A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @NancyTree . Well, I still tested positive this morning; so mask for 2 more days...

Monday and Tuesday walked more than 5,000 steps, meditated, did daily habit.

Today did Pandora D33.
Travel balance was +94 travel points, walked +74 poinrs - solid walking today; Travel balance is now +168 points.

D95 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 05/07).


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday Thursday walked more than 5,000 steps, meditated, did daily habit.

Today did Pandora D35. Took two fights, but also two jobs from Agora Canis to the unnamed forrest.
So, for "totals", I have
  • 320/800 punches
  • 160/400 archers
  • 120/300 double side kicks
  • 40/400 squat + punch.
Travel balance was +202 travel points. Going to city pits -37, going to and coming back from Agora Canis plus unnamed forest -70. Travel balance (without eventual steps today) is +95.

D97 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 05/07).


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday Friday didn't do the 5,000 steps, but meditated, an did daily habit.

Today I finished chapter 35 of Pandora plus side quests:
  • 800/800 punches
  • 400/400 archers
  • 300/300 double side kicks
  • 400/400 squat + punch.
Travel balance was +95. Walked +38 steps. Travel balance now is 133 steps.

D98 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 05/07).

Enjoying the good air in my beloved Bretagne ; my parents have gone visit an old friend at Brest (the very tip of Bretagne) so got all the house for myself and madame Luna, LOL. Our area is strangely calm, between the grey weather and the situation (votes, instability, and I think lots of people from around Paris are saving their vacation : away time till the Olympic Games) , today is the first day I noticed a normal quantity of people on the seaside. And we are already the WE of Bastille Day, so normally it should be full season.

Oh, kitty story time. Thursday evening we had neighbors for aperitif, and they came with their new dog, a tiny little yorkie-like sweetie, Olana, about 5 years old, who needed a new home when her previous guardian became way too old to care for her. Little thing is about 3 pounds (could gain 2, I'd say, by how her ribs can be felt, poor thing), compared to Mademoiselle Luna's 10 pounds, it was funny. I was watching over Luna like a hawk as Mademoiselle can be very territorial toward other cats, but there, she was merely curious, and something tells me little Olana had previous knowledge of cats because she didn't bat an eyelash to Luna, just went on her way, gently touching Luna once or twice (and vice versa) but no running away, no barking/ hissing, no posturing. Both I and Olana's guardian were proud of our furry "kids". I think that if they spent significant time together, they could go rather go on well together (which I may not say about Luna and my older bro's dog, also a sweetie, but way bigger and a shepherd through and through who tries to herd Luna around).


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday did 5,000 steps, meditated, and did daily habit.

Today Chapter 36 of Pandora; also decided to pick two jobs at Agora Canis and one fight at the dreamers pits, so will probabily stay at Chapter 36 tomorrow too.
Travel balance was 133 travel points. Used 34 points for Resistance camp, 32 points to go to last garden, hunter forrest and back, and 10 points for the dreamers pits. So travel balance is +57 as of this morning.
Tasks / fights are:
  • 50/500 butt kicks
  • 100/1000 speedbag punches (virtual punchbag)
  • 30/300 elbow strike plus front kick combo

D99 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 05/07).

Happy Bastille Day to all!

(Nope, the revolution from Les Mis is not the 1789 revolution, but Gavroche is just too darn appropriate!)

More seriously, thinking a lot about two countries close to my heart, Israel and the USA. You too, bee, think of France, it's continuing to be a mess. But bees will continue being their positive, contructive selves around the globe!


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Alchemist from France
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Merci @MadamMeow :)

Oh, lookbback at last week (Sunday to Saturday) is goo, with steps, meditation and daily habit done enough. Almost forgot this summary!

Yesterday Monday did 5,000 steps, meditated, and did daily habit.
Finished the different tasks I had detailed in the previous post.

Today did Chapter 37. Went to the ciry ruins, and decided to get jobs at the agora equos and the city fighting pits (will give the details tomorrow).
Travel balance was +57, walked +66 yesterday and today, used to go back to city ruins and for the scrap missions -117 points. Balance tonight is +6 travel points.

