Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Fremen @NancyTree @Lady Celerity @JCU - It's getting better slowly, managed all my exercises today with only minor adjustments, just got to remember not to walk up any hills!

Another day done:-

3 Minutes High Knees (EotD) done (Managed a minute of High Knees and then two minutes of March Steps),
Day 1 of Power Punch done (With Housemate),
Day 28 of 100 done (Managed 75 Lunges),
Meta Burn done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 54 of Hero's Journey done (5 sets. Had to skip the Army Crawls, no room, and the 20 Minutes of stillness, never going to happen (I'm one of those people who are always fidgeting).).

Today also marks the first anniversary of this thread! (Well not this thread but between here and the one on the old Hive) :celeb:
All thanks to this thread and you awesome folks, I've gone from repeatedly trying, and failing, to finish a single program (plus long periods of slacking off) to maintaining a fairly regular workout routine. I've gotten fitter, stronger (I now have muscles! You still can't see them but they're in there) and healthier and, hopefully, will continue to do so.
No movement on the weight-loss front though (I know from my recent check-up I weight the same as I did on my last check-up, 120kg), but one day...

See y'all Thursday!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Froud @Lady Celerity @PetiteSheWolf @SkorpionUK @Gandhalfit @TheLibrarian @JCU @NancyTree @Sif_Shepard @GentleOx @Fremen @TopNotch - Like I said you're all awesome!

Push-ups! So Many Push-ups! :flat:
Couldn't quite get everything done, arms got too noodlely:-

30 Push-up Shoulder Taps (EotD) done (Over 3 sets),
Strong and Beautiful done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 29 of 100 done (Managed 70 Push-ups, they started as Inclined ones but finished as Knee ones),
Day 2 of Power Punch done (With Housemate),
Day 55 of Hero's Journey done (Managed 70 of everything).

Didn't notice on Tuesday, but I've been through every upperbody exercise I can do with my Housemate, so gotta start over again!
Also finished painting one of my figures! Not something I'd normally celebrate, but this year his been so lousy for my hobbies (Especially the last couple of months) that getting anything done feels like a big accomplishment.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@Froud - How about we're both awesome?

Fairly easy today (Sort of), which is good because my shoulders are still a bit achey from all of yesterdays Push-ups:-

Fountain of Youth done (3 sets with Housemate),
3 Minutes Side Leg Hold (EotD) done (In one go, 90 seconds a leg),
Day 3 of Power Punch done (With Housemate),
Day 30 of 100 attempted (100 Burpees was never going to happen, but still didn't manage as many as I hoped I would, did 17 over 3 sets. At least it's finally done),
Day 56 of Hero's Journey done (Still not flexible enough for most of the poses, but I tried).

Really bit of more than I could chew with the 100 Challenge, but overall I completed more days than I failed so I'm still taking the badge!
Steak for dinner tonight (I've finally found a type of steak I can cook :plot:), see y'all on Sunday!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Thanks! @CODawn @NancyTree @JCU @Sif_Shepard @Fremen @Louve Rose @Froud @TopNotch

Another week wrapped up, didn't get everything done today, Hero's Journey just seemed to take forever!

60 Side Leg Extensions (EotD) done (In 2 sets),
Arms & Shoulders done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 4 of Power Punch done (With Housemate),
Day 57 of Hero's Journey done (Only 2 sets, 60 Jab, Jab, Crosses takes too long! Did all the Hammer training though).

Glad I'm finally getting to the end of Hero's Journey, haven't been enjoying that one for a while.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Thanks! @Laura Rainbow Dragon @motionaction

The week is off to a good start! Got everything done today:-

Pixie done (3 sets with Housemate),
80 Climbers (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 5 of Power Punch done (With Housemate),
Day 58 of Hero's Journey done (5 sets with an extra 600 Punches).

