From here onwards…


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from germany
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Thanks @Anek, @JCU

So, i am officially recovered and will go back to rehab on Thursday. The past two days i walked a lot across town due to several appointments but did not do much else. The doctor and friends keep telling me i need to slow down and be patient etc.. All things i am not keen to hear but unfortunately i am not different to everybody else and it will probably take some more time to fully recover. Meh… But there's time for that now, so let's see.


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Congratulations, that's awesome news. I hope the rest of the process is successful 🙏


Well-known member
from germany
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:hi:Hi bees, i am back from rehab. Thanks for the continued support.

I am very happy to be at home again.
It ended how it started. First thing i got there was the corona virus, last thing i took from there was some other virus. So, first night at home i went to bed very early with fever but it was gone the next morning. Besides that annoyance i enjoy being back a lot.
The rehab went okay though. It was very movement oriented and i spent a quite active time there and was able to more or less fit the program to my needs. The aftermath from covid are still noticeable, plus i wasn't fit before, but in contrast to everybody around here the clinic's concept is to make you move as much as possible. It's certainly rehab sports and most patients were there for orthopedic reasons but i got to sweat a lot. When i asked the doctor there about the mismatch to what the doctor at home told me she simply answered: We have a different approach here. I found that very satisfying and the main learning for me was that i can listen to my body (more than to the opinions of others) and do a lot more than i thought i could or should do.
The clinic itself is a monstrosity in all shades of beige and while the therapists and staff are all kind and commited they are all overburdened too and there's quite a bit of chaos and mistakes. Anyway it was helpful to have the pause and i liked the concept and hiking in the surrounding nature but i am very keen to get back to some kind of normal now - if something like that still exists.

I feel better now but kept things easy over the weekend and used that to recover. Tomorrow i am back at the office and there's a lot i need to catch up with. I do think about how to continue with darebee workouts, programs, challenges but do not have a plan yet. I guess i need a few days to get everything sorted here.

:v: walk in the park - 9 km
:v: super abs
:v: Yoga for headaches

yesterday i did Yoga for when you are sick.

I hope you had all a good time. It's a bit sad that i missed the first event on the new hive but i guess there's more to come.

Here are some impressions from the past weeks:





Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Welcome home, mavie!

Gorgeous photos! I'm glad you had such beautiful nature around you to give you a break from all the beige.

The rehab went okay though. It was very movement oriented and i spent a quite active time there and was able to more or less fit the program to my needs. The aftermath from covid are still noticeable, plus i wasn't fit before, but in contrast to everybody around here the clinic's concept is to make you move as much as possible. It's certainly rehab sports and most patients were there for orthopedic reasons but i got to sweat a lot. When i asked the doctor there about the mismatch to what the doctor at home told me she simply answered: We have a different approach here.

Many years ago now I had a case of plantar fasciitis that was so bad I could not walk. I had been participating in a 24-hour relay where there was a beer tent on site. During the day, everything was fine. But at night some of my teammates liked to stop in at the beer tent in the middle of their laps. I was running after someone who I knew I could count on to complete a lap in 18-20 minutes during the day. But at night she would take over an hour to "run" the same distance. And it was cold out. I ended up being stuck in the exchange zone multiple times, waiting and waiting and waiting and not being able to warm up properly because I never knew when my teammate would arrive to hand off to me. Plus I did a lot more mileage that night than I was used to. It was not a good combination, and by morning I could no longer walk. A housemate came out to the event site and drove me home, and I slept for the rest of the day.

The next day I still could not walk. So I squeezed my feet into the softest, most easy to take on and off pair of shoes I owned (penny loafers), and I hobbled to a walk in medical clinic which was across the road from where I lived. (Technically across two roads. I lived in a corner house, and the clinic was on the opposite corner.) After giving my information at the clinic I was sent into an examination room, where I waited.

Eventually a doctor opened the door to the exam room. He stood in the doorway and said, "I can tell that your foot isn't broken because you are wearing nice shoes. Take a pain killer and don't run anymore." Then he left. I am not exaggerating here. He didn't touch me, or even ask me to take off my shoe. He did not even step into the room!

