Behind the sky, on the other side of the rain


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Ranger Posts: 379
Hello, welcome to my thread!

I've exercised in various ways on and off for most of my life, but it’s been a while since I did anything and recently I realised that I'm ah, not nearly as in shape as I'd like. In addition to this, I struggle with my mental health (ongoing situation) and I'm trying to find a proper job (more recent situation). I've fallen out of the routines that I used to have, and all in all I'm feeling a bit out of control. I want to get some of that control back.

I've been hanging around this site for a little while, learning how it all works and deciding what to do (there is so much content here!). I kind of want to do everything at once, but that would be impossible. I've put together a main workout routine, that I may change a bit as I go.

Current goals:
  • Achieve 30 days of consecutive exercise.
  • Pray and meditate on a regular basis.
  • Build a decent morning and evening routine, and Stick to Them (can you tell I've had trouble with this in the past?)
  • Get out of the house more and Do Stuff. I'm deeply introverted and tend to shy away from social things, but it’s not good for me to stay here all the time. We shall see what happens.

Anyway, on to what I actually did today...

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 1/30
:v:Warmup: Vitality - Day 1, Level I, no rest between sets
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 1, Level I, 2 mins rest between sets
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 10, 28x3 side kicks
:v:Back and Core - Day 1, no levels

I'm eager for badges so I wanted to choose a Level 1 program as a Warmup, and Vitality seemed like the easiest one. It went pretty much as I expected - not too hard, not too easy. Athena's Playbook was more intense than I expected from looking at it. Those three sets were hard work, but I can only get better, right? My form was pretty sloppy at the start of the kicks, especially on the right leg, but it got better as I went on. Back and Core felt good, a nice way to end the session.

That's all for today, and hopefully I'll be back tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,786
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Welcome to the Hive! :hi:
Back and Core is one of my favourites, and I'm also currently using Vitality as a warmup. :) Badges are a great motivator. I dumped all mine when we moved to this new Hive so I'm on the collection, too.
You'll be back tomorrow and we'll see you then.


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Thank you so much for the welcome, @Froud, @Fremen, @Mianevem, @aku-chan, @TopNotch! This seems like such a friendly place, I'm so glad I found it.

Today I went on something of an impromptu hike through the woods. It was fun, apart from the bit where we got lost and weren't sure how long it would take to get back. After I got back I did the Sore Feet workout, because, y'know, they were. I... honestly can't tell if it helped or not? My feet feel better now, but that might just be time.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 2/30
:v: Warmup: Vitality - Day 2, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 2, Level I, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 11, 28x3 turning kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 2, no levels.

Other Stuff

:v:Sore Feet

Upper body Warmup to go with my upper body workout. Vitality actually gave me more of a burn that Athena's Playbook today, although the latter got me more out of breath. Anyway, my arms feel like they've done something for the first time in a while. My form with the kicks was way less awkward than yesterday. I think I find turning kicks easier. Back and Core was short but thank goodness that hollow hold wasn't longer!

See you all tomorrow!


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Heroine from Europe
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 67
"Headbanging to classical music"
Thank you so much for the welcome, @Froud, @Fremen, @Mianevem, @aku-chan, @TopNotch! This seems like such a friendly place, I'm so glad I found it.

Today I went on something of an impromptu hike through the woods. It was fun, apart from the bit where we got lost and weren't sure how long it would take to get back. After I got back I did the Sore Feet workout, because, y'know, they were. I... honestly can't tell if it helped or not? My feet feel better now, but that might just be time.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 2/30
:v: Warmup: Vitality - Day 2, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 2, Level I, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 11, 28x3 turning kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 2, no levels.

Other Stuff

:v:Sore Feet

Upper body Warmup to go with my upper body workout. Vitality actually gave me more of a burn that Athena's Playbook today, although the latter got me more out of breath. Anyway, my arms feel like they've done something for the first time in a while. My form with the kicks was way less awkward than yesterday. I think I find turning kicks easier. Back and Core was short but thank goodness that hollow hold wasn't longer!

See you all tomorrow!
Welcome to the Hive! :worried:
You've got a lot of awesome achievements planned! Good luck with them! :heart:

As someone who practices muay thai from time to time, I find kicks, especially of the roundhouse or turning type, way harder than knees, so it's impressive that you find them so easy!
We all believe in you!!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Thank you @Montserrat, @koriandr, @Anek, @Sif_Shepard!

Today was a quieter day. I did a lot of writing (just for myself, not for work-related reasons) and not much else. I went for a walk again in the evening... that's really about it.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 3/30
:v: Warmup: Vitality - Day 3, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 3, no levels, 2 minutes rest between exercises.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 12, 28x3 front kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 3, no levels.

