Reset at Level One


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Monday, 22 April Wins: (191 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 26 (10,304/14,500) No, but I'll likely get it tomorrow.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Here's where today's energy went: The outside-work part of my job where I do a ton of walking - Daily Walk 10 (though today was the half day version)
It was over 90°F today, so I'm hydrating. I have had to have the thinks- I will have a full outside-work day again tomorrow and then two more next week. I will feel wiped out after all of these. I will not beat myself up over this, even as my best laid plans are laid to waste.

* After next week, things will really calm back down and I will resume my 5-minute elbow plank after next Thursday. I will develop a plan for that at that point (spoiler - I will be evaluating and nerfing my progress because I need that dopamine hit of reaching the milestones again. And that's okay!)
* Program progress will be at my discretion until after next weekend (since I believe that might be the weekend where we go to the coast - I'll get plenty of walking then too!) I think that I will aim for maybe one on Thursday-Sunday (Saturday might be weird) this week/weekend.
* Workout time needs to be properly reestablished to when I get home - I got off track at some point and while its been kinda nice, I feel like I have lost an aspect of control here.
* I think I am going to introduce two easy challenges in the interim - little snacks of activity that I can do whenever I feel like it. See if that helps.

So for the remainder of my evening:
:v: Epic Cardio 30 (5x30 climbers slow) :completed:
:v: Easy Abs 22 (80 air bike crunches)
:v: Step Up 1 (3x10 lunge step-ups)
:v: Punches & Squats 1 (3x30 punches)
:v: CoS 8 (2x30s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Wednesday, 24 April Wins: (193 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 27 (6,851/15,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Daily Walk 12 - I'm giving myself the grocery store walk win. Because I had a migraine and I was a trooper and still went to the store. And didn't come home with candy. (Although, I would have if I had found the black licorice.)
5 squats
100 plank side leg raises with 2 10-count plank side leg raise holds
:v: Easy Abs 24 (80 air bike crunches) + 20 extra

Migraine + minor cramping. I felt awful.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Thursday, 25 April Wins: (194 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 27 (7,156/15,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

:v: Easy Abs 23 (3x20 air bike crunches + 6 sitting twists)
I Showed Up lvl 3 + EC
:v: Punches & Squats 2 (50 squats)
:v: Step Up 2 (30s lunge step-ups)
:v: CoS 9 (100 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
Easy Mode lvl 3 + EC
:v: Easy Abs 25 (3x22 air bike crunches + 6 sitting twists)

Migraine was still lingering, just at persistent and annoying levels today. Despite this, I felt fairly productive at work. But now, I just feel exhausted. Upside, I finally did the thing and made an appointment with an actual primary care physician.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Friday, 26 April Wins: (195 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 27 (9,430/15,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

EoD - 30 glute flex in one go
:v: Easy Abs 26 (90 air bike crunches) in one go
:v: Punches & Squats 3 (3x30 punches) in one go
:v: Step Up 3 (4x10 lunge step-ups)
Shark Week
Rest & Repair lvl 3
:v: CoS 10 (2x40 calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==

It has been a decently productive day, despite the lingering headaching and monthly inconvenience. I got some cleaning done, read a little in the sunshine, and worked on some chainmail projects. :twirl:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Saturday, 27 April Wins: (196 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 27 (10,052/15,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
Healthy foods Nope - treat day. Sub platter for lunch and dinner. Didn't overeat and didn't snack hardly at all in the car ride.

Daily Walk 13 - spent a lot of time outside and this is counting from the grocery store walk. Yup, it was a win, considering the low activity today. (And yet my FitBit says I've gotten 10k today.)
Burrito Mode

Spent a lot of time in the car today, but it was worth it. We got to see my aunt and grandma today from out of town and we all had lunch together at my sister's house. This will probably be the last time that she comes to my state, so I will need to plan a trip up her way some time soonish. But I am glad that we got to spend so much time together, not only with them, but as siblings and with the nephews and my dad. It was really nice.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Sunday, 28 April Wins: (197 days)
:x: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 27 (3,119/15,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods... ish - this could have been better.

Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves

Best laid plans and all that. Morning was lost to D&D, which is unusual (and I'm not really upset about), but we were adapting to the DM's schedule. My druid character died, so that was sad, but now I get to play this new paladin character that I am really excited about. She's not going to be the best paladin ever, but she is going to be very sincere in her attempts. But that is because when I designed this character, I left a note that she is to interpret things very literally and to "think like Drax"...

pietro maximoff marvel GIF

... There is a part of me that thinks that she might be better off as a barbarian, but I have until next session to fully set her class.

