Author of a Thousand Fails


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Managed to do the bare minimum again this morning with walking and mobility exercises... So, 33 consecutive days have been met. I didn't eat anything yesterday. Took half the morning, but I managed to choke down more electrolyte water... This is starting to wear me out. I decided to record my "diet", just in case... We never know who it'll help and what it might prevent. I'm monitoring myself closely just in case I end up needing an IV drip. I honestly don't know what to do about this situation, though. I'm an avid foodie... Food is my passion... Most foods cause inflammatory pain, though, and I guess, my body decided enough is enough.


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Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,081
"I sing and I know things"
I'm sorry to hear you are going through such an awful flare-up, and I hope it resolves soon :love:

I had some new and pretty awful health issues a while back, only to eventually figure out it's because supermarkets have started adding bean powder to bread...
I seem to be less and less able to progress beans, peas and lentils as the years go by. I am pretty paranoid about eating bread outside the house now, but I was able to buy a bread machine and luckily that part of my issues has gone away again. I really hope you find your cause and solutions soon, because this kind of struggle is far beyond what anyone should have to endure <3


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Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
This is going to sound nuts. I get it.


Have you tried taking some broth with long, and soft cooked meat in it?

Meat is actually very digestible, sounds counterintuitive I know. It's a pillar of the GAPS diet for inflammation.

You can also google the carnivore diet. I know it sounds crazy but there are people who have healed some serious health issues with it, all relating to inflammation. With beef in particular.

I really hope you feel better soon!
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Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
@Nevetharine Thank you for attempting to reach out with a solution. I actually prepare bone and vegetable broth regularly... I am completely repulsed by food... total aversion. I look at food, and my mind is brought to every memory of poor dietary choices I've ever made that resulted in extreme pain, and I suddenly cannot eat it... Not even hungry anymore. However, I do have plenty of broth waiting for me. I try to keep an arsenal of clear fluids at all times for moments of flare-ups.

Yesterday update: I was offered some pumpkin soup for taste testing and managed to have a sip. It was pretty good, but my body was still saying, "NOPE!" I washed it down with some more lime mineral water. It took four hours for me to finish it off. Still, better than just a 12oz glass of vitamin infused electrolytes to get me through the whole day. That's my official if-I'm-not-gonna-take-in-anything-else-at-least-I'll-have-had-something drink... Takes me several hours to even finish drinking!

Daily update later...

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,129
"Striving to be the change."
I am sure I cannot even imagine what you are going through, dear OJJJEM. Kudos to you for staying strong and being smart and soldiering through this as best you can.
I hope for you continued strength, increased wisdom, and a path to healing so you don't need to keep going through this.

:hug: :vibes:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
This morning, I was able to complete my 34th consecutive day of fitness with a brief walk, some mobility exercises, and even a little light cardio. I got a bit dizzy doing the last bit. So, I'm resting now. I finally finished drinking my morning fluids. I've decided that if things don't change by the weekend, I'll admit myself, if I don't end up needing to go get an IV drip sooner... That's all for now.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
My best friend's family got my family sick, and my family got the family we're housing sick, and I tried so hard to avoid it, but today, I have finally succumbed... and am sick... Sharing is caring!

Did some mobility stretches so that I don't lose my streak.. day 35... YAY! It's too cold to walk with a cold.

I was able to drink my water quickly today. So, I thought that, maybe, my body would be willing to take in something else... Nope... Instead, I got really tired and slept my entire morning away just to wake up feeling like everyone else in this house. I will attempt to have some tea this afternoon. I feel as though the food aversion is lifting, but it's so peculiar because my illness is keeping me from finding out because I'm too tired to eat... HAHAHA! Maybe, my illness is why it's lifting, but I'm too tired to take advantage of it... Maybe, one of the creatures that I mass produced will aid me...


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
I don't know if I'll have much time to update later today... I had nothing yesterday aside from my water... However, I managed to drink down half of my vitamin water so far today without issue. I will try again with some tea later this morning. My stomach definitely isn't treating me with the same aversion to food that it had been earlier this week. So, there's hope... Only, I'm gonna have to pace myself big-time eating again if that's the case... I lost 15lbs this past week, and I know from past experiences that eating after starvation causes me to gain double what I lost... It's the #1 reason why I would never in a million years do so again of my own volition. (yes, I've tried EVERY so-called weight-loss method in the book, including just simply not eating) On the bright side... Aside from a little discomfort, my hip is doing well!

Yesterday afternoon, I walked a little. It felt good to move around. This morning, mobility stretches again. I'll likely be doing some walking and free weights later today as well, but for now, I'm on day 36 by the skin of my teeth.

