How long will I keep it up ?


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Rogue Posts: 317
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
charlie brown GIF by Peanuts

good luck!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @JCU @Mianevem @aku-chan @TopNotch @Fremen @Sevalys @Montserrat @lpf @PetiteSheWolf @Anek @Lady Celerity @CODawn :thanku: you guys are so nice !!!

I had forgotten how stressful playing for an audience could be... I did my best but my hands were shaky and full of sweat and my heart was racing harder than during the hiit session of the morning. Of course I didn't play as well as I wished but people told me it was nice so I try to focus on that part 😊

Today's back and arms challenge done, also done D2 of 30 days of hiit program (ouch my elbows with the elbow planks...) and D5 of unbound.

Have a nice day/night bees !


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Warrior from France
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Today I did D3 of arms and back challenge and D3 of 30 days of hiit. Then I did D6 of unbound.
I ran 5km with zombie chases on (and I chose a flat route this time : no getting chased uphill again!) and only had one zombie to escape this time!
Guess what : my timing is better when there are no steep hills to run... So today was my first 5km just under 30min (like 29'49") in a very long time 😊 I'm not back to my old pace yet but I'm pretty happy with my time today :wiggle:


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Warrior from France
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Thank you! @TopNotch @Mianevem @JCU @Anek @Fremen @Montserrat :love:
Today was D4 of arms and back challenge and of 30 days of HIIT. Which means I did 149 burpees :tired: that's a lot of burpees and I was not feeling well at the end of the 5 sets...
I also ran 5km today, a little slower than yesterday on the flat route. I was really hungry for the whole last km and it was hard to keep on... It's strange, I'm not usually hungry while exercising?
Also did D7 of unbound, a nice leg stretch after my run 😊
And now I shall empty my garage... I am not motivated... 😥


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
@CODawn :thanks:
Today's program was :
D5 of back and arms challenge : I'm beginning to feel those plank rotations in my back...
D5 of 30 days of hiit which was 3 sets of 15 seconds variations around elbow planks plus 15 seconds of side plank bridges... 5 sets. I am really not good at elbow planks. I think it's easier for me to run for 5 to 10 km than hold 5 times an elbow plank for 45 seconds... :shoked:
Also run 5km on the hilly route and was back to my 6'30 per km pace.
Then it was time for unbound D8 and I really need those hamstring stretches, I could barely touch my toes in forward fall 😬
Then I biked to the little lake near our town with both girls on the bike (it's electrical because I can't manage the hills with the girls on the bike) and they played in the playground while my husband was running around the little lake with a friend. So we all got some fresh air and a workout this morning 😊
Edit : I received a encouragement note from Sam in ZR for reaching 500 miles since I started the game in 2019... Saying I could run 500 more... And now I have the song stuck in my head and it is hell :smash:
See you later bees!
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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Didn't post yesterday. My crazy march month is getting the better of me.
I did manage to do D7 of back and arms and of 30 days of hiit, D10 of unbound and run 8km at a really good pace considering I ran the very hilly route.
I don't know what I will manage until the moving though...


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Today was D9 of back and arms and 30 days of hiit, and D12 of unbound. I really felt my back during those stretches ; I think I pushed to hard on my run tuesday...
Another tired day but I think I managed not to forget too many things :eyes:
Have a nice day or a nice night bees!
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Warrior from France
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I almost didn't do my workouts today... I didn't run because I had no time earlier today and tonight is roleplaying night for my husband so he's not home and I'm stuck with daughters. When they were both in bed I thought I'd be too lazy to start anything so late but then I went to read the check-ins and thought "ok, I can't run but I can still do the others"
So I did D10 of 30 days of hiit and of back and arms challenge and D13 of unbound.
Better than none and quite happy to have showed up for myself :massage:


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Warrior from France
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I didn't post yesterday due to participating to carnival with the parent's association for the school (it was tiring but the children had a really good time).
I did D11 of back and arms challenge and of 30 days of hiit. Ran 5km in the morning but I didn't do unbound as planned at the end of the day...

Today did D12 of back and arms challenge, ran 6,09km in 32'40" (PR since I started running again this year)
I didn't do D14 of unbound but I will before going to bed 😊


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
@TopNotch and @Fremen :thanks:

Today I ran 5km on the hilly route, then did D13 of back and arm, and of 30 days of hiit. I then did D13 and D14 of unbound as I failed to do it last night.

