Montserrat's Musings


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Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
@Gandhalfit @Froud @NancyTree :tu:

@Gandhalfit I think I did OK, but I have to say I did them in my own particular way. Sometimes I would for instance go out for an evening stroll and just think about my day while I was walking. Or listen to some music and let my mind wander a bit. I'm a rather quiet and contemplative person to begin with - so pretty 'Zen' I guess! :angel:

25-7-2023 - day 9


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
I didn't really manage to do 60 Days of Walking the past two days. I did walk and do the exercises, but the walks were a bit too short and the exercising a bit sloppy. I was tired and had too little time because I was working all day.

I need a little bit more time for this program so I'm giving myself a small break until next week. Then I'll have much more spare time and hopefully I'll be able to do everything the proper way.


26-7-2023 - day 10

27-7-2023 - day 11


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
6-8-2023 - day 21

Even though this is probably one of the lightest programs, I do feel like it did something for me. The consistent focus on the arms and shoulders did provide a training that made a difference, I think.

Now, I've been thinking about what to do next. And I've decided that I want to make a real effort to lose some weight. And I also want to run. I think the two should go together nicely.

Although I am not really obese I have always been a bit overweight. My height is 1.71 cm, my weight is a little below 85 kg, so that's about 185 pounds, I think. Sometimes a little slimmer, sometimes a little heavier. I've always been that way. I'm a curvy woman, I don't think I could ever be skinny, nor would I want to be. But I sure would like to be a little slimmer.

I am loving training with Darebee and one thing that it has accomplished is that I have now been exercising pretty much every day for over a year, which is a huge improvement compared to what I was doing before. I can also feel that I am fitter, more flexible, and more conscious of what my body can do. However, I do feel that I have been staying in my comfort zone a bit too much, mostly doing the lower level programs and going about my exercising without a thorough plan.

The plan for the next month or so at least will be to push a little bit more and see if by doing that I can lose some weight. I plan to go back to Zombies, Run! again and run at least three times a week. Do any of you have recommendations for a program that might be done on top of that? Or would separate workouts be a better idea? I'm willing to put in a lot of effort, but on the other hand I do want to be able to keep going and not burn myself out.



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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,069
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Happy badge day!! :star: :star: :star:

Program: I'd look into any of the running programs, maybe 30 days of change, so that you balance the running. Good luck!


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Congrats on arms of steel and on one year of exercising! :fireworks:
You can look at the runners programs like Anek said, or you can add hard reset strength if you want to add something that isn't cardio, or one of the abs add-on program. Good luck with your plans!


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
Thanks everyone @Mamatigerj @JCU @Anek @HellYeah @Tileenah @Matan @Fremen @BetaCorvi @Froud for your cheers and suggestions! :tu:

@Anek @Tileenah Those are good suggestions. I actually do think that 30 Days of Change will be a good fit but I am also a little bit afraid that I won't be disciplined enough to complete it. :LOL: Right now I'm thinking that I might start that one in a few days time, when I have access to my bike again (which I will need to bring me to the park where I'll be running). But just thinking about it makes me look forward to it!

Meanwhile, some filler exercises to stay active...

7-8-2023 - day 22


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
Thank you @CODawn!

Today I've started 30 Days of Change and I'm prettty excited about it. Not only is it a slightly more challenging program than I'm used to, also it brings about some changes in my daily routine. Since this program is all about outdoor cardio exercises, it requires me to change into sports clothes and go out and ride my bike to the park to do the workouts. This might not seem like much of a difference, but to me in this way it really is not the same as programs like, let's say, Zen, Arms of Steel or even Shadebound, that I could mostly do in my own apartment, inbetween other activities.

So: clean slate, back to running, let's see how it goes!


10-8-2023 - day 25

11-8-2023 - day 26
  • nothing

12-8-2023 - day 1
  • Foam rolling
Last edited:


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
Thanks for your encouragement @Mamatigerj and @Tileenah! It does help!

Day 2 of 30 Days of Change this morning and it was very nice, but right now I also feel a lot of fatigue. I intended to do everything on level III, but soon found out that I'm not able to do a 3 minute plank or a 3 minute wall sit in one go. I did complete the three minutes, but had to get out of the position more than once. I guess I'll call it a level II.

Still, I have the feeling that doing this more challenging program is a good idea. No change without a bit of a struggle, I suppose!


13-8-2023 - day 2
  • Foam rolling


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
Wow - I felt so much fatigue and so much muscle soreness (quads and abs mostly, but pretty much everywhere) yesterday! At certain moments, even just raising an arm or a leg was a big effort :p. I was very slow all through the day. I'm still feeling it today, but a little bit less so. I obviously have a lot of work to do.

Loving it, though!


14-8-2023 - day 3
  • Foam rolling


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
Upperbody Focus today. I did my workout at home because I was a bit late and it saved me the time of going to the park. It was ok for one day, but it's definitely much better to go outside, I feel much more free to move around.

I did my pushups as knee pushups and although they are gradually getting better, I still feel like I'm cheating a bit. When I bend my arms I go down about halfway, my arms don't seem to be strong enough to lower myself all the way to the floor. Working on it...


16-8-2023 - day 5


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 965
Ab work today. Again I tried to do everything at level III, but I couldn't quite make it. Had to bend my legs at times during the leg raises to make them a bit easier, and I also took a few seconds extra rest more than once. I'm giving it all I've got though, and I do feel that my body is slowly adapting.


18-8-2023 - day 7
  • Foam rolling