An Unexpected Party


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Rogue Posts: 316
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Happy new year


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Fountain Of Youth Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 2 (200 Hindu Squats + 100 squat hold punches)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 2 [100 Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
WOD: Winter is Here Workout
Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
Counting Victories Challenge


Today I thought I'd take it easy with training but it didn't go like this so a gritty start to the year :LOL:

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . . C.S. Lewis


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



Warmup: Abs of Steel Workout (workout of the day)
Daily Squats Challenge day 3 (200 Hindu Squats)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 3 [100 Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
Full-Body Kettlebell Workout (16-8 kg kettlebells, 6 reps)
Stretching: Surya Namaskara
(5 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
Counting Victories Challenge


I decided to try using the workout of the day as a warmup, to vary and not always do the same thing and in addition to have a surprise every day :LOL:
I also tried to put the two challenges together:
- 20 Hindu Squats
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 sets, no rest
Less than 8 min 48 sec
it's a very quick alternative to use when I'm short on time or desire :)
I'll start calisthenics next week, for this one I'm going easy with only Muay Thai.

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead Walk beside me… just be my friend Albert Camus


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



Mobius Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 4 (210 Hindu Squats)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 4 [105 Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
Counting Victories Challenge


Obviously... I've already changed my mind :p
The workout of the day hardly matches the rest of my workouts and so I'm back to using easy workouts as a warm-up, filled with challenges :)

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



Easy Does It Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 5 (210 Hindu Squats)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 5 [105 Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
Cardio Bell Workout (16 kg Kettlebell) lv III with EC, 30 sec rest
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
Counting Victories Challenge


Cardio Bell Workout looks easy but from set to set it becomes clear that it is not at all :LOL:
It lasts 15-20 min at the most with 30 sec of rest but they are all from sweat.

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min 30 sec)
Start Here Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 6 (210 Hindu Squats)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 6 [105 Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
Shoulder Stretch (2 min, 30 sec)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



5-Minute Walk Workout



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


They came to fix the roof yesterday afternoon :welcome:
At the next sustained rains we will have confirmation that everything is fine 🤞
The combination of a light workout with squats and push-ups is working well, I can do it even without warm-up, using the first set as a quick warm-up and continuing slowly.
From today this afternoon an intensive destress session will begin to remedy the anxiety, anger, annoyance that I have accumulated in this period, everything is yet to be established but I need it, I know this for sure :)

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. Elbert Hubbard
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



Regenerator Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 7 (210 Hindu Squats)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 7 [105 Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
K-Sculpt Workout (16-8 kg kettlebells)
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



5-Minute Walk Workout



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


I promised myself this year to really learn to read books in English, this would allow me to have access to a lot of interesting books than in Italian.
Last night I finished reading the first English book of this year: Moon Called by Patricia Briggs.

Moon Called.jpg

I had already read it both in Italian and in English, it's not difficult and I really like the character of Mercedes Thompson.
I thought it would be a good idea to start with a series and author that I like and are within my reach.
The main series consists of 13 books and I've only read the first ones, so happy reading to me :LOL:
There are so many interesting Urban Fantasy series that aren't even translated into Italian, and that's why I want to learn to read in English so that I can choose from everything available and not just from the few books translated into Italian.

I am enjoying the kettlebell workout, it makes me sweat a lot and I enjoy it, next week I will try the other 3 kettlebell workouts available.

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

We accept the love we think we deserve. Stephen Chbosky


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



📌 Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min 30 sec)
Daily Squats Challenge day 8 (200 Hindu Squats in one go)
I am Enough Workout
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 8 [105 (15x7) Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
Shoulder Stretch (2 min, 30 sec)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



📌 5-Minute Walk Workout



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


I'm trying to optimize the effort and time required for morning workouts, since next week I'll also train in the evening: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Calisthenics and Tuesday and Thursday Muay Thai :)

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Without music, life would be a mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



📌 Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
One Day At A Time Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 9 [200 (100+100) Hindu Squats]
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 9 [105 (15x7) Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



📌 5-Minute Walk Workout



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


After several experiments I found a good balance for my hindu squats and push-ups workout:
100 hindu squats after warm up
I stuff 15x7 push-ups into an easy workout so I don't rest
100 hindu squats at the end
The goal is to get to do 300 hindu squats every day in a row, I spend about 10 min doing it, and do 25x4 push-ups, all as a habitual routine every day.
I prefer not to take breaks or really short ones, 15-30 sec and use the time I have available to the maximum :)

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results. Narcotics Anonymous


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



📌 Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Fountain Of Youth Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 10 (100 Hindu Squats in one go)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 10 [105 (15x7) Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
Icon Workout,16 kg kettlebell, 3 sets, 6 reps, 15 sec rest
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



Calisthenic (1h 30 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


The roof is still leaking, last night it poured and luckily I had enough towels and basins to temporarily stem the problem.
This morning the bricklayer contacted me to ask if everything was in order, I really appreciated that he contacted me first to ask how the work was going, but a bigger intervention will have to be done.

