Progress over perfection


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
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Posts: 614
DECEMBER 4: Taekwondo
:v: Taekwondo class
90 Days of Action, day 24 (level 1)
FIT December, day 4
Step-up challenge, day 4
50 Push-ups in one go challenge, day 6
YWA: December calendar
Daily stretching routine

Thank you, @CODawn & @Nanna Io! Luckily, the rest of my weekend was a lot nicer and low-key.

It does mean that my evenings have been a bit busier, and I have needed to rush through my evening routine. Taekwondo training was great. A more difficult training again, but I really enjoyed it. Admittedly, I did get frustrated and annoyed at myself, but pushed through. Though unfortunately at that point my training partner (who, luckily, is a friend, and did seem to understand my frustration - I hope. Got to get back to him and apologize.) got the brunt of that a little bit. Bad habit. Need to work on that.

Current workout streak: 172


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
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Posts: 614
Thank you for the concern/checking in @Froud!

DECEMBER 5: Taekwondo
:v: Momdollyeo/spin hook kick practice
:v: 90 Days of Action, day 25
:v: FIT December, day 5
:v: Step-up challenge, day 5
:v: 50 Push-ups in one go challenge, day 7
:v: YWA: December calendar | Yoga For Lymphatic Flow
:v: Daily stretching routine

DECEMBER 6: Run + Full body
:v: ZR! 5K trainer, W2D3

:v: FIT December, day 6
:v: Step-up challenge, day 6
:v: The Mammoth workout, 6kg weights, 3 sets per exercise instead of 5.
:x: Yoga
:v: Stretching (though light stretching, and not the whole 20 min routine)
:x: 90 days of Action, day 26
:x: 50 Push-ups in one go challenge, day 8

Because of schedules, we couldn't go to taekwondo class, so instead I spent a little over half an hour practicing a spin hook kick. I have been having trouble with that one for the past two classes. The trainer did tell me that it was usually a more difficult kick to master when I told him I was having issues with getting the motions down. So of course, my stubborn brain understood that as a challenge. Spent some time doing them very very slow, holding onto things for balance, just going to chamber. then going faster, and actually extending the kick, and I think I actually got somewhat better at them.

Continuing after my DnD session this evening, so it will depend on if I have the time to spread out 70 proper push-ups or not, otherwise I'll do day 27.

Edit: alas, after DnD was past midnight, and I did not have the space to do more workouts.

Current workout streak: 174.
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
DECEMBER 7: Taekwondo
:x: Taekwondo practice (friend was sick)
:v: FIT December, day 7
:v: Step-up challenge, day 7
:v: 90 days of Action, day 26
:v: 50 Push-ups in one go challenge, day 8
:v: Daily stretching routine
:x: YWA December calendar | Morning Yoga Flow

:v: ZR! 5K trainer, W3D1
:v: FIT December, day 8
:v: Step-up challenge, day 8
:v: 90 days of Action, day 27
:v: 50 Push-ups in one go challenge, day 9
:v: Daily stretching routine
:v: YWA December calendar | Yoga + Pranayama for the Spine

Still to do:
Momdollyeo practice + poomsae runthrough.

Okay, today's run was... something. Was feeling anxious about the running increase and thus had been dreading actually going on the run, plus feeling nauseous all throughout my run until the cooldown sections. My parents both have a cold, and I think I have caught some of it too - in the first few minutes of my free-form run/walk I couldn't stop wheezing, had to slow down considerably and with a lot of focus on my breath I managed to get back my proper breath. While I know its nothing, it was sort of scary to not feel like there's enough air per breath. I didn't push myself too fast or too far, my pace was slower than in the previous runs. Feeling somewhat defeated and I think I will repeat this week once, depending on how I feel at the end of it.

The rest of the day went a lot better though, and I honestly was thinking I might not make it super far into the run, when I didn't, so I am focusing on that. Spent the time putting up the christmas tree (can't be done until after Sinterklaas, after all), and mentally plotting out a new novel idea. So I am focusing on the good.