Current weight: 260lbs


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
UPDATE: I had more than water today! 24oz tea later this morning, followed by another 24oz water throughout the afternoon. This evening, I was able to have another 12oz tea and 12oz of broth... It's a lot of fluid considering how little I've had all week! My body's still rejecting solid foods, though... Anyway, today makes me hopeful... I was feeling very dizzy.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Yep... my body's ADHD about starving itself... HAHAHA! It saw a squirrel, I guess... :LOL:

This morning, I had my water, a cup of tea, and then I fried something similar to elephant ears... Only, I didn't dip them in cinnamon and sugar... I ate a couple of strips with a clementine, and while my stomach's feeling a little upset, I feel a lot better... I don't have the recipe down, as it was one of my food experiments, but I used 1 cup of flour, a pinch of salt, cinnamon and stevia to taste, 2tbsp oil, what I think was 1/2tsp vanilla extract, and just enough water to make it a dough... I made a dough ball, rolled it flat, cut it into thin strips, about 3/4in x 3in, and pan fried them on both sides til they were a little crispy brown.

Daily walk :v:
stretches :v:

I really hope the pain stays away... I've been finding it harder and harder to eat when I'm in pain... Ah, I should add that I gained back 5lbs from finally being able to take in so many fluids.

37 consecutive days of fitness
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Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Haven't felt like checking in because ever since I started eating solids again, I've been feeling sick to my stomach... so, yeah... nothing positive to report. My kids had a tornado party last night... I guess that's something I can report... they actually went OUTSIDE to pick up pizza so they could have a cloud formation watch party after the tornado warning went off.... Now, I'm from the mid-west... so when I hear "tornado", I take shelter... but they're from the land of "tornado warnings are a joke"... So, everyone had fun...except me... because I was worried about my kids when I found out they went out for pizza... And wanted to murder someone over it... because kids... smh...

Special note: When I got on their case over it, my youngest turned to me with a big, cheesy grin and two thumbs up and said, "FOR SCIENCE!" I couldn't even get mad at that because she looked just like me.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Morning walk :v:
Morning stretches :v:
EOD :v:
Evening walk :v:
Evening stretches :v:

2 Consecutive days of fitness

Yesterday was nice and relaxing, and it finished on a good note at a small Japanese restaurant. I enjoyed some clear soup over steamed dumplings! Woke up with a bit of an upset stomach, but I guess this is my new norm, and I simply gotta own it. :LOL:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656

Morning Stretch :v:
Morning walk :x:
Light yoga :v:
Evening stretch :v:
Evening walk :v:

I also did a lot of walking mid-day... Had a VERY busy day today... I also received a gift today: I got a free massage! I needed it, too!

3 Consecutive days of fitness.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
I've been neglecting my check-ins, but not my workouts... Feelin' too tired and lazy to go into detail. So, I'll summarize:

Every day, I've been walking at least twice daily, morning and night. I start my day with stretches and end my day with stretches. I have not be consistent in doing actual workouts, but I consider the movements that I do to count as fitness/exercise. Today is day one of my runs, too. So, hurray for cardio! My immune system has been pretty bad lately, though. I've been feeling sick and having strong dreams... Anyway, that's the summary... always doin' bare minimum... HAHAHA!

7 consecutive days of fitness.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Daily walks :v:
Daily stretches :v:
Cardio :v:
Lower abdominal exercises :v: FEEEEEEL THE BUUUUURN!!!!

8 consecutive days of fitness

Went to Raleigh this evening (though, technically, yesterday evening)... It's been a long night. Had fun, though. Good night, fellow bees!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
So far today:

Lower body stretches :v:
Yoga :v:
WOD :v:

9 consecutive days of fitness

I bypassed my morning cardio due to my late night last night... I do my cardo in a school parking lot... So, if I sleep in, I have to wait til school's out to do my laps. I could take the road, but it's a country road that semis travel on... so it's a combination of open fields where I can see traffic and narrow bends with trees blocking my view... I'd rather be safe and stick to school grounds. :ss:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Saturday and Sunday were a bit of a blur... Did a lot of walking on both days. Saturday, I did Kanary and yoga. Sunday, I did a couple of squats, but other than that and stretches, it was slow going.
11 Consecutive days of fitness
I'm obviously gaining again... So depressing... Well, knew I would! Hopefully, I'll be on the ball with today's update so I don't have to try to rely on a faulty memory... HAHAHA! Signs that I'm aging well?


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Yesterday's report:

Morning and evening stretch :v:
Core strengthening exercises :v:
HOURS of cardio in the middle of the night... I'm calling it, "Running away from my problems". :v:

13 consecutive days of fitness
274.4lbs :yes:

Seriously, I'm super tired now... I was up all night making poor choices... Just... stressed... Well, at least the weight gain stint seems to have plateaued a bit... So, YAY!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Been checkin' in sporadically... life happens... HAHAHA! I don't know when things'll become consistent for me again, but I've been walkin' and workin' on my physical therapy every day. So, 17 consecutive days of fitness since Saturday... I've been doin' a little bit of running throughout the week, and it had felt good to run. :LOL:


My future is very uncertain... So, I don't know how consistently I can do my Darebee checkins for a while... Life's just a bit unpredictable right now... HAHAHA!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656

Daily walking :v:
Daily stretches :v:
Running away from my problems (Stress-relief running to failure) :v: But only AFTER eating half a carton of ice cream HAHAHA! :oops: Stress eating BAD!

18 Consecutive days of fitness

When you're having a rough time, what do you do? Find something bigger than yourself! A new local service project is happening in my area: Putting together hygiene kits for the Underground Railroad! My maternal passion is flaring!