Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @NancyTree

Haven't had a great couple of days, was determined to some exercising today, but could only manage a set of everything:-

20 Leg Raises (EotD) done (In 2 sets of 10),
Days 12 and 13 of Lower Abs done,
Day 9 of 60 Days of Cardio done (Feet weren't up to jumping so this was all Step Jacks),
Day 8 of Arms of Steel done (With Housemate).

Going to aim for 2 sets of everything tomorrow, see y'all then!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Missed yesterday, too dang tired and achey again, but more with it today, managed everything :yas:

50 High Crunches (EotD) done (Over 3 sets:- 20, 20, 10),
Days 14 and 15 of Lower Abs done (Not going to be able to do any more double days of these, my abs are too weak and flabby!),
Day 10 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 9 of Arms of Steel done (With Housemate).

Yesterday I brought an entire shelf of off-brand Lego insects because I'm such a nerd!
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another full workout done!

50 Calf Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 16 of Lower Abs done,
Day 11 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 10 of Arms of Steel done (3 sets, Housemate wasn't up to it today).

Had a muffin baking failure yesterday, they tasted oddly stale even though they were fresh from the oven, guess that's what I get for using a packet mix for a change.
Going to try again today, gotta find some goat's cheese though, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another day done, although this one resulted in noodlely arms :ragdoll:

50 Balance Side Lunges (EotD) done (In 2 sets of 26),
Day 17 of Lower Abs done,
Day 12 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 11 of Arms of Steel done (3 sets with Housemate).

Yesterdays muffin baking was a bit more successful, Goat's Cheese, Ham and Radish Muffins!
I really liked them but the Housemate can't wrap her head around the idea of a savoury muffin, so I probably won't make them again :sadness:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@TopNotch - Yeah wasn't something I'd tried before and was surprised how nice they were! Definitely going to try making more in future, but need to find a recipe with less salty ingredients.

Another day done:-

Day 18 of Lower Abs done,
Day 13 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 12 of Arms of Steel done (With Housemate),
Didn't do the EotD (I don't like lying on my stomach), did 50 Arm Circles with the Housemate instead.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@f1shtacular - For me I think it's because I have too much tummy, so everything gets really squished and uncomfortable really quickly.:flat:

Another week wrapped up, with only a couple missing days, gotta try for 'no days missed' next week.
50 Get-ups (EotD) done (Over 3 sets:- 20, 20, 10),
Day 19 of Lower Abs done,
Day 14 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 13 of Arms of Steel done (3 sets with Housemate).

Gotta mow the lawns again today (Why does grass grow so fast!?! :stomp:), but I've got some nice roast pork with plenty of veg for dinner.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Honeybee from 'MURRCA
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Fun fact, here in the states, some people will rent out goats to mow your lawn for you. And by that, I mean they just let the goats eat your grass.

It is one of the greatest services I have ever seen someone do ever. I've passed by a place that had some over there for a few days and a sign on the fence stating their holy, grass-eating presence.


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@Tileenah - Thanks! I got it mostly defeated!
@f1shtacular - That sounds awesome, I wonder if the landlord would let me keep a couple goats for grass eating purposes... :gotq:

Another day done, although I struggled a bit at the end (My right elbow has been playing up, on and off, for a few weeks and today's Shoulder Taps were too much for it):-

60 Seconds Side-to-side Jumps
(EotD) done (In one go),
Day 20 of Lower Abs done,
Day 15 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 14 of Arms of Steel done (3 sets with Housemate).

Not much to do today, gotta finish yesterdays bit of gardening and make Sweet and Sour Prawns for dinner, see y'all tomorrow!


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Tired today, I've been getting up early (Well, early for me) and that has helped with my tiredness, but it doesn't work if I'm looking at nonsense on Youtube until 2am! :type:

20 Upward Downward Dog (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 21 of Lower Abs done,
Day 16 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 15 of Arms of Steel done (With Housemate).

Getting a recipe box today, so we've got Chicken Kebabs for dinner :foodie:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Made sure not to stay up too late last night, so I'm full of energy this morning :bounce:

30 Seconds Squat Hops (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 22 of Lower Abs done,
Day 17 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 16 of Arms of Steel done (3 sets with Housemate).

Last night's dinner was nice, nothing special tonight though, got a late eye appointment and they're always in weird out of the way places, so I'll probably just grab something on the way home.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another day done!

50 Staggered Deadlifts (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 23 of Lower Abs done,
Day 18 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 17 of Arms of Steel done (3 sets with Housemate, I'm really starting to hate Shoulder Taps).

