A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
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Thanks @graoumia , doing good. Only got two bruises on my arms, LOL, and after, I rested well yesterday evening, and baked some gluten-free brownies (the Moosewood cafe recipe, but with a gluten-free flour mix I got that seems to yield fairly good results, and using a great quality chocolate) for tonight's appartment block "neighbors's feast". Looking forward to it!
And hugs and thanks for @Obsinosterous . Hope your day hospital goes smoothly and with encouraging results.

Yesterday Tuesday meditation and over 5,000 steps done.

This morning Pandora ch 7 done, balance for travel yesterday +36, this morning had -35 to go to the lighthouse, so balance for today (before step count) +1. Meditation not yet done.

D60 :fireworks: of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05), another milestone reached!
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Alchemist from France
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Thank you for all the messages, you're too many for me to thank you individually but i appreciate . So a little Martial Art bow to you all ;)
bow bowing GIF

The neighors's feast was real nice yesterday evening, and the brownies went down fast! I decided not to say they were gluten-free, and nobody had any idea the flour was different, LOL. Glad to see that with this mix I can do patisserie fairly well. Next time I will do the same recipe but will add either chopped walnuts, or orange zests, should be real nice too.

Yesterday Wednesday meditation , but walking below 5,000 steps.

This morning Pandora ch 8 done, balance for travel+1 and I am not adding anything from yesterday. Meditation not yet done.
Ah, since I know in the next chapter I am travelling, already doing a crochet to get some more scraps (Ha ha ha, preparation for that infamous chapter, and I picked one that asks for 400 squats + chops, I will spread it in small chuncks throughout today and tomorrow.

D61 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @NancyTree and @CODawn !

Yesterday Thursday meditation and body pump class.

This morning Pandora ch 9 done, initial balance for travel+1 , debt from the day -59 (to do the detour and scraps hunting), managed +60 travel points, final balance +2 travel points. . Meditation not yet done.
240 out of 400 squats + chops done for scraps.

D62 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday Friday meditation and body balance done

This morning ch 10 done, meditation done, 400 out of 400 squats + chops done for scraps.
Travel balance previously +2, travel debt for the day -10 (to mountain cave), travel credit for today +77 , travel balance of tonight +69.

D63 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).

I got some early results from the day hospital, namely the osteodensitometry. Darn. Compared to the previous one, very clear loss of bone , rachis is osteopenic (that can still be acceptable), both hips are clearly osteoporosic. And to think I have been working out regularly since I came it in part to avoid it ... Grrrr. We'll see if the docs put me on some medication, but it is not what I hoped for.

Today Saturday, meditation and over 5,000 steps done. So I can count:

Summary of the week, Sunday to Saturday :
  • Walking over 5,000 steps or going to the gym : 6 days out of 7, good.
  • Meditation 7 days out of 7, very good.
  • And I started again Monday another habit I was forgetting, mental health habit 1: 6 days out of 6, good (like for the others, I give myself a day off/week allowance).
So that's a good week.


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Alchemist from France
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Today, I already make my more than 5,000 steps. Meditation pending.
Did chapter 11 of Pandora.
Initial travel balance +69, travel cave to camp -34, travel benefit today +45, travel balance tonight +80.

(I have already planned a detour tomorrow to do some aditional quests for scraps, LOL)

D64 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
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Sunday over 5,000 steps and meditation and mental health habit 1 done.

This morning did Chapter 12 of pandora, and starting backfists side/side over the next days, did 100/1000 for the moment.
Initial travel balance +80, travel debt today -55 (detour for scraps - agora canis, unnammed forest, back to agora, and dreamer's temple), travel balance now +25.

Pandora spoilers
Decided to help the girl - sorry but I can't do different!, we'll see if afterwards she robs me or not - LOL, but I couldn't stand there ignoring.

D65 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).

Little political rant - as neutral as I may, but I put it in spoilers because other French here may be fed up, LOL.
Woaw, French political life is boiling right now, with a surprise legislative election in 3 weeks called yesterday evening. For me, that means running around like a beheaded chicken to get procurations (and decide my vote at the same moment) in time. For the country, that means there may be a government change before the summer olympics and all the administration (and security) it represents. It's ... quite an interesting time.
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Alchemist from France
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Monday did over 5,000 steps and meditation, mental health habit (no need of numeroation) done.

Thank you for the compliment @graoumia ; it /is/ a mess, isn't it?! My favorite beatitude (Jesus's sermont on the mount) has always been "blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God". Something our politicians should really meditate on...
I enjoy Pandora a lot ; the storyline is fun, the decision trees do hold consequences, the side quests / scraps give it a good flexibility, and the travel forces you to walk / run / move pretty well too. It is a commitment - more than 2 months (the famous chapter to turn in all the scraps, LOL), but worth it. @Damer , @neilarey and co made a great job, no, an exceptional job with it.

