Behind the sky, on the other side of the rain


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Ranger Posts: 440
Thank you @Nebulus !

13th November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 23/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 13/30
Daily Hug: 13/15
First Thing Water: 13/30
Power Punch: 13/30

Main Workout
Baseline: 2/30, Level I
30 Days of Gravity: 2/30, No Levels
Back and Core: 29/30, No Levels

10-Minute Meditation: Complete

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 10/30
Daily Gratitude: 13/30
Counting Victories: 13/30


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Ranger Posts: 440
Um, where am I? *Looks at previous post* OK. I took an active rest day or two (walking and Power Punch) and then I fell a day behind on Power Punch. I've completed Back and Core and the Hug challenge - yay! :completed:

As for today -

18th November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 28/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 18/30
First Thing Water: 18/30

Main Workout
Baseline: 5/30, Level I, no rest between sets.
30 Days of Gravity: 5/30, Plank at Level I
Top to Bottom (stretching)

10 minute meditation: Complete
NaNoWriMo: Um... I think about 1000 words? Not sure. Might do some more writing later.

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 1/30 (yeah, I've been staying up too late again)
Daily Gratitude: 18/30
Counting Victories: 18/30

Today I completely cleaned my room out, which pleases me greatly. It was full of Stuff that I don't use or isn't mine in the first place. Looks much better now!


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Ranger Posts: 440
Thank you @Fremen @Montserrat @Silent Wolf @Mianevem @TopNotch !

19th November
Consecutive days of exercise: 29/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation 19/30
First Thing Water 19/30
Power Punch Didn't do this one today. In fact, I only remembered it now.

Main Workout
Baseline: 6/30, Level I, no rest between sets.
30 Days of Gravity: 6/30, no levels. Pushups 10-10-10.
Top to Bottom stretching

10-Minute Meditation: nope, not today.
NaNoWriMo: Also nothing. *makes face* the brain gremlins are fighting me lately.

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 1/30. I went to bed late again last night.
Daily Gratitude: 19/30
Counting Victories: 19/30

Today was the first frosty morning, so I celebrated by making a cake. (Well, the cake was already planned to use up some leftover ingredients, but it coincided nicely). I'm so glad it's finally getting properly cold. 😀


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Ranger Posts: 440
Oof. Crazy busy day, and another one tomorrow. I'm overstimulated as heck and I need to calm down for a bit before I go to bed.

22nd November 2022
Consecutive days of fitness: 32! 30 days of exercise completed!

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 22/30
First Thing Water: 22/30

Main Workout
Baseline: 9/30. Level I, no rest between sets.
30 Days of Gravity: 9/30, 1 min 30 sec plank.
Power Punch: 20/30
Top to Bottom stretching

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 4/30
Daily Gratitude: 22/30
Counting Victories: 22/30


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Ranger Posts: 440
Ok, the crazy is over and tomorrow with hopefully be relaxed. Yesterday was an active rest day (for a given value of rest - actually I was too busy to get a proper workout in).

24 November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 34/60

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 24/30
First Thing Water: 24/30

Main Workout
Baseline: 10/30, Level I, no rest between sets
30 Days of Gravity: 10/30, No Levels
Top to Bottom stretching

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 6/30
Daily Gratitude: 24/30
Counting Victories: 24/30


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Ranger Posts: 440
So yesterday I started to do my workout, got interrupted, and ended up never finishing. So I did it again today. Since I also didn't do Power Punch, I've broken my exercise streak. Back to the beginning!

26 November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 1/15

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 26/30
First Thing Water: 26/30
Power Punch: 23/30

Main Workout
Baseline: 11/30
30 Days of Gravity: 11/30, push-ups 15-12-10
Top to Bottom stretching

NaNoWriMo: 1300 words

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 7/30
Daily Gratitude: 26/30
Counting Victories: 26/30


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Ranger Posts: 440
Thank you @Nanna Io !

28 November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 3/15

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 28/30
First Thing Water: 28/30

Main Workout
Baseline: 13/30
30 Days of Gravity: 13/30, Level II
Power Punch: 25/30
Top to Bottom stretching

Writing: 600 words
Meditation: it's Advent now, so I'm doing my Advent prayer routine, which includes an increasing amount of quiet meditation at the end. Today the total prayer time was 15 minutes, with 5 minutes meditation.

