Kitten On The Prowl

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Also, because it's a pyramid, I started at the bottom since you need to have the base of the pyramid first when building and then worked my way up. Wondering if other people would do the same...

In a pyramid workout you start at the bottom, work your way up, and then work your way back down again.
So in this case the workout would be:

10 plank jump-ins
20 squats
30 mountain climbers
40 high knees
50 jumping jacks
40 high knees
30 mountain climbers
20 squats
10 plank jump-ins


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Lady Celerity! I really try to do that as a minimum, lately I do more without counting to try to get the total steps up & keep the momentum going. :)

And thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon! I had it half correct at least. I'll remember that for the next time. It did seem too easy, I knew there had to be a catch. lol :happy:

And ok, kidding aside, looking at the picture again, I can see it now. That makes sense. :)

Today was a good day.

Nothing too over whelming thankfully. And I wore a long skirt outfit with a pink sweater that has pearls on it. :)

It was very windy today though. Miyagi is still getting used to the time change, so he thought he had another hour before I needed to leave for work.

So he got caught outside, but I took an early lunch and saved him.

Then I felt bad that he would be stuck inside longer, but he slept past when my husband got home and then past when I got home, lol.

He just came inside from his "5pm" that is now 6pm hunt.

He's so cute. I want to be him when I grow up. :lovely:

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (11th & 12th Days/3sets each)
  • Backfists EotD (3min) I did it in one go.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (11th Day/3sets)
  • Rookie WotD (3sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 77 Active Zone Minutes (4,267 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,816 Steps (304,456 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.47 Miles (131.57 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,567 Calories (86,718 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Was very sunny and although a little chilly in the morning, was very warm where you didn't need a jacket around lunch time.

Work was fine, but got harassed to make this stupid video showing how the new system is failing on some things, which I have to do tomorrow. I had already spent over an hour and a half of this taking screen shots, circling things and I described it very clearly. If I had something with a 12 ft. length in it, correct it to a 10 and the data area still shows a don't need a video demonstration!

Another part of my video, that their email function doesn't send an email. REALLY that must be watched?

But whatever, I hope my coworkers are loud while I'm making it.

I know I sound bad, but our IT people and the software creator people have been caught making fun of at least my manager, so surely the rest of us too, for not understanding their nonsense. So for these super smart people to not understand that 10 doesn't equal 12 is beyond me.

But that's my tomorrow issue. And on a plus side, raging about it for 20+ minutes gave me extra zone minutes. :happy:

Miyagi is starting to be outside longer, but he's still at least being a little sweet when I see him. I'm just enjoying him til summer where I'll be looking forward to winter so he'll come inside with me. LOL

And I made black bean tacos for dinner. Was yummy. :lovely:

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (13th & 14th Days/3sets each)
  • Boat Pose Hold EotD (30sec) I did it in one go. - But I wish I put a pillow under me.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (12th Day/3sets)
  • Upperbody WotD (3sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 108 Active Zone Minutes (4,375 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,101 Steps (311,557 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.05 Miles (134.62 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,821 Calories (88,539 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

I got my video thing done for work and it was fine. I was maybe too bitchy sounding, but it was fine.

Then it was breezy the rest of the day.

Miyagi made me late to leave this morning. He showed up a minute before my go time, but that should mean he's adjusting to the time change. lol.

Plus he's worth it. I was 6 minutes late to be 45 minutes early to work. (That's my music time plus I get a good parking space).

Then this afternoon it was gorgeous outside for lunch. Got bonus workout I wanted to do this morning, but was running too late for. Very happy for that.

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (15th Day/3sets) - Toe Taps! :)
  • Side Jacks EotD (60sec) I did it in one go. - But I wish I put a pillow under me.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (13th Day/3sets)
  • 4-Minute Superplank WotD (1set)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.

  • Jog to 300 x2
  • Bonus workout in between the two jogs: - I need to let my inner Karate Kid out, too. :happy:

  • 92 Active Zone Minutes (4,467 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,604 Steps (317,161 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.4 Miles (137.02 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,623 Calories (90,162 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Another pleasant day outside and nothing crazy happened at the office. Everyone was in a good mood.

Brought my office phone home so I can work from home tomorrow. This way I can get my chores done in the morning before I start and clean my bathroom on lunch.