Realized I had never specified my December goals!
  • Confidence. Confidence. Confidence.
    • Specifically: momdollyeo & twist kicks
  • Get taeguk chil jang under wraps.
  • Run 3x a week, consistently
  • At least 5x a week, Yoga [yeah, this one aint going too well]
  • Gain confidence in push-up form
  • Get to 50 push ups in one go.
Current workout streak: 176


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,311
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Here's some running advice from a rubbish runner! Don't ever dread the run. You won't be able to do it. What I do, if I'm feeling off, is I tell myself that I'll run for X minutes then if I need to walk for a minute, I'll do that. What happens is by the time I get through to that X minute, I feel I can do another minute, so I do that one, and by the time there are only three minutes left - well, that's only three minutes, and I can do three minutes, right? If I count my right foot hitting the ground about 65 times, that's one minute gone. I'm not a good runner but I'm confident I'll get there and I'm looking forward to running that 5k. That's my goal and everything is leading up to that. You've got to believe in yourself. If you need to go slowly, go slowly. If you need to have walking breaks, have walking breaks. What matters right now is just doing the time. I'm really slow, and first time around, it embarrassed me. Then I accepted that I simply couldn't go faster and if I wanted to do this at all, it had to be slow. And just doing the running was the important thing.
Oh, and your pace is about the same as mine. :LOL:

I just read this in an article:
"... most new runners can expect running to feel easier after about three months or once they have built up to 30 minutes of continuous running.

It takes most new runners about this long for both the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems to adapt to the stresses of running and for the mental confidence and focus to develop."
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
DECEMBER 9: Flexibility/rest
:v: 90 Days of Action, day 28
:v: Fit December, day 9
:v: Step-up Challenge, day 9
:v: 50 push-ups in one go challenge, day 10
:v: 20 minute flexibility

:v: Fit December, hall pass
:x: ZR 5K - W3D2
:v: Minor stretching where sore
:x: 50 push-ups in one go challenge, day 11
:w: 90 Days of Action, day 29

DECEMBER 11: Taekwondo
:v: Taekwondo class (in which I earned 1 hall pass and did 10 push-ups)
:v: 90 Days of Action, day 29, 3 sets (though more of a break)
:v: 90 Days of Action, day 30
:v: Fit December, day 11
:v: Step-up Challenge, day 10
:v: Step-up Challenge, day 11
:v: 50 push-ups in one go challenge, day 11

Still to do:

Mango: 10/300 push-ups

Spent all of Saturday at a friend's house, playing games. Super fun, but by the time I got home I couldn't really exercise any more. Did a quick hall pass, and some stretching before bed. Up earlier than usual on both days, and rough nights' sleep.

Oof, this cold has knocked the wind out of me. Thought it was just going to be a minor cold, but cardio is a challenge at the moment, as I can't seem to get enough air in my chest. Nothing to worry about - just a minor inconvenience. But I did choose to skip my outside run, in favor of healing quicker. The 90 Days of Action day worked barely, and I was wheezing halfway through, but I'd already committed myself, and I did not want to do that day again. Playing some catch up with the next stretching day to make up for the 10th.

Current workout streak: 179

Thank you for the advice, @TopNotch. I'd had myself a time goal in mind, which felt doable with my shorter running periods. I have definitely done the X steps left in some of my previous running intervals. But I am taking your advice in mind for my following runs. Don't mind the time/pace so much. Focus on the run, and how it feels. I'm only in the minute intervals of the run plan, but it is still a doubling of the running time, and I shouldn't expect that to not feel more difficult/need to be slower.

I want to get to that 25-30 min 5K, but at first my goal should just be being able to run those 30 minutes. Then the 5K. Only then should I be worrying about speed. Lower expectations, smaller steps. Little bites.