Today did Pandora chapter 13 , 700/1000 side to side backfists for the moment. Let the thief stay with me so far.
Initial travel balance +25, travel today +56, travel balance tonight +81.

D66 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).
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Warrior Monk from Terra
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Posts: 744
Pandora was a devil to work on. It usually takes us about a year to bring a program out from concept to publication. Pandora took twice as long, divided us in-house (those choices with moral consequences) and destroyed our productivity as we explored alternative storylines that arise from said choices. 😀 For a while we all kinda lived in it and it felt amazing!


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Alchemist from France
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That's why you lot deserve a special thank you for this program, @Damer :)

Tuesday did 5,000 steps and meditation. Mental health habit done.

Today did Pandora chapter 14 , 1000/1000 side to side backfists. Moved back to camp, so on the way I went down (again ? ;) ) into the dreamers's pit pick up a little scraps , hand knife throw + knee strikes 50/500 so far. No meditation yet.

Travel balance initially at +81, return to camp -15, balance travel now +66.

D67 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
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Wednesday did more than 5,000 steps, and meditation, and mental health / personal habit.

Today doing Pandora chapter 15 - it is more a totals kind of day, so I have done hand knife throw + knee strikes 40/500 and overhead punches 480/800 so far.

Travel balance was +66, walked yesterday +50, walk today to do task -90. Balance travel now +26.

D68 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).

The political hurricane is continuing full force in France, it may get at least a little more stable once the lists for the legislative elections are deposited Saturday. Strange alliances occur, old and new political parties implode... What a week it has been so far.


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Alchemist from France
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The world is changing so fast right now @PetiteSheWolf it actually makes Pandora appear to have a stable political system. :LOL:
Ha ha, I was thinking like "Here in France they'd need a Harvest time to force them to work together", LOL! (But not even sure it would work). But this wolf will nevertheless plod on to find what her purpose is , why the **** she was cryogenically kept, and how to use those smooth combat moves to protect the widow and the orphan :dance:

final season smile GIF by Game of Thrones
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Alchemist from France
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So yesterday no walking enough, no meditation, no gym class, for various reasons. Personal habit done, though. Heck.
But I finished my quests: knife throw + knee strikes 500/500 and overhead punches 800/800.

Today Pandora chapter 16 - chose to fight, of course :muahaha: . Also, couldn't help but go do a side question (Agora equs this time), so will have to do 1000 high knees.

Travel balance yesterday +26, travel done today - 40. today's travel balance -16.

D69 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday did body balance class, meditation and personal habit.

Today Pandora chapter 17. 1000 high kness out of 1000 done. For new scraps, on final location here doing upward elbow kicks combo 180/600 so far.
Travel balance yesterday -16, walkied today balance +50, use for travel -31, tonight travel balance +13.
Meditation not yet done.

D70 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Saturday did more than 5,000 steps, meditation, and personal habit.

So, Sunday to Saturday, last week
  • I walked more than 5,000 steps or went to the gym 6 days out of 7, good.
  • Meditation 6 days out of 8, good
  • Personal habit 7 days out of seven, good.
  • But went only once to the gym.

Overall, pretty good week seeingf how busy it is.

Today Pandora chapter 18 - did the 10 mins fight. upward elbow kicks combo 360/600 so far.
Travel balance initial +13, walked today +43, travel to be done -4, travel balance tonight +52.
Meditation not yet done.

D71 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Sunday : did meditation, more than 5,000 steps, and Personal Habit.

Today Pandora chapter 19 - didn't trust at all these guys so chose to fight ; upward elbow kicj 600/600, also took knee strike + high kick so far 240/600.
Travel balance +52 yesterday, walked +36, travel game to the swamps -44 ; travel balance now +44.
Meditation not yet done, but walking done at lunchtime, and personal habit done.

D 72 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06)

So, I managed to find someone who could vote in my name for the surprise elections end of this month/early July ; so I filled out the electronic form yesterday evening, and at lunchtime went to the police station to get it authentified (they check your identity and voter ID to see they match the voting procuration, and check the person you designate does exist on the voting list). Bravo to the policemen doing that, efficiently ; especially when you think they are also busy preparing a tiny little shinding called the Olympics game...

Greeting Us Army GIF by GoArmy


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Alchemist from France
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Monday : meditation done, over 5,000 steps done, Personal habit done.

Today Pandora chapter 20. knee strike + high kick so far 420/600. Also did a little detour to the city pits, jab-cross-hook 120 / 600 so far.
Travel balance +44, travel done including detour -55, travel balance this morning -11.

D73 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Yesterday Wednesday: 5,000 steps done, personal habit done, meditation NOT done.

Today Pandora chapter 22 - did not skewer the android and had more information. jab-cross-hook 600 / 600.
Previous travel balance -11, walked yesterday +32, balance now +21.

D75 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).
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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Friday did a body balance class, mediation done, personal habit done.