Saturday my husband and I are going to this place called Medieval Times. We've gone at least 5 times over the years so I know we'll have a good time. At one point they ride around on the horse throwing out flowers and one time I caught one. :lovely:

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (16th Day/3sets)
  • Prone Reverse Flight EotD (60sec) I did it in one go.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (14th Day/3sets)
  • Last Life WotD (5sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets): - The internet was kind to me this morning and didn't take too long. Also I do these with the rest of the workout but it's easier to log after the 7am jog. lol

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 52 Active Zone Minutes (4,519 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,532 Steps (323,693 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.93 Miles (137.02 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,533 Calories (91,695 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thanks @JCU, @PetiteSheWolf, @Deadoks, @lpf & @Anek! We always have fun so surely will be again.

And you are correct @Lady Celerity, it's a lot like that. :)

They have the same story every time, but you never know what section color is going to win the evening's events. It's of course more fun when your knight wins.

And when you eat, there is no silverware. If you bring your own they shame you as there was no silverware in those times. And you have to call the waitresses wenches. :happy:

Yesterday was a good day.

I worked from home and got what I needed done in the morning before work and on my lunch so I am able to just enjoy today.

I felt stiff when I was working out so did not do any bonus workout, but stopped feeling stiff after my 7am jog so was able to do one every hour and get my 9 active hours counted on my fit bit.

I am now up to Alphadia II on my switch, I beat Part I yesterday, so I'll be doing that today and in the car going to MTs. That will be in a few hours so popping up now to give yesterday's update.

Just popping on quickly now, but will catch up on logs tomorrow. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (17th Day/3sets)
  • Squat Hops on the Spot EotD (30sec) I did it in one go.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (15th Day/3sets)
  • Bane WotD (5sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.

  • Jog to 300 x7 - Got all 9 hours!

  • 46 Active Zone Minutes (4,565 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,496 Steps (332,189 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.66 Miles (140.68 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,816 Calories (93,511 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Exactly @Maegaranthelas!

Also, my section's knight was "the bad guy". So although he totally won three times, it didn't count and the queen had the red knight come out again of course then my guy lost even though he stabbed that guy too.

So my guy won four times, after stabbing that guy too, but he only needed to get stabbed once and he lost. :sus:

So my husband had to remind me I shouldn't be looking for accuracy or anything to make sense. :happy:

Was still fun though!

Today was a good day.

Work went alright. Nothing particularly good or bad.

Birthday of my unrequited love. This guy I was sort of seeing for three years when I was younger in a double life type of way.

There was a bit of a prophecy to some things between us from his side. Everything happened the way it was supposed to. Although of course I was the loser in the end. So to speak

Which was the worst since with Pisces guys, you can kind of get this mind thing going with them if they let you in. And it's amazing if they do, but then when you're shut out, you end up looking for any semblance of that type of connection except it never works. And even worse than that, you can know that they are able do that with anyone so you were probably never actually special in the first place.

The very last time I saw him he told me it wouldn't be the last time cause he knew he'd see me later in life. Said like late 30s. Hasn't happened, probably never will.

Same person that saw all of that stuff for him also saw me in a hot romance with a salt & pepper guy that would pursue me. Never found him either. But me and lover boy joked it was probably the "seer" guy himself cause he called me the week after to try to get me back to his apartment. lol. We said he probably saw my special talent and wanted some. So I guess what he gave me was bull it seems, I was way too into lover boy to focus on anything else.

Can't help but wonder if he ever thinks about me. Surely not, he's got everything I ever wanted. Just the way he was supposed to. Down to the names. Sigh. lol

But I guess at least I'm alright. Nothing bad going on so that's good. Yep.

Alright, enough with my yearly what could have been indulgence.

Oh, I wore a new skirt I got in January from my petite clothes subscription service. When I first got it, I couldn't quite zip it up all the way, but I was on the losing trend so I didn't return it. Two months later, it zips with no problem, not tight and I even tucked my shirt in for a bit. That was a nice pick me up at least! :)

Also did a lot of extra light jogging. The internet went quick this morning, but I didn't feel good enough to do a bonus workout. I felt heavy.

But the light jogging was fine so I just kept doing that with spare minutes and I felt better for the rest of the day after that.


  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 76 Active Zone Minutes (4,641 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,007 Steps (340,196 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.49 Miles (144.17 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,673 Calories (95,184 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 682
"I sing and I know things"
I'm glad you had a great time, even if the game was rigged against your knight :p
And yeah, sometimes I wonder about a guy I used to be friends with but haven't spoken to in a decade.
Learning more about myself gave me a retroactive crush on the teenager I knew. Very unhelpful brain, thanks xD


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Nothing particularly special, but no real problems.

My Hello Fresh didn't arrive in time today for me to cook like I would, but had something on hand and I'll make it Thursday. Plus with not really cooking I had time to try on new clothes that came today. I got the cutest jumpsuit and it's soft.

