Rainbow Dragon's Lair

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 14:

Fit December :x:
Power Squats Challenge :x:
Daily HIIT Challenge :x:
Fighter's Codex :x:
3 km with Shelby, 1.5 km errands, 1 km wandering around maze-like hospital and parking garage.

So I didn't do anything physical this day other than walking. I'm counting it for maintaining my streak, however, since the walk did at least include multiple flights of stairs. And I need to give myself the break on this day.

writing: :x:
French: Netflix

GBOT :x:

FC report:

Nothing to report this day. Didn't look at it.

Ornaments Progress:

Teddy Bear: 2000/2000 punches - :completed:
Magical Unicorn: 0/1000 kicks
Gaming Controller: 586/500 squats - :completed:
Bunny Rabbit: 1000/1000 jacks - :completed:
Shiny Red Sports Car: 10/10 minutes planks - :completed:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
Thank you:

Today I had a relaxing day at home. Took Shelby for a nice long walk. (We did not get out until after dark, but we still went through the wood lot. Shelby does not seem to mind not being able to see where we are going!) Changed the sheets on the guest bed. Did my own laundry. Downloaded a bunch of stories I had purchased. (I subscribed to a "Holiday Spectacular" short story Kickstarter this year that now sends me a new short story every day from American Thanksgiving until New Year's Day. I unsurprisingly got behind on reading the new stories this week.) Sorted through my email. (It piles up so quickly if I ignore it for even a day!) And now am working on Secret Santa stuff and doing some kicking to complete the final Ornaments challenge.

Last night I had written to a family friend in England about the situation with my mother. Today she wrote me back, exhorting me to look after myself and asking me not to worry about my mother having been moved to a location that's not viable for me to visit. My mother is surrounded by the people she needs to be surrounded by right now--medical professionals with expertise in the care she needs--and I already did my part in delivering her to them. This friend had also spoken to my brother on the phone last night. (She was our father's friend from grammar school and is my brother's godmother.) So I hope gave him the same advice.

I will definitely be practising self care this weekend, as I am going with my friend who visited me earlier this week to see my favourite band's "Songs for a Snowy Season" concert on Sunday night. This is a very uplifting show and always a highlight of my year. The concert is far away for me, but fortunately close to where my friend lives. (Otherwise I would not be able to go, due to the whole dangers of night-driving in my neighbourhood issue.) I had originally planned to stay at my friend's house only on Sunday night after the concert. But now because I need to take Shelby with me, we are going out there for two nights. (So Shelby will already have spent a night in my friend's house and will understand that this is a place I spend time in and will return to before we have to leave her there while we go to the concert.)

So nobody waste your first-day snowballs on me in the Snowfight. They will just melt, as any time I manage to be online on Sunday will only be to deal with Secret Santa stuff. Feel free to pummel me upon my return on Monday. I plan to give as good as I get for the final three days of the event.

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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 15:

Fit December :x:
Power Squats Challenge :x:
Daily HIIT Challenge :x:
Fighter's Codex :x:
6 km with Shelby

writing: :v: - Santa stuff. Don't know the word count.
French: Netflix

GBOT :x:

FC report:

I was counting on FC21 to earn me a Magical Unicorn ornament for the DAREtree this year. But I still had to get past FC19 to get there. And I haven't had the mental energy to tackle push-ups this week. (Don't worry though Santa: I will do them next week if you decide to gift me with push-ups.) So this day I put on some Boreal tunes and let loose with:

200 front kicks
300 side kicks
300 turning kicks
200 hook kicks

Pretty cool since I only just learned how to do turning kicks and hook kicks this year!

There was also a considerable amount of dancing involved because, well: Boreal! :happy:

Ornaments Progress:

Teddy Bear: 2000/2000 punches - :completed:
Magical Unicorn: 1000/1000 kicks - :completed:
Gaming Controller: 586/500 squats - :completed:
Bunny Rabbit: 1000/1000 jacks - :completed:
Shiny Red Sports Car: 10/10 minutes planks - :completed:

Alrighty then: It's decision time: https://www.community.darebee.com/threads/ornaments-2023.1292/post-52273

P.S.: The Secret Santa gifts are so amazing! I can't wait for everyone to get theirs!