Weather is looking rather grey, going to have to do indoor chores today, got a new soup to try for dinner:- Crab and Sweetcorn, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Woot! :fantastic:Another day done!

50 Back Leg Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 24 of Lower Abs done,
Day 19 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 18 of Arms of Steel done (With Housemate. Worse... Exercise... Ever! Only did 1 Minute of each Clenching instead of 2 because it was so boring (And it hurt my fingers)).

Yesterday's soup turned out a bit disappointing, the crab didn't taste of much, hopefully today's Korean Pork will be more yummy!
Also finished season 1 of my X Files re-watch (I'm very slow at watching things), as good as I remember, but the overarching 'Alien Conspiracy' story line is still the weakest part.

The weather is nice so I'm going to take the Housemate for a long walk, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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He's only popped up a couple times so far, so I can't comment on Skinners hotness. :D

Today is done:-

60 Seconds Raised Leg Hold Plank (EotD) done (In one go, 30 seconds a leg),
Day 25 of Lower Abs done,
Day 20 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 19 of Arms of Steel done (3 sets with Housemate).

Was pushing the Housemate around town for several hours yesterday, so taking it easy today, just got to make dinner:- Salmon Florentine, hopefully it's as good as yesterday's.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Gandhalfit @Tileenah @JCU @TopNotch

Still not feeling too great, but the Housemate has come down with a bad chest overnight, so I at least have something to focus my worries on.
Managed a bit more today, but it was really hard on my arms and abs, so I could only do 1 set overall:-

Butterfly Sit-ups (EotD) done (I managed 20 as Crunches),
Day 27 of Lower Abs done,
Day 21 of 60 Days of Cardio done,
Day 20 of Arms of Steel done.

I've finished all my recipe box meals :sadness:
The reaction to the Salmon Florentine was mixed, I loved it but it turns out the Housemate hates the taste of Salmon, fortunately we both liked the Curried Fish and Chips.
Now I'm responsible for working out what we're going to eat again :bored:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Witcher from Kent
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"True Failure is Never Attempting"
hocus pocus witch GIF


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @JCU @CODawn @BlackButler
@Froud - Haven't gotten to that one yet, something to look forward to!
@Nihopaloa - You should give it a try. It's very much a product of the 90's, but it's still pretty good (So far at least!).

So, I'm back. Unfortunately I caught the Housemates chest infection and it really knocked me on my butt.
Still not over it, but was determined to do a bit today:-

60 Knee-to-elbow (EotD) done (3x20 with Housemate),
Queen of Mean done (3 sets with Housemate).

And that was as much as my gunk-filled lungs could manage, see y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @Nihopaloa @JCU @Froud @Tileenah - I'm getting better slowly, it's mostly just a bad cough now, I coughed so much yesterday I managed to give myself a nosebleed (Embarrassingly, I was in the grocery store at the time :vsad:).

Managed a bit again today:-
50 Clamshells (EotD) done (20,20,10),
Abs Upgrade (WotD) done (3 sets).
(Since we're not doing much, rather than track down arm exercises for The Housemate, I'm giving her arm equivalents to do. Like today she did 50 Elbow Clicks instead of Clamshells.)

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Gandhalfit - I'm getting there! I've got over the chest infection, but it's left me very stuffed up.

Another day done, and the week is wrapped up, the daily exercises weren't my thing today, so found some others:-

How I Cope done (3 sets),
Day 28 of Lower Abs done (Really should have restarted this challenge instead, my thighs hurt so much at the moment! :sadness: ).

Determined to read more, so I've decided at weekends I'll read before I go to sleep, I'm halfway through the first Dresden Files book now.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another week started!

50 High Crunches (EotD) done (3 sets 20/20/10),
Day 29 of Lower Abs done,
Epic Cardio (WotD) almost done (Managed to hurt my ankle during the 6th lot of High Knees, tried switching to lower impact versions but no luck).

Gonna rest my ankle for a bit and then... Gardening :sad:
Managed to finish my book last night, it was pretty good.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Fae from India
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"New Bee getting fit"
Another week started!

50 High Crunches (EotD) done (3 sets 20/20/10),
Day 29 of Lower Abs done,
Epic Cardio (WotD) almost done (Managed to hurt my ankle during the 6th lot of High Knees, tried switching to lower impact versions but no luck).

Gonna rest my ankle for a bit and then... Gardening :sad:
Managed to finish my book last night, it was pretty good.
See y'all tomorrow!
Hey feel better soon and ice the ankle and rest up! get well soon..!