A lot of stuff without sleeves, just straps and I keep telling them I want sleeves. So that part kind of sucks, but the stuff today looked really nice on me so I'm keeping it.

Plus I have lady bicep definition now from all the plank stuff and push ups along the way and I have to wear a cardigan at work even in August since it's forever freezing. So maybe it's not too bad.

Oh! I almost forgot. It was much cooler out so I got to wake up with Miyagi on my husband's side of the bed. Once I got up, he immediately wanted to play mouse with me. And since it was cold he did it three more times. He also hung out with me on the counch, on my husband's ottoman though while I was doing my morning internet.

He did get trapped outside for the morning, but I rescued him at lunch. He was a total sweetie today and I just went with it. My reward was not really being put out of time cause everything else magically went fast. I was only two minutes late into my makeup time once push came to shove.

So hopefully in a few hours he'll stay in bed when I go it like he did yesterday. (He goes out around 12am-1am though and my husband gets him again when he wakes up at 3am).



  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (20th & 21st Day/3sets each)
  • Bear Planks EotD (60sec) I did it in one go. - Grrrrr.... lol
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (19th Day/3sets)
  • Messenger WotD (5sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 60 Active Zone Minutes (4,701 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,995 Steps (347,191 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.05 Miles (147.22 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,497 Calories (96,681 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @JCU, @NancyTree, @PetiteSheWolf & Lady Luna! I have a thing for the gray ones. I'm sure you can understand. :happy: :heart:

Today was a good day.

Managed to fit a bonus workout and I finished exactly at makeup time. It was another having plenty of time to do it, to having Miyagi come in and then having that extra cushion fly out the window.
He's totally worth it though, of course. :cool:

Had a great morning and then when I got back from lunch, I had my parking spot stolen by literally a minute. Ugggggh.

I had to park all the way by the street instead of the back door. I used to like those spots, but today was calling for rain and I was wearing open toed heels so I kept imaging the usual puddles.

Well I went back in early and I said I'm leaving that much early. I'm grateful I can do that. Then I tried to remember my dad who goes nuts at people calling the police for them parking on a part of their own lawn. I definitely do not want to be like that.

So I just kept to myself, listened to music and left when I did. It worked out, I walked out in a light drizzle, but I got home to it pouring and that's when I would have been leaving normally.

So no harm, no foul.

This time anyway. :sus::devil::happy:

And yes, taking a second to remind myself that if that is my worst problem, then life is pretty good. :peace:

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (22nd Day/3sets)
  • Balance Hold EotD (60sec) I did it in one go. - But not as perfectly as I wanted to. My hand touched down for a quick second once a side.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (20th Day/3sets)
  • Can't Break Me WotD (5sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets):

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 37 Active Zone Minutes (4,738 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,985 Steps (354,176 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.94 Miles (150.16 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,527 Calories (98,208 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Jedi Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 64
Sorry to hear you got caught in the rain - at least it was only a drizzle when you left work and not pouring already then. It didn't rain, but got colder here and I nearly cut my lunch walk short because of it. I decided I would do the same length, just walk faster to get inside quicker.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @MolBren! I'm glad it wasn't so bad as well. And very glad that you didn't cut your time short and just went faster for your walk today! :)

Today was a good day.

I couldn't get a bonus workout in. My legs were like lead when I was using them for today's workouts, but I was happy I was able to pull through. Also jogging was fine. Legs were nice to me for that.

It was a lot colder today, but I was inside for most of it so it wasn't too bad.

Plus there was plenty of sunshine which always helps my mood.

Work was fine, but my boss who is always sick is telling everyone she feels congested today and she's mad at her husband for getting sick.

I'm like...umm...go home...since you can.

I love her, but she is chronically sick and I caught it for New Year's.

So if I get it again, I will work from home like I did then. 'Be the change you want to embrace' instead of promoting 'misery loves company'. LOL


  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 31 Active Zone Minutes (4,769 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,986 Steps (361,162 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.03 Miles (153.19 Miles YTD) - When my step count was only one step more than yesterday, why would my mi count go from 2.94 to 3.03 today...:sus:
  • Energy Burned: 1,561 Calories (99,769 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Friday was a good day. Saturday and today were too.

I typed stuff on Friday in the afternoon and saved it, but it's gone now. Maybe because it was a different computer.

Oh well. Things have been alright.

Yesterday poured so we didn't go out as planned, but we were also prepared for it so had a good time at home.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! :twirl:

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (24th Day/3sets)
  • Lunge Step-Ups EotD (x40) I did it in one go.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (22nd Day/3sets)
  • Live Long WotD (5sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - Got it in!

