

Well-known member
Posts: 1,364
[Thu] October 6th
[pain day]
[steps in total] ~8k
(A)~49% (S)poorly (N)not much (W)+-0 (B/G) nope

[Fri] October 7th

[rest day]
[bass] lesson 18
[steps in total] ~9k
(A)~66% (S) porly (N)ok (W)-1,1 (B/G)done

[Sat] October 8th

[lazy day] at my parents in law
[swimming] for around 20 min…
It felt good for my back… well, doing nothing is not possible for me, I think…
[steps in total] ~8k
(A)~80% (S)ok (N)ok (W)??? (B/G)no

As always, thx for your incredible support!!!

I Love You Reaction GIF by Demic


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Posts: 1,364
October 9th – 16th summary
[health] The MRT showed no „hardware“ issues, the spine is almost fine. Some long lasting, minor issues, I already knew of. I have another appointment at the ortho-doc, tomorrow, to talk about the further treatment.
[work] I was at a 4 day conference/training out of town. There was a lot of work, food and coffee involved. Even a bit of wine and a „WhiskySour“ to celebrate the 3:0 victory of ☠️FC St.Pauli ☠️ over the 🔷Hamburger Sportverein🔷
[nutrition] A few days at my mother in law and at the conference lead to a weight gain of almost 4kg. Going for a low intake week… as my activity is reduced due to my back issues, that will be ok.
[bass] done regularly
I went out for a 20min run (~3km) and did regular stretching… and a few walks
[steps in total] An average of 13k steps.
[Daily Awareness 09.10.2022]
[Activity] ~96% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 171/273 (+2)
[Nutrition] 210/273 (+5)
[Weight] 93,6kg (avg.: 91,9kg)
[Bass/Guitar] 208/273 (+5)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] -33
[Daily Awareness 16.10.2022]
[Activity] ~85% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 175/280 (+4)
[Nutrition] 214/280 (+4)
[Weight] 93,9kg (avg.: 93,1kg)
[Bass/Guitar] 212/280 (+4)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] -29
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Posts: 1,364
October 17th – 23rd summary
[health] Treatment started with an osteopathic appointment on [Fri]. The doc found almost every weak spot and gave me some exercises as homework. He also „cracked“ a few spot into the right place…
I definitely felt better afterwards
[work] Work load was heavy, cause two of the three colleagues, I share my class with, were sick and the third one had to take care of her own class, so I had to do all the lessons this week on my own. It worked well, but was exhausting as hell.
[bass] done regularly
--- [Wed]
--- Bouldering
--- [Sat]
--- running/strength
--- 2km -- 3*5 pullups -- 1,5km -- 4*4 pullups --- 2km
--- [Sun] 2,5km kickscooter
--- hanging a few sets of 30s each on the big bar
--- 10min of cross punches (1kg DBs every other minute)*
[PT exercises] daily
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
--- hip/knee rotation (4sets of 30reps each direction)
--- *spine rotation
[steps in total] an average of almost 14k steps.
[Daily Awareness 23.10.2022]
[Activity] ~96% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 176/287 (+1)
[Nutrition] 219/287 (+5)
[Weight] 91,5kg (avg.: 92kg)
I shredded 2,1kg this week, now back to a
moderate caloric deficit.
[Bass/Guitar] 219/287 (+7)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] -22


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Posts: 1,364
[Tue] October 25th
[bouldering] solid session
3 set finisher:
Pull (5 pullups) - Push (4-8 reps :Bench 50kg/push-ups)
+ abs’n’core*
[PT exercises]
--- *spine rotation
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
[steps in total] 16k
[bass] lesson 22
(A)~110% (S)good (N)good (W)-0,9 (B/G)done


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Posts: 1,364
[Thu] October 27th
[running] 6km in total
4km moderate
1km faster
1km cooldown pace
[PT exercises]
--- spine rotation (running)
--- hip/knee rotation (4sets of 30reps each direction)
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
[steps in total] ~17k
[bass] lesson 22
(A)~135% (S)ok (N)good (W)+0,3 (B/G) done


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Posts: 1,364
[Fri] October 28th
[health] osteopathic appointment
[PT exercises]
--- spine rotation (Haunted Hive: 300punches)
--- hip/knee rotation (4sets of 30reps each direction)
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
[bass] lesson 18
[steps in total] ~15k
(A)~100% (S)ok (N)halloween treats (W)-0,3 (B/G)done


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Posts: 1,364
[Sat] October 29th
[rest day] we have friends visiting for Halloween, so today I didn’t find the time to do anything extra. I had to do some arm streches, cause my left wrist was aching, without a cause, maybe I slept on it… don’t know…
[steps in total] ~9k
(A)~??% (S)ok (N)ok (W)+1,1 (B/G)a bit
* I did not wear my watch.