So... 101 consecutive days of exercise! (D90 on 05/07) D100 passed by the day I did not update, LOL!
Papa Johns Dominos GIF by Pizza Hut


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @Obsinosterous , @HellYeah , @MadamMeow , @Maegaranthelas and @Fremen !

Yesterday Tuesday did 5,000 steps, meditated, and did daily habit.
My older brother arrived yesterday afternoon, with Good Dog. Nice to be all together!

Continuation of chapter 37 for Pandora, with missions:
  • 250/250 side to side hops
  • 200/200 leg bounds
  • 480/600 elbow strike + front knee kick
  • 320/400 hook + uppercut

For the moment this morning travel balance is the same, +6.

102 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07). Now let's start this long sail toward a year!


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @GentleOx , @Anek , @CODawn !

Wednesday did 5,000 steps, meditated, and did daily habit.
Yesterday Thursday did not do 5,000 steps, but meditated, and did daily habit.

Yesterday did Chapter 38 of Pandora.
I decided to go step by step, and found those guys Bertha wanted to kill. He he, prepare for a surprise, Bertie!
Today I took missions - city pits, and agora equus, missions for unnammed forest an Camp Raza.
  • in and out knife throws 500/500
  • Knee strike and elbow strikes 500/500
  • Jumping jacks 500/1000 (those are tough!)
  • March steps 60/60 (yeaah, a short one).

That should give me enough scraos for what's to come!

Travel balance was +6, I walked for +66 travel points Wednesday, +18 Thursday, and needed -109 travel points for all the missions. Present travel balance (before today's walk) is -19 .
ETA : with this afternoon's walk (+40) present travel balance is +21.

104 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).
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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @aku-chan !

Yesterday Friday did did 5,000 steps, meditated, and did daily habit.

Today added 200 jumping jacks (700/1000), and did Pandora chapter 39.
Travel balance was +21, today's walk +42, balance now is +63 travel points.

105 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).

Today is my mother's birthday and my parents's anniversary, so we went to a real nice restaurant on one of the capes / points around here, and then had a good walk. More good food tonight but I am not sure my stomach agrees a lot with that, we'll see, LOL!


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @CODawn and @NancyTree ! Mom had a very good day yesterday, so mission accomplished, LOL.

Yesterday Saturday did did 5,000 steps, meditated, and did daily habit.

So, for last week (Sunday to Saturday) I walked over 5.000 steps all day but two (not great), but meditated and did daily personal habit every day (good).

Today finished 1000/1000, jumping jacks, flew over Chapter 40 as I had all scrap points ( YAY ), and did Chapter 41.
Travel balance was +63 travel points., going to Bunker 7 then agora canis was -35 travel points, travel balance today (before walk) +28.

106 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).
Also last day of vacations, telecommuting start tomorrow. Sniff! But such is life.


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday Sunday did 5,000 steps, meditated, and did daily habit.

Today did chapter 42 of Pandora.
For travel balance (+28), I had miscalculated yesterday, and have to add -21 travel points ; and -26 today to go to the bridge. +33 for yesterday's walk, so present balance is +14 travel points.

107 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).
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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Yesterday Monday meditated, and did daily habit, but did not walk outside. When I had finished work, it was drizzling and not inviting at all. Oh well.

Today did chapter 43 of Pandora.
Gotta admit, I remembered from the previous run the results of chosing th rescue the boy (that was the mission the dad had given me, after all) so I changed and decided to rescue the girl. We will see the fallout.
Present balance is still +14 travel points.

108 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Yesterday Tuesday meditated, did daily habit, and walked my 5,000 steps.

Today did chapter 44 of Pandora.
Travel balance was +14 points, add +33 for yesterday's walk, and used -27 to go back to agora Canis. Travel balance now is +20.

109 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).

