Into The Wild

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 424
Welcome to my new training log!

I've been a part of this community since 2016 (though I used the workouts here before I was a member). Physical activity has been a big part of my life, from starting out with couch-5k through to ultra running, to cycling, competitive archery, strength training, and yoga.

I don't really have any clear goals at the moment (in terms of fitness as well as more generally), so I think this is a good opportunity for a fresh start and really think about where I want to go in life. I'm currently following a Garmin Coach training plan which will take me through to December, but I'd also like to add in some strength training and be more consistent with yoga and mobility. On top of that I want to get back into archery - it's been a long time since I last competed but it's something I'd like to do again in the next few years.

I'd also like to be a bit more regular with my check-ins; I've prioritised exercise and posting here less the busier I got with work, so work-life balance is definitely something I need to work on.

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 424
September Summary
Days worked out: 30/30
Total time: 52 hours (no change)
Steps: 457045 (+80406)
Vert: 3256m (+234m)

Running: 18 runs | 82.5km (+16.7km)

Cycling: 8 rides | 208.6km (-195.6km)

Walking: 43 walks | 92.6km (+1 walk | 1.2km)

Workouts: 41 workouts | 4 hours 48 min (+26 workouts | 1 hours 45 min)

Yoga: 20 sessions | 8 hours 21 minutes (-11 sessions | 2 hours 56)

Notes: My running is slowly building up again - still a long way from where I was in terms of both distance and pace, but I'm really enjoying the process of developing speed and endurance. I didn't get as much yoga and cycling in as I would have liked, but work has been really busy so I've had less time available.
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Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 424
October Summary
Days worked out: 31/31
Total time: 55 hours (+3 hours)
Steps: 421025 (+48840)
Vert: 3261m (+7m)

Running: 18 runs | 116.7km (+34.2km)

Cycling: 4 rides | 120km (-88.6km)

Walking: 40 walks | 92.4km (-3 walks | -0.2km)

Workouts: 40 workouts | 6 hours 16 min (-1 workout | +1 hours 28 min)

Yoga: 30 sessions | 23 hours 50 minutes (+10 sessions | + 5 hours 45 min)

Notes: Really slacked off on the cycling this month, but I'm running more which feels like a good trade. I'm hoping to get back into cycling a bit more once work quietens down; business is always a bit crazy toward the end of the year.