P.P.S.: One more sleep until:


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
Dear Bees:

Thank you.

Thank you for celebrating my victories with me.

Thank you for supporting me in my struggles.

Thank you for accepting that I am a human being who has human limitations.
Thank you for trusting that I try to do the best I can within my human limitations.

Thank you for understanding that I don't have all the answers but then neither do any of you.
Thank you for accepting that this means I will sometimes make different decisions in life from you.
Thank you for being okay with this.

Thank you for not judging me.

Thank you for believing that my life, my happiness, and my survival matter.

I truly appreciate each and every one of you and this community that we have all built together.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
Thank you:

The concert last night was wonderful. :D
I will write more later. Just a quick update now as they are expecting a power outage at my friend's house soon. Also: driving conditions are expected to deteriorate on my route this afternoon. So I want to walk Shelby soon and then hit the road hopefully early enough to make it home before that starts.

They finally took my mother off the ventilator yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. (It had been in since Thursday's surgery because they thought her airway was too constricted to remove it sooner.) She has still mostly been sleeping since then (which is what she needs now), but she has spoken a few times. My brother went to see her last night, but the only thing he got out of her was, "I'm not awake."

I see you! I will be home in time to return fire!

@Saffity yours is going to melt. But I will save one of my starter balls for you.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
So... it looks like my friend does not have crash space on her sofa for me anymore :LOL::


Was packing up to leave for my friend's house on Saturday. I put Shelby's blankets on the back seat of the car and let her see me do it, so she would know she was coming. Then I closed the back doors because I didn't want her getting in the car right away. (The plan was to load up, then take Shelby for a walk around home, and then set off.) Then I loaded the trunk. And finally the stuff that rides on the passenger seat, beside me. I'd left the passenger door open to come back inside, message my friend we were about to leave, and then shut down my computer to pack it in the car.

While I was back inside the house, I heard the car horn going off. WTF? I went back into the garage to find Shelby had climbed in through the passenger door, climbed across the gear stick, and was sitting in the driver's seat, setting off the horn! Poor girl. Too many people leaving our house and not returning again afterward lately. She was bound and determined to ensure I was not going to leave without her!

Originally (when Shelby was going to be staying at home with my mother) I had planned to stay at my friend's house only the night after the concert. Until a week ago, my mother was in good shape for 82, but she wasn't strong enough to take our 70lb lab who isn't always perfect on a leash for a walk. We have a fenced-in yard my mother could have let Shelby into to do her business. But I was planning to walk her Sunday morning before leaving town and then again Monday afternoon once I returned. But with the new situation requiring me to take Shelby with me to my friend's, I decided to go a day early, so Shelby would be more comfortable in the house before we left her to go to the concert.

I have stayed at my friend's place before. This sofa is perfectly comfortable to sleep on... for one person. So I had brought Shelby's egg-crate-foam bed with us to put beside the sofa for her. (She doesn't actually sleep on this bed at home. She sleeps on my bed--or on her bed that she generously shares with me, I suppose, depending on your perspective. But she recognizes this bed as hers.)

Everything went fine on Saturday night. I made up my bed on the sofa. Then I put Shelby's bed on the floor beside it. She settled right down on it and went to sleep. No worries.

Sunday we had planned to all go for a hike. But it rained all day. So we stayed at the house. When I went into the dining room to do some work on my computer, Shelby hopped up onto the sofa. We figured this was a good thing. She would smell me on the blankets and then hopefully feel secure that I would come back for her when we had to leave for the concert.

So my friend and I headed out for the show. (Which was AWESOME. More on that in my next post.) Came back to my friend's house afterward. It had stopped raining by then. So we took Shelby out for a good walk. (Over an hour.) Then we came back into the house, and I sat down on the sofa.