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 39 Active Zone Minutes (4,808 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,140 Steps (368,302 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.08 Miles (156.27 Miles YTD) - When my step count was only one step more than yesterday, why would my mi count go from 2.94 to 3.03 today...:sus:
  • Energy Burned: 1,660 Calories (101,429 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Miyagi let me sleep by him longer than usual before wanting to go out which was nice.

It was a sunny day, but kind of cold. After a few pop in visits, I got him back inside before I needed to leave.

He was not tired. He started biting my arm when I was lightly jogging waiting for 7am, so I played with him instead and missed the 7am.

Which was fine cause he's worth it. I felt bad leaving and when I came for lunch he was not sleeping, but he let me kiss his paw and took brushies before going outside.

Here he is mad on Saturday when we had heavy rain storms.

DSC04743 (1).JPG

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (25th & 26th Days/3sets)
  • Pacer Steps EotD (60sec) I did it in one go.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (25th Day/3sets)
  • Burn & Build WotD (3sets) - I didn't think I would last through all the burpees. The first set was the hardest, but I got through them all. My legs feel pretty good right now, some I'm happy!
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 62 Active Zone Minutes (4,870 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,788 Steps (374,090 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.5 Miles (158.77 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,601 Calories (103,030 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you as always @PetiteSheWolf & Lady Luna. :lovely:

I will have to remember that line @Sharoumane the next time burpees come up. :happy:

And not even kidding, I thought about you @Sólveig the entire time I did them. I don't know how you do it! :shock:

Today was a good day.

We got new phones at work today. Was excited at first, spent an hour setting up my buttons for transfers...except the transferring is not working!

I got it to work for a couple hours and then it stopped out of nowhere, lol. Eventually it will work out, but I think the last time they changed services, we had this issue and it lasted a month or two. And this time the phones themselves are new so who knows how long this one will take. :sus:

It's annoying, but not really my problem. Hopefully IT will be able to figure out how to get the timing settings right. :)

not my problem GIF by chuber channel

Song of my day in honor of the WotD and where I get the quote in my profile from.

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 76 Active Zone Minutes (4,949 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,326 Steps (381,416 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.33 Miles (162.1 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,774 Calories (104,804 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,030
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Looking into my old spreadsheets (which are a partial backup because I lost the full spreadsheets when my hard drive died), I started out in March 2021 with the Impact Challenge. The following month I followed with the 50 Basic Burpees a Day Challenge, then Stamina Upgrade with added weights on the Lunges, and then I did the 100 Burpees a Day proper, with EC which was 30 seconds of rest. By July I combined both 50 Burpees a Day and 100 Burpees a day, doing first the 50 Burpees a Day with both EC and EEC (EEC was all 50 in one set if I recall correctly), with the rest of the 50 Burpees to get to 100 being done with Burpee variations, also broken down into sets. Then, since August, and all the way until January of this year, I've been doing 100 Burpees on a daily basis, until January when I decided to add 50 more.

It wasn't an overnight effort. By the point I started I finished At-Home Marathon challenge and some hard programs a while back, plus I've worked out for three years already. I used to hate Burpees, but in an effort to actually get a badge, I fell in love with them. The hard programs taught me that I like to take challenges, and Burpees were the biggest challenge for me to conquer.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you for that @Sólveig :)

And it makes total sense. You have to crawl before you walk as they say here.

And todays round of x20 burpees in the Cardio & Abs Day 29 I did went slightly easier. Not much easier at all, but was happy after that last set!

Yesterday was a good day.

Can't believe I forgot to log back on here to update. I knew I forgot something! :happy:

First thing I figured out the phone issue. They told me they had the blind transfer setting on, but they did not. It was a setting called consultative so you could announce who the call is first, but no one wants that here.

Sent my team instructions along with a manual I found online for them too.

Today we don't get lunch, but get to leave three hours earlier. My company has off tomorrow for Good Friday.

Very happy for that!

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (29th Days/3sets)
  • Upward Downward Dog EotD (x20) I did it in one go.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (27th Day/3sets)
  • Tune Up WotD (3sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.

  • Jog to 300 x2

  • 59 Active Zone Minutes (5,008 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,036 Steps (388,452 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.09 Miles (165.19 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,707 Calories (106,511 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day in the all and all.

Getting to leave early is a double edged sword. It's awesome and nice to get, but not having lunch takes a toll and of course a million different things you don't usually have to deal with pop up.

But everything timed out in the end so it's fine. :)

But boy was it really annoying during, lol. Just kept trying to remember it doesn't really matter.

I got to do a bonus workout this morning, so I was happy for that.