But morning D&D threw off my mojo. I have had low energy the rest of the day and I barely exercised because I was getting sleepy while meal prepping after dinner (instead of right before D&D). In fact, it was barely 7 and I was getting really tired. :sad:

Oh well, so yeah, I think I am now going to go to bed early tonight and see if I can be less tired tomorrow. :zzz:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Monday, 29 April Wins: (198 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 27 (12,101/15,000)
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Daily Walk 14 - 1h+ of walking at work

Rivers of Sweat lvl 3 + EC
:v: Easy Abs 27 (3x22 air bike crunches + 6 sitting twists)
:v: Easy Abs 28 (90 air bike crunches)
:v: Punches & Squats 4 (55 squats)
:v: Easy Abs 29 (3x24 air bike crunches + 6 sitting twists) caught up!
:v: Step Up 4 (30s lunge step-ups)
Track & Field lvl 3 + EC
:v: Easy Abs 30 (100 air bike crunches) :completed:
:v: CoS 11 (110 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==

It has been a day! I did field work today, but it was a short, half day version. Then I left work early to go get the next vaccine in the series they have me doing. So my arm hurts a little. But then I came home and there was a package from my pen pal in Germany!! It was filled with so many goodies. I haven't had any yet, but I am looking forward to sampling them all. There was one item that got a little melty from being in the heat, but not bad considering it was 96°F today. Then I was on an emotional high, so I jumped right into the workout without stretching. Whoops! Now I am off to finish my dinner and drink a bunch of water.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@CODawn @Fremen @Haleth @MadamMeow @Anek Thank you! :flowers:

Tuesday, 30 April Wins: (199 days)
:x: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 27 (8,296/15,000) - will be inaccurate due to no tracking for ~1h
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Combat HIIT 4 lvl 3 - modified sit-up punches with high crunches.

I think I surprised myself by doing Combat HIIT today. It wasn't in the plan, but I wanted to do it. Works out for me, since my right foot has been a little painful and stiff today. Now, I am exhausted again, but that's okay. I used a lot of energy today.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@Mamatigerj Thank you!! :flowers:

Wednesday, 1 May Wins: (200 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 27 (5,383/15,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Elbow plank hold: 2m15s
Code of Abs 1 lvl 3
:v: Punches & Squats 5 (3x30 punches) all in one go
:v: CoS 12 (2x40s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==
:v: Step Up 5 (3x12 lunge step-ups)


:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@aku-chan @Fremen @Anek @MadamMeow Thank you!!! :cutter::flowers:

Thursday, 2 May Wins: (201 days)
:v: Journalling
:v: Walkabout 27 (19,633/15,000) I have, without a doubt, made it today. :onfire:
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods - definitely room for improvement, but also, I did all the activities today.

Field work: ~2.5h of walking with only one 20 minute break - Daily Walk 15
Got off a little early today and we have guests coming over - so ~3h of cleaning
38 knee-elbows for F@tBaDgEr's birthday
Code of Abs 2 lvl 3 :tired:

Aaaand that's it for tonight. My body is telling me that is enough, so I'm going to listen now.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@CODawn Thank you!! :flowers:

Friday, 3 May Wins: (202 days)
:v: Journalling & I wrote!!!!
:v: Walkabout 28 (15,821/5,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
Healthy foods - Not counted for the weekend due to trip.

Daily Walk 16

Yup, only win this day was the sheer amount of walking and hills and going up and down stairs (which I am unaccustomed to due to lack of stairs where I live). And honestly, it was killing me. My calves were so tired and my feet so very sore. Had a good dinner for the first night on our trip, so that was at least a plus.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Saturday, 4 May Wins: (203 days)
:x: Journalling but I wrote some more!!!
:v: Walkabout 29 (19,645/15,500)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
Healthy foods - Not counted for the weekend due to trip. (My husband's friends just do not comprehend the importance of breakfast :sad:)

Daily Walk 17

Again, I am counting walking again because there were (a) hills & stairs, (b) a huge Farmer's Market, (c) sand on the beach, and (d) because now my shins & right knee decided to join the I-am-sore party. Despite the soreness, it was a good day.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Sunday, 5 May Wins: (204 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 30 (7,693/16,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
Healthy foods - Not counted for the weekend due to trip. (And now they think 11am is breakfast time. :facepalm: Not when you are the morning bird who wakes up at 6.)

Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves

I had a decent weekend, full of adventures, but I am glad to be home. Too much lack of planning (breakfast, activities, communication plan) caused a lot of boredom and strife. Inconsistent meals led to me snacking a lot. Thankfully, I had the wisdom to pack some freeze dried fruit and some jerky, though I did not stay out of the potato chips as well as I should have. (Yay, easily portable fruit!) Also, just saying, as a non-vape using individual with a sensitive nose, I really appreciate people who don't do it inside of buildings.