Shelby would not settle. She paced around the room. She cried. She drank from her water bowl several times. Went to the back door. I let her into the yard, and she went outside but then only turned around and came right back in again. Then Shelby went to the front door. I followed her, trying to figure out what was upsetting her. She only ran back into the living room. By the time I had returned to the living room, Shelby was already up on the sofa and quite comfortable. She was asleep within minutes.

This dog!


I did try to sleep on her bed. But it wasn't enough padding for my hips. So I eventually convinced Shelby she had to share the sofa with me. It was a bit crowded. But we made it work.
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
I was sad when I realized the only Boreal concert I could possibly make it to this winter was the one at the River Run Centre.

The RRC is the premier performing arts centre in the city where two thirds of the band live (and where the other original band member also lives). This venue has hosted Boreal for a number of years now, and they are very popular there. So much so that they get booked to perform on the main stage now.

Don't get me wrong. I love these ladies. I am super happy for them that they are being booked by a big and fancy venue. But I much prefer shows in intimate venues. And I, of course, prefer shows in venues where there is room to dance. The main space at the River Run is neither of these things. And the ticket price is harsh for my budget (which took a substantial hit when my father died, and is very probably quite desperate now). But it's Boreal. I'm not going to not go.

So I purchased tickets. In the back corner of the orchestra section, which the seating plan made look like there might actually be a tiny bit of space to dance beside these seats without being in anyone's way. Of course I know these seating plans are not always entirely drawn to scale. But it was the best I could do.

I was actually a bit nervous about going to the show last night. Let's get real here: dancing through a concert is not a medical necessity for me. I am capable of keeping my butt glued to my chair for two hours. I just really don't like to have to do it. Especially for a band I love as much as I love Boreal. But I knew when I purchased these tickets that I was potentially purchasing tickets to a no-dancing-room show. And I bought the tickets anyway.

Then last week turned into one in which I expended a huge amount of mental energy to get through enormously stressful ugly events, and I didn't have anything left to deal with even small stressors by the end of it. I was honestly a little bit afraid I might burst into tears if I showed up at the venue and discovered dancing was not going to be possible.

But I went. Found our seats. Discovered the space around them was much tighter than the seating plan had made it look. There was barely room to sit in these seats, let alone dance in front of them!

Take a deep breath, Laura. Take a deep breath and don't cry.

As well as being an extremely stressful week, this past week was also a week of not giving up. So I approached the usher for our section and asked him if there was anywhere I could possibly dance for the performance without being in anyone's way.

The usher only looked mildly alarmed, bless him. He looked around and pointed to a spot which wouldn't have been in the way of anyone in the audience's sightlines. But it definitely looked like it might have been problematic for other reasons. (This venue is of a type where the seats are packed desperately close together, and occupying the aisles for any reason other than to access or depart from one's seat is usually considered a safety violation.) The usher said I might get away with dancing in this one spot, but he wasn't sure. He told me they were usually instructed not to allow members of the audience to stand up at all during performances.

I asked him who he would get in trouble with if he allowed me to dance in the location he had indicated.

He said, "That would be Chris, the house manager."

So I asked him where I might find Chris.

The usher told me, and I went back out to the lobby in search of Chris the house manager.

Found Chris with no difficulty.

"How can I help you?" he asked me.

So I said, "I'm an enormous fan of this band. But I've never actually sat down for one of their concerts. Is there anywhere in your house I could possibly dance without being in anyone's way?"

Chris asked to see my tickets, which I showed to him. Then he said, "Yes. I can find you a spot. But it won't be anywhere near these seats."

I said, "I will dance anywhere you let me."

So he took me back into the house, we collected my friend (who was sitting in one of the seats I had booked), and Chris the house manager escorted us both to the opposite corner of the house, to the rear box. This box held four seats. Moveable individual arm chairs, not the bolted down theatre seating in the main audience area. Chris warned me that he might need to put other people in the front two seats in the box, but that my friend and I could have the back half of the box, and that I could dance in it. Provided that I remained inside the box. I thanked him and assured him that I would.

