Author of a Thousand Fails


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Finally starting to feel better... at the end of the day before my Secret Santa is due... and what happens? My entire body spasms... I FELT LIKE I WAS IN LABOR AGAIN!!! What's up with my body doing this to me!?! Tomorrow is supposed to be a family fun day followed by a Christmas party, and I feel like I just gave birth! I have yet to discover why my body has random moments like this, but here's hoping I can accomplish the tasks set before me tomorrow... Including Secret Santa...

While I was out, I enforced math for my kids and did a LOT of stretching and pain relief body care. Today, I did a lot of walking (which probably triggered those hellish contractions, which was a workout in and of itself!)... so I'm counting it... 15 days-ish of fitness! WHOOT!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Mostly back to normal... With a twinge of regret... Grateful for pain meds.

Light the World
Kids' academic lvl^
Family game night
First badge

No, no, no, achieved!

Kids only have two more days of review before I achieve the goal of kids going up a grade level. I drilled them while I was sick, but today, we went to the zoo instead. :ss:
I also managed to obtain my first badge while sick... doing the bare minimum... HAHA!

Daily Walk :v: (until my feet hurt so much that I couldn't walk anymore!)

16 Consecutive days of fitness.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
I feel a little more back on track...

Light the World
Kids' academic lvl^
Family game night
First badge

No (I'm a bit of a grump today), YESSSSS!, tbd, accomplished.

daily walk :v:
:snowball: Jumping Jacks :v: ...I don't even know how many... All I know is that my bra finally gave up the ghost today trying to contain my monster melons... I now have an adequate excuse to buy new ones... :LOL:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Getting another early start in writing this out... I'm sure there will be more to follow, as there was yesterday, but I don't see myself taking the time to write this check-in later... So, getting it done now...

Light the World
Kids' academic lvl^
Family game night
First badge

Always all year round, yes, planning on it, done.

Daily walk :v:
:snowball: So many snowballs!!! :v:
Kegels... because those jumping jacks are killer.... :v:

My metabolism seems to have skyrocketed... I'm tired all the time and having odd carb cravings... as it so happens, the food I want also happens to be high in collagen. HAHAHA!

Hoping to have some good news later this week!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Okay... Aside from daily walk and a few stretches, I'm not doing much today... No good news to share, either. Well, there's always good news, but what I was hoping to share isn't going to happen at this time. Anyway... Not in much of a social mood today. So, I'll just leave things at 20 consecutive days of fitness.



Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Today, I did a lot of walking, then I held a small wrestling match with my son... My nieces eyes got really wide, and my son turned to them and said, "My mom may be a big mom, but she's a BIIIIIG mom!" I laughed so hard at that. I don't think he realizes yet that if he actually tried, he'd've kicked my tail! HAHAHA! He's often comparing me to the mom in the video below... I think it's hilarious... Anyway, 22 consecutive days of fitness... though, not healthy eating... First gathering complete! Two to go!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Church was unique today... The music program was designed so that the congregation actually felt like a part of the program... It had been so long since I felt like part of any music group that my throat tightened, and I couldn't sing... HAHAHA! Music makes me cry... I'm a big baby. BAHAHAHA! One boy sang "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel", and #3 was harmonizing silently through his solo. It was cute. She really loves to sing! They're performing right now, actually... HAHAHA! #3 is singing Imagine Dragons "Believer" while #6 takes on the role of percussion. I'm really blessed to have children who share a passion for music and performance arts. When #2 joins in, it's magical! :ss:

Anyway, took a walk today. So, 23 days of fitness. Will likely do a LOT more by the day's end, but won't have time to do the check-in. Decorating stockings, making ornaments, then another Christmas party this evening... Final event will be brunch on Christmas day... Busy busy! I hate holidays, but I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I love my family, and I love parties and good food. This holiday brings everything I love together! :happy:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Home again, home again, jiggity jig...

Managed to get a decent walk this evening before bed, and a LOT of stretching... HAHAHA! That was a bit of a car ride! So, day 24 complete!

I hope to complete my Secret Santa workout tomorrow! Not a moment too soon, either! My mum feeds us well. :happy:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Well, sickness is fun... I managed to get some working out done yesterday before it hit me full swing.


Daily walk :v:
Kanary :v:
Mobility work :v:

Today -

No walk today, but I did manage to finish my Secret Santa workout! I was determined to finish it today! :heart::ss::heart:
Mobility work :v:

Here's to hoping for a better tomorrow! I look forward to keeping my food down again!

26 days of fitness!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Realizing that I never posted about the workout I gave, and therefore, breaking the rules of the game! Let's just say, as much as I love yoga, I really hated part one of my workout... HAHAHA! My royal bigness had to make a few adaptations, and my greatest fear is that my efforts didn't do my recipient justice... With part 1, I was always asking myself, "Is this too much?" More to come later.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Still feelin' a bit sick, but better today than the past two. :ss:

brief walk :v:
mobility exercises :v:

27 consecutive days of doing some sort of exercise, even if it's a sad amount...