My legs are so done right now. My knee is irritated, my calves are actively sore and swollen. My ankles are stiff, but I think my Achilles on right foot has calmed down. I took those calf raises really slowly and it was only my calves complaining. I am super exhausted and I am really glad that M had the forethought to suggest that we take tomorrow off. So, tonight's main focus is hydrating and light stretching. I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll do some more stretching, and some arms and/or core.

But I am glad to be back here and I am glad I went because I got to see the ocean and have time with friends.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Monday, 6 May Wins: (205 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 30 (6,747/16,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:~: Healthy foods - better than this weekend, but still unbalanced.

Code of Abs 3
All Systems Red lvl 3 - this was perfect for me today! - I did modify the bicep extensions to punches.

I took the day off, which ended up being a much needed rest day. I caved and took some medicine because I was hurting so much. Been drinking water (not as much as I should have) and elevating my legs most of the day. Got a lot of stitching done too!!! :pose:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Tuesday, 7 May Wins: (206 days)
:v: Journalling I wrote some more today
:x: Walkabout 30 (8,567/16,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Healthy foods - not the best choices were made today. I will do better tomorrow.

Quick Warmup
60 Days of HIIT 7 lvl 3
:v: Endurance 1 (1m high knees) I picked this one up because you just have to endure the time. If I drop the plank early, I just need to get up and continue the time. I think this might help me in my goals.
18m of Switch combat fitness game - today it featured a lot of punches, squats, and lunges - impulse control lost out here.
:v: Step Up 6 (30s lunge step-ups)
:v: Punches & Squats 6 (60 squats)
:v: CoS 13 (120 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
And some stretches

Okay, that felt much better. My right heel isn't agreeing with that, but it felt so good to sweat. Decent day.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Wednesday, 8 May Wins: (207 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 30 (8,428/16,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods - did better. Not great, but better. Also had good talks about portions and eating more homecooked meals.

:v: Endurance 2 (30s elbow plank)
Quick Warmup
~20m Just Dance - I had some weird technical issues, like the software crashing, so kinda inaccurate on the time. :chicken: :tired: I definitely don't do this enough.
:v: Step Up 7 (4x12 lunge step-ups)
:v: Punches & Squats 7 (3x40 punches)
60 Days of HIIT 8 lvl 3 - decided to not procrastinate just because I didn't feel like core exercises. The second set of climbers are killer after the plank. But say it with me: "Core exercises are good for you!" :super:
:v: CoS 14 (2x50s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==

Yup, dancing. So much fun, but I am not where I once was. I was still able to mega star (or something like that) my favorite song, so I know I am not doing as bad as I think, but my legs are telling me that I have been slacking off.

Today was a pretty okay day, though I felt like I wasn't particularly productive today. Work will be another day tomorrow.

Creative project wise, I am super excited that I am almost done with stitching M's Christmas stocking. Then I'll just need to top stitch it and wash it and assemble it. This is the year of resolving my WIPs and it's been going fairly well so far.

Alright, off to go journal and maybe write. And drink more water. I am woefully behind on that today.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Thursday, 9 May Wins: (208 days)
:x: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 30 (8,521/16,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

At work: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
At work: Refresh

Quick Warmup
Aaand, like 40ish minutes on Just Dance.... because that was all I felt like doing tonight. :twirl:
With a little stretching at the end.

My plan is Combat HIIT tomorrow. (And do the challenges that I willfully skipped today.) I think that will be fine. Okay, that's really it for me tonight. It was a quiet day overall.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Friday, 10 May Wins: (209 days)
:x: Journalling
:v: Walkabout 30 (16,428/16,000) :completed: :tired::onfire:
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

While doing cleaning:
:v: Punches & Squats 8 (65 squats)
:v: Punches & Squats 9 (3x50 punches)
:v: Step Up 8 (30s lunge step-ups)
:v: Endurance 3 (1m30s high knees)

Quick Warmup
Combat HIIT 5 lvl 3
:v: Endurance 4 (40s elbow plank)
EoD (30 crunch kicks)
End Game
:v: CoS 15 (130 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==

And so, I declared myself done, ate dinner, and took a shower. But then...

45m on Just Dance :muahaha: Such an impulse, ADHD move, but I felt restless and I was already at 11k steps and I wanted Walkabout to be done. So yeah, that happened. I did a lot of crafting and some cleaning today. Feels good to get things done! I'm also all ready for DnD tomorrow. :yas:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@graoumia @Maegaranthelas @Fremen Thank you!! :flowers:

Saturday, 11 May Wins: (210 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 6,854 (possibly inaccurate due to driving on bumpy roads)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods ... Okay, breakfast could have been better. Lunch was good. Did not eat chips at DnD - win. Did snack on lots of crunchy fruit - good - but snacks - not as good, but definitely better than road snack choices that I have made in the past. Dinner - self control was present. I'm counting it as a win, given that 7 hours in a car is a long time.

