am thankful for a doc that's following me well, but not pushy.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Thank you @NancyTree , @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @Anek , @MadamMeow , @wjs !
I think that as an endocrinologist, and somehow "coordinator" for the multiple-specialty team care I need, he is experienced with patients with chronic issues and understands not overloading the prescription / exams.

Wednesday walked my 5,000 steps, meditated and did daily habit.

This morning Ronin's Blade D30! Done! Definitly a fun program, I really enjoyed it! :completed::bigyes:

215 consecutive days of exercise (D210 on 02/11).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Thank you @Maegaranthelas , @Fremen , @TopNotch , @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @NancyTree , @Anek , @MadamMeow and @Obsinosterous ! It was a fun program and that helped me continue work out through this time.

Now I think I will be doing some stand-out workouts until we have the Christmas tree and advent calendar / 12 days of Christmas / fit Christmas depending what our superb dareteam manages to treat us with.

Thursday walked my 5,000 steps, meditated and did daily habit.

This morning did a difficulty 3 HIIT at level 2,

216 consecutive days of exercise (D210 on 02/11).