After I completed part 1 of my Secret Santa workout, I realized just how much my person's going to hate me and dread it... So, I came up with an alternative to it in part 2. I also received help in fine-tuning part 1 from @Laura Rainbow Dragon, who validated my concerns when I turned in my draft. I found both the suggested changes made by Laura and part 2 easy enough for me to complete. So, I had confidence that my recipient would be able to take on the challenge as well... Though, still forever insecure about part 1... HAHAHA! More to come later...


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
I don't know if I will have much to say today, but in case I'm too tired to update later... So far today, I've been doing a LOT of mobility stretches... no walking yet, but I'm sure there will be plenty of it in the evening. I'm going through a major inflammatory response again... I was looking at how swollen my hips were in the mirror this morning, and started chuckling because it put this scene fresh into my mind. :LOL:
Well, as long as I rest easy and take in plenty of fluids today, I have hope that I won't be forced to bed rest again over it...


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
It's too early in the day to make today's check-in, but I figured it's a good time to finish the Secret Santa game... Parts 3 and 4, were motions that I always did with whimsy, and I wanted to share some of that whimsy with my person. Though, I may have gone a little crazy with the hard versions... When it comes to fitness challenges, I become a bit of a jackrabbit. :LOL: I also may be giving myself away by saying this, but anybody who knows me, knows I definitely gave myself away with part 4 of my fitness challenge... More to come on part 5, the final portion of my workout.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Daily Walk :v:
Mobility stretches :v:
light yoga :v:
Kanary :v:

Body doesn't hurt nearly as much today as it did yesterday, but still struggling with inflammation. I hope to be fully functional again tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

29 consecutive days of fitness.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Well, I was too tired to report, but I hit 30 consecutive days of fitness yesterday by the skin of my teeth... My body pains won't let me eat or drink much, and I was kinda feelin' like I could die yesterday. So, aside from a few mobility stretches and walking a lap around the school parking lot across the street (so convenient!), I did nada!

Did some more stretches and another small walk today. So, I'm on day 31 now. YAY!

Final part to my Secret Santa saga: The first four parts of my gift were to use music to inspire movement. My intention behind the fifth part of my gift was to engage the body to improve talent. The warm-up provided would engage the core and improve control over the diaphragm. With yoga to keep the body loose for my person's everyday fitness goals, movements through song to warm up the body and train it for greater strength and control to aid my person as they work towards better good butt days, and a musical warm-up... Everything was all set... except... Something wasn't... What if it's too much? What if it gets boring or becomes a hassle? How can my person stay interested. Also, there was that matter of what if my person wasn't at a physical capacity to do workouts every day. *LIGHTBULB!* Some people find they feel better when they alternate workouts with cardio... I'll do a light cardio! So, I slapped on that 15-minute walk every other day in hopes of providing a bit of variety, and if you haven't guessed who you have by now, who else types in bold italic print here? -The End


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,800
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Congrats & Happy New Year!

Happy New Year GIF


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Daily walk :v:
Mobility exercises :v:

32 consecutive days of fitness

Alright, I'm gonna be real with y'all again... Here is what my diet looked like recently. I am showing you this because I LITERALLY CANNOT EAT! Every time I do, I have an inflammatory response, and my body's been completely turned off of eating for a time. No, it's not healthy, and no, I do not recommend it.

This morning: I had about 12 ounces of lightly vitamin enhanced electrolyte water... That's it! Nothing else. My body didn't want anything else! I have no clue what or if I'll eat today, but that's where I'm at right now.
Yesterday: Same 12 ounces of water in the morning. In the evening, my husband brought me a plate of vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and yellow squash) in mustard sauce. I managed to choke down a slice of carrot and squash and a broccoli floret, then drink it down with another 12 ounces of lime mineral water. That's all!
Sunday: Aside from a crust of homemade bread and a sip of "normal" water, I couldn't even bring myself to eat.
Saturday: I starved. No food, no water.
Friday: I starved. No food, no water.

So, yeah... this is what my life looks like at the moment. I enjoyed feasting on Christmas, but the moment my hips start to swell and the pain kicks in, I'm automatically turned off of food. The pain prevents me from even wanting to try it unless I know for a fact that there is absolutely NOTHING in it that will make the pain worse, and even then, it's just a couple of bites at most, and I'm done. I realize that I should be drinking more fluids, but even that's something that I seem to have set a limiter on somehow... Anyway, that's how my weekend had gone and how my week looks like it will be going. No, it's not healthy. I do not recommend it... Years of experience, and I can tell you that you'll drop weight like crazy, then gain twice what you lost when you start eating normally again. If anybody else is struggling like this, whether it's by choice or something physiological/psychological, I would urge you to stop and get help finding a way to give yourself the proper balance. -End PSA