Here we go again


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Mercenary from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Here we go. I've been feeling motivated, and these short yoga or stretch sessions are helping me keep with the routine. I'd like to fit in the 30 days challenges in my daily routine, but I trust that will come with time.

Jan 1
Rest day

Jan 2
15 min stretch

Jan 3
30 days of gravity, day 12, lvl 2
15 min abs + yoga


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
I'm still a bit tired from yesterday, but it was a good workout today. Even tried the WOTD, which is lvl 4, but only 1 set. That's very good already.

Jan 6

30 days of gravity, day 15, lvl 2
40 backfists replaced by 40 bicep curls
raised arm hold + 1.5 kg each side
pushps: 24 + 21 + 16

raised leg swings, 1 min each side (EOTD)

blacksmith, 1 set only (WOTD)

and 15 min yoga at night
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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Yesterday I read a bit about rest days on the darebee guides. Thank you for that!

Yoga and flexibility today, this fits well since the last days were more intense :strong:

Jan 7


20 hop heel clicks (EOTD)
30 days of gravity, day 16, lvl 2
bloom (WOTD)


15 min stretch

Streak: 6


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Back to the office. I'm happy to have started this streak last weak, and now the plan is to get some exercise before breakfast. Started well :)

Jan 9


universal warmup

punches, 3 min (EOTD)

30 days of gravity, day 18, lvl 2


30 min yoga

Streak: 8


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
No gravity today (haha). Doing exercises in the morning has always been hard, but I know it's the best way not to skip it, for me. Today I woke up late and replaced the gravity challenge with the WOTD.

Jan 10


universal warmup

50 climber taps (EOTD)

equalizer, lvl 1 (WOTD)


15 min stretch

Streak: 9


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
gravity is back!

Jan 11


universal warmup

side plank hold, 60s each side (EOTD)

30 days of gravity, day 19, lvl 2

i. replaced backfists with alternating bicep curls, 1.5 kg weights on each side
ii. replaced chops with dumbbell chops, 1.5 kg weights on each side
iii. 60s rest
iv. knee pushups: 31 + 22 + 14


40 min walk

Streak: 10 :party:


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Woke up late again, but keeping it up. Feeling quite tired today.

Jan 12


universal warmup

60 back leg raises (EOTD)

clean slate, lvl 1 (WOTD)

i. shoulder taps, bicep extensions and arm scissors with 1.5 weights on each side
ii. 60s rest


40 min walk


15 min yoga

Streak: 11


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
I've been discovering new challenges like "water first thing" from looking at people's logs, that's an interesting side of the community experience.

Completed one week doing exercises in the morning! The streak goes on, gravity is still in place!

Jan 13


water first thing day 1

universal warmup

40 side to side jumps (EOTD)

30 days of gravity, day 20, lvl 2


45 min biking

Streak: 12


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
I haven't posted in a few days but the exercise streak lives on!!

Jan 15

water first thing day 3

universal warmup
40 side elbow plank rotations (EOTD)
15 min stretch

Jan 16

water first thing day 4
universal warmup
2 minutes jumping jacks (EOTD)
faster than you, lvl 2 (WOTD)

40 min walk

30 min yoga

Jan 17

water first thing day 5
universal warmup
50 squats (EOTD)
maverick lvl 1 (WOTD)

40 min walk

Streak: 16


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Gravity is going to take a little longer, I always put it off when I wake up late. But I will keep doing it slowly, the most important thing now is to keep doing exercises in the morning.

Jan 18

water first thing day 6
universal warmup
40 elbow plank arm raises (EOTD)

no wrong answers, lvl 2 (WOTD)
1.5 weigths on each side
1 minute rest

40 min walk

Streak 17


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Jan 19


water first thing day 7
universal warmup
40 lunge step ups (EOTD)
princess to the rescue, lvl 2 (WOTD)
1 minute rest

40 min walk

Jan 20

water first thing day 8
universal warmup
2 min arm scissors (EOTD)
protagonist, lvl 1 (WOTD)
1 min rest
1.5 weights on each side on squat and arm exercises

20 min biking

tried bouldering for the first time!

Streak 19


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
I'm sooo close to the end of the gravity challenge. I've been putting it off on the days I woke up late, but I'm really happy to have kept up with the exercise routine everyday.

Jan 21


water first thing day 9

40 min walk

universal warmup

20 push ups shoulder taps (EOTD)

gravity, day 22, lvl 2


15 min stretch

Streak 20


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Plenty of exercise today, and ready to start the week :flex:
Have a great week, fellow bees!

Jan 22


water first thing day 10

1h walk

universal warmup

60 seconds elbow plank (EOTD)

30 days of gravity, day 23
  • 60s rest
  • replacements:
  • backfists > 20 alternating bicep curls
  • shoulder taps > 20 renegade rows
  • 1.5 weights on each side
  • regular push-ups: 16+9+9


30 min yoga

Streak 21


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Lots of updates on the last days :dance:

Jan 24

water first thing day 12
universal warmup
40 butterfly sit-ups (EOTD)
the boulder, lvl 2 (WOTD)

Jan 25

water first thing day 13
universal warmup
40 hook kicks (EOTD)
dungeon crawler, lvl 1 (WOTD)
60s rest​

90 min walk

Jan 26
water first thing day 14
universal warmup
40 clamshells (EOTD)
express abs, 2 sets (WOTD)

30 days of gravity, lvl 1, day 25
15 min yoga

40 min walk

Streak 25


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Jan 28


water first thing day 16

universal warmup

40 plank rotations (EOTD)

30 days of gravity, day 26
1 minute rest​
backfists -> 30 alternating bicep curls (1.5 weights each side)​
regular push ups: 17 + 13 + 11​

Jan 29


water first thing day 17

40 get ups (EOTD)

universal warmup

30 days of gravity, lvl 1, day 27
plank: 2+2 minutes​


30 min yoga

Streak 28


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Completing 30 days of exercise today!
The gravity challenge was hard today, but I'm feeling good, and it's almost finished now!

Jan 31


water first thing day 19

universal warmup

30 days of gravity, day 29


40 minute walk

Streak 30


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Thank you @BetaCorvi, @Mianevem and @Fremen !!

And today I completed the 30 days of gravity challenge!


It's my first challenge here on darebee, and it was completed over 60 days actually, haha. The real challenge was waking up early and doing my exercises in the morning. The morning is the best time for me to exercise since it also frees up the nights for other activities, and it feels great to have reached this goal!

Tomorrow I start power HIIT :boss:

Feb 1


water first thing day 20

universal warmup

30 days of gravity, day 30
replacement: backfists > 40 alternating bicep curls with 1.5 kg x2​
regular pushups: 18 + 12 + 10​
and I split the circuit over a day and night session due to time constraints​

40 min walk


finished gravity, day 30

2 minutes high jumps (EOTD)

20 min yoga (Adriene's calendar)

Streak 31


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Thank you @mavie !!

This was a quiet week, with plenty of exercise, it was good to recharge.

Feb 3


water first thing
universal warmup
40 plank crunches (EOTD)
power HIIT, day 2, lvl 3, 1.5 kg
micro HIIT day 1


40 min walk


20 min yoga (Adriene's calendar)

Streak 33