Progress over perfection


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
FEB 18: Rest-ish
:v: Shadebound, day 19
:v: Unbound, day 17

FEB 19: Run
:v: Run (intervals of 800m, 1200m, 800m running, interspersed by 400m of walking)
:v: Shadebound, day 18, level I
:v: Unbound, day 18

FEB 20: Taekwondo
:x: Shadebound, day 20
:v: Unbound, day 19
:v: Taekwondo class

FEB 21
:v: Shadebound, day 20
:v: Shadebound, day 21 level II (In full sparring gear)
:v: Unbound, day
:v: Warrior Abs, day 20
:v: Warrior Abs, day 21
:v: Sparring practice

Yay for seven AM runs. That was a really interesting run, and overall definitely not as bad as I thought it was going to go! Added benefit of really waking me up and energizing me for the DnD session. Best part of that DnD session? The magically generated chimera pets. I'm already in love with my Dash, the extremely long eared hare with polychromatic scales and quetzal wings. Did pick up a cold from one of my friends on Sunday, so am going to take a little break on running until my chest & nose are less mucus-y.

(bit of whining beneath, really don't feel obliged to read)

Honestly, taekwondo class was not good. Mainly dwit/back kick work, and I was paired up with one of the more advanced young students for most of it (same belt as I have, but she's around 10, maybe? So a lot shorter). We ended up not really switching around and I let her do the kicking - she's part of the competition anyway so she can use the practice more. It is one of my worst kicks to begin with; And my aim is not great with it. I was just too worried about kicking wrong and hitting her in the head. We were using body shield kicking pads, but still. Very uncomfortable with that.
The kicker during/at the announcements at the end of class? Belt testing next week. I honestly thought I had so much more time - was just barely beginning to really get sparring practice in. Was originally going to stay around a bit and practice sparring more with my friend, but I just really wasn't in the mood for it anymore. I'll probably get only one class in before exam next sunday (Wednesdays are difficult for my friend atm, on Sunday the room our club trains in is otherwise occupied) and somehow I need to get self-defense and sparring in there. Also the first exam for which I'll be breaking boards! Though I only practiced that once after class in all that time. Which is probably going to be interesting .
I don't really know whether I am ready. But after a solid hour of panicking about it to my friend on the way back, I am going to try. If I don't pass my exam, I'll at the very least have a concrete list of things to work on.
It does mean that these next two weeks are going to be chock-full of trying to get as much practice at home as I can. Doing shadebound in all my sparring gear so I can get more comfortable with kicking in full gear. Setting up a list so next monday I have a focussed practice. Thinking of asking my coaches if I could set up my phone to record my sparring, so I can review where my issues are/really identify problem areas.

Current workout streak: 250


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,311
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
It is hard to spar against someone a lot shorter than you, but it's good practice. Don't worry about breaking boards. Just remember to go through the board rather than stop at the board. You don't need so much strength as velocity. You've got this.
It is disappointing when you're really enjoying something but then things happen which make it not so enjoyable. Still, remember why you started and what you want to achieve.


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Rest of Febuary
:v: Finished off Shadebound
:v: Finished off Warrior Abs

:v: Push Pull Legs, day 1 - 6 kg weights
:v: Poomsae, hosinsul, sparring practice
:v: Unbound, day 1

:v: Push Pull Legs, day 2 - 6 kg weights (will go up to 8 kg next time).
:v: First thing push-ups, day 1
:v: Poomsae, hosinsul, sparring practice
:v: Unbound, day 2

:v: Push Pull Legs, day 4 - 6 kg weights
:v: First thing push-ups, day 2
:v: 2x 5 min run - testing to see if I've recovered enough.
:v: Poomsae, hosinsul, sparring practice
:v: Unbound, day 3

Past few weeks have been pretty monotonous - no runs because I have been battling a cold ever since that Monday. Have been going through my poomsae, sparring, and hosinsul/one-steps pretty much every day. Exam is on Sunday. I am either extremely overprepared, or underprepared. But right now, I'm going in with the idea that I will fail that test on Sunday and if I do pass that will be a plus. Bleh.

