@roman @JCU @daejamurrachan @HellYeah @TopNotch @Fremen @PetiteSheWolf @BetaCorvi @aku-chan @Anek
Today is triple badge day
Back and arms challenge D29 and D30
30 days of hiit D29 and D30
Unbound D29 and D30
The back and arm challenge was good for me, I now see little muscles peeking from my shoulders (Hi deltoids ! Hi biceps ! Hi triceps ! Long time no see
) plus it didn't take too much time to complete so for my crazy march month it was perfect. A little easy in the beginning but just hard enough in the end. Noice.
The 30 days of hiit program was nice too, effective in getting my HR up in a short time. It also made me discover through a few ab-days that I really needed to work on that (well, two pregnancies certainly didn't help...). So a good program if you want a quick d effective workout.
On the downside : all those high knees !!! Urgh ! I would have been okay with a few lunges more instead in the mix, just to change things up...
Unbound... I really liked unbound. So much so I think I'll do a second round this month. I couldn't reach my toes in the beginning of the month and now I can bend my fingers on the floor. I'm not flat-palm yet but considering my back problems last year that's huge !!! I'm so happy !
On the running side, things are progressing smoothly. Overall, I feel a lot less tired than I used to although I do a lot more and I sleep less which means my rest is better. I certainly didn't think I'd be in this kind of shape after moving houses ! Thanks darebee and thanks to all of you bees ! ❤
I don't know how long I will continue to keep it up but the longer the better it seems