I felt anxious and nervous before running and it went away while I ran with the scents of grass and trees... A good thing it was sunny today because I only kept one running pants and T-shirt and I washed it yesterday, and of course it was still wet...
Well it's not anymore.
Anxiety is creeping back though now my HR is going back to normal... I guess it'll be like that for the next 2 weeks until the moving and all the association things are done... Good thing if I have to focus on that : being anxious helps me run faster... I must have a rabbit ancestor... 😂


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Warrior from France
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Thank you @JCU and @PetiteSheWolf :heart:

Today was a 5km morning run which was to be at a slow pace. But I had limited time to do it because my husband had his train to catch (and no other to replace because of the strikes). When ZR announced that I had run my first km in 7' even though I thought I was running quite fast, I picked up the pace. Turns out there's been a problem with my app because when I ended the run it considered I had only run 4,5km (and I know I ran 5 because it's my usual route) and also that I ran 2km in 4'34" and 4'49" 😳😳😳 which I never ever did so must be a mistake from app.
Anyway, I was home (and very tired) 4 minutes before my husband had to go so job's done.
I also did D14 of back and arms and of 30 days of hiit (up and down planks... I'm really bad at those and suffered a lot through this one) and D16 of unbound.
Between the forced-pace run and the up and down planks I am now really tired ! :night:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Yesterday was a pretty full day, I still managed to run 9km but didn't do my programs or challenge.
So I doubled it all today as it is a rest day from running : D15 and D16 of back and arms challenge and of 30 days of hiit, and D17 and D18 of unbound.
I know this is not how I should use the challenges and programs but it's just hard for me some days to find some alone-enough time to workout...
No big streaks for me !


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Today I ran 5km and escaped 1 zombie (I think I have to up the number of chases but after the first time withe 6 chases in 30 minutes I am afraid of what the app has in store for me...)
I also did D18 of back and arms challenge and of 30 days of hiit (high knees...:tired:) and D20 of unbound.
I emptied the girls rooms but for a bag with clothes for the week, bedsheets and their favourite books. They also still have their beds and "doudous".
The bathroom is also empty, I left what I would have taken in a suitcase for a vacation and a towel for each of us. My husband also emptied his desk and only left what he needed to work this week. I will continue emptying the house tomorrow 😅


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
I'm very happy tonight! I ran 6km this morning and did D19 of back and arms challenge and of 30 days of hiit, and D21 of unbound.
I also prepared everything item-wise for the egg hunt next saturday with another mum and managed to keep it as waste-free as possible :dance:
And I finished organizing our camp-mode week in the house with the help of my parents who took care of daughters : our room is done, the kitchen is empty but for what we need to cook this week, and the living room and the garage also. Everything else is packed and waiting for us in the basement of the new house. It seems like I will be able to attend to the egg hunt and my daughter's show after all!:move:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Aaaaand my happy bubble burst. Long post here, venting a lot, feel free to skip 😉
Today we got on the phone with the architect from our house that couldn't get in touch with the plumber who didn't come last week and this week, telling us we should maybe think of a plan B for housing because we have 3 major leeks that need tending to. Of course we discovered that after all the walls and paint was re-done and had to cut the water for the whole house.
I went on a crazy hunt for another plumber and the architect told me to calm down, that the current plumber still had till the end of the week to work things out and that we had signed a contract with him and couldn't get out of it that easily. We still asked another plumber to come and look at what needed to be fixed in case the first one was a no-show this week. And I spent 3 hours waiting for the guy to install the internet fiber (who never came) in the empty house with my 2 y.o.
I was an emotional mess and of course I binged food. In the end the architect had the plumber on the phone and he will come tomorrow evening.
So I went crazy over nothing (which is better than the alternative). And now at least I know my sister will house us if the plumber needs more time fixing everything.

I really wasn't feeling like exercising today but I still went because I knew it would help calm me down and also because the self-hate for the binging would be worse if I didn't go... So I ran 6km and escaped 4 zombies (I hadn't changed the settings because I wasn't in the mood and thought that 1 chase was plenty today... I think this app has a weird sense of humour... 😅), did D20 of back and arms challenge and of 30 days of hiit and D22 of unbound. My ankles and knees were not happy with my choices though, and it was really tough this time...