Monday was taekwondo training, which they said was supposed to focus on the exam curriculum. Instead, that meant next-to-no feedback on the poomsae for everyone of us who were going to test. We were then sent off to the kiddie side while the rest focussed on the later taeguks. Which meant we had to join the games the kiddies were doing/their training entirely focussed on their white-yellow belt level. Skipped them playing games and sat to the side, really wasn't in the mood. Eventually we did do some one-step practice, but with absolutely no guidance from the trainers it was difficult to get an idea what we were even supposed to be doing/what good one-steps were for our level or what they were expecting. After all, all of us gathered there were testing for the same belt, we didn't have anyone to rely on. I did already have an idea - it's what I've been practicing so far, and I did try and help the person I was paired with, but I just don't know.
Trainer did check in with my later because I was just sitting off to the side, and we went over some of the one-steps, but I was way too frustrated and upset/disappointed to do it right. I made some mistakes out of frustration (like actually hitting my friend), and all the trainer did was say 'ok, that works, but you can also do these alternates', and kept focusing on those alternates while I was struggling just getting that combination down. While one of my combinations only needed one small fix (step back instead of forward), and just one of them is something he thought was a little advanced (using a technique from a higher poomsae than I was supposed to know). But apparently it didn't matter that I mentioned specifically wanting to do that combination because it is a very comfortable combination for me and there was zero time to practice left.

I get it - they have a lot to do. But I feel like I have no clue still what they expect out of a green belt. We have the curriculum, but there are no guidelines to the quality of poomsae they expect, the level of sparring they expect (or even whether we will have to spar in gear this time). We haven't done one-steps in months, we only sparred that one time. There was zero feedback on poomsae. I just don't feel like I have the support needed to actually test. I went on Monday despite really still struggling to breathe just because I needed that guidance. Instead I sat in the car crying out of overwhelm and frustration most of the drive back.

March challenges will be Push Pull legs, feeling out the weights as I do it. Upper body (not lateral raises & similar) will probably go up to 8 kg. Did move around a day for Push pull legs, didn't want to end up with DOMS on Sunday. Don't mind sore abs, but I don't want to have heavy legs for taekwondo. Breathing is not entirely good enough for running yet, but I am confident that should be soon.

Current workout streak: 259
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,311
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
If you go in thinking you will fail, you will fail because you won't try your best; your mind will be thinking, "why bother?" Go in showing what you know, and it sounds as though you know a great deal. Even if you feel you've done something wrong, do it with confidence, with strength. Everyone makes errors. Show that you can continue even if/when that happens. Show them your best! I want to congratulate you on having a new belt. Don't let me down.

And congrats on the completions.


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Thank you! @Anek @TortoiseVibe @TopNotch @Fremen @Tileenah @CODawn @JCU

:v: First thing push-ups, day 3
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 3
:v: Unbound, day 4

MAR 5: Taekwondo training
:v: First thing push-ups, day 4
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 5, 6 kg weights (though I wasn't sure about the difference between the two tricep extensions - visually they look the same?)
:v: Unbound, day 5
:v: Taekwondo training

Alright @TopNotch - I took your advice there. No going in thinking I'll fail. Still was very nervous, but the poomsae went very well (just two small comments, but he did say my poomsae was quite good for the green belt), One-steps went well as well. I wasn't too nervous about the board breaking, but they didn't have boards in general today. My trainer just decided that in a previous practice bit after class I'd shown sufficient ease at breaking. He was also good with prior sparring I'd shown - apparently it is more about progressing in sparring than strict guides. He did promise to spend time with me working on it over the next while). Instead of sparring, we had to do a controlled partner kicking drill, showcasing most kicks we knew at sufficient speed and with kihaps every kick. Only afterwards, they told us that was to test the sparring for the exam, and I am glad for that because I would have done worse if they hadn't told us that. Apparently, it was good enough.