[Sun] October 30th

Level 2 aka 5 sets
10 pushups in between 2min rest

{challenge} first thing push-ups D6
-I started this challenge a few days ago, but I wanted to be sure if I can fit it in, before I really track it.
[bass] lesson 22
I really have to work on those 16th figures/patterns,
some rhythms are very hard to process for my brain.
[steps in total] ~11k
(A)~60% (S)ok (N)ok (W)-0,5 (B/G)done
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Posts: 1,364
[Milestone Progress 30.10.22]
[Cardio Time] ~1:20
✔️✔️✔️✔️ 1h
❌❌❌❌2h of cardio
bike 2:04h / hike / walk / run
[Running] 5,5km ✔️
✔️✔️✔️✔️one run per week
✔️❌❌✔️ 3km without rest
❌❌✔️✔️ running 5+ km per week
[Bicycle Ride] on hold
⭕⭕⭕⭕commute: 1 time (24km)
⭕⭕⭕⭕ commute: 2 times (44km)
[Yoga] once a week
[Stretching] daily
[Strength] once a week each
Lower (❌❌❌❌)
Upper (❌❌✔️❌)
Bouldering (✔️❌✔️✔️)
[Weight] 91,8 kg (91,4 avg)
Averages of the last 4 weeks:
(91,5) (91,5) (93,1) (92,0) (91,4)
The symbols represent the last four weeks.
✔️good ⭕in progress/not possible ❌not done

[Daily Awareness 30.10.2022]
[Activity] ~87% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 183/294 (+7)
[Nutrition] 226/294 (+7)
[Weight] 91,8kg (avg.: 91,4kg)
Solid maintenance, I even lost a bit on average…
[Bass/Guitar] 226/294 (+7)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] -15


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Posts: 1,364
[Mon] October 31st
[bouldering] solid family session
---My kids and I took our guests (dad/son) to the bouldering gym
(A)~85% (S)ok (N)halloween (W)+0,7 (B/G)nope

[Tue] November 1st

[walking] 4k family walk
[challenges] combined
first thing push-ups D7
power punch D1*
-done with 1kg DBs
-double punches per given rep
[PT exercises]
--- *spine rotation*
--- hip/knee rotation (4sets of 30reps each direction)
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
[steps in total] 12k
[bass] lesson 23
(A)~65% (S)good (N)not good (W)+0,6 (B/G)done


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Posts: 1,364
[Wed] November 2nd
{first thing push-ups} D8
[DIY] Hammer-Time (3h)
I made „space“ to install a doorframe.
Hammer&Chisel vs. Gas Concrete
[PT exercises]
--- spine rotation
--- --- {power punch} D2 (1kg DBDB
--- hip/knee rotation (4sets of 30reps each direction)
--- quad stretch (5min each)
{Meditation} D1
[steps in total] 8k
[bass] lesson 23
(A)~50% (S)reduced (N)ok (W)+0,3 (B/G)done


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Posts: 1,364
[Thu] November 3rd
{challenges} combined
{first thing push-ups} D9
{power punch} D3*
- done with 1kg DBs
- double punches per given rep
[PT exercises]
--- spine rotation (punches)
--- hip/knee rotation (4sets of 30reps each direction)
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
{Meditation} D3
- Backup&Restore WO + 5min
[steps in total] ~5k
[bass] lesson 23
[guitar] main riff
- Hammerfall cover of – Child of the damned
(A)~35% (S)ok (N)not ok (W)-0,6 (B/G)done

[Fri] November 4th

{challenges} combined
{first thing push-ups} D10
{power punch}D4*
--- done with 1kg DBs
{Meditation} D4
[PT exercises]
--- spine rotation (punches)
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
[steps in total] ~5k
[bass] lesson 23
[guitar] main riff
- Hammerfall Cover - Child of the damned
(A)~63% (S)ok (N)ok-ish (W)-0,2 (B/G)done