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Thank you, @JCU, @Sif_Shepard, and @CODawn :love:

:v: 90 days of Action, day 31, only 2 sets (20 push-ups)
:v: FIT December, day 12
:v: 50 push-ups in one go challenge, day 12 (29 push-ups)
:v: Step-up challenge, day 12

A day of doing the bare minimum, as much as I can. Getting a lot more winded than I ought to be - my breath is all wheezy all the time, especially after doing some exercise or just walking up the stairs. I feel ok mostly, I really do. I really want to go for a run tomorrow, but to be honest I really don't think that's a good idea. Will wait with how my lungs feel tomorrow, but I am really hoping they're better.

Instead of doing all the workout stuff, I spent some time organizing stuff, writing down goals making concrete plans. At least then I feel like I am doing something. I am really not good at sitting still all day.

Mango: 59/300 push-ups

Current workout streak: 180


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
:v: FIT December, hall pass (the one I earned on Sunday)
:v: 50 push-ups in one go challenge, day 13, twice (62 push-ups)
:v: Step-up challenge, day 13
:v: Super short trial run, just 1 minute of run (slower 7'30" pace, uphill) and some walk in the back yard
:v: 90 days of Action, day 32, level 1
:v: Quick stretching

Mango: 90/300 push-ups

Overall I am feeling worlds better today after a not so great night's sleep (once 2 hours, then fell asleep for another hour or so). I realize this is completely whining a bit, and not super useful, but this keeps me accountable for myself. Still getting a little out of breath, but nowhere near as much as in the past day. My breath also no longer gets wheezy, which is a huge QoL improvement for both me, and my parents who had to listen to my incessant coughing and peeping breath.

Never intended to go past a short short run - just wanted to test out how my lungs were feeling with more cardio, so I had an estimate to give my friend for taekwondo tomorrow. I don't have a runny nose (anymore), my cough is contained and mostly suppressible for me where I need to, so I am confident I wouldn't be passing on my cold to the other people in class. Will do another run trial tomorrow, to see if I am actually up for it though.

Meanwhile, I've been merrily knitting along on my Christmas stocking advent project. Silly me forgot to make proper notes for a past project, so I ordered an extra skein of the wrong color (the white-grey towards the end was supposed to be the lighter grey). But I think its turning out pretty good.


Current workout streak: 181
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Thank you, @JCU, @Sif_Shepard! I can't take credit for the patterns - I am following a design by someone else, but I also really like them!

DECEMBER 14: more rest
:x: Taekwondo practice
:v: FIT December, day 14 (knee push-ups, total: 50 push ups)
:v: 2 x 50 push-ups in one go challenge, day 14 (2 x 35 push-ups = 70 push ups)
:v: Step-up challenge, day 14
:v: YWA December Calendar | Yoga For When You're Angry

Still to do:
  • 90 days of Action, day 33 (currently: 100/200 climbers)
Mango: 210/300 push-ups

Current workout streak: 182
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
DECEMBER 15: rest
:v: 50 push up challenge, day 15
:v: 3 x 30 knee push-ups
:x: 90 days of Action, day 33
:x: Yoga
:v: mango ornament: 300/300!

DECEMBER 16: rest
:v: FIT December, day 15
:v: FIT December, day 16
:v: Step-up Challenge, day 15
:v: Step-up Challenge, day 16
:v: 50 push up challenge, day 16
:v: 90 days of Action, day 34, level 2.
:x: Yoga

:v: ZR! 5K trainer, W3 (7'45" - 8'30" pace intervals)
:v: Step-up Challenge, day 17
:v: FIT December, day 17
:v: 90 days of Action, day 35
:v: 50 push-up challenge, day 17
:x: Yoga

Not sure how to mark 90 days of Action day 34 - I tried, and I failed. Push up combinations knock the wind out of me in normal situations, and I just couldn't get through it. Maybe I'll try again some time in the next week. Don't think I realized I forgot to do FIT December and the Step-up challenge until the 16th. Hence the two days on the 16th. Did have to look up a video for the five rites - just to make sure I was doing them right.

Gotta be honest, not being able to do much properly, not being able to walk up the stairs without being out of breath has been really demotivating me into actually getting stuff done.