As no government is formed yet, and yesterday evening our president said he wasn't about to form one until the Olympic Games are over, that should be ... interesting. I really wish we can give a good image of France for the games! But conditions are weird.


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday Wednesday meditated, did daily habit, abut walked less than 5,000 steps. Now that I work, it's getting harder, we will see.

Today did chapter 45 of Pandora, advancing! My legs are telling me this was a strong good workout for them ;) Side note, the knee's been behaving well, with Italy and here, so let's enjoy that.

110 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Yesterday Wednesday meditated, did daily habit, but again did not do my 5,000 steps. Poor week for that!

This morning did chapter 46 of Pandora, little off day. Reavel balance is still +20.

111 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).

Today ... is the big day. Paris's in stasis, the subway line I usually take nearly half closed starting at noon... Crossing my fingers that the opening ceremony goes well and that we can give you a good show to be remembered fondly afterwards. On ouvre les Jeux Olympiques!

Summer Olympics Paris GIF by Sealed With A GIF


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday Friday meditated, did daily habit, but again did not do my 5,000 steps. Will have to break the pattern.

This morning did chapter 47 and 48 (which was only giving scraps and traveling).
Travel balance was +20, counting -8 for hunters's lodge and -13 for Agora Canis, makes new balance -1.

112 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).

(don't read if you are not ready for a rant on the games ceremony)
Whelp, on the games opening ceremony, some very good (dare I say, I was very amused by Lady Gaga's "mon truc en plume" , the hommage to Notre Dame rebuilding was great, the Marseillaise singer was great, the pianist and the baroco singer / haut-de-contre awesome ; and the flame runner / assassin's creed hommage was well done) ; but some were really aweful. I'll particularly point to the decapitated noblewoman (suppose it's Marie Antoinette, since it was at the conciergerie) singing "Ha ça ira" ? Nope, double, tripe nope ; not fun, bad taste. Compared to the London opening ceremony, fail. I can agree to catering to various tastes - for example Aya Nakamura is definitly not my cup of tea ; I could deal with that, but there are limits.


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday Saturday meditated, did daily habit, and walked more than 5,000 steps.

So, basically last week, Sunday to Friday was good on meditation, personal habit, but not good for the walking. I foresee the next 2 weeks being that way too (two big deadlines looming), but heck. We do what we can.

This morning did chapter 49, decided to still try get some sense into that silly girl. Not gonna turn easier on me, I know, but I made a promise to her grandfather.
Travel balance was -1, walked +66, balance is now +65.

113 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).

So, yep, we did a long walk yesterday, in a nice forest with megalithes and very mossy trees, a nice breather. Good Doggo was a very happy Doggo running in the forest, and did not come back with ticks so all great! We finished by stopping at a place where we regularly buy good apple cider (the alcoholic kind, the kind we like here in Brittany ;); though they also do a very tasty apple juice) and apple-cider-derived products and a few other local products, including buckwheat products, which my gluten-sensitive stomach is very fond of.

Oh yeah, we still have Older Bro and Good Doggo : in the night of Thursday to Friday, three key locations in our train system (for east, north and west) had their electric installations sabotaged, leading to huge train disruption a mere hours away of the opening ceremony. Yessss... They had tried all four directions, but the south line sabotage was thwarved by surveillance teams. So, Older Bro couldn't take his train (he basically has to go through all France, west to south-east). Luckily, he was fast enough to grab some tickets for Monday, so we still have him home for the week-end, and tomorrow circulation should be mostly all right.

That, and add that now the Seine is not swimmable anymore, due to the huge rainfall of Friday evening, so, you know, all the money spent to have some of the swimming competitions in the Seine? Yes, I am gonna make that very bad joke...
Down the drain.
(well, good to have a cleaner river water, but that may not have been priority one..)

Enf of my complains about the olympics. At least I hope. Take care, all dear bees!


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Alchemist from France
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Sunday did meditation and daily habit, not walking (working for a deadline this week).