So, all in all: Green belt achieved! It's not the most conventional exam, but I am happy with what I did. Hoping to really get to hone in on my sparring skills in future.

Current workout streak: 261


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,311
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
There! We knew you could do it, right? Every grading looks at what you can do and what is considered consistent with your level. And you did well enough, despite your doubts, to get a new belt!
Y A Y Yes GIF by Djemilah Birnie


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Thank you guys! :love:

:v: First thing push-ups, day 5: 2x15 push-ups
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 6: Pull day @ 8 kg dumbbells
:v: Unbound, day 6

:v: Push Pull Legs, day 7: abs
:v: First thing push-ups, day 6: 10 push-ups
:v: Unbound, day 7

:v: Push Pull Legs, day 8: Leg day @ 6 kg dumbells
:v: First thing push-ups, day 7: 4x10 push-ups
:v: Unbound, day 8
:v: Run (3x 5 min, 3 min walk break)

Meant to go on a run on the 7th, but it was pouring down all day. I am so glad I waited. I have never enjoyed a run quite as much, nor have I ever gone for a run this early. Usually I run around noon, but it was almost ten AM and it had just started snowing heavily. Knowing the path I had meant to run would be pretty clear and not slippery, I pretty much bolted outside to run in the heavy snow. Not the easiest run because I am still getting over the cold, but it was so so fun.

Still searching for the good weights for Push Pull legs. Am doing all reps slow & mindful, not rushing through anything. Even the ab days.
  • Legs: 6 kg is ideal I think - I can do everything at max repeats but the final ones for each set are difficult enough. Last leg day I was sore for two/three days.
  • Push & Pull:
    • Lateral raises & variables at 6 kg is absolutely the max I can do.
    • For most other exercises 6 kgs was for sure too light: I didn't feel it the day after, and I probably had at least five reps per set I could still push out afterwards.
    • The 8 kgs experiment for day 6 was better, but I still had at least three reps I could do after each set with ease. Also not feeling it in DOMS at all. Am going to try 10 kg next time, but I wonder if maybe that is pushing it a little bit too much? Can always go back to 8 if 10 is too much.

Current workout streak: 264
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 9: Push day @ 6 kg dumbells lateral raises, 8kg for everything else
:v: First thing push-ups, day 8 (10 push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 9

MAR 10
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 10: Pull day @ 10 kg/8 kg for alternating bicep curls - better! Sets of 10 & 8.
:v: First thing push-ups, day 9 (3 x 15 push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 10

MAR 11
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 11: ab days - Planking to failure; couldn't do the full 90 seconds
:v: First thing push-ups, day 10 (20, 15, 15 push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 11

MAR 12
:v: Taekwondo: poomsae focussed class
:x: Recovery run
:x: Push Pull Legs, day 12: Legs
:v: First thing push-ups, day 11 (10 push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 12

MAR 13
:v: Taekwondo training
:x: Push Pull Legs, day 12: Legs
:v: First thing push-ups, day 12 (15, 15, 15, 10 push-ups) [forgot about these till later in the day, oops]
:v: Unbound, day 13

MAR 14
First thing Push-ups, day 13 (10 push-ups)
Run - Constantly raining today. Waiting on a package (Replacement for the Japan one) to finally arrive. Run postponed to tomorrow.
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 12: Leg day @ 6 kg
:v: Unbound, day 14

Increasing weight for pull days really seems to have helped/be at a better place. This does max out the weight that I have available to me.

Skipping leg day around a tiny bit, I had two taekwondo practices that I couldn't/didn't want to skip for various reasons. Meant to do it Sunday, but I used every ounce of my leftover energy for taekwondo.

Hoping to be able to pick Zombies Run back up, but I am definitely still struggling a bit with the breathing even during my previous just 5 minute intervals. It has been 3 weeks since I last did my full 50 minute run. Not sure where to pick it back up.