I didn't get to do my three jogs on time, but I did them all after I got home. Glad I did cause I was so tired and that was a good pick me up. I did those three in one go and then I did a few no counting just jogging mindlessly rounds before my husband got home.

Miyagi cancelled my 7am. He came in and we played instead.

I felt bad having to leave him knowing I would be longer, but he ran upstairs to make it easier for me. When I got home, I got sneaker scratches of appreciation before he went out.

I made a couple Easter baskets for my husband and I. Not really baskets, he got a bowl and I used a Christmas Tin for myself, but he didn't have a lot growing up, his mom died at 7 from a drug addiction so I like to try to do stuff like that for him.

Really happy to have off tomorrow. Hope to accomplish some things.

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (30th Days/3sets) :completed:
  • Butterfly Situps EotD (x20) I did it in one go.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (28th Day/3sets)
  • One Angry Bird WotD (3sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for after work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Jog to 300 x2 (After work.)

  • 75 Active Zone Minutes (5,083 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,161 Steps (395,613 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.18 Miles (168.37 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,781 Calories (108,292 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @MolBren, @JCU, @Syrius, @PetiteSheWolf, @Fremen, @Mamatigerj, @Sólveig, @Anek, @NancyTree, @Nightg0ddess! :lovely:

Yesterday was a great day.

I got to sleep longer (one hour, but it counts).

Miyagi came in, but even better he stayed with me all day. He sat on my husband's ottoman and showed me lots of belly. :lovely:

Because of that, I could not workout at my normal time. I was a little antsy about that, but it was nice to have quality time with my little lover.

He got up a little after 1pm and it ended up being the perfect amount of time for me to get my workout done and vacuum before my husband was on his way home.

I was a little sluggish, but felt better I got it in. I also did my three "jogs".

So where I wanted to have lots more bonus activity, I'll just be happy for a nice day.

This was my view. He was in the window for 40 minutes before napping all day.

And omg, his face while deep in dreamland at the end. :happy:

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg

  • Good morning Jog to 300 - Did this on time about 40 minutes after I got up.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Cardio & Abs Program (30th Days/3sets) - I'll start the next program on Monday since it's 4/1.
  • Prone Reverse Fly EotD (x30) I did it in one go.
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge (29th Day/3sets)
  • Mage WotD (3sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work. - Before I started the workout.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Jog to 300 x2 (After workout.)

  • 57 Active Zone Minutes (5,140 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,245 Steps (400,858 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.31 Miles (170.68 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,623 Calories (109,915 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @JCU, @NancyTree, @Maegaranthelas, @Deadoks & @PetiteSheWolf!

@Syrius It's the softest sweetest belly ever, but I learned along the way, I can only look, I can't touch. He won't hurt me for it, he'll just not show it to me for months and go out of his way to hide it. I had to work hard to get back into his circle of trust lol

He used to let me, and he seemed to like it as a kitten, but not once he became a teenager. It was a nice couple of months, sigh.

Today was a good day.

The concert was amazing and I had a great time! Would definitely see them again.

We had seats on the floor, but right in front of the barricade here so we had protection from the pit people.

Which we needed. A few times the people standing in front of us got slammed. No one got really hurt though that I saw thankfully.

Avenged Sevenfold Easter 2024 (1).jpg

Of course this pic is way before anything even started.

But was happy, I got to sing and metal dance my little heart out. And that helped me burn off the brunch we had in the morning. :happy:

Got home around 11:30pm. I went to bed and managed to still get up at 4am.

I planned to work from home and although that was generally extra annoying today, with a coworker being off this week, and one of the weaker members in my team being extra needy, I was so glad I stayed.

My workout went great and I hit a jog to 300 across all 9 hours my fitbit counts it.

And things I thought I was completely cut out of, I wasn't today. Although it's the more tedious part of the process I have left, and I had quite a bit of it come at me today, I still kind of like I get to do it so I was happy for that.

Plus I got all my weekly reports done around the chaos. So on my own target.

So yeah, good day. :ss:

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • 30 Days of HIIT Program (1st & 2nd Days/3sets) - They still have March's program up and I couldn't find April here so I filtered the programs and went to the end. The first one would take more time in a day than I have and the second is a 90 day commitment. So I picked this one. Might jump ship if they put something up for April.
  • Jump EotD (x10) I did it in one go.
  • Upper Body Blast Challenge (1st Day/3sets)
  • Butterfly WotD (3sets)
  • 7am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.

  • Jog to 300 x2 - Got all 9 active hours today!

  • 67 Active Zone Minutes (5,207 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,623 Steps (408,481 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.26 Miles (173.94 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,548 Calories (111,463 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.