Today wasn't too challenging. My knees hurt a little bit doing the lunge step-ups, but that was it. I think the front kicks went OK. Back and Core was nice, I ended feeling all stretched and relaxed.

See you all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Not doing so well today. Spent a lot of time just noodling around feeling Vaguely Anxious for No Reason. *sigh* it's a thing that happens sometimes. I've got through today now and tomorrow... we'll see what happens. At least I did my workout (eventually, late evening). It helped that it was a short one.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 4/30
:v:Warmup: Vitality - Day 4, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 4, no levels, no rest between exercises.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 13, 30x3 side kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 4, no levels, 20sec rest between sets.

Athena's Playbook was only 2.5 minutes long today, but it was quite enough for me. My abs burned quite a bit. And my arms. And then more (easier) ab stuff later on. Side kicks were better than last time I tried them, so... that's good?

See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Today was also kind of... blah. It's just hormones and brain gremlins, nothing to do but keep myself distracted. Evening was better, I went for a walk again and relaxed a bit, did some reading.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 5/30
:v: Warmup: Vitality - Day 5, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 5, Level I, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 14, 30x3 turning kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 5, no sets.

These warm-ups that involve having your arms in the air the whole time are tough. Cardio was less intense than last time. And that's about it, don't have any notes for the other things.


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Hello! I didn't update yesterday, so I'm logging two days today. Nothing much happened yesterday, but today has been pretty good! Went to church in the morning, then when I got back I filled in a few job applications, did my workout, messaged some friends, and I've spent the rest of the day just chilling and watching stuff. Because, y'know, day of rest and all that.

One week into this, and I'm really enjoying working out. I've got more energy! I was excited to work out today! I felt really good after I did it and I've been feeling good ever since! I'm sure I'll hit a slump at some point, but right now I'm just enjoying this.

Anyway, here's the workouts:

Consecutive days of exercise: 6/30
:v:Warmup: Vitality - Day 6, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 6, no levels and no sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 15, 30x3 front kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 6, no levels.

Consecutive days of exercise: 7/30
:v:Warmup: Vitality - Day 7, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 7, no levels, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 16, 32x3 side kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 7, no levels.

I honestly don't remember much about yesterday's workout (which I why I try to write these up on the same day) other than I did Athena's Playbook at the end because it had the stretchy relaxy workout. Today my upper body workout felt great. The tricep dips made my arms burn but weren't so tough I couldn't do them, and punches are always fun. I was so pleased with my form doing my kicks today, even though it got me pretty out of breath. Back and Core was another 'hold a plank in different positions' day. It was mostly fine but I struggled so much with the alt arm/leg one. I wobbled so much and the arm on the ground hurt. I feel like I lack the... strength? Balance? Something, anyway. I don't know if there's ways I can make it easier?

Ok, having written a whole essay, I'll see you tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Planks rely a lot of core and back strength - which is why they rock up a lot in this programme! Try putting down a mat of some sort, even a folded towel under your arm. Exercises never get easier - you just get stronger.
Thanks for the tip and encouragement, @TopNotch! I'll have to try with a towel.

Today has been really busy, mostly work stuff. I'm so tired now. I did manage to set aside 10 mins for a prayer/meditation session. It was one of my goals to do that more regularly, so I'm going to try and do it for 10 mins every day, for like... 30 days seems good. What else? I went shopping... and I think that is it.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 8/30
:v: Warmup: Vitality - Day 8, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 8, Level II, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 17, 32x3 turning kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 8, no levels.

:v:10 min session 1/30

Lower body workout was fun today, worked my glutes a lot, felt satisfying. Kicks, like yesterday, pleased with my form but out of breath. Back and Core was fine. And with that, I'm going to bed.
See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Hello, it's been a few days. I'm afraid I've broken my streak, both for exercise and meditation.
(Possible TMI in spoilers)
My period started, and I've had cramps for the past few days. Low-level, but enough that working out would have been unpleasant.
But today I feel fine, I'm back, and I'm restarting my streak!

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 1/30
:v: Warmup: Vitality - Day 10, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 10, Level II, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 19, 34x3 side kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 10, no levels.

:v:10 min session 1/30

Everything today felt at a nice level, enough that I was working out but not so much that I'll be hurting tomorrow. My balance was a bit wobbly during B&C - it's one of those areas that definitely needs improvement - but it was better at the end than at the beginning, so I'm counting it as a win.

Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Today was nice. I was fairly relaxed, and spent some catching up with a friend I haven't spoken to in a while. I'm also excited for the challenge badges coming out! Of course, this means I want to do all the challenges, at once, which is ridiculous and impossible. I will decide on a few, that are within my ability. (I say sternly to myself). I guess I'm already doing the 15 days of fitness one, aren't I?

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 2/30
:v:Warmup: Vitality - Day 11, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 11, no levels, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 20, 34x3 turning kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 11, no levels.

