The Paragon Path Towards An Epic Destiny


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 1,752
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Man, yesterday sucked so baaaaad. I resetted my attempt to sleep again because I got up until very late due to excess caffeine consumption, so today I'm back at square one. While the journaling workshop was good, I could've performed a little bit better; just a tiny little bit. Not only that, but I did not have any time to train at all. I came home very late, and I helped my mom with her homework rather than write. To top it all of, we may have one of the main pipes on the water tank blocked, so we will be under a water shortage until we get that fixed.

What a way to get the weekend ruined.

I'm not in the mood to do anything this weekend, honestly. I'm just going to take a break from the last couple of awful days, focus on my alternate project, and get some mind rest. I just hope I get to move my body, because I am feeling anxious with the lack of training.

June 28th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 182

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Before Breakfast Burpees +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 V-extensions +EC
Count: 1520 - 1516 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana + 60 Seconds Meditation
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:x: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 33

:v: Upper Body Blast: Day 28
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 60/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 1 - I've got this.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Did not have any time to do anything
:x: 1500 Get!
Writing Tiers:
500 Words
1000 Words :gstar: :gstar:
1500 Words :gstar: :gstar: :gstar:

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 89%
:x: Mozart - 5/20 Chapters

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 1,752
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" least I managed to do 50 Burpees today.

I think I managed to pick it off where I left off, as I spent most of my day tired, and hyperfocused on one thing only. None of my goals of the day were accomplished because of it, plus my time has been sucked so badly that I just don't want to do anything anymore. Oh, and guess what? It was yet another hot day. A very awfully hot day. It ended up raining, but the rain didn't do anything.

I really wanted to work out, but I couldn't do anything because of the heat. Did I say that we're also almost out of water? Yeah, good luck working out without water in a very hot and humid environment. Not getting a heatstroke again, nuh-uh.

The GM and another players will be missing for tomorrow, so... No D&D. Then the non-profit moved the monthly gathering for tomorrow, instead of waiting for the next week so that the month starts proper. I feel like the deck has been stacked against me over the latter half of this week.

June 29th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 182

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Before Breakfast Burpees +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Alt Arm / Leg Raises +EC
Count: 1521 - 1517 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana + 60 Seconds Meditation
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
50 Full Burpees
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 10 Lunges
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 33

:v: Upper Body Blast: Day 29
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 60/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 1 - I've got this.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: There was a plan
:x: 1500 Get!
Writing Tiers:
500 Words
1000 Words :gstar: :gstar:
1500 Words :gstar: :gstar: :gstar:

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 89%
:x: Mozart - 5/20 Chapters

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 1,752
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
At the end of the day, the solution is still in me. I didn't do anything today, however, there was a small sliver of progress after creating two Pathfinder 2e characters. Well, not 100% finished. Inventory is still the only subject that's left, as well as their stories, but mechanic-wise they are done. I didn't do the rest of the thingies because it takes time.

Today was also just awful. Completely awful. Then again, I decided to just take back control of the little things I can control. Instead of falling back into being a victim of the circumstances, I recalled on the efforts that I'm currently pursuing to actually push myself to write more. I also made some choices that will work for me on the long run. And instead of lamenting not having any opportunity to do Burpees (because the arrival of water STOLE that from me!), I picked up my dumbbells and started to do Bicep Curls that ended in an Overhead Press. Apart from the dice, it was still something that made me feel slightly good about myself. This week is over. This month is over. Tomorrow, the sun will rise again, and with it there will be new opportunitites.

I am entering now into the territory of two weeks left before my comeback from my hiatus. I still need to set up some things, but again, I must take control of my life. Urgently. Even if it is little by little. I want to celebrate some stupid victories tonight, victories that seem trivial; meaningless... but victories after all.

Still, I got a new badge. And I'm running back on Back & Core because I'm having posture issues, and I'm aware of it, so I'll be obsessive about it for a while. I know it's my core that isn't strong too, because sitting the proper way is tiring. I noticed the posture issues because I'm slouching, and when I slouch, I actually look overweight when in reality I'm not. Is not the mirror that is deceiving me, it is my posture.

June 30th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 182

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Before Breakfast Burpees +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Sit-up Elbow Strikes +EC
Count: 1522 - 1518 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana + 60 Seconds Meditation
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
Rebadging: Back & Core
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:v: 5 x 10 Bicep Curl + Overhead Press
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 16 Squats
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:x: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 33

:v: Upper Body Blast: :completed: Day 30:star:
Up Next: Posture
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 60/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 1 - I've got this.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: There was a plan
:x: 1500 Get!
Writing Tiers:
500 Words
1000 Words :gstar: :gstar:
1500 Words :gstar: :gstar: :gstar:

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 89%
:x: Mozart - 5/20 Chapters

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 1,752
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
It was a difficult day. Many books arrived at the non-profit, but the majority of them were encyclopedias and school books. I don't take those in for two reasons: they take way too much space, and no one ever reads them. The ones before me had a vision of this giant library where people would come to research and stuff, but the reality is that we don't have the public for it, plus there are a couple of libraries in town already to do those things, not to mention all schools have their own library. Making our own library for it is moot, especially when those books take a lot of space. Therefore, the collection is more specialized. It took me a while to convince them that's the case, and yet they still forget that we do not take those two especific type of books. Out of the four boxes, I had to package three to redistribute someplace else.