Current workout streak: 270
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Congrats for pull days!
Have you tried running a tiny bit slower when you start running? I find it helps with my breathing when I start slower for the first km or so and then up the speed...
Thank you!
I do! Usually start slow/try to make my first interval at least half a min a km slower than the later ones. I think it's more still from being sick? Lots of mucus still - my nose/throat plug up ten minutes or so into the run, which really limits my breathing.


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
MAR 15:
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 15: 20 push-ups
:v: Zombies Run, 5K trainer, W2D1
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 13: 6 kgs, did 8 kgs for the final chest press
:v: Unbound, day 15

Run went well! Had to push myself a little to get through the 10 min run at the end, but overall didn't have as many issues as I thought I would. Slow and steady wins the race - around 7 minutes pace about for the long run, around 5 min/km pace for the 30 sec runs.

Plans are to run 5K training runs twice a week, Wed & Fri, and then Sunday between taekwondo classes doing a very slow recovery run. Really want to do some more training at pace, but I can't 100% do that with my current set-up. Thinking of investing in a Coros Pace 2 once I make 5k, so I can get a little more serious about my running

Current workout streak: 271
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
@daejamurrachan Thank you! Not quite there yet though, those lateral are still very much impossible at 8 kgs.

MAR 16
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 15: 2 x 15 push-ups
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 14: Pull day @ 10 kgs
:v: Unbound, day 16

MAR 17
:v: Zombies Run, 5K trainer, W2D3 [D2 tends to glitch for me]
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 16: 6 x 10 push-ups
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 15: Abs [hollow holds to failure]
:v: Unbound, day 17

Really enjoying the earlier runs - sets me up for a much better rest of the day. The weather was so nice today too, had to take off my long-sleeve off halfway through my run so I could run in my t-shirt. Been ages since I've even been tempted to do that. Come on in, spring! I missed you.

The boat folds are such a fun, but more difficult ab exercise for sure. Hoping to see more of them.

Current workout streak: 273
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
MAR 18
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 17: 10 push-ups
:v: Push Pull Legs, day 16: Legs @ 6 kg
:v: Unbound, day 18

And then parents brought home covid. No running till I'm negative again, cause I don't have access to a treadmill. Dodged it for years, guess there had to be a first time for everything.

Current workout streak: 274
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Thank you for all the healing vibes, guys! :heart: Luckily not doing very bad. Beyond a very bad headache the first day it's mainly been a cold. Almost through it, I think/hope.

MAR 19
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 18 (15 push-ups)
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 17. Push day @ 8 kgs
:v: Unbound, day 19
:v: YWA: Yoga Joy

MAR 20
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 19 (knee push-ups, 20, 15, 15, 15)
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 18. Pull day @ 8 kgs
:v: Unbound, day 20
:v: 10 minute split stretching

MAR 21
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 20 (20 push ups)
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 19. Abs
:v: Unbound, day 21
:v: YWA || Energizing Morning Yoga

Needed a bit more rest/a bit lower weights for Push Pull Legs, but exercising makes me physically feel better, so I've been keeping it up. Mixing in a bit more yoga on a whim, because I've been missing it. Doing my Unbound in the morning these days, it has a bit more effect.

Have been reading up on flexibility lately. Based on what I found, I think I've maybe been overdoing it, and not giving my body enough rest. As I've been doing less and less stretching in my routine over the past few weeks, I've found that I am actually seeing more improvement passively. Head kicks are now pretty easy to do even not warmed up. With an exception for any front kick type: my hamstrings do not have much snappy flexibility. Gonna trial out stretching only 2-3 days a week, but more intensely. And work a bit more on hamstrings. See where that gets me.

Fixed some day mistakes - didn't do the wrong exercises, but because I usually just look at my last post for the day numbers, they were all a little off.