But guys, guys! I went on a run this morning! Ish. It was laps in my own back yard. And just the third week of the 5K trainer without the warm-ups & cooldowns, because I wasn't entirely sure I would be at any place where I could run. Especially as I've never run anywhere this cold before (-4 °C today). I ran slow, especially because my yard has somewhat of a uphill. But I ran through all of the intervals, without absolutely dying like I did last Saturday. (which in hindsight, I'm pretty sure was due to my lungs already being congested without me realizing it fully)

Happy Tom And Jerry GIF

Current workout streak: 185
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Thank you @CODawn @lofivelcro @Anek @Fremen @JCU & @GentleOx

DECEMBER 18: Taekwondo practice
:v: Taekwondo practice
:v: 50 push up challenge, day 18
:v: Step-Up Challenge, day 18
:v: FIT December, day 18
:v: 90 Days of Action, day 36 (narrow push ups were knee push ups
:v: Dodging snowballs

Note to self: don't wait until past midnight to realize you still have to do all the things. Cause that's not when you have time to do all the workouts anymore.

Final taekwondo training for the year/holiday period today. Christmas sweaters & elf hats encouraged. So of course, I am going in the worst Christmas sweater I can dig up. I am not a huge fan of the season, but I love the silly things like this.

Current workout streak: 186
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Thank you @Nanna Io & @Froud! :thanks:

DECEMBER 19: Taekwondo
:v: Taekwondo practice (Christmas edition!)
:x: Push-up challenge
:v: Step-up challenge
:x: FIT December, day 19
:x: 90 days of Action, day 37
:x: Yoga
:v: Snowball dodging

December 20: Run
:v: ZR! 5K trainer, W3D1

:v: Snowball dodging
:v: FIT December, day 19
:v: FIT December, day 20
:v: 90 days of Action, day 37, level 1
:v: Step-up challenge, day 19
:v: Step-up challenge, day 20
:v: 50 push-up challenge, day 19
:v: YWA: December || Yoga For New Beginnings
:v: Own flexibility routine

So, remember that 'don't wait until past midnight to realize you still have to do all the things'? Turns out, I don't follow my own rules. Did not want to do too much pre-taekwondo, and then after taekwondo it was too late. Ah well. Playing catch up today, though I will probably will just try Day 21 for the 50 push-up challenge if I can, so I can still make 50 by the end of the day.

Went on a run despite the rain, which would have ordinarily held me back, but let's face it it is Belgium and if I don't let myself go running when it rains, I decline running 1/3rd of the time. It was good tho! Rain kept me nice and cool, and it only really started pouring when I was in my final two minutes of the cooldown walking. Told myself I wanted to run a bit for the pre-intervals free-form run/walk, and the post-run cooldown, so I hesitantly did: 1 minute pre-run, and both a 1 minute and 1.5 minute run in the post-run segment. Hoping to improve. I think with one more full run of the week, I should be fine to continue on.
Although, like the first time I ran W3D1, the final run final "running time's up" notification glitched for me. So I will repeat D2 for my next two weeks, if that doesn't have the same bug.

Now, to get to dodging the remainder of the snowballs, and some retaliation.

Current workout streak: 188


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
DECEMBER 21: Taekwondo
:v: Poomsae practice, momdollyo practice
:v: FIT December, day 21, hall pass
:v: 90 days of Action, day 38, level 1
:v: Step-up challenge, day 21
:v: 50 push-up challenge, day 21

No taekwondo class meant trying to focus on getting out all the nasty little form mistakes that have snuck in. I think it's getting better? Tiny bit at a time. 50 push-ups day 21 was doable, but they're getting really difficult. I think I may need to repeat some of the days in the future.

Feeling mentally and physically exhausted, both yesterday and today. Skipped around the snowballs - I just didn't mentally have the brainspace for it at the moment, even if it is something that I've been enjoying. Bleh.

