APRIL 22: Rest
Leg day everyday, day 22
Zero Hero, day 18, level 2
50 push-ups challenge, day 15
Flexibility practice
APRIL 23: Taekwondo
Leg day everyday, day 23
Zero Hero, day 19, level 2
50 push-ups challenge, day 16
Taekwondo training
APRIL 24: Taekwondo + Push
Leg day everyday, day 24
Zero Hero, day 20, level 1
50 push-ups challenge, day 17
Taekwondo training
APRIL 25: Run
Leg day everyday, day 25
Zero Hero, day 21, level 2
50 push-ups challenge, day 18
C25K trainer, W3D2 as a running tester. Didn't go well, but the toe doesn't hurt.
Dani Winks - Front splits routine. Hamstrings are the main deterrent atm.
Taekwondo training has been ups and downs. Still don't have my green belt because of supplier issues. Sunday's training was amazing - varied, skill based kicks that I was not doing too poorly at, got to a pretty high taegeuk and they were going somewhat better than in the past - I finally am getting some of the confusing parts down and that felt great. Spin based kicks & back kicks are going better too. I came back with such a high, such confidence.
Then yesterday was terrible. I was really looking forward to it, after Sunday. I really hoped that our sparring coach was there because I was so excited and confident, and I really thought I could tackle something I was not good at. I really, really wanted to learn. Sparring coach wasn't there only one of the coaches and one of our "help"-coaches, for lack of a better term.
I am fine with hosinsul if I have a partner I trust to correct me, who I am comfortable with, who can take a very soft blow if I do misjudge distance. I know everyone in the club, and I am not opposed to training with them, but for this there is only a handful of people I really can be paired up with. I was already on edge/feeling bad about my performance a little because of some previous feedback with the kicks section. But fine. Hosinsul is a working point for me too, and I was not opposed to working on it at all, especially cause I got to do that with my preferred training partner. And it already
was hard work, because I kept loosening my middle blocks to counter, and so not effectively block. Turns out there were other mistakes. Mistakes the coach didn't even bother to point out to me, just told my trainer partner it was okay to hit me with the paddle (not hard - just what the exercise was) if I did that. Didn't even realize that I was doing that thing, nor could I feel it even when I was focussing on it. Which knocked my hosinsul confidence down another peg lower, because I had to focus on so many things, and felt so self conscious that my final blocks & counters were really poor. Communicated that to the coach, who said he'd pair up with me for the next exercise.
Except he didn't. The next exercise was then to apply that hosinsul in a group scenario where you didn't know whether you would be hit, or get to hit, and you might have been hit by multiple people. (basically, walk around - when the coach shouted the paddle color you held, you could hit whoever you chose, who then had to block + counter). Way too much chaos for me. Sat that one out, because I was already feeling overwhelmed and bad about struggling with the basics. When the hogu's came out after the older kids asked for sparring, I just bowed out and sat outside for a while. I
really want to get better at sparring, and it kills me to have to stay away. But all sparring at that point would have done is chip away at what little confidence I had left at that point. In the end, my friend told me it was more hosinsul practice and some that I could probably have done.
Sure that the black belt who trained us, and usually does a really good job at helping and understanding my anxiety, has a much lower opinion of me now. He'd be right to. And I feel really guilty too. But I just couldn't.
Still feeling terrible today. Bleh. No training on Wednesday, luckily. Cause honestly I am not feeling good about it right now.
Current workout streak: 311