Yesterday I finally made a bit more progress on my Lord of the Rings re-watch. Now I know a bit more background lore, Gandalf the White finally makes sense this time!
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another day done, struggled a bit (I think I'm getting arthritis in my toes to go with the bit I've already got in my fingers, this getting old malarkey is no fun :sad:) but I got it all done:-

100 Elbow Strikes (EotD) done (In one go with Housemate),
Home Upperbody Tone done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 6 of Power Punch done (With Housemate),
Day 59 of Hero's Journey done (5 sets with 100 Side Kicks).

Soup Tuesday has rolled around again, this time it's Chicken Tom Kha.
See y'all Thursday!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another day done!
Had to drop the jumping after 1 set, thought my ankle was all healed but it had other ideas:-

80 Seal Jacks (EotD) done (Over 3 sets, 30 Jacks and 60 Steps),
Merlin done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 7 of Power Punch done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 60 of Hero's Journey done (I know I was supposed to do all 10 sets today as a finale, but my arms were done after 5 of them!).

And with that Hero's Journey is done! :chicken:
Gotta admit I didn't really enjoy this one, I've already talked about my issues with the Karma system, but I also found it boring a lot of the time (I think it was because it's level 1 tended to be 5 sets instead of the 3 I'm used to, so once I'd finished all my other workouts I still had a load to do!).
At least I didn't drop out.

And now on to new things, sticking with the RPG programs, I'm starting Age of Pandora tomorrow.
See y'all then!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Thanks! - @Louve Rose @Froud @SkorpionUK @noname @Nanna Io @NancyTree @JCU @Hwestneth @TopNotch @Mianevem @Fremen

Had to skip Friday, my ankle was sore and puffy after that bit of jumping on Thursday, so I wanted to rest it.
It's still a bit tender today, so no jumping for a while!

Wasn't feeling too fantastic this morning (I think I managed to slightly poison myself eating some funky-tasting cheese last night), be I was determined to do some exercising and it has made me feel better.

Seated Strength done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 8 of Power Punch done (With Housemate),
Day 1 of Age of Pandora done (Part 1 and 3 sets of Part 2, I know it was supposed to be 5 sets, but I didn't want to have the same issues I had with Hero's Journey, so I doubled the number of reps per set. Not something I'll always be able to do but it worked for today).

And that's it for today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Thanks! @JCU @GentleOx

Still being careful with my ankle, but it only seems to jumping that bothers it at the moment.

40 Plank Hold Arm Raises (EotD) done (In one go, not as an elbow plank though),
Upperbody (WotD) done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 2 of Age of Pandora done (3 double sets of Part 1, had to replace the High Knees and Jumps with March Steps and Squats, so technically I got eaten by monsters. Also did Part 2),
Day 9 of Power Punch done (With Housemate).

And that's another day done! See y'all tomorrow! :softz:


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
And another day done :yas:

2 Minutes Boat Fold Hold (EotD) done (In two 1 minute sets),
Explorer done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 3 of Age of Pandora done (3 sets at level 2, still not up to Jumping Jacks or Hop Heels, replaced them with Step Jacks),
Day 10 of Power Punch done (With Housemate).

Gotta wait in today for a new phone to be delivered. No idea how long the old one hasn't been working, it's so rare that I need to use it!
So a day of chores and hobbies ahead, see y'all Thursday.


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Urgh... Had a fraught couple of days.
Turns out the phone wasn't broken, it's the phone line itself that's not working, and because everybody is supposed to have a mobile these days, my phone company expects people to still be able to call them to report a problem. :smash:
Trying to get this sorted out has sent my anxiety soaring, so today's goal is to try to go the whole day without having a bad panic attack or a good cry.

At least I got my exercises done, and they really helped calm me this morning:-

30 Side-to-Side Lunges (EotD) done (In one go),
Power 10 done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 4 of Age of Pandora done (3 sets, still keeping it gentle ankle-wise so no High Knees just March Steps),
Day 11 of Power Punch done (With Housemate).

Giving my phone company a couple more hours to get in touch, then I think I'll have to go out and buy the cheapest mobile phone I can find.
See y'all tomorrow!