Tenative DEC 22 plans:
  • FIT December, day 22
  • 90 days of Action, day 39
  • Step-up challenge
  • 50 push-up challenge
  • Yoga
Today's Thursday, so I should be going on a run, but without taekwondo there, the running schedule is a little less strict with where I place my rest day. I might just scoot around and call today my rest day, and try for a run tomorrow. Bought new reflective, elastic laces for my running shoes, because the original laces I could probably lace them up twice with and still have enough slack to knot them. Those should arrive tomorrow, so that will be a great point to test them, either way.

Off to hibernation for a day or two, while I deal with this funk and try to take care of myself.

Current workout streak: 190


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
:v: 30 days to 50 pushup, day 22

:v: FIT December, day 22
:v: FIT December, day 23
:v: 30 days to 50 pushup, day 23

:v: FIT December, day 24
:v: Taekwondo, poomsae practice
:v: ZR! 5K trainer, W3D2

:v: FIT December, day 25

:v: FIT December, day 26

:v: FIT December, day 27
:v: Taekwondo, poomsae practice
:v: ZR! 5K trainer, W3D2

:v: FIT December, day 28

FIT December, hall pass (earned prior)
Light poomsae practice

Took a little sneak peak at the rest of the ZR program, and I realized I really need to treat the free-run sections as much more of a set time. First noted run, I didn't push that far, but then on the 27th I decided to push a little. I managed all of the first run, and 6/8 mins & 4.5/8 min (in intervals though, for both) of the final two free-form runs. Honestly, I surprised myself a lot by managing that first 5 minute run in one go again. If I can run all of it, I will proceed to W4 next week.

Scrapped 90 days of Action, while I got far enough in the program, I felt like I was looking up to doing it every single time. Moved around the days too much as well. Need to take that into account for next programs I am starting. Maybe something with more sets, but smaller rep counts per exercise? the 20's would often put me off, in combination with the amount of exercises.

Got sidetracked somehow with the 50 push up challenge, will be continuing this after January, going back to day 21 and trying the push up planks on more day, cause I definitely struggle with the 25 seconds push up hold.

Not sure whether the 29th really should count, I really didn't do anything but lay on the couch asleep all day after spending an entire night with a pretty bad stomach bug. Though, my body feels like I did work out, way too many sore muscles. Feeling somewhat better - a little, but definitely taking my rest day today. Blegh.

But I think I have a better view now of what I want to do for the next year, what I want to or should focus on.

Current workout streak: 198
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Happy new year to you all as well!

:v: FIT December
:v: Step up challenge

:v: FIT December
:v: Step up challenge

:v: The Guardian, day 1 (all clear)
:v: The Guardian, day 2 (all clear)
:v: Power HIIT, day 1, lvl 2 [6 kg weights]
:v: YWA: CENTER || Day 1: Show Up
:x: Stretching

:v: The Guardian, day 3 (all clear)
:v: Power HIIT, day 2, lvl 2 [6 kg weights]
:v: YWA: CENTER || Day 2: Listen
:v: 20 minute flexibility routine
:v: 50 day push-up challenge, day 16
:x: Run

:v: The Guardian, day 4 (50 goblins, punching with 1.5 kg weights)
Power HIIT, day 3, lvl 1 [6 kg weights]
YWA: CENTER || Day 3: Shift
Daily flexibility routine
50 day push-up challenge, day 17
:v: Taekwondo practice

After a cold, stomach bug that left me incapable of eating for a few days, and some other stuff my body does not feel like it has any reserves left, oof. Have been trying to take care of myself a little bit, and today is probably the first day that I've felt like I am back to full all okay. Thank you for the concern, @CODawn! :heart:

Have been slowly tacking on the challenges/programs one day at a time, and I think I am finally back to where I should be. With not doing the stretching for a while, and overall working out having been at a much lower intensity this December, I am noticing that yesterday my flexibility had increased a lot compared to what it was previous. The front splits remain elusive (honestly, I can't figure out how to properly get in the pose). But it did seem improved.

