Montserrat's Musings


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 860
Thanks everyone!

@Lady Celerity I wouldn't say I gained any real 'results' from it, but I do think it is a good habit to get into. I am very often (too often) concentrated on either a book or a computer screen. Also, I can tell my eyes are getting worse, I have now been wearing glasses since a year or two. I'm a bit worried about my eyesight in general so it made a lot of sense to me to force myself to redirect my focus every once in a while.

The last few days of this week, my back has been bothering me again, so I am a bit extra careful. The most likely cause is that I bought a new pair of shoes with slightly higher heels (though not all that high) than my previous pair, having its effect on the way that I stand and walk. But it could also be a reaction to stress. Funny how that always gets to my shoulders and back. I hope I can stop it from getting worse.

Have a good week!


Day 85: 8-4-2024

Day 86: 9-4-2024

Day 87: 10-4-2024

Day 88: 11-4-2024

Day 89: 12-4-2024

Day 90: 13-4-2024

Day 91: 14-4-2024


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 860
I think I have managed to not aggravate my back pain any further. It's still there, but not so bad now.

All the hamstring stretching seems to be useful too!

See ya!


Day 92: 15-4-2024

Day 93: 16-4-2024
  • EotD: 20 Shoulder Taps (from the FitTap)

Day 94: 17-4-2024

Day 95: 18-4-2024

Day 96: 19-4-2024

Day 97: 20-4-2024

Day 98: 21-4-2024


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 860
100 day streak! For me, the hack is to ensure I make time to exercise first thing in the morning.
I didn't do enough running though...

Have a good week everyone!


Day 99: 22-4-2024

Day 100: 23-4-2024

Day 101: 24-4-2024

Day 102: 25-4-2024

Day 103: 26-4-2024

Day 104: 27-4-2024 👑👑👑 King's Day 👑👑👑

Day 105: 28-4-2024


Well-known member
Rogue from The Netherlands
Posts: 860
Thanks for the support dear Bees, it's very encouraging!

This week I completed Upper Body Blast Challenge. Something to celebrate every week! (It's a good, motivating strategy, I think...)

Have a good week all!


Day 106: 29-4-2024

Day 107: 30-4-2024

Day 108: 1-5-2024

Day 109: 2-5-2024

Day 110: 3-5-2024

Day 111: 4-5-2024

Day 112: 5-5-2024