:v: 10 minute session - 2/30

Solid lower body workout today. I switched the forward lunges for reverse lunges because those are easier on my knees. I was really feeling it in my legs by the end. Even the side leg raises, which I consider an easier move. My form suffered a bit in the kicks because I was tired. Then more leg raises (lying this time) at the end. I was sweaty and sore and I suspect my legs will hurt tomorrow.

See you then!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
This was a bit of a rough day, brain-wise. I went from one thing to the other, couldn't really settle on anything and by evening I was both overstimulated and unsatisfied. The workout and meditation have helped clear me out somewhat, though.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 3/30
:v: Warmup: Vitality - Day 12, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 12, Level I, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 21, 34x3 front kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 12, no sets.

:v:10 min session - 2/30

I was tired, so I did Athena's Playbook on the lowest level, even though right now I'm trying to do Level II if possible. It's OK. The Hollow hold was easier than last time, and at no point did I feel like I was going to give way with the planks, so that was good. Meditation was a bit shaky tonight - my mind was all over the place. I think it's the result of my brain being a bit fried already. Now, I'm going to get off my phone for a bit before I go to bed.


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Today was better. I was busy all day, and then I went for a walk in the evening so my brain feels alright at the moment.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 4/30
:v:Warmup: Vitality - Day 13, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 13, Level II, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 22, 36x3 side kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 13, no levels.

:v:10 minute session - 4/30 (I just realised I got the number wrong, ugh).

Today I did the Warmup and Athena's Playbook, then I went for the walk, and after that I did the kicks and Back and Core. This cardio workout didn't destroy me nearly as much as the first one did, so something has improved.


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Another busy one today, and now it's late and I still have things I want to do, so I'll try and make this quick.

Main Workout
Consecutive days of exercise: 5/30
:v:Warmup: Vitality - Day 14, Level I, no rest between sets.
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 14, Level I, 2 minutes rest between sets.
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 23, 36x3 turning kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 14, no levels.

:v: 10 minute session - 5/30

So yesterday I was saying how much better I've got at the Cardio workouts.... let's just say that combat is a lot harder. I was worn out by the end of those three sets. Add kicks on top of that... phew! I'm glad that tomorrow looks to be quite easy.


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Uhhh where are we. I have been working out, I just having been posting. Um. Let's try and remember what I did for the past few days.

Consecutive days of exercise: 6/30
:v: Warmup: Vitality - Day 15, Level I
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 15, no levels
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 24, 36x3 front kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 15

Consecutive days of exercise: 7/30
:v:Warmup: Vitality - Day 16, Level I
:v:Athena's Playbook - Day 16, Level II
:v:Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 25, 38x3 side kicks.
:v:Back and Core - Day 16, no levels
:x:Prayer/Meditation - broke my streak again with this one.


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Happy Halloween, Bees! Normal posting will hopefully resume tomorrow. I've been working out my morning and evening routines, and I'm going to try and stick to them. Plus, NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow, so I'm going to start putting an idea in my head into words. For today, I've done Vitality and Athena's Playbook day 19, Back and Core day 18, and Daily Kicks day 28. Now I'm off to celebrate!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
1st November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 11/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 1/30
First Thing Water: 1/30
Power Punch: 1/30
Daily Hug: 1/15

Main Workout
Vitality: Level I, 20/30
Athena's Playbook: No Levels, 20/30
Daily Kicks Challenge: 29/30
Back and Core: No Levels: 19/30

10-Minute Meditation: 1/30
NaNoWriMo: 622/50,000

Before Bed: (TBD)
Get to Bed: 1/30
Daily Gratitude: 1/30
Counting Victories: 1/30

So here's my, uh, stuff. It looks like a lot when it's written out like this, but it mostly doesn't take that long, except for the writing. Which, obviously it's a less-than-ideal word count, but I've got all month and I will have more free time tomorrow, so I'm not really worried.

Workout today was short but intense, doing all the abs and core exercises. My abs were burning by the end! Not helped, I think, by the fact that I'm still a bit drained from last night and then I've been busy all today. This is why I need the Get to Bed Challenge (which, I anticipate, may take several attempts before I get 30 days in a row).

See you all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
3rd November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 13/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 3/30
Daily Hug: 3/15
First Thing Water: 3/30
Power Punch: 3/30

Main Workout
Vitality: Level I, 22/30
Athena's Playbook: No Levels, 22/30
Back and Core: No Levels: 22/30

And while we're at it I finished the Daily Kicks Challenge yesterday, so that's my first badge!

10-Minute Meditation
NaNoWriMo: today I was just outlining my story further. Which I'm fine with - the goal of this is mostly to try and get me working on my story every day, in whatever form that takes.