Normally - if a friend isn't too sick - today will finally be the first taekwondo practice back! I have missed being able to train so much. Not that, with all that's been going on, I would have probably been able to attend many of the training sessions. Am I nervous? Yes. I always feel like I have unlearnt so much, especially poomsae, when I haven't properly practiced in this long. But I am stoked to get back. May not wear full dobok today though. We are not obligated to - most of the kids just wear dobok pants and club t-shirt, and part of me feels like my performance may not be proper enough to honor that yellow-green belt of mine.

Current workout streak: 204
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Thank you! @Mianevem @Fremen @JCU @mavie @CODawn @Froud @TopNotch


:v: The Guardian, day 5 [all clear]
:v: Power HIIT, day 4, lvl 2 [6 kg weights, for the final 3 sets switched to 1.5 kg weights for the punches]
:v: YWA: CENTER || Day 4: Root
:v: Daily flexibility routine
:v: 50 day push-up challenge, day 18

Switching around my work days a little - been feeling for a while like maybe Friday isn't the best place for it in the week.
Also spent some time working on a part of an exercise that was not clicking in taekwondo practice yesterday. We were supposed to stand super close to our sparring partner and manage in a close-quarters naeryo with the back leg. I was overthinking the leg movements yesterday and it still isn't quite clicking today, but I'm getting about 5% decent ones in so, counting that as a victory

Current workout streak: 205


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
:v: The Guardian, day 6 [all clear]
:v: Power HIIT, day 5, lvl 2 [6 kg weights]
:x: YWA: CENTER || Day 5: Hug
:v: 20 minute flexibility routine
:v: 50 push-up challenge, day 19

:v: The Guardian, day 7 [all clear]
:v: Power HIIT, day 6, lvl 2 [6 kg weights]
:v: YWA: CENTER || Day 6: Fan
:v: Daily flexibility routine
:v: 50 push-up challenge, day 20 [Failed at 24- marking as done because I tried]

JANUARY 8: Taekwondo
:v: Taekwondo practice
:x: The Guardian, day 8
:x: Power HIIT, day 7, lvl 2
:v: YWA: CENTER || Day 7: Flow
:v: Daily flexibility routine
:v: 50 push-up challenge, day 20 [Failed - marking as done because I tried]

JANUARY 9: Taekwondo
:v: The Guardian, day 8+9 [Rolled twice, 200 + 50 Goblins, 1.5 kg weights for punching]
:v: Power HIIT, day 7, lvl 1 [1.5 kg weights - only ones that would allow renegade rows]
:v: Power HIIT, day 8, lvl 1 [6 kg weights]
:x: Taekwondo practice (friend wasn't feeling too well)
:x: YWA: CENTER || Day 8: Melt
:x: Daily Flexibility routine
:x: 50 push-up challenge, day 20 [third time's the charm?]

Still to do:
Ahh, those dreaded DOMS. Basically straight after taekwondo practice [or well, 30 mins later, when I was about to get on the train home] my legs started hurting and then never stopped hurting. More training today, I hope a little slower pace so I can recover a bit, and set myself up for a bit of a decent run on Tuesday. I've been finding it difficult to actually go on a run. No more excuses tomorrow. Just running. I love it when I actually get to running, when I am actually walking home afterwards, but the process of getting changed and going outside seems to take so much effort.

That's just what I get for letting the walls go undefended for a day - 250 goblins invading!

Current workout streak: 209
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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
Seconding @Mianevem's strategy. I prefer to run in the morning and having my clothes/shoes prepped definitely helps. The "deadline" of needing to finish before work starts also helps. All that said, there are some days where I'll put all my gear on and procrastinate another 2 hours (if it's evening) but I still make myself go. If my brain wants to negotiate I'll say "I'll only run X instead of the full Y" but will usually run my planned distance anyway.

I also spend arguably too much time making playlists for various running distances. If it's safe enough to listen to music while you run, I find that looking forward to the emotions in the music is often enough to get me excited to run.

Also if I'm having trouble I'll listen to motivational videos while staring at my gear which can help too (though it's corny and doesn't work for everyone).
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