From here onwards…


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from germany
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Posts: 658
Thanks a lot @Sif_Shepard, @JCU, @Anek, @SlothEnergy, @Lady Celerity, @TopNotch, @NancyTree, @Fremen, @DorothyMH :tu:

:v: step up challenge - Day 25
:v: Fit december - Day 25
:v: Breath YWA December Playlist - Day 23 Yoga to feel your best

I tried the workout of the day because the title looks so pretty but my left thigh is still a bit off and i gave up after one set. Anyway, it's a only a little bit of workout but i keep going despite being at my parents house and all the christmas craziness. I guess i stay a bit lazy till the end of the year. Maybe i try to catch up with the yoga playlist. I'm not sure but i guess i am 2-4 days behind. Let's see. I do think about a plan for the new year though.
I hope you all have a good time.



Well-known member
from germany
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Posts: 658
:v: step up challenge - Day 29 + 30 :completed:
:v: Fit december - Day 31 - Hall Pass 10 :completed:
:v: Breath YWA December Playlist - Day 32 Self Love Yoga

So i finished the december challenge and program. I kinda hated the step-ups but i'm glad i finished it. My main problem on this one is balance and i had some trouble with my thigh on a couple of days. For Fit December i used all Hall Passes this time. December was a bit of a lazy month as i am just waiting for this year to be over. I basically postponed a lot of stuff to 2023 and i intend to finally reach the goals i carry from one year to the next without success. So it's still being able to do proper push-ups, run 5K and lose the overweight kilos.
My plan is not completely finished yet and first of all there's a silvester party tonight!

Dear bees, i wish you all a great New Year's Eve and a great start into 2023!


Well-known member
from germany
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 658
Thanks a lot bees and Happy New Year to all of you as well!

So, new year, new workouts, new routines for the old goals!

:v: Daily Push-up Challenge - Day 1
:v: Baseline Program - Day 1, Level 3
:v: Power Hiit Program 2,5kg - Day 1, Level 3
:v: EOTD 50 knee-to-elbow
:v: Awake heart yoga challenge - Day 1 Pure Bliss shoulder opening

I'm still doing incline push-ups at the kitchen counter. Baseline was the program i did last year but could not finish, so i give it another try. I like both the new programs and decided for Power Hiit. Day 1 was already great fun and i guess it's just perfect for me right now. For yoga i decided to follow the january challenge of yoginimelbourne. Maybe i do Adriene's january playlist in february.
For change of routine i plan to start the day with a bit of exercise. Usually i prefer to train in the afternoon/evening as i am not a morning person. For now i want to do at least the push-up challenge in the morning. If i have enough time (aka manage to get up early enough) i'd like to do Baseline too. The long term goal is to train twice per day and to prepare for morning runs.
From today on i am counting calories again, in order to lose the overweight kilos. I start with a little deficit only in order to get into the habit again.

Let's see what 2023 is going to be.



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from germany
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Posts: 658


Well-known member
from germany
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 658


Well-known member
from germany
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 658
:v: Daily Push-up Challenge - Day 8
:v: Baseline Program - Day 8, Level 3
:v: Power Hiit Program 2,5kg - Day 8, Level 3
:v: Awake heart yoga challenge - Day 7 hips and spine yin
:v: 7 km walk

The past weeks i was lazy in terms of walking, so i decided to monitor my step count more closely again. The goal is to reach a minimum of 70.000 steps per week and by the end of the year have an average of > 100.000 steps per week. Todays walk was necessary to reach that one and i was lucky because the weather forecast predicted rain all day long but it didn't rain at all. This week i close with > 73.000 steps. :v:

I failed miserably at maintaining a calorie deficit but i did track everything i ate and that was the main goal to start with. Half-success on this one. The way to go for me is anyway to burn more calories rather than to eat less. I mean, i need to work on both things but that is the order that works best for me.
Altogether it was a good start into the new year.



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from germany
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Well-known member
from germany
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Posts: 658
:v: Daily Push-up Challenge - Day 19
:v: Baseline Program - Day 17, Level 3
:v: Power Hiit Program 2,5kg - Day 13, Level 3

…and a 6 km walk. I had 74.000 steps the week before this one and i guess araound 70.000 this week but i cannot tell exactly because i forgot to wear my watch yesterday. Anyway, i slept almost 12h last night, it was probably necessary. The days on location are long and take a toll but they are also the best part of the job. It's great to be back. The weekend was quiet and relaxed and i hope to be back to my full routines by tomorrow.



Well-known member
from germany
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 658
:v: Daily Push-up Challenge - Day 24
:v: Baseline Program - Day 22, Level 2
:v: Power Hiit Program 2,5kg - Day 18, Level 3

I forgot to mention the push-up challenge yesterday but i've done day 23 twice anyway.
There was a lot of walking today (>13K steps) due to doing groceries and buying kneepads for volleyball. Arms and knees are blue and green today, everything hurts but i'm still happy i joined and i'm already looking forward to next friday.
