A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,833
Weight for last week: 44.4 kg

Monday meditation, daily habit, and more than 5,000 steps.

Today SOMA D2, Daily plank challenge D10, 3*balance asanas. Also did yesterday evening and this morning a certain number of stretches to take care of my grumpy lumbars. Don't know if it is carrying / lifting stuffs for the move back home, or a wrong posture with the weights, but it pinched - strongly - several times yesterday. We'll see how it behaves after those stretches (still a bit pinchy when I came back with groceries before noon).

157 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,833
Tuesday did my 5,000 steps, meditation, daily habit.

This morning SOMA40 D3, daily plank (doing shorter to make sure my back is protected), and still working to relax and place well this lower back - so far seems to be back in place.

158 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,833
Thursday meditation, daily habit, and steps done.

This morning SOMA40 D5, daily plank challenge, modified locust.

Yesterday I was able to go back to my street market, it felt really nice ;) One of the best things about the place I live, I think!
Lets Eat GIF by Hunter Preston

160 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,833
Friday walked 5,000 steps AND went to a body balance class, daily habit and meditation done.
Saturday walked 5,000 steps, daily habit and meditation done.

So, for the week, meditation and daily habit great, walking 5 days / 7 . Goal not reached, but closer than in St Malo.

Saturday morning SOMA40 D6, daily plank challenge D14, balance asanas,
This morning SOMA40 D7, daily plank challenge D15, superman modified.

Averge weight for the week is 43.7 kg, down -0.7 kg from starting point last week. May it continue!

162 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,833
Monday walked, daily habit, meditation.
Tuesday walked, daily habit, meditation.

Tuesday morning SOMA40 D9, daily plank challenge D17, and yoga class
This morning SOMA40 D10, no plank, balance exercises.

Got a phone call from my mom yesterday after yoga with pretty bad news regarding dad's health. We are awaiting results of further exams before a final diagnosis so I don't want to talk too much about it, but it is shaking me. Hard to think of something else. I suggested I head back immediately for Sr Malo (where they are) but mom refused. We'll see, I gotta be strong for them and to be able to help them when we will know more.

Voila, thank you for listening to my ranting.

Oh, a positive thing: I tried

for lunch, really nice!

165 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).