Current workout streak: 277


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
MAR 22
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 21 (10 push ups)
:x: Push, Pull, Legs: day 20. legs
:v: Unbound, day 22
:v: YWA || 20-minute Yoga for Hips

MAR 23
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 22 (20 push ups)
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 20. legs
:v: Unbound, day 23
:v: YWA || 20-minute Yoga for Abs

MAR 24
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 23 (2x15 push ups)
:v: Run: C25K Week 3 run - testing the waters for running again.
:v: Unbound, day 24

Still to do:
  1. Push Pull Legs, day 21
  2. 20-30 minute flexibility training
  3. Yoga

Covid tests are negative again! Still a little bit of a cold, but to be honest i haven't been entirely illness free this entire year, it feels like. Test run went pretty great! Still some issues with breathing, but even after leg day yesterday my legs felt pretty good. Slow, easy pace. Just some flat intervals except for the first ones.

Really enjoying the yoga again. Can definitely feel the downward dogs in my shoulders, but I'm sure I'll get comfortable with those again soon.

Current workout streak: 280


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
MAR 25
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 24 (Honestly, split into entirely too many sets & ending with knee push-ups.)
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 22. Pull day @ 10 kg
:v: Unbound, day 25
:v: Flexibility routine: Combination of Dani Winks' 10 min splits routine & a movement by David video

MAR 26: Recovery Run
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 25 (20 Push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 26
:v: Early morning 1 km run (6'30" pace) + strides on the way back
:x: Push, Pull, Legs: day 23. Abs day

Had a RPG session all day! DnD campaign wrap up + character creation for a new campaign. Didn't leave much time for Push, Pull Legs. Did get up earlier to get some form of run in. Easy-ish pace 1 km run + walk back, which really was all I had time for.

MAR 27
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 26 (10 Push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 27
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 23. Abs day
:v: Taekwondo practice

As one of the exercises we had to do 50 punches, as quick as we could possibly do. Darebee challenges prepared me for this! Stayed back for about an hour to practice poomsae. Finally got some good feedback, both on some kicks & poomsae which I've been micro-dosing throughout the next few days, so I can ingrain them.

MAR 28
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 27 (20 Push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 28
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 24. Leg day @ 6 kg
:v: Few minutes of self-guided yoga

MAR 29
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 28 (2 x 15 Push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 29
:x: Taekwondo practice
:v: Zombies Run 5K Trainer, W3D1
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 25. Push day @ 6 kg
:v: Poomsae + Kicks practice
:x: Yoga

Sleep has been a bit messed up ever since the hour change (mainly been waking up too late). My run today was challenging, and I really had to push through my reserves for those last two 8 minute runs, but I made it! Breathing is starting to feel better, which honestly was not a bad feeling at all.
My fitbit is starting to run out of battery a lot sooner lately - used to be able to go between 1.5 - 2 weeks with one charge, now I'm charging it every few days. Not a bad thing, but may be soon time to retire it.

Current workout streak: 285
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
MAR 30
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 29 (10 Push-ups)
:v: Unbound, day 30
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 26. Pull day @ 8 kg
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 27. abs (not entirely following this one, I just can't do the planks that long - two times 2.5 minutes is not doable in one go, but it is with a few breaks)
:v: Poomsae & kicking practice, some minutes at a time throughout the day

MAR 31
:v: First Thing Push-ups, day 30 (Entirely too many push up sets, mainly knee push-ups)
:v: Push, Pull, Legs: day 28. Leg day @ 6 kg
:v: Zombies Run 5K Trainer, W3D3
:v: Poomsae & kicking practice, some minutes at a time throughout the day

Weather was pretty bad today for running - very strong headwind made it difficult to even walk some of the bits. Think I maybe pushed a bit too far on Wednesday because for all of the running I did, my quad was sore. Combined I did decide to do most of those two final runs as intervals. Still gonna do W4 next week, because I could do the first day, today was just a bit of a bad circumstances unite. And really, those final bits are 'as you feel comfortable' anyway.

Enjoyed the push-pull legs process, and probably will try to include a bit more of this style of workouts, maybe at a bit lower intensity. Not 100% sure yet what April will end up looking like for me, maybe a proper push-up challenge again. Cause I did not really get much process in terms of total push ups I could do throughout this one.

Current workout streak: 287