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Posts: 1,364
[Sat] November 5th
{challenges} combined
{first thing push-ups} D11
{power punch}D5*
- double punches per given rep
[PT exercises]
--- spine rotation (*punches)
--- hip/knee rotation (2sets of 30reps each direction)
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
[steps in total] 13k
[bass] lesson 23
[guitar] main riff
- Hammerfall Cover of Child of the damned
(A)~75% (S)ok (N)ok-ish (W)?? (B/G)done

[Sun] November 6th

{challenges} combined
{first thing push-ups} D12
{power punch*}D6 (1kg BD)
{Meditation} D5+6
[PT exercises]
--- spine rotation (*punches)
--- hip/knee rotation (2 sets of 30reps each direction)
--- quad stretch (at least 1min each a day)
[steps in total] 11k
[bass] lesson 23
[bass] lesson 24
(A)~65% (S)ok (N)ok (W)+0,2 (B/G)done


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Posts: 1,364
[Mon] November 7th
{challenges} combined
:v:{first thing push-ups} D13
:v:{power punch} D7* (1kg DBs/double punches)
:v:{meditation} D7
:v:{dead hang} D1
:v:[activity] 130%
[walking] 5,75 km walk
:v:[steps in total] 18k
[PT exercises]
:v: *spine rotation
:v: hip/knee rotation
:v: quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 24
(S)ok (N)sweets (W)+0,6 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,364
[Mon] November 7th

{challenges} combined
🎯 {first thing push-ups} D13
🎯 {power punch} D7* (1kg DBs/double punches)
🎯 {meditation} D7
🎯 {dead hang} D1
🎯 [activity] 130%
[walking] 5,75km walk
🎯 [steps in total] 18k
[PT exercises]
🎯 *spine rotation
🎯 hip/knee rotation
🎯 quad stretch or rolling
🎯 [bass] lesson 24
(S)Ok (N)Sweets (W)+0,6 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,364
[Mon] November 7th
{challenges} combined 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D13
{power punch} D7* (1kg DBs/double punches)
{meditation} D7
{dead hang} D1
[activity] 130% 🎯
[walking] 5,75km walk
[steps in total] 18k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 24 🎯
(S)Ok (N)Sweets (W)+0,6 (B/G)done

🎯 means: Target hit!


Well-known member
Posts: 1,364
[Wed] November 9th
{challenges} combined 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D15
{power punch} D9* (1kg DBs/double punches)
{dead hang} D3
{meditation} D9
[activity] 84% 🎯
[walking] 4,4km walk
[steps in total] 13k
[PT exercises] (1/3)
*spine rotation
❌ hip/knee rotation
❌ quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 24 🎯
(S)Ok (N)Sweets (W)+0,5 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,364
[Thu] November 10th
{challenges} combined 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D16
{dead hang} D4
{power punch} D10* (1kg DBs)
{meditation} D10
[activity] 86% 🎯
[steps in total] 13k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 24 🎯
(S)Ok (N)ok (W)+0,2 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,364
[Fri] November 11th
{challenges} combined 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D17
{power punch*} D11 (1kg DBs/double punches)
{meditation} D11
{dead hang} D5
[activity] 125% 🎯
[walking] ~5km walk
[steps in total] 18k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 24 🎯
(S)poorly (N)ok (W)-0,5 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,364
[Sat] November 12th
{challenges} 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D18
{power punch} D12 (1kg DB)
{meditation} D12
{dead hang} D6
[activity] 83% 🎯
[steps in total] 14k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] playing a few songs 🎯
(S)good (N)Ok (W)-0,5 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,364
[Sun] November 13th
{challenges} 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D19
{power punch} D13 (1kg DBs/double punches)
{meditation} D13
{dead hang} D7
{back&shoulders} D1
[activity] 65% 🎯
[walking] 2,4km walk

10kg - 1min rest between exercises
modifications ==>
ex. 4 single hand rows
ex. 5&6 no rest between sets
ex. 6 curls to overhead press
[steps in total] 10k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 24 🎯
[guitar] finger exercises 🎯
(S)Ok (N)ok (W)-0,5 (B/G)done