Montserrat's Musings


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 950
Hello everyone :ss:

I'm awfully sorry for disappearing all of a sudden last October. I gradually noticed that I was spending way too much time on my computer and phone. Keeping up with everyone's logs and writing my own was turning into a huge time sink. So, although I was really enjoying it a lot, I stopped looking at the website quite abruptly.

However I really started to miss the Darebee community! I am now trying to find new ways of using the site. To exercise more, browse the internet less... or something like that. Currently I plan to update my log once a week. I certainly will be reading your updates as well, just maybe not quite as frequently. We'll see how it goes...

I also noticed the comeback of the Darebeets recipes, have already tried a few of them. I really can't stress enough how much I like Darebee. Not just all the great content, but also the feeling, tone, philosophy, or whatever you'd like to call it. I'm just still exploring what is the best way for me to integrate it into my life.

Meanwhile, I have been working out, though not as consistently as I should have. Currently I am aiming to run three times a week (official 5K race in March!), follow the Hybrid Calisthenics routine, and do the Exercise of the Day every day, mostly for building consistency and for having an element of surprise on a daily basis. Sometimes, instead of the official EotD, I pick an exercise from the Fit Tap, because I cannot jump around too much on days when I am working out indoors, and therefore avoid certain exercises.

So, for starters, here's what I did this past week:

Day 1: 15-1-2024

Day 2: 16-1-2024

Day 3: 17-1-2024

Day 4: 18-1-2024
  • Running: 45 min. run (unfortunately, Zombies, Run! malfunctioned)
  • EotD: 20 Shrimp Squats
  • Hybrid Calisthenics

Day 5: 19-1-2024

Day 6: 20-1-2024

Day 7: 21-1-2024

I hope you are all doing well. It's great to be back. Let's get to work!



Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 950
Hey all, just checking in with the overview of this past week's exercise. The routine is slowly but steadily coming back...

Thank you for your lovely replies to my last post. :love:

Have a nice day everyone!


Day 8: 22-1-2024
  • Running: ZR S1M22 (malfunctioning)
  • EotD: 40 Twist Lunges
  • Hybrid Calisthenics

Day 9: 23-1-2024

Day 10: 24-1-2024

Day 11: 25-1-2024

Day 12: 26-1-2024

Day 13: 27-1-2024
  • Running: 50 min, with a friend
  • EotD: 60 Side Kicks
  • Hybrid Calisthenics

Day 14: 28-1-2024


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 950

Here's what I did last week. Enjoy your day, everyone!


Day 15: 29-1-2024

Day 16: 30-1-2024

Day 17: 31-1-2024

Day 18: 1-2-2024
  • EotD: 10 Matrix Bends (from the FitTap)
  • Hybrid Calisthenics

Day 19: 2-2-2024
  • EotD: 100 Backfists (from the FitTap)
  • Hybrid Calisthenics

Day 20: 3-2-2024

Day 21: 4-2-2024


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 950
Another week!

I am really glad to have come back to the Hive but haven't caught up with a lot of your logs yet. Hopefully that is still to come. Exercising is going alright, though.

Have a nice Sunday everyone!


Day 22: 5-2-2024

Day 23: 6-2-2024

Day 24: 7-2-2024

Day 25: 8-2-2024

Day 26: 9-2-2024

Day 27: 10-2-2024
  • Running: 50 min, with a friend
  • EotD: 60 Squats
  • Hybrid Calisthenics

Day 28: 11-2-2024


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 950
30 Day workout streak! Yay!

:completed: (well... not complete, but ongoing...)

Too little running this week unfortunately. Couldn't find the time. But I'm happy about consistently doing at least something every day.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!


Day 29: 12-2-2024

Day 30: 13-2-2024
  • EotD: 20 Squat Hold Punches (from the FitTap)
  • Hybrid Calisthenics

Day 31: 14-2-2024

Day 32: 15-2-2024

Day 33: 16-2-2024

Day 34: 17-2-2024

Day 35: 18-2-2024


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 950
Thank you everybody for your nice words!
Not many accomplishments this week, but at least the streak continues...

See ya!


Day 36: 19-2-2024
  • EotD: 40 seconds Reverse Plank Hold (from the FitTap)
  • Hybrid Calisthenics
  • Posture, 6 sets spread throughout the day

Day 37: 20-2-2024

Day 38: 21-2-2024

Day 39: 22-2-2024

Day 40: 23-2-2024

Day 41: 24-2-2024
  • EotD: 20 seconds Star Plank Hold (from the FitTap)

Day 42: 25-2-2024


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 950
I can really tell that when my days are busy, the workouts suffer from it. Especially during the first part of this week, I often only did the Exercise of the Day, which is too little really. The past few days were better, and the coming week should also be a little bit more active.

Coming Sunday, I'll be running a 5K race, and I am contemplating signing up for a 10K race in June, so that I'll have a new goal.

Have a nice Sunday everyone!


Day 43: 26-2-2024

Day 44: 27-2-2024

Day 45: 28-2-2024

Day 46: 29-2-2024

Day 47: 1-3-2024

Day 48: 2-3-2024

Day 49: 3-3-2024
Last edited:


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 950
This past week, working out has been going quite well. I've been able to make some time for both indoor and outdoor workouts,

Yesterday I participated in an organized 5K race. It was a lot of fun and it went quite well. I ran as fast as I could and managed a new 5K PB of 31.26!

:completed: :celebrate:

A little over a year ago this distance took me more than 38 minutes, so I'm quite happy. :ss:

Next challenge: try and run a 10K race on June 2nd...

Have a good week everyone!


Day 50: 4-3-2024

Day 51: 5-3-2024

Day 52: 6-3-2024

Day 53: 7-3-2024

Day 54: 8-3-2024

Day 55: 9-3-2024

Day 56: 10-3-2024