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 1/30 (yep, I was up too late again last night)
Daily Gratitude: 3/30
Counting Victories: 3/30


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 515
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
Congrats on your badge! :gotthis:


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Thank you @Mianevem , @Silent Wolf , @Montserrat ,@Froud , @Fremen ,@TopNotch , @JohnStrong !

I haven't signed up for anything - but I thought I'd try and do NaNo unofficially as a way of getting myself to write more. Of course, a few days in I get hit with a new story idea and who knows how this is all going to turn out, but I'm trying to write something every day.

6th November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 16/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 6/30
Daily Hug: 6/15
First Thing Water: 6/30
Power Punch: 6/30

Main Workout
Vitality: Level I, 25/30
Athena's Playbook: No Levels, 25/30
Back and Core: No Levels, 23/30

10-Minute Meditation: Yes, for once. Not tracking days in a row for this right now.
NaNoWriMo: I did some writing today, but I didn't look at the word count.

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 3/30
Daily Gratitude: 6/30
Counting Victories: 6/30


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Today was been good! I've felt productive and fairly stress-free and just all-round good. I did basically everything I wanted to do. The only downside was that my calves are hurting after yesterday's workout.

7th November
Consecutive days of exercise: 17/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 7/30
Daily Hug: 7/15
First Thing Water: 7/30
Power Punch: 7/30

Main Workout
Vitality: Level I, 26/30
Athena's Playbook: Level II, 26/30
Back and Core: No Levels, 24/30

10-Minute Meditation: Complete
NaNoWriMo: About 2,000 words today.

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 4/30
Daily Gratitude: 7/30
Counting Victories: 7/30

Today's workout was full of abs. Despite my slightly dreading it, it wasn't as painful as I'd feared. I was kind of wiped out by the end of it, though.
I'm nearly done with Athena's Playbook now. Time for me to think about what I'll do next...


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Thank you, @Laura Rainbow Dragon !

8th November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 18/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 8/30
Daily Hug: 8/15
First Thing Water: 8/30
Power Punch: 8/30

Main Workout
Vitality: Level I, 27/30
Athena's Playbook: Level III, 27/30
Back and Core: No Levels, 25/30

10-Minute Meditation: Completes
NaNoWriMo: 2,000 words.

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 5/30
Daily Gratitude: 8/30
Counting Victories: 8/30

Today has also been good! I'm able to focus on writing a lot lately which I really enjoy. My calf pain is gone, and today's workout was nice. I was a bit wobbly during Back and Core - my balance isn't great.

See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
9th November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 19/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 9/30
Daily Hug: 9/15
First Thing Water: 9/30
Power Punch: 9/30

Main Workout
Vitality: Level I, 28/30
Athena's Playbook: Level II, 28/30
Back and Core: 29/30

10-Minute Meditation: Complete
NaNoWriMo: 1,000 words

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 6/30
Daily Gratitude: 9/30
Counting Victories: 9/30

Today was a slower day. I woke up late, which delayed everything and consequently I couldn't write as much as I'd hoped. I didn't really want to work out, but I made myself and I'm glad, because I felt much better afterwards. It was quite strenuous! One-legged bridges take a lot of force, I find.

See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
10th November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 20/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 10/30
Daily Hug: 10/15
First Thing Water: 10/30
Power Punch: 10/30

Main Workout
Vitality: Level I, 29/30
Athena's Playbook: Level II, 29/30
Back and Core: No Levels, 27/30

10-Minute Meditation: Complete
NaNoWriMo: 1,000 words

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 7/30
Daily Gratitude: 10/30
Counting Victories: 10/30


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
11th November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 21/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 11/30
Daily Hug: 11/15
First Thing Water: 11/30
Power Punch: 11/30

Main Workout
Vitality: Level I, 30/30
Athena's Playbook: Level I, 30/30
Back and Core

10-Minute: Complete
NaNoWriMo: only 250 words today 😞

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 8/30
Daily Gratitude: 11/30
Counting Victories: 11/30

Not gonna lie I've been kind of down today and it took a lot to make myself Workout at all. But! I motivated myself with thoughts of badges and now I can claim two of them! 😀


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 379
Thank you @Mianevem , @Silent Wolf , @mavie , @Nanna Io , @Fremen , @Montserrat and @TopNotch ! It feels so awesome to have my first program badges.

12th November 2022
Consecutive days of exercise: 22/30

Before Breakfast
1-Minute Meditation: 12/30
Daily Hug: 12/15
First Thing Water: 12/30
Power Punch: 12/30

Main Workout
Baseline: 1/30, Level I
30 Days of Gravity: 1/30, Level III, Wall-sits: 20 sec
Back and Core: 28/30, No Levels

10-Minute Meditation: Complete
NaNoWriMo: 1,500 words

Before Bed
Get to Bed: 9/30
Daily Gratitude: 12/30
Counting Victories: 12/30