I had purchased my tickets to last night's concert as soon as the band announced the show. The seats Chris gave to us never showed up as available on the ticketing website. So I'm assuming these are seats they reserve for VIPs (or maybe just for weirdos like me with oddball reasons for wanting different seats than the ones they'd purchased). Anyhow... he didn't end up putting anyone else in the box with us. So I pushed my chair into the back corner of the box, and we pushed the other two chairs into the front corner of the box, and my friend pulled her chair up close to the unused chairs, and I ended up having basically half of a 4-seat theatre box in which to dance. It was not as glorious as the huge dance floor I had at the show in Kingsville last year. But it was still pretty freaking awesome.

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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 16:

Fit December :x:
Power Squats Challenge :x:
Daily HIIT Challenge :x:
Fighter's Codex :x:
~ 8 km - 2 km with Shelby at home, then ~ 6 km with Shelby & my friend in my friend's neighbourhood (am guessing at the mileage there, based on the time)
15 minutes dancing (practice for Boreal concert)

writing: 221 words
French: reading

GBOT :x:

FC report:

Didn't do this day.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 17:

Fit December :x:
Power Squats Challenge :x:
Daily HIIT Challenge :x:
Fighter's Codex :x:
~ 6 km - with Shelby & my friend in my friend's neighbourhood (am guessing at the mileage there, based on the time)
ALL THE DANCING! 💃🏻💖🥰 - didn't put a clock on it but danced for the entire concert. 90 minutes, maybe?

writing: 189 words
French: reading

GBOT :x:

FC report:

Didn't do this day.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 18:

Fit December day 11
Power Squats Challenge days 14 + 15
Daily HIIT Challenge day 28
Fighter's Codex :x:
~ 6 km - ~3 km with Shelby & my friend in my friend's neighbourhood (another guess) + 3 km just me and Shelby at home
26 jumping jacks for the snowfight

writing: 2051 words
French: Netflix

GBOT :x:

FC report:

Didn't do this day. Was hoping to start back December 19. But I still have work to do today for Secret Santa. Plus I must write my thank you letters to Boreal and to Chris the house manager. Plus I joined the Snowfight last night. That is sure to ramp up quickly. Wednesday will definitely be Secret Santa all day. (Plus lobbing more snowballs, I'm sure.) So let's aim for a Thursday return to Fighter's Codex.
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 21:

Fit December :x: (Day 14 is planks. Not normally hard for me. But I needed 100% of my arm & shoulder strength for the 100 push-ups in FC.)
Power Squats Challenge days 20 + 21 - Finally caught up!
Fighter's Codex day 19 - Pomodoro protocol
3km with Shelby, 1.5 km errands

writing: 435 words
French: Netflix

GBOT :x:

FC report:

A tough day because of all the push-ups. But I got through them all as full push-ups. Did the first 10 as a straight set. The rest were all broken up by my mini down-dog breaks. For the final 10 push-ups I took down dog after reps 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9! (I tried to do reps 7 & 8 together. But I failed on rep 8. So I pushed back to down dog and then did that rep again.) This was the second last day in this program with 100 push-ups. (There are also two more days of 50, and a day of 75.) 770 down, 275 to go. (Oh, yeah. I'm still counting!)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 22:

Fit December day 14
Power Squats Challenge day 22
Fighter's Codex day 20
Wrist Pain - DP - Must remember to do the hands and feet stuff now I'm no longer training my mother. This stuff is good for me too!
6km with Shelby

writing: 183 words
French: Netflix

GBOT :x:

FC report:

Stretching. Light volume for an FC stretching day too.

