

Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Sun] December 4th
{challenges} 🎯
{de-stress} D2
{daily push-ups} D7
{daily squats} D13
{back&shoulders} D19
{dead hang} D25
{meditation} R2D1
{counting victories} D1
- Despite a busy day, I got all challenges done.
{going to bed in time} D1
--- I need a restart, I granted myself too much sloppyness
[activity] ~200% 🎯
[running] 4,7 km
Zombie’s, Run! 5k: W2D1
achievement (2).jpg
--- I did not extend the run, I did not walk neither. Instead of walking and jogging, it was fast jogging and running. I also had a pacemaker with me, in form of my son on his bike.
[steps in total] 25k
[PT exercises] (1/3)
*spine rotation
❌ hip/knee rotation
❌ quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 27 🎯
(S)poorly (N)ok (W)-0,1 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Mon] December 5th

{challenges} 🎯
{de-stress} D2
{daily push-ups} D8
{daily squats} D14
{back&shoulders} D20
{dead hang} D26

{wellness} (2/3)
{meditation} R2D2
{counting victories} D2
- I finished a small but necessary task at work,
- which I procrastinated for way to long.
{going to bed in time} not today

[activity] ~130% 🎯
[steps in total] 19k

[PT exercises] (2/4)
spine rotation
rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
❌ quad stretch or rolling

[bass] lesson 28 🎯

(S)reduced (N)good (W)-0,1 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Tue] December 6th
{challenges} 🎯
{de-stress} D3
{daily push-ups} D9
{daily squats} D15
{back&shoulders} D21
{dead hang} D27
{wellness} (2/3)
{meditation} R2D3
{counting victories} D23
-I was able to take it slow at the boulder gym due to my shoulder
{going to bed in time} nope
[activity] ~150% 🎯.
A good session, despite my shoulder/neck problems
[steps in total] ~19k
[PT exercises] (2/4)
*spine rotation
rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
stretching or rolling
[bass] lesson 28 – not done
(S)way too short (N)cake (W)+0,4 (B/G)no


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Wed] December 7th
{challenges} Rest day
{wellness} 🎯
{meditation} R2D3
{counting victories} D2
- My kids and I managed to get to
- daycare/school without „trouble“
{going to bed in time} D1
[activity] ~170% 🎯
[running] 5.48km in total
+ 1.5km warm-up
+ Zombie’s, Run! 5k: W2D2
[steps in total] 19k
[PT exercises] (1/4)
❌ rotation
❌ rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
stretching or rolling
[bass] lesson 28 - nope
(S)bad (N)Ok (W)+0,6 (B/G)no


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Fri] December 9th
{challenges} 🎯
{de-stress} D5
{daily push-ups} D11
{daily squats} D17
{back&shoulders} D23
{dead hang} D29
{wellness} 🎯
{meditation} R2D5
{counting victories} D5
- Got my a… out to run, almost immediately after I got home from work.
{going to bed in time} D3
[activity] ~170% 🎯.
[running] 7.1 km in total
Zombie’s, Run! 5k: W2D3 extended
[steps in total] ~18k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
stretching or rolling
[bass] lesson 28 🎯
(S)good (N)ok (W)+0,5 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Sat] December 10th
{challenges} 🎯
{de-stress} D6
{daily push-ups} D12
{daily squats} D18
{back&shoulders} D24
{dead hang} D30
-done – but not in one go, so I have to redo it some time
{wellness} 🎯
{meditation} R2D5&6
{counting victories} D6
-We finally got time to start our christmas decorations
{going to bed in time} D4
[activity] ~100% 🎯.
[steps in total] ~14k
[PT exercises] (3/4) *spine rotation
rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
stretching or rolling
[bass] lesson 28 🎯
(S)good (N)good (W)-0,7 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Sun] December 11th
{challenges} 🎯
{de-stress} D7 **
{daily push-ups} D13
{dead hang} D16
{daily squats} D19
{back&shoulders} D25
{wellness} 🎯
{meditation} R2D7
{counting victories} D7
-I went out for a run „in“ the snow, streets were free, but nonetheless I had to convince myself.
{going to bed in time} nope
[activity] ~100% 🎯.
[running] 6.1 km in total
Zombie’s, Run! 5k: W3D1
-walking and running
[TheWalk] episode 13 is done
[steps in total] ~20k
[PT exercises] (3/4)
spine rotation **
rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
stretching or rolling
[bass] lesson 28 🎯
(S)good (N)good (W)+0,5 (B/G)done
Last edited:


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Mon] December 12th
{challenges} on hold
{wellness} 🎯
{meditation} R2D8
{counting victories} D8
- I took a nap
{going to bed in time} D5
[activity] ~100% 🎯
My left shoulder is still bothering me.
[TheWalk] challenge 5 is done
[steps in total] ~20k
[PT exercises] (2/4)
❌ spine rotation **
rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
stretching or rolling
[bass] lesson 29 🎯
(S)very poorly (N)sweets’n‘cookies (W)-0,1 (B/G)done

[Tue] December 13th
{challenges} on hold for
[ornament] **
8sets of 500punches/5min
1min rest between sets
{wellness} 🎯
{meditation} R2D9
{counting victories} D9
-I did the ornament in one workout
{going to bed in time} D6
[activity] ~190% 🎯.
[TheWalk] episode 14 is done
[steps in total] ~23k
-I quess some punches were counted as steps…
[PT exercises] (3/4)
spine rotation **
rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
stretching or rolling
[bass] lesson 29 🎯
[bass] song practice
(S)poorly (N)ok (W)+0,5 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Wed] December 14th
{challenges} still on hold
{wellness} 🎯
{meditation} R2D10
{counting victories} D10
-Evening run
{going to bed in time} D7
[activity] ~180% 🎯.
Zombie’s, Run! 5k (W3D2): 5.74 km
The streets were a bit icy here and there.
[steps in total] ~22k
[PT exercises] (1/4)
❌spine rotation **
❌rotator cuff/ shoulder
❌ hip/knee rotation
stretching or rolling
[bass] lesson 29 🎯
(S)poorly (N)ok (W)-0,2 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,330
[Thu-Sun] December 15th-18th
Sick days – Togheter with my boys I caught a common cold. We are all coughing and sneezing.
You can imagine how my wife is doing, with 3 sick dudes in the house .
I did my bass work… and went to bed on time, even with resting a lot throughout the day.