Today did Pandora chapter 30. I had to split up the 3 mins wall stand in 1 min blocks, my thighs were / are screaming. Maybe an exercise I should put again in my rotation...
In-Pandora travel was -10 (back to agora canis), balance now is +55.

114 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Monday did meditation and daily habit, not walking.
This got to stop as soon as I have done this deadline, tomorrow or Thursday...
Older Bro and Good Doggo arrived safely in their mountains, after the day-long travel through France. Ouf.

Today Pandora chapter 51. Really the last stretch! Go go go!
Travel to hunters's Forest and then Fishing village was -43, making travel +12.

115 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Tuesday did meditation and daily habit, not walking.

Today Pandora chapter 52.
Travel to the fishing spot was -10, so travel balance is +2.

116 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).

Hoping to go walk after today's telecommuting, we will see.
August is around the corner! I will definitly try the new challenge. Guessing I may add some balance / shoulder stretch exercises? Alternating moving balance asanas one day, and fish pose the other day, could be an idea. And once Pandora is done, I aim for Total Body, unless I can dig out some light weights and do the other new program.
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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Wednesday did meditation and daily habit, not walking.
Last day I authorised myself not to walk, non mais!

Today Pandora chapter 53. Travel balance still +2. Also did Stomach Vacuums challenge D1, 3*30 sec Matsyasana, and finished with a little child's pose to complement all the abs + the heart opening.

117 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Thank you @Mamatigerj , glad to see you back!

Thursday did meditation and daily habit, and walked my 5,000 steps, yay!

Today Pandora chapter 54, stomach vacuums challenge D2, 3*moving balance asanas. Crazy how much balance I lose as soon as I stop doing those. sigh.
Travel balance was +2, walked +33; back to Hunters's bunker -28, makes present travel balance +7.

118 consecutive days of exercise (D90 on 05/07).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Hello bees, very busy WE with Darling Nephew arriving, and immeditably followed (unexpectedly) by Darling Bro 2, and Dear SIL, arriving too. But here I am!

FIrst, global summary :

Friday did meditation and daily habit, walked over 5,000 steps.
Saturday did meditation, daily habit, but not walking.
Yesterday Sunday did meditation, daily habit, and walking over 5,000 steps.

So, for last week (Sunday to Saturday), all good for meditation and daily habit, but big fail for walking.

Daily workouts :

Saturday Pandora chapter 55, stomach vacuum challenge D3, 3*30 sec Matsyasana.

Sunday Pandora chapter 56, Stomach vacuum D4; balance asanas.
Travel balance was +7, walked 43 steps, travel balance is not +50 travel points.

This morning Pandora chapter 57, stomach vacuum D5, Matsyasana.

121 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).
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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Yesterday Tuesday no walking, meditation and daily habit done.

Pandora chapter 59 done, stomach vacuum D7; 3*matsyasana (and child's pose to finish). Travel balance is still +8.

Tomorrow's Pandora closure .... I already know I can only do level I (sorry but there are limits to squats if I want my right knee happy ; and sooooo many burpees!), but we'll conquer it! The finishing touch, the finala crown, my own gold medal, LOL!

123 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).


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"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Yesterday Tuesday no walking, meditation and daily habit done.

Pandora chapter 59 done, stomach vacuum D7; 3*matsyasana (and child's pose to finish). Travel balance is still +8.

Tomorrow's Pandora closure .... I already know I can only do level I (sorry but there are limits to squats if I want my right knee happy ; and sooooo many burpees!), but we'll conquer it! The finishing touch, the finala crown, my own gold medal, LOL!

123 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).
I am with you for tomorrow's workout


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Thank you @graoumia for the encouragement ;)

Yesterday Wednesday meditation, daily habit, and walked more then 5,000 steps, yay!

This morning 3*balance exercises, Stomach Vacuum D8, and ... yes, Pandora, chapter 60!
France Win GIF by DigiDaigaku

Level I, as I said; but done! arms and legs burning, but happy! I already had the badge, but glad to have done this challenge again, LOL!

124 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).