My original schedule was to have completed Fighter's Codex by now. Was planning to have only Fit December, Power Squats, and the Secret Santa gifts to have left to do between now and the new year. But now I won't complete FC until the final day for doing the SS workouts. And FD will run even longer. (I can only miss I think 4 more days of FD and still complete it before my birthday. Which I definitely want to do because there won't be time for anything other than my birthday workout on my birthday.) Plus I want to get back to running (now, before the weather turns any colder), and a regular yoga practice.

Thankfully 4 of the Secret Santa gifts include yoga, and one includes running. Of course, there are also 9 gifts that include push-ups. Some of those will definitely be ones which don't get done until after I've finished FC. So I won't be able to entirely muddy the waters with my crafty plan to disguise which gift I gave. ;) But I'm going to give it my best shot!

(Actually, I suspect my giftee will be able to figure me out by my writing voice alone. We shall see.)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 23 update on my mother:

No news, really.

She is still in the ICU in the far away hospital.
My brother has gone home to be with his family for Christmas. (Thankfully.)
I am in my home (still no idea for how much longer I will be able to continue living here, which is massively stressful, but for now it's still my home) with Shelby.

My brother has been calling the hospital for updates. But they don't have much to tell him.

Her vitals are stable.
She is on antibiotics for a lung (we think) infection.
They started trying to wean her off the EV drain today, and she is tolerating that thus far.
She can move both her hands and both her feet, speak a few words, and respond to instructions.

But cognitively she seems worse.
(The hospital staff have not said she is worse. But she seems worse to me and to my brother. And we have received so many mixed messages from hospital staff at this point, it is hard to know how to interpret anything they say anymore.)

The first time they removed the ventilator tube (in the first hospital, when they thought she was brain dead) she was immediately quite chatty afterward and was still chatty the next day. But when I saw her in the 2nd hospital, she was not chatty at all. Then she was intubated again for three days. (For the surgery/procedure/whatever, and then kept on the ventilator for 3 days afterward due to swelling in her larynx constricting her airway.) My brother saw her on Sunday night after they had taken her off the ventilator again. Then he stayed in a hotel near that hospital for three nights and visited her on and off. But she barely spoke to him during those visits. He called me the last night he was there and sounded very distressed. He said our mother looked like someone who had had a stroke. (Which the new hospital is saying there is no evidence of. But the first hospital seemed to think she had had one.)

The latest update is that our mother "knows who she is, and sometimes, but not always, knows that she is in a hospital."

This is my brain right now, due to all the stress:


I managed to cook something today though. For the first time in a week. (I have been living mostly off of strange freezer foods my mother had bought, and a box of muesli I found in the cupboard long past its expiry date. It has not been good.) Today I made an apple crumble from the last of the apples from our apple trees. I cook the apples first, and normally add a bit of water to get them going without sticking to the pan. Today I decided to use orange juice. (Which my mother had bought. Many months ago. She has long been bad for this. She liked to shop but not to take stock of what we already had in the house before she did so. Then she would just load the new groceries into the front of the cupboard or refrigerator, shoving the older stuff to the back, and forgetting about it.) The OJ wasn't mouldy or fermented. So I thought I would use it up in baking. The result is edible. But it would have been better if I'd just stuck to water.

I'm going to try to make this tomorrow. And maybe this.
I am happy DAREBEE recipes are back. :happy:
Maybe my brain will work better if I feed it better food.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 23:

Fit December day 15
Power Squats Challenge day 23
Fighter's Codex :x:
6km with Shelby, 1.5 km errands

writing: 874words
French: Netflix

GOBOT :v: - alarm clock enforced to game with @'rin and @sleep_twitch
GBOT :v:

FC report:

Postponed. Did not mean to postpone this day. It's a kicking day, which I love and find fun, not hard. But the day got away from me. The time got to be too late, and I had the choice of actually making GBOT for a change, or doing FC. I was tired enough I thought I would probably fall asleep quickly if I went to bed. But doing FC would energize me and keep me awake far longer than the time necessary to complete the workout. So I opted for bed. And I did fall asleep right away. So, yeah! Getting back to a regular sleep schedule is one positive thing I can do that I actually have control over right now.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 951