The next day, a teammate from the relay team (the same person whose lap times varied between 18 and 120 minutes, depending on how many beers she stopped to drink en route) told me about a sports injury clinic that was across town. I was able to get an appointment there within a couple of weeks, at which point I still could not walk, but I was able to cycle to the clinic by using only my uninjured foot. The doctor at the sports injury clinic actually examined my foot. She had me "walk" (i.e.: hobble) up and down the hallway so she could examine my gait (such as it was at that point), she gave me an actual diagnosis for what was wrong with my foot (plantar fasciitis), and explained to me what that was, and gave me a printout of a whole page of exercises to do to rehab the injury, and explained the exercises to me and how often to do them, etc. TOTALLY different experiences from two different general practitioners in the very same town.

We have so many health problems in our society that result directly from sedentary lifestyles! That there are still many medical professional who seem to think "if moving hurts, stop moving" is an acceptable prescription baffles me. I'm glad you were able to get into a rehab program that helped you and actually encouraged you to move!


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from germany
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Posts: 658
:tu: Thanks a lot bees. It feels still awesome to be back. :excited:

First day at the office went well. I kept it short and went to the barber in order to give my wild growing hair some decent shape again as i am no longer in the woods where i didn't care. The enthusiasm those guys show with their razors and knifes is amazing and i love how they care about every millimeter of the short hair. Maybe i need to keep my hair short enough so i can go to them instead of a regular hair dresser, which was usually a frustrating experience for a lot more money. Good start into the week. :)

:v: cardio party
:v: EOTD - 80 climbers
:v: hammer - 5 kg dumbbells
:v: Yoga YWA - Feel good flow - upper body



Well-known member
Sorceress from Germany
Posts: 315
"Building good habits"
Welcome back @mavie! I'm glad you got a chance to have a break, even if not everything was smooth and you got sick. I hope you settle in well at home again.

Here are some impressions from the past weeks:
I feel soothed just looking at these photos, really. A good reminder to get outside more often, I'm sure I have beautiful spaces around me too.


Well-known member
from germany
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Posts: 658
Thank you @Nanna Io. I think there are more YWA fans around here.

:v: first thing push-ups - Day 1
:v: EOTD 80 seal jacks - 40-40

That's it for today, maybe i squeeze in some bedtime yoga later.
I'm pretty exhausted again. But i reached another milestone in my recovery.
As of today the remaining medication i still had to take was set to zero. Finally. First thing i'll do tomorrow is to buy grapefruits. I had to quit those because they interfere with most of the meds, they are almost as bad as alcohol when it comes to messing with medication and i love grapefruits and ate quite a lot of them. That's going to be a feast. And i expect improvement body and energy-wise over the next weeks. Hopefully.



Well-known member
Sorceress from Germany
Posts: 315
"Building good habits"
Moving Music Video GIF by The Happy Fits

I love grapefruit too, especially the pink ones.


Well-known member
from germany
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Posts: 658
Hello bees :hi:
I'm back from a long weekend away and once more try to get into my routines. While away i only kept doing the challenge but nothing else.
:v: first thing push-ups - Day 9-11

Today i started over with this:
:x: first thing push-ups - Day 12 not yet, no time in the morning
:v: zero hero - Day 4+5, Level 3
:v: EOTD 20 jump squats
:v: deep calm evening yoga - yoginimelbourne

I hope you are all doing fine.


Well-known member
from germany
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Posts: 658
Today i did something very unusual. I trained in the morning. It's normal for me to do my workouts close to midnight but almost never in the morning. The first things push-ups challenge changed this a little because i really do them first. Today i decided to join the turkey run although it's not an official event this year but @Shikari called it and i thought "Why not?". In order to achieve a little i had to split it, hence the early start. Besides the weather was so ugly this morning i simply didn't want to leave the house.

:v: first thing push-ups - Day 13
:v: quick warmup
:v: Turkey run - The Yard
:v: EOTD 100 side shoulder taps
:v: zero hero - Day 8, Level 3
:v: 8 min morning yoga - yoginimelbourne

:v: Turkey run - The Boss
:v: zero hero - Day 9, Level 3
:v: Turkey run - The Barn



Well-known member
from germany
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Posts: 658
Thank you @NancyTree

I'm a bit off at the moment due to some meds i need to take for a week. So…

:v: wake up yoga - YWA

:v: first thing push-ups - Day 14
:v: walk in the park - 5 km
:v: EOTD 60 sec pacer steps
:v: zero hero - Day 10, Level 3
:v: zero hero - Day 11, Level 1, 3 sets

I can't remember if i did the push-ups yesterday morning or not, if so i did day 14 twice. Anyway…another round of patience.
Come On Reaction GIF


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from germany
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Posts: 658