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1. You can only pick one ornament.
2. You need to complete all of the reps for the given ornament to claim it.
3. Once you have completed all the reps, post them and the ornament you picked, below in this thread.
4. The reps from all of your challenges and workouts count towards the total.
5. Only reps completed during this event count.
6. You have to complete the required reps for the ornament you have chosen until December 16th, or earlier.

Once you’ve completed the reps and have posted them below, your claim will be registered. It will take ~ 12-24 hrs for your name to appear on the tree. If you don’t see your name on the tree after 24 hrs, tag @neilarey for the fastest fix.

This Year's Ornaments:
pine cone = 2000 punches
snow globe = 600 squats, any type
hot cocoa = 200 push-ups, any type
star = 1000 jacks, any type
stocking = 500 kicks, any type


List of All Participants (view only)

Previous Years

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |

Event Starts: December 10
Event Ends:
December 16
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Well-known member
Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
Pronouns: They/she
Posts: 308
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Oh, I might have a chance at this! Relatively new and every time I manage to catch that there's a new event, it's at the tail end of it. ^_^;;;

Here's aiming for the star since those are my happy things. 50 down so far, 950 to go. Long ways to go, but I'm gonna give it my best shot!


New member
Posts: 1
Subject: Completion of the 1000 Jacks Challenge (Ornaments 2024)

Hi @neilarey,

I would like to report the completion of the 1000 Jacks challenge as part of the Ornaments 2024. I have successfully completed the required 1000 Jacks according to the rules outlined in the thread.

Please verify and award the star for this achievement.

Thank you for creating such a motivating challenge – it was a great way to work on fitness and embrace the holiday spirit! 😊

Best regards,


New member
Posts: 1
View attachment 5390


1. You can only pick one ornament.
2. You need to complete all of the reps for the given ornament to claim it.
3. Once you have completed all the reps, post them and the ornament you picked, below in this thread.
4. The reps from all of your challenges and workouts count towards the total.
5. Only reps completed during this event count.
6. You have to complete the required reps for the ornament you have chosen until December 16th, or earlier.

Once you’ve completed the reps and have posted them below, your claim will be registered. It will take ~ 12-24 hrs for your name to appear on the tree. If you don’t see your name on the tree after 24 hrs, tag @neilarey for the fastest fix.

This Year's Ornaments:
pine cone = 2000 punches
snow globe = 600 squats, any type
hot cocoa = 200 push-ups, any type
star = 1000 jacks, any type
stocking = 500 kicks, any type

View attachment 5342

List of All Participants (view only)

Previous Years

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |

Event Starts: December 10
Event Ends:
December 16
Push-ups hot cocoa, reached 200 reps


Gladiator from Leganés (Madrid)
Posts: 20
"2024 (366 days) + 2025 (30/365 days). One year and 1 month (and rising)."
Hot Cocoa (200 push-ups, any type):

Tuesday 10 Dec.: 15-15-10 = 40
Wednesday 11 Dec.: Chest, Arms & Core (Push-ups: 12 (3 sets)) -4 = 40 > 80
Thursday 12 Dec.: 10-10-10-10 = 40 > 120
Friday 13 Dec.: 10-10-10-10 = 40 > 160
Saturday 14 Dec.: Lone warrior (Push-ups: 5 (3 sets)) -5-10-10 = 40 >... 200 push-ups!!


Gimme, gimme, gimme my sweet hot cocoa!!
Gingerbread Man GIF by Starbucks

S.H. Artistry

Ranger from California
Pronouns: they/she
Posts: 11
I'm shooting for the Pinecone this year, 'cause yay punches. :happy:

Reporting that I'm halfway there...
Mission complete! :yas:

Yesterday = 500 punches
  • 100 jab+cross combos, swapped sides at 50 combos
  • 100 hooks, swapped sides at 50 punches
  • 100 backfists, swapped sides at 50 punches
  • 100 alternating sitting punches
Today = 500 punches
  • 50 alternating plank punches
  • 100 jab+cross combos, swapped sides at 50 combos
  • 100 alternating squat hold punches
  • 100 alternating overheads
  • 50 uppercuts, swapped sides at 25
It was a lot of fun mixing things up here, too~
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