Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@TopNotch - ;)
@Nanna Io -:thanks:
@BetaCorvi - Thanks! The colour scheme is a happy accident, purple is one of the few colours I can do a decent job of painting capes in.

Just a little bit of exercising done today, still tired from last night (Managed to get lost taking the Housemate around the neighbourhood to look at the Christmas lights, took a couple hours to find our way back home):-

(Streak Day 18)
20 Sky Diver Push-Ups (EotD) done (Took forever! Had a lot of trouble pushing myself up off the floor),
Day 18 of Step-Up done.
Plus lots of Snowballs dodged.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Didn't get a full set of exercises done today, my Planks were too wobbly and it was pretty much all Planks, did what I could though:-

(Day 19)
40 Single Leg Bridges (EotD) done (In one go, 20 each leg),
Hello, Abs! (WotD) done (2 sets),
Chapter 17 of Age of Pandora done (2 sets at Level 1),
Day 19 of Step-Up done.

That's it for today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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:thanks: @CODawn

Another day done:-

(Day 20)
2 Minutes Leg Swings (EotD) done (In one go),
Iron Claw done (3 sets with Housemate),
Chapter 18 of Age of Pandora done (10 minutes of fighting! I'm beginning to hate this Dicer bloke),
Day 20 of Step-Up done.

Really drizzly today, going to have to find something indoors to do, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @JohnStrong - It was the 30 Day Squat Challenge that helped me get better at them.

Merry Christmas Bees! :celeb:
Doing some Christmas exercising to keep my streak going:-

(Day 22)
Savage done (3 sets with Housemate),
Christmas Rockout (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 22 of Step-Up done.

Hope those of you who celebrate have a good Christmas (And those that don't have a good day too!). Not sure how mine's going, Housemate has been rather manic this morning, hopefully a trip to the park to wish the ducks a Merry Christmas plus a good dinner will calm her down.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Sif_Shepard @JCU @TopNotch

Another week started :yas::-

60 Seconds Plank Hold (EotD) done (In one go),
Eye Of The Tiger (WotD) done (3 sets),
Chapter 19 of Age Of Pandora done (3 sets Went full "Murder Hobo" and karate chopped some people to death, their blood is on your hands Dicer!),
Day 23 of Step-Up done.

Another quiet day today, going to take it easy, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Day 24 done, ankle was acting up, so I couldn't be too energetic:-

40 Knee-to-Elbows (EotD) done (In one go),
Upperbody Builder done (3 sets with Housemate),
Chapter 20 of Age of Pandora done (5 sets, had to do the Jacks as Steps),
Day 24 of Step-Up done.

Going to rest my leg, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Still tired, but not as much as yesterday (Spent most of it in a daze), manged to get up early enough to do a whole set of exercises:-

Day 27
20 Upward Downward Dog (EotD) done (Over 2 sets),
Brute done (3 sets with Housemate),
Chapter 21 of Age of Pandora done (Was good and did the full amount of Front Kicks instead of using my Mountain Man Perk),
Day 27 of Step-Up done.

Now to try and do stuff and not spend the day half asleep :pmode:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Sorceress from Munich, Germany
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"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
Late to the party, but that Knight in the picture looks fantastic! I would never have the steadiness of hand or the patience to do something even close to this. (And I know, I've helped paint some mummies or whatever they were and was very quickly fired). Also, great eye for colour!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @MissSmilla - Yeah, it's a hobby I tried to get into a few times over the years, but it wasn't until I was almost 30 that I'd acquired enough patience to stick with it (And even then I've got a load of half painted stuff where I've been distracted by newer, shinier ones!).

Last little bit of exercising for the year:-

Day 28
Brawler done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 28 of Step-Up done.

Pizza for dinner! I'm gonna be good and have a couple of slices with some salad, see y'all next year!


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Mercenary from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year


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Mage from United Kingdom
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And a Happy New Year to you too! @Fremen @Lady Celerity and all my fellow Bees :party:

Overslept again (Some idiot was still letting off fireworks past 1am), you would think my body would like all this extra sleep but no, I'm all headachey and blargh at the moment.
Still, determined to start the year off right :yas:

Day 29
50 Knee to Elbows (EotD) done (Over two sets with Housemate),
Chapter 22 of Age of Pandora done (3 sets, Housemate did the Punching with me and I enjoyed those weird Double Kicks :kick:. I chose to kill the android.),
Day 29 of Step-Up done,
Day 1 of Upperbody Light Challenge done (With Housemate),
Day 1 of Xpress Tone done (Did 20 Bicep Curls and Tricep Extentions, with Housemate).

Going to have a walk around the park later, check up on the ducks, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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And a Happy New Year to you too! @motionaction @lofivelcro

Urgh... Brain, if you don't like me sleeping past 10am, why don't you wake me up earlier?
Headachey and rather dizzy today, so just a light bit of exercising:-

Day 30 (I've levelled up! I'm now a rank D exerciser! :chicken:)
Day 30 of Step-Up done (Another Challenge completed! Didn't enjoy this one too much, I must admit some days I didn't do all the Lunge bits, they can be rough on my ankle, and just did Step Ups),
Day 2 of Upperbody Light done (With Housemate),
Day 2 of Xpress Tone done (With Housemate, I keep forgetting Dumbbell exercises aren't just for arms, so I made some up for my Housemate to do).