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
December 24:

Fit December day 16
Power Squats Challenge day 24
Fighter's Codex day 21 - 4 sets
Secret Santa - Santa, I rescued all the ornaments from the evil robot, all 5 boxes of them!
3km run
6km with Shelby

writing: 162 words
French: Netflix

GBOT :v:

FC report:

This was a fun day. But a long day. Over 7:30 per set. I only got through 4 sets before I had to quit in order to make GBOT. I will finish up the 5th set on December 25. After that I may put FC on hold again until the new year. Give me a chance to enjoy the Secret Santa gifts this week.

Today's workout was a full hour just for FD, PS, FC (which I didn't finish), and my SS gift. The run was on top of that.
We've got more mild days ahead here, so I want to keep running. Plus I still need to do the gift I gave, plus a few more to muddy the waters. And several of the SS gifts include push-ups. (Mine was only 25 push-ups for 5 sets. I may do a couple more sets today, because it only took me just over 10 minutes to complete 5. Some of the other workouts include considerably more.)

Other Wins for the Day

I went for a run! Not too far and not too fast. But it felt good!

Shelby and I got out for our walk early enough to meet up with her friends Hendrix, Cody, Randy, and Maia.

I ate mostly good food. Had apple crumble for breakfast, with a slice of 4-year-old cheddar melted on top. The cheese definitely improved the flavour. (Maybe the OJ just made the dish too acidic, and the cheese cut that? Anyhow... it was a noticeable improvement.)

Then I sorted through my mother's shelves in the pantry, where she had been stockpiling cans on top of cans, buying more every week without heed to what she already had in. I found 37 cans of soup, most of which contain ingredients I won't want to eat (beef, cream, far, far, far too much salt), as well as 6 regular-sized and one giant can of Chef Boyardee. Unfortunately, most of this stuff is past its "best before" date. So I won't be able to donate it to the food bank. (This is a stupid policy. "Best before" dates on canned food are stupid. The food is just as good as it was the day it went into the can many years after the meaningless "best before" dates they print on these things. But food banks here will nevertheless dispose of donations they receive that are past their BB date.) I tried to eat one of the cans of Chef Boyardee myself. Spiced it up with crushed chili peppers, fresh oregano, fresh thyme, and some crumbled Wensleydale cheese (which my mother had also been stockpiling and then not eating). It was not good. Maybe my mother will recover well enough to one day eat some of this stuff herself. (Really I should not wish that on her. But it's what she was choosing to eat.) For now it will just remain taking up space in our pantry, I guess. I did at least manage to find and organize all the cans of things I will eat, such as the vegetables (including 9 cans of sweet corn) and tinned fish (including 19 tins of tuna fish and 14 of sockeye salmon).

I threw out the leftover mincemeat. I was actually going to make mince tarts to use it up. But then I realized that would be stupid. I don't like mince tarts. (I don't hate them. But I don't like them enough to subject my body to the frighteningly high amount of sugar in them.) Every year since I was a teenager I have been forced to make them because my father wanted them. (If I did not make them, my mother would have bought some from the grocery store that were probably even more unhealthy than the ones I made.) And one of my uglier Christmas memories revolves around mince tarts. Now I have the opportunity to throw out that particular unhealthy and unhappy Christmas tradition and never revisit it ever again. Done!

I cooked nutritious and delicious food for my dinner. And I have leftovers! I made both the tofu curry and the squash and beans dish. I've started a thread in the Kitchen to write about my experiences with the new DAREBEETS recipes. Fellow Bees who are also trying the recipes are welcome to join in.

I used the words "only" and "push-ups" in the same sentence!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,046
"I sing and I know things"
Well done on sorting out the pantry and making yourself some good food. I am happy you got to have some wholesome delicious dishes :love:
And yay on the push-up progress! At least, it seems like progress to me if you are actively looking for ways to do more of them ^^