I filed the challenges again and reduced the hindu squats to 100 done all in a row.
I will keep the kettlebell workouts to 3 sets for 6 reps again this week, I'm fine with weight workouts being 10-20 mins max, 15 would be ideal.
I'm going to try calisthenic tonight :)

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Anyone who has ever made anything of importance was disciplined. Andrew Hendrixson


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



📌 Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Mobius Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 11 (100 Hindu Squats in one go)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 11 [100 (20x5) Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



Muay Thai (1h 30 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


I really enjoyed the calisthenics class yesterday.
There was a lot of people, we started with a good warm-up of all the joints which I greatly appreciated and then he divided us into groups according to the training.
Luckily there were 3 other beginners so I wasn't alone :)
The teacher is very good and attentive, checks, corrects, suggests what to do according to ability and possibilities.
Last night all the group workouts changed so the teacher had to explain the various exercises and then go back and forth between the groups, but I didn't feel neglected, he did a great job anyway.
We started with simple exercises: Australian pull-ups, various types of planks, push-ups, squats and leg raises on the bar.
At the end of the workout I was pleasantly sore but this morning I have no pain which I appreciate :LOL:
I liked the training approach: doing things slowly, well and progressively without rushing.
I have noticed several groups also use various gym equipment in addition to the barre exercises and so it is like a gym workout but much more interesting because you learn a lot of body control.
I like the teacher, he is prepared, sensible and very attentive and I like how the course is structured, so... ladies and gentlemen, I officially do calisthenics :worried:

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. Coco Chanel


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



📌 Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Easy Does It Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 12 (100 Hindu Squats in one go)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 12 [50 (10x5) Hindu Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
Kettlebell HIIT Workout,16-8 kg kettlebell, 3 sets, 6 reps, 30 sec rest
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



Calisthenics (1h 30 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


Since tonight at Calisthenics I will also do push-ups I reduced the number of them this morning and did the Hindu push-ups variant :)
Kettlebell HIIT Workout is pretty intense as a workout, I worked up a sweat:LOL:
Friday I will try the last kettlebell workout that I need to experience and then I will decide whether to rotate them all or select only a few, however I will keep the kettlebell workouts for morning workouts on days when Calisthenic is in the evening.

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Creativity is intelligence having fun. Albert Einstein


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



📌 Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Start Here Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 13 (100 Hindu Squats in one go)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 13 [105 (15x7) Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



Muay Thai (1h 30 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


I also really liked last night's Calisthenics training, we started doing chin-ups and dip :) 3 of the group of 4 people from last lesson remained but motivated so we continue together.
My shoulders and elbows are feeling good this morning which I am very happy with :LOL:

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other. Brian Tracy


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



📌 Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Regenerator Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 14 (100 Hindu Squats in one go)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 14 [100 (10x10) Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
Full Swing Workout, 16 kg kettlebell, 5 sets, 6 reps, 30 sec rest
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



Calisthenics (1h 30 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


I'm starting to get a little tired from all of this week's training so the next two training days will be nice and cuddly :)

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

Always keep your eyes open. Keep watching. Because whatever you see can inspire you. Grace Coddington


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,475
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video)
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video)
📌 First Thing Water Challenge



📌 Warmup: Universal Warmup (5 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
I am Enough Workout
Daily Squats Challenge day 15 (100 Hindu Squats in one go)
Daily Push-Ups Challenge day 15 [100 (10x10) Push-Ups - (instructional video)]
📌 Stretching: Surya Namaskara (5 min)
Shoulder Stretch (2 min, 30 sec)
📌 Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)



5-Minute Walk Workout



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


Yesterday evening my first week of Calisthenics training ended and I must say that I really enjoyed it, so I will continue very willingly :)
I'm going to have to revise my core training a bit more so I don't overdo it with both effort and time.
The decision to go to the gym was excellent, both from a training point of view but above all from a human point of view, I go out more from home, I socialize with other people and we train together having fun, it was an excellent addition to my life :happy:

Aloha, have a nice day bees :coffee:

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. Henry David Thoreau