Taking all the Christmas decorations down today, I'm not big on Christmas but I always miss it when it's over, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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:thanks: - @mavie @Lady Celerity @CODawn @lofivelcro @Mianevem @Lallafa @JCU @Fremen @TopNotch

Just the basics to maintain my streak today, spent all morning taking apart my bed and assembling a new one and I'm really feeling it in my back and legs!

Day 31:-
Day 3 of Upperbody Challenge done (With Housemate),
Day 3 of Xpress Tone done (With Housemate).

And that's it for today, going to lay down my Allen Key and rest :zzz:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Still feeling yesterdays DIY endeavours, luckily it's a light day.

Day 32:-
60 Toe Taps (EotD) done (Over two sets),
Day 4 of Upperbody Light done,
Day 4 of Xpress Tone done.

Now Christmas is over, it's back to trying to eat home-cooked meals as often as possible, today's dinner is Chicken and Mushroom Stew.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Another day done, pushed myself a bit!

Day 34:-
2 Minute Raised Leg Swings (EotD) done (A minute a leg),
Blacksmith (WotD) attempted (Just 1 set to see if I could manage a level 4 workout, didn't do too bad. Did Inclines for the Push-Ups but couldn't manage the V-Ups properly, I think I need to achieve a Sit-Up first!),
Chapter 24 of Age of Pandora done (At level 1 with Incline Push-Ups. Despite my misgivings I let both Morse and Dicer stay with me.),
Day 6 of Upperbody Light done,
Day 6 of Xpress Tone done.

Have to walk in to town today, hopefully the weather stays nice-ish! See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
A light day today.

Day 35:-
20 Hop Heel Clicks (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 7 of Upperbody Light done (With Housemate),
Day 7 Xpress Tone done (With Housemate).

I think doing both these arm workouts is too much for them, couldn't get past two sets today before they got extra achey, I'll see how next week goes but I may need to swap one out.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Arms are okay but there were too many leg exercises today, I can't win! :giveup:

Day 36:-
60 Side Leg Raises (EotD) done (Over 2 sets),
Chapter 25 of Age of Pandora done (3 sets),
Day 8 of Upperbody Light done,
Day 8 of Xpress Tone done.

Trying to make a Fish Pie for dinner, it's my second attempt to get us to eat fish that isn't fried (My first was a Fish Chowder, which was a spectacular failure, and it's taken a couple of months to convince my Housemate to try again).
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Not feeling it today, hoped exercising would take my mind off things but it didn't help much.

Day 37:-
3 Minutes Punching (EotD) done (In one go),
Chapter 26 of Age of Pandora done (At level 2),
Day 9 of Upperbody Light done,
Day 9 of Xpress Tone done.

Going to try and find little jobs to do today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Thank you @JCU - Feeling better today.

Overslept, so decided to make today a light day instead of tomorrow.

Day 38:-
50 Climber Taps (EotD) done (Over 2 sets),
Day 10 of Upperbody Light done (Starting to question the 'Light' part of the title, these are getting hard!),
Day 10 of Xpress Tone done (Only 3 of 5 sets).

I forgot to say how my Fish Pie turned out, total disaster!
Gotta walk a big parcel up to the Post Office today, so I hope it stops raining eventually, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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I remember thinking the same when I did that challenge. :LOL:

Good to know I'm not imagining things!

Poor arms have had it today, couldn't quite finish everything, but I did what I could.

Day 39:-
60 Seconds Side Plank Hold (EotD) done (30 seconds a side),
Chapter 27 of Age Of Pandora done (Sorta cheated at this one, did it at level 3 but halved the number of nests, still couldn't quite get them all though),
Day 11 of Upperbody Light done (Struggled through the final set. The Arm Circle days are hard enough but these Shoulder Tap/Bicep Extension days really get my muscles!),
Day 11 of Xpress Tone done (Just about managed 3 sets, could barely lift my weights by the end).

And now it's rest time :bored:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Thanks! @motionaction

Was out most of yesterday, remembered to do a little bit just before bed to maintain my precious streak!

Day 40:-
Day 12 of Upperbody Light done,
Day 12 of Xpress Tone done (Just the 1 set).

Day 41:-
40 Side to Side Jumps (EotD) done (Over 2 sets),
Chapter 28 of Age of Pandora done (At level 2, had to do regular Knee-to-Elbows though, my balance wasn't up to doing it on one leg!),
Day 13 of Upperbody Light attempted (Did 1 set, on the second I realised I wouldn't manage both it and Xpress Tone, and I'm enjoying that one more, so I'm throwing in the towel! This challenge will go unfinished :sad: ),
Day 13 of Xpress Tone done (With Housemate).

Starting a new challenge tomorrow, see y'all then!