Insomnia Yoga

And that's it. I'm feeling a bit stiff and it's really late. I'll get back to the grind in the morning. :zzz:

In other news, I was down 3lbs from Monday, so that sounds like a step in the right direction. I am considering increasing my cardio on the whole, since this week went very nicely, but I don't want to schedule it because I know that my brain appreciates the randomness more.

DnD was enjoyable today, even though we did unintentionally incite a mob. But no one's character died today and we're going to do penance for our folly by retrieving the souls of the mob from the Underworld. Which was definitely not the direction the DM planned on this going at all. We did have to remind the wizard at the table that just because they didn't have anything to do with the mob, as a party member, they are still a part of the team and should help out with fixing what we broke. So, next session promises to be interesting.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@MadamMeow @Anek Thank you!! :flowers:

Sunday, 12 May Wins: (211 days)
:v: Journalling
Steps: 7,751
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Quick Warmup
40m Just Dance
60 Days of HIIT 9 lvl 3 :jacks: :tired:
:v: Endurance 5 (2m high knees) ... :tired: Not my best plan.
:v: CoS 16 (2x50 calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==

Nice, quiet day at home. Got some crafty stuff done and played Fallout 76 with M. So, it was a good day! :toohot:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@Mamatigerj Thank you!! :flowers:

Monday, 13 May Wins: (212 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 5,664
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Lower Back

Okay, I'm going to complain a little.

Well, it was a day. It started out fine. Just some muscle soreness and tiredness from another night of having a hard time falling asleep. No big. Made it through lunch okay, then we lost power at work. Well, it came back half an hour later, which wasn't too bad. Except for the lights continued to flicker up until I left 2 hours later. This caused me a massive headache and nausea. At first thought, I knew that I was going to get a headache. Just happens with flickering lights. Also, just to add to the misery, the AC never came back on and continued to attempt to turn on for this time period. It was 100°F today. So, yeah. That sucked. Then it turned into the most terrible lower back pain, something akin to cramps. So yeah, I took it light tonight. I'm off to go get sleep and hopefully, they'll have it all fixed tomorrow.
Because, otherwise, I'm going to have to ask to telework. :giveup:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Tuesday, 14 May Wins: (213 days)
:v: Journalling
Steps: 6,584
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Man Down

Everything was okay at work. But I was still hurting a little today. I'm hoping to be back to normal tomorrow.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@graoumia @Mamatigerj Thank you!! I feel so much better today!! :chuckle:

Wednesday, 15 May Wins: (214 days)
:v: Journalling
Steps: 9,729
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Quick Warmup
40m Just Dance :hop:
60 Days of HIIT 10 lvl 3:moves:
:v: Punches & Squats 10 (70 squats) I might have done an extra 5
:v: Step Up 9 (3x14 lunge step-ups)
:v: Step Up 10 (30s lunge step-ups)
:v: Endurance 6 (60s elbow plank) in one go! :move:
Knee Saver I think I might need to do this one a little more often!

:x: CoS 17 (140 calf raises) ==maintenance mode== Skipped, I've done plenty of calf raises today.

It was definitely a better day. Well, I did have to go to a boring (informative, but boring) training, but that's a minor blip in my day. My knee is talking a little, but I feel much better after all that.

Now to have dinner then bake cookies for the potluck tomorrow!

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Thursday, 16 May Wins: (215 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 12,462
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Quick Warmup
50m Just Dance
Some stretches

Okay, I need to start doing challenges before I can dance. Because I knew that dancing was probably the only thing I was going to do this evening for a workout and I should have done the challenges first. I'm not doing it after because my knee started complaining. As for that, I will be elevating it and icing. It doesn't hurt by merely existing, but I know that I over did it a little. Okay, maybe a little more than a little. But I was having a good time and I've been wanting to dance more. However, I also need to listen to my body. So, I'll see how I feel tomorrow, but I think I will be taking tomorrow off from dancing. I'll see how it goes.

Today was a good day. The cookies went over great and the food was so good!

I might come back later and edit in some calf raises.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Friday, 17 May Wins: (216 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 10,981
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Quick Warmup
:v: Endurance 7 (2m30s high knees)
60 Days of HIIT 11 lvl 3
Elbow plank to failure: 1m45s :ss:
:v: Punches & Squats 11 (3x20 punches) all in one go
:v: Step Up 11 (4x14 lunge step-ups)
:v: CoS 17 (140 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==

And that's it. I did some cleaning, but it was mostly a running errands sort of day. I was thinking about doing Power HIIT as well tonight, but I'm going to fencing practice tomorrow morning, so I'm going to postpone that until maybe tomorrow afternoon? I'll see how I fare from practice, because it's been a few weeks since I've been able to make it out.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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