Saturday Pandora chapter 24 done ; over 5000 steps done, meditation done, personal habit done.

So, for the week Sunday to Saturday,
  • walked more than 5,000 steps or went to a class every day but one, good.
  • Meditation every day but one, good.
  • Personal habit every day, good.
  • Went to two gym class, good.

So, good week. As next week will be extra busy, we will see.

Today, Pandora chapter 25 done, meditation done, 5,000 steps done, personal habit done.
Travel balance was +21. Did 96 travel points between Saturday and today Sunday. Use 63 travel points to go from lab to camp then arc, and 82 for mission from Agora canis. Travel balance tonight is -28.
took mission /500 jumping jacks.

D78 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
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So, Sunday 5,000 steps, meditation, and personal habit done.

Today Pandora chapter 26. For scraps 250/500 jumping jacks.
Travel balance as of yesterday -28, today "used" -40 travel points to go to resistance camp, travel balance this morning is -68.

D79 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
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Monday 5,000 steps done (sadly, tried shoes that were fine on smaller distances, but ended up with a pretty ugly wound on the heel, gotta go tot the pharmacy to make sure I have what's needed to have it cicatrise ASAP), meditation done, personal habit done.

Today Pandora chapter 27. For scraps 350/500 jumping jacks.
Travel balance was -68, used -4 to go to bridge, walked +39 yesterday, balance as this morning -33.

D80 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Tuesday Yoga class, meditation, and daily personal habit done.

Today Pandora chapter 28. For scraps 500/500 jumping jacks.
Travel balance was -33, unchanged. (still at bridge).

Work is mad, it feels like I can't leave for vacation! eeks! But we will manage, it's prepared.

@Maegaranthelas it is a really fun program, but indeed more than 60 days so gotta plan it ... Not easy, specially the big fights days (and as I am ending part 1, I am right in it, LOL), but it's fun, and seeing it all come together story wise at the end, it is very rewarding.
@NancyTree thank you, it is progressively drying, but still quite ugly... I really really hope it can be dry for Saturday (flight for Italia) and I don't need a big bandage, just a small protective one...

D81 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 05/06).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
And..... We are back! Howlllllll!
Basketball Howling GIF by Worcester Wolves

So, I had a great time on the Amalfi coast. Very hot, but beautiful , we visited Salerno, Pompei, and Maiori. We had lots of reheasals and did two concerts, :
  • at a big church in Naples, Saint John the Major, beautiful place, we performed with a chamber orchestra Vivaldi's Gloria, Cavaliera Rusticana "regina Coeli", a few others, and finisged with "Va pensiero".
  • In a public garden in Maiori, it was a July 4th concert so we had the national hymns of USA and Italia, a Gershwin medley, a suite from West Side Story (including "America" an "somewhere"... lovely!), the first movement of Vivaldi's Gloria, a few others, "funiculi funicula", and finished again with Va Pensiero.

West Side Story Dancing GIF by HBO Max

That's just so many great memories... Singing Va Pensiero and hearing a good portion of the audience join in is ... very, very special, amongst diverse touching moments.

Only thing, I came back with COVID... Not a bad case, it feels more like strong hayfever, but I am making my most to not contaminate my parents, now that I am back in Bretagne with them.

Exercise wise, I walked my 5,000 steps every day, definitly, and managed to do something, even if only some light yoga, every day, so the streak isnrt broke! Suprise surprise!

On Friday 28th I had done chapter 30th of Pandora, and walked 52 travel points.
Yesterday walked equivalent of 59 travel points. travel Balance was -17, results in +94.

Today I started again on Pandora, Chapter 31.
To go back to Mountain men-59 travel points ; I also picked a mission at Agora Canis leading me to the unnamed forrest , another -32 points. Makes a present travel balance of +3 points. Finally picked a fight in the mountain pits, even if it means no additional chapter tomorrow - gotta prepare for that infamous chapter 40, LOL!
Missions : 80/800 high knees and 60/600 elbow strike combo.

So, here we are, back to saving Pandora! Second round of our parliementary election is tonight, we will see, but it may be an interesting evening.... Hugs to the whole hive!

And ETA : D92 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 05/07).
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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Thank you @MadamMeow , @Fremen , @graoumia , @CODawn ; so far the hay-fever-like symptoms are still there but dwindling away, didn't even take paracetamol today.

So, yesterday Sunday did over 5,000 steps, meditation, personal habit.

Today did Pandora Chapter 32, decided to climb up warn the mountain men. At least I will have done my part... Will do the second part of the chapter tomorrow.
Missions : 720/800 high knees and 540/600 elbow strike combo.
Travel balance was +3, today's walk was +47, travel balance tonight is +50.

D93 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 05/07).

Election night was ... something. The pollster got this quite wrong (while they had been pretty accurate to guess the European elections and the first round). Let's say the choice of prime minister and making of alliances (or disalliances) in the next months are gonna be quite wild. Oh well...
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