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 10/30
Daily Gratitude: 28/30
Counting Victories: 28/30


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Ranger Posts: 440
I have been very tired and headachy all day for no reason, so *shrugs* bleh. I didn't write, which annoys me because it's the last day in November and I wanted to do something.

But! I wanted to post today, because I completed a bunch of the non-exercise challenges (and I did Power Punch, so I haven't broken my streak) and that's something to celebrate anyway.

1-Minute Meditation
First Thing Water
Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories

And with that, I'll see you all in December! I see that Darebee's got quite a lot planned...


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Ranger Posts: 440
Thank you @Silent Wolf @TheLibrarian @mavie @Montserrat @Fremen @TopNotch @Nanna Io ! Today has been much better :)and now I can stop thinking it must be December because Advent's begun. I've kept doing a few of the challenges, because they're not difficult and they work well for me.

1st December 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 6/15

Before Breakfast
First Thing Water
Morning Prayers

Challenges (done throughout the day)
Power Punch: 28/30
Step Up: 1/30

Baseline: 15/30, Level I, no rest between sets.
30 Days of Gravity: No Levels, push-ups 15-10-8.
Fit Christmas: 1/31, 60 sec rest between sets
Top to Bottom stretching

Advent Prayers: Total time 15 mins, meditation time 5 mins.
Writing: 2,000 words (now why couldn't I have done that yesterday?)

Before Bed
Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories


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Ranger Posts: 440
2nd December 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 7/15

Before Breakfast
Morning Prayers
First Thing Water

Power Punch: 29/30
Step Up: 2/30

Baseline: 16/30, Level I, no rest between sets
Fit December: 2/30, 60 sec rest between sets
30 Days of Gravity: No Levels
Top to Bottom stretching

Writing: 1,600 words
Advent Prayer: 12 minutes total, 5 minutes meditation

Before Bed
Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories

I'm out for a lot of tomorrow, so I might not be able to fit a full workout in. Let's see what happens!


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Ranger Posts: 440
Step Up - 3/30
Power Punch - 30/30 :completed:
Fit December - 3/31, Hall Pass

4th December
Consecutive days of exercise: 9/15

Before Breakfast
First Thing Water
Morning Prayers
Step Up 4/30

Main Workout
Baseline: 17/30
30 Days of Gravity: 17/30, 2 minute plank
Fit December: 4/31
Top to Bottom stretching

Advent Prayers: 17 minutes total, 5 minutes meditation
Writing: nothing today

Before Bed
Evening Prayers
Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories

Yesterday was fun, I went to meet up with some friends, and didn't get back until late. Everything went well except for the bit where the bus went off without me... 🙃
But yeah it was fun! And I did some more talking with friends today, so I'd say that's my socialisation box ticked for a while.

Today's workout was tough, abs are not my strongest area. I actually lost a bit of skin off my elbow from the Up and down planks. Whew!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 440
Thank you @Montserrat @Silent Wolf @Nanna Io @Froud @TopNotch @Fremen @mavie @BetaCorvi @Mianevem @Anek !

I've been rethinking my workout schedule for the past few days. 30 Days of Gravity plus Fit December is tough for me - I was already finding Gravity quite hard, and then that extra bit on top is making me avoid working out. Obviously I don't want to do that, and then there’s some more stuff coming in a few days. So I'm doing Fit December for now, since that's not going to stick around for ever, and I'll do Gravity in the New Year.


Baseline Day 18
Fit December Day 8
Step Up Day 8
Top to Bottom stretching

Advent Prayers: 20 minutes total, 10 minutes meditation.
Writing - just some planning today.

Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories


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Ranger Posts: 440
Hey, I'm still here. The depression brainweasels are being a pain at the moment, but I'm keeping on exercising, it helps. Up to date with Fit December and Step Up. Today I also did 60 pushups for the Christmas tree - I will be really pleased if I get this ornament. I think I can.

See you around!


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Ranger Posts: 440
Today I helped put up the Christmas tree (and assorted decorations) and also had a job interview, so I feel like I've been very busy. Did my workout, still on track with everything. I made the lunges and squats less jump-y because I was upstairs, but I did extra reps to sort of make up for it. So far I've done 180 push-ups for the mango, only 120 more to go!