Funny thing happened to. Let's see. About ten years ago, or possibly more, one of my classmates at university proved himself to be untrustworthy when he asked about someone with a Poe book. It could be anything; he just wanted to read something from Poe. I had one, so I borrowed it to him. It never returned. I knew he read it because I saw him reading it for a few days, and even after a couple of weeks, he was completely terrified when I asked him about if he liked it or not, but he reads it slow, and tries to take it in deep... Again, like I said, it never returned. The excuse was that book was lost because he got robbed, and they stole his backpack. Since then, I never borrowed someone a book. There's only one person I know of that he returns his books, and is not me. He actually trusted me enough to give me a book to read; a funny book, a political satire that mocked the Venezuelan guerillas from the past century. It was a fun read, and once I was done, I returned him the book. It just goes to say... return your books!

Anyway, I was pretty surprised to see the book that I lost among the ones that came recently donated. It wasn't my copy, but it was the same copy: same demy hardcover edition, same translation, same printing, same foreword, same back cover text, same everything. Condition was different: the spine was a bit beaten, and there was some strange sticker residue all over the front and the back cover, but that's nothing that can't be cleaned. I kept it for my personal collection because I see this as a way of getting that book finally back. Besides, I'm in charge of the library, and I'm actually allowed to keep any book that comes there before I process it into the inventory. I don't abuse from that privilege, and sometimes I keep the books to myself for a while before adding it to the collection. That's how I read Amadis of Gaul.

I also got Don Quixote, but I didn't keep it. As soon as I saw the table of contents I realized that particular edition was incomplete, so I just processed it immediately. I'd rather have an edition with all chapters, but well... We do have Amadis of Gaul; which is the book that started chivalric romances as a whole. Don Quixote ended them with a blast, but in this case it'd be a partial blast. Not surprising that it is incomplete though; the edition itself was comissioned by Chávez, and judging by the foreword, it was meant as a tool for... of course, propaganda.

I should be laughing. The irony itself should make me laugh. Thing is that I'm just disappointed. Whenever someone uses art, regardless as to whether this individual or group is an artist or not, when they use it to push a message in support for the powers, whether these are a despot on the throne, or a revolutionary seeking to overthrow the regime, the artwork itself is completely bastardized, and it loses its value. My art teacher is a political cartoonist, and he taught me well: art's sole purpose is to go against the powers, not with the powers. I've seen him cringe quite a lot when he sees political cartoons intended as propaganda to support the government, or to bully the repressed. Somehow, he echoes Terry Pratchett words on Satire being a tool to ridicule the powers.

Thankfully, that was the only disappointment of the day. Even though I did one thing of my to-do list (because my time was cut short), I actually had a very successful day. I had an idea this morning, and I wrote it down. I managed to get not one, not two, not three, but five projects on the queue, and I found a way to develop them all: my main projects will be on the computer, which is the book and the short story. I'll also be writing a third book on a notebook, and I'm only doing it because I want to see how or when that story will end, because it was the idea that I got this morning. As for the other two, I'll be working on those during the weekend for two reasons: to unclog the creativity pipes when they get clogged, and to unwind a lot of the energy that can get accumulated as I write, so I get to do something different. So yeah, I guess this is me giving my plot bunnies an outlet so that they don't consume me. Also, 57 Burpees + 50 Burpees + 3 Burpees were enough for today. It was a bit late when I started working out, so at least I got 110 Burpees total for today.

Now I'll be going to bed. It was a very fun day, filled with one of the things that I love the most in life: books.

Also, my mom found 3D6 lying around somewhere, and gave them to me. I think one of them is loaded, because it has rolled on me sixes and ones the majority of times. But hey, now I have 10D6; which is a 5th-level FIREBALL!

You're still reading this? Roll me a DEX Save (Burpees; my Spell Save DC is 15 reps). If you skipped through, or didn't do 15 Burpees, then you take... 33 fire damage. If you did 15 Burpees, then you take half of that damage, rounded down, which is 16 points of fire damage.

July 1st, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 182

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Before Breakfast Burpees +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Raised Arms Hold +EC
Count: 1523 - 1519 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana + 60 Seconds Meditation
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
Rebadging: Back & Core
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
57 Full Burpees
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Epic Glutes +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Push-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 33

:v: Posture: Day 1
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 60/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 1 - I've got this.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: There was a plan
:x: 1500 Get!
Writing Tiers:
500 Words
1000 Words :gstar: :gstar:
1500 Words :gstar: :gstar: :gstar:

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 89%
:x: Mozart - 5/20 Chapters

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 956
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Also, thanks @MadamMeow . I forgot to mention you, and I don't feel like editing. Plus I think you don't get notified with the edit, so here's a "Hi!" to look at in your notifications.

No worries, I know how it goes, but do appreciate the shout out! :lovely: