Reset at Level One


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 27 June Wins: (257 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 10,012
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

At work
Peloton (Selena) - 20m 90s Pop Walk - I did this like an hour into work. It got up to 112°F today, so I decided to do it as early as I could. Taking a different shirt to walk in is definitely the strategy.
Fix It! x2 with EC
Standing Desk x1
100 calf raises

At home
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Selena) - 20m Boxing Basics: Footwork
Ronin's Blade 13
... And icing and taping my heel.
Peloton [Sleep Program] (Anna) - 5m Sleep Meditation

I'm tired. I get to see the doctor tomorrow and get to have a follow up on the blood work.

Haha, I was so tired, that I didn't finish posting this last night. :haha:
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@graoumia Thank you Darling! :hug:

Friday, 28 June Wins: (258 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 3,559
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves

And that's it. I declared it a rest day and fell asleep early again. On this day, I went to the doctor and the bloodwork came back good, other than I need to chill it on the bananas and cantaloupe for a week so she can retest my potassium. They also x-rayed my foot to make sure I hadn't broken it from walking too much... which I kept getting weird looks. You hurt your foot by walking? Who hurts their foot from walking?? Well, me, apparently. So now, I have to go do bloodwork again on Wednesday and then have another follow up the week after that. Oh and I've been referred to the weight loss clinic after she told me to cut it out on the carbs. (No, carbs are a part of a balanced diet. I am going to pay better attention to portioning and I am not going to completely cut them out. I really hope this clinic thing involves a nutritionist. However, I am going to start tracking my food and exercise in a journal so that I can show them what I've been doing.)

So, yeah, healthy, but still struggling to find answers. That's me.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Saturday, 29 June Wins: (259 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 8,712
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Throughout the day:
:v: Punches & Squats 27 (3x90 punches) in one go
:v: Punches & Squats 28 (115 squats)
:v: Punches & Squats 29 (3x100 punches) in one go
:v: Punches & Squats 30 (120 squats) :completed:Yup, I needed a win and this was the one I picked. And my knee didn't hurt at all!!! :bigsmile:

Main Workout:
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Rad) - 20m Boxing Basics: Defense :tired:
Ronin's Blade 14 - Thank you sweet Panda for the plums. I did the shoulder taps from my knees, because my wrists have been a little unhappy with me today.
Man Down + EC
20 calf raises

Parked for now:
:x: Endurance 14 (2m20s elbow plank hold)
:x: Epic Legs 11 (4x15 sumo squats + hold)
:x: Step Up 26 (30s lunge step-ups)
:x: CoS 29 (200 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
+ 40 rotations per foot

Peloton [Sleep Program] - 5m Sleep Meditation (#1)
Peloton [Sleep Program] - 5m Sleep Meditation (#2)

I'll probably have a meditation edit, but that's it for today. My wrist is being unhappy, mostly when I squeeze my hand in a fist. Trying to take it easy, but I probably upset it more this morning by doing chain mail. Heel felt bad for a little after main workout, but now it feels mostly okay, probably like a 3. Guess that rest helped.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@CODawn @Fremen @GentleOx @graoumia @MadamMeow @Anek @Haleth @Obsinosterous Thank you!! :flowers:

Sunday, 30 June Wins: (260 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 2,555
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves
Peloton [Sleep Program] (Kristin) - 5m Sleep Meditation

Not many wins today. But I had a lot of fun at the playtest and ended up talking with them for hours after. It was nice to talk with people and I had a lot of fun. I don't think I've had conversation like that for a while and it was very nice. Hey, this might have been the best outcome for my wrist. I'm going to do more tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to swing my bokken around. :peek:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 1 July Wins: (261 days)
:v: Journalling
Steps: 9,357
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

At work: Peloton (Alex) - 20m Rock Walk
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Kendall) - 20m Boxing Basics
Ronin's Blade 15 - Oooh yeah, take that shadows!! :kungfu:
Ronin's Blade 16 - felt bad for missing yesterday
Some stretches that felt right
+ 40 rotations per foot

Peloton [Sleep Program] (Ross) - 10m Sleep Meditation

It was a day where I felt like I crammed too much information in my head. Also, it kinda feels like there are a lot of roadblocks in all the important ways right now. But I'll figure it out. This whole "don't eat bananas or other things high in potassium" thing has me really annoyed the most. No beans in my burrito bowl, no salmon, no freeze dried bananas (which are my favorite way to have bananas), etc.... It's really messing with me and just making me frustrated because I keep having to check things. I wanted to eat fruit today, but didn't because of potassium. This really sucks. Can't wait to have salmon on Wednesday after I've given the lab techs the blood. I've been looking forward to salmon for weeks and the grocery store finally had the ones I like. And we picked them up before I realized that they were on the restricted list. *sigh*, but it will be A-OKAY.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Maegaranthelas Thank you!!! :flowers: I fully agree.

Tuesday, 2 July Wins: (262 days)
:v: Journalling
Steps: 7,292
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods

Peloton Scenic - 5m Tuscany Ride
Peloton (Alex) - Extra 10: Low Impact Ride
Peloton (Alex) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
Ronin's Blade 17 - I did elbow plank instead of full plank by accident, and then my heel has been really bothering me today (which is why I skipped the walk today), so I replaced Plank Walk-outs with Dead Bug (since I couldn't figure out on the fly what groups it was working, so I took Dead Bug off the Ab Chart) and then I did do all knee pushups today - In the end, I did not do nothing, but I feel a little bad for deviating so much.
+ 40 rotations per foot
Peloton (Ross) - 15m Witness Meditation

Note: I did look at Ronin's Blade 18. If I do 30m cumulative of mediation today, I will claim it in an edit. Love ya'll, but it is still hard for me to do more than 20m straight.

Peloton [Sleep Program] (Kristin) - 5m Sleep Meditation
Peloton (Aditi) - 10m Sleep Meditation
Ronin's Blade 18

So, the new bike was delivered today. As per my usual, cardio goes first, so I just had to try it out. I mean, come on, it is a shiny new toy. I think it went really well, even though I forgot to warm up, and I was able to help M seamlessly transition into how to operate it. Now, if I could just get him to try on the shoes and do a workout on it tomorrow, then everything will be worth it. :muahaha:

I'll get back to challenges soon, I haven't forgotten them.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 3 July Wins: (263 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 9,734
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:~: Healthy foods

At work: 1h30m of playing volleyball - "team building"
At work: Sore Feet

I am paying for this, my heel is definitely not happy. However, I had a very good time. So, I am taking it easy right now. M did try on the shoes, but he did a lot of walking at work today and was exhausted from the heat. So, closer to that goal.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 4 July Wins: (264 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 7,959
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:~: Healthy foods

Peloton Lanebreak - Moderate - 5m New Tracks Warmup
Peloton Lanebreak - Hard - 20m Iconos Latinos :tired: I probably should have stuck it out at Moderate, but I survived.
Peloton (Robin) - 5m Cool Down Ride
Peloton (Ally) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
Peloton (Aditi) - 10m Peak Performance Meditation :heart:

:v: Five Minute Plank 1 (20s elbow plank) Reintroducing to my schedule
Ronin's Blade 19
:v: Step Up 26 (30s lunge step-ups) I might have already done 26... oh well. :ss:
:v: Epic Legs 11 (4x15 sumo squats + hold)
:v: CoS 29 (200 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
+ 40 rotations per foot
Edit: Peloton [Sleep Program] (Aditi) - 10m Sleep Meditation

Note: Endurance I think I need to table this one and restart it fresh at another time. It's not motivating to me currently, but I think part of that is because I am inconsistent and I think this one really requires me to be consistent to keep making the days to keep up the momentum.

Okay, right now one of the things that I am super loving about biking is that my heel doesn't hurt afterwards. I can cardio and still be able to walk decently later. I am still feeling like I need to catch up on Ronin, because for some reason, I feel driven to actually finish it in 30 days from when I started. So, if I'm feeling spunky later, I might do the next page. Also, will be coming back with some sleep meditation later as well.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 5 July Wins: (265 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 11,803
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:~: Healthy foods - yes but no. I need more fruit and veggies

Before Lunch:
Peloton Lanebreak - Moderate - 5m Warm Up
Peloton (Kendall) - 20m Recovery Ride - about halfway through, my sore bum stopped hurting from the saddle... as of posting this, it hasn't come back
Peloton (Ben) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
Ronin's Blade 20
Ronin's Blade 21 - sided with the Shadow Wolves - all that turning made my heel a little twingy and I really just wanted to do some more vertical cuts because I get into a really nice rhythm with them.

Before Dinner:
:v: Five Minute Plank 2 (25s elbow plank) - Yo, I really need to clean my yoga mat. And maybe get a larger workout mat. Food for thought.
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Kendall) - 5m Full Body Warm Up - did not enjoy
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Selena) - 30m Shadowboxing - Okay, I think I have definitely decided I don't prefer this instructor
Ronin's Blade 22 - Run away - Yeah, I wondered if they weren't the "good" wolves, but I am not unhappy about dodging some burpees.
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Selena) - 5m Full Body Stretch

Edit: Peloton [Sleep Program] (Anna) - 10m Savasana Meditation

Tabled for today:
:x: Step Up 27 (4x22 lunge step-ups)
:x: Epic Legs 12 (2x44 leg raises & side leg raises)
:x: CoS 30 (1m30s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==
+ 40 rotations per foot

Okay, I hadn't planned on two workouts, but I had forgotten there was a second week to the Shadowboxing Program, and I have 3 days worth of activities and 4 days left to finish them. Had to modify plank hold to elbow plank for less heel stress, did knee pushups, and did the hidden burpees (yes, I saw those Selena) carefully. Heel is mildly upset, but not completely painful.

Ronin is only one day behind, if I did my math right, so I'll stop playing super catch up now. This program is just so good. Thank you again for putting it together.

Alright, I will probably come back with a meditation edit, as I have week 2 of that program. (I'm only one session behind, so maybe I'll do both tonight? Then I'll stop worrying about it)

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@graoumia Oh yes it is, but it has been well past time for me to do so.

Saturday, 6 July Wins: (266 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 8,931
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:~: Healthy foods - I was doing good up until dinner when wings and garlic knots were had.

Peloton Lanebreak - Moderate - 5m Beach Rock Warm Up
Peloton (Robin) - 20m Beginner Ride - my seat is still a bit sore, but I feel it is improving.
Peloton (Jenn) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
Edit: :v: Five Minute Plank 2 (25s elbow plank)
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Rad) 30m Shadowboxing :tired: :crawl:
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Selena) - 5m Full Body Stretch
And then I laid on the floor for 30 minutes, scrolling through my phone because I had not the energy to get up and make dinner, let alone do Ronin.

Edit: Peloton [Sleep Program] (Ross) - 10m Sleep Meditation
Edit: Peloton [Sleep Program] (Aditi) - 10m Sleep Meditation

In penance, I went to the grocery store after ordering & eating wings and pizza. So, yay, late night shopping trip. Also did some cleaning today, so that was also productive. Today I had a choice - Ronin or Shadowboxing Program. I didn't have the energy for both, so I picked the one that has an actual completion date deadline. I was so sluggish today. Hopefully tomorrow the energy will be back

Okay, good night. :zzz:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 7 July Wins: (267 days)
:x: Journalling
Steps: 6,630
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:~: Healthy foods - Uhh, I had two meals? Don't know how to count this.

Peloton Lanebreak - Moderate - 5m Aussie Pop Warm Up
Peloton Lanebreak - Moderate - 15m Green Day 💚
Peloton (Robin) - 5m Cool Down Ride
Peloton (Ally) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
... had to figure out how to cast to my TV since M was in my workout area ...
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Kendall) - 30m Shadowboxing :comeon:
Peloton [Shadowboxing Program] (Selena) - 5m Full Body Stretch :stubby:
Edit: Peloton [Sleep Program] (Anna) - 10m Sleep Meditation

Get Hooked - Shadowboxing Program Recap:
Week 1: 8/10
Week 2: 5/10
This sounded like an intro to shadowboxing, and I felt the first week reflected that. The second week, everything was turned up to 11, and I was not ready. I disliked the 5m Warm Up for Week 2, so I only did it on Friday, and instead used the Bike to warm-up. Instructors: I sometimes enjoy Kendall, I liked all the days with Rad, and I really think that Selena is not the instructor for me. By the end, I just wanted to get it done for it to be finished. Also, I should have spaced out the Week 2 exercises as recommended, but it just didn't work that way.
Overall, strong program, but not really for beginners.

Alright, now that I have completed that insanity - I am going to go back to enjoying Ronin without this hanging over me. I am going to continue to work on the bike, because that is a very viable option for me and I think I am actually enjoying it. I just need to get passed the sore seat. :nod:

Also, today was DnD. We had a very good session and it was good to laugh and smile with my friends!

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@CODawn @Fremen @MadamMeow Thanks!! :flowers:

Monday, 8 July Wins: (268 days)
:?: Journalling -> :v: Did reflections in log book It came with reflection sections, so why not?
Steps: 8,216
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:~: Healthy foods -> Converting this to :v: Logged my food & exercise in log book This part is for the weight loss clinic peeps. I want to have a physical log of what I have done for at least a month to show them what I have been doing. Now, if one of these doctors would just believe that I am actually working out, that would be great.

Peloton Lanebreak - Moderate - 5m Beach Rock Warm Up
Peloton Lanebreak - Moderate - 20m Pop Punk
Peloton (Ally) - 5m Cool Down Ride
Peloton (Ben) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
Peloton [Sleep Program] (Kristin) 15m Sleep Meditation

Power of Sleep Program Recap:
Week 1: 9/10
Week 2: 9/10
This program was really awesome. I know I have a rocky relationship with meditation, but sleep meditation has been really helpful. I also liked that they introduced us to a variety of different types of meditation. I don't think there was an instructor that I didn't care for, but I think I definitely prefer Aditi and Ross. I think I will continue the practice of meditating before bed, as a good wind-down for the day.

I was going to do more, but I need to eat the second half of my dinner before I wind down for bed. I am hungry... (Like I am eating, right now)... hold up, I should start from the beginning.

Today, I went to the doctor and got referred to a podiatrist for plantar fasciitis and bone spur and I also got grounded from doing things that make my foot hurt. I also spent all day with said foot hurting, so I elevated it at work and took some ibuprofen. I did finally get M on the bike, and that was a disaster. He made it 5 minutes. I gave him encouragement the whole time and helped him, while meal prepping at the same time. I feel bad, because I then did my workout on the bike because the bike is one of the few things I can do right now that doesn't hurt my foot. Go figure, the shiny new toy. Well, I guess it will be what it will be at this point.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Fremen @Maegaranthelas @Anek @CODawn Thank you!! :flowers:

Tuesday, 9 July Wins: (269 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 7,954
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

Peloton (Ben) - 5m Warm Up Ride
Peloton (Ben) - 20m Low Impact Ride
Peloton (Kendall) - 5m Cool Down Ride
Peloton (Robin) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
Ronin's Blade 23 :heart: - Okay, that wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.
Peloton [Beginner Yoga] (Aditi, Kristin, & Anna) - 10m Intro to Beginner Program - Lay of the land
Peloton [Beginner Yoga] (Anna) - 20m Foundations of Movement (Props Class) - I have never had such a great intro into using props for yoga. It was very nice.

Whoot, that felt nice. I am feeling pretty good right now. My heel was achy again during the day, but it's feeling pretty alright now.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Obsinosterous Thank you! :flowers:

Wednesday, 10 July Wins: (270 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 5,559
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

Burrito Mode

I have felt nauseous since lunch, so I really don't feel that great right now. But I survived today. So, I'll get some rest and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 11 July Wins: (271 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 8,699
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

Peloton (Robin) - 5m Warm Up Ride
Peloton (Robin) - 20m Broadway Ride
Peloton (Robin) - 5m Cool Down Ride
Peloton (Robin) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
Peloton [Beginner Yoga] (Kristin) - 20m Foundations of Movement (Flexion & Extension) Loved it!
Peloton (Aditi) - 10m Body Scan Meditation
A little later...
I Do Not Yield lvl 3 5lbs

Not a bad day, just really busy.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 12 July Wins: (272 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 9,009
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

Before Breakfast: Peloton [Beginner Yoga] (Anna) - 20m Foundations of Movement (Lateral Movement) This was fantastic for first thing in the morning.

140/500 Ronin's Blade 24 Made progress in between Destiny matches and while helping M win three Domino games in a row in Red Dead Redemption 2. Oh yeah, I am taking split into manageable sets liberally to mean throughout the day. They aren't really hard, but there is a lot of them.
Peloton Lanebreak - Moderate - 5 min New Tracks Warm Up
Peloton (Robin) - 20m Low Impact Ride
Peloton (Jess) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
Peloton [Beginner Yoga] (Aditi) - 20m Foundations of Movement (Twists) Ugh, this sucked. Found that I have both physical limitations (like my foot does not reach the ground when crossed over the other foot) and low flexibility. But that's okay. I can only get better. I do wish she had talked about how to modify down, instead of just how to modify up.
...Cleaned Yoga mat... but nothing really came off, so I stuck it out in the sun to dry. I think it is just getting worn down and that is part of why it looks like it is dirty.

500/500 Ronin's Blade 24 I did the rest of it in batches of 60 and 80 at the end of the day, when I realized that I had gotten distracted and not finished what I started.

Pretty low key day overall. Not much to report on.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Saturday, 13 July Wins: (273 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 5,694
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

Peloton (Sam) - 5m Warm Up Ride
Peloton (Sam) - 15m HIIT Ride - I went a little out of my comfort zone and it was pretty good. :yas: :tired:
Peloton (Ally) - 10m Cool Down Ride
Ronin's Blade 25 - Shorter, but Harder :sneaky:Nobody saw nothing. I did *not* do any high knees. Shhh. Just to mention, this went great. No pain and I was careful. :heart:
Peloton (Matty) - 10m Full Body Stretch - This was exactly what I needed. Oh yeah, I bookmarked this one.
Peloton [Beginner Yoga] (Kristin) - 20m Foundations of Movement (Balance) - OOOOOHHHH, my forehead finally touched the ground in Child's Pose!!!!! (My butt on my heels, not yet, but it felt like it was in approximately the usual position). I was so shaky after that ride. I did it all the best I could and I feel like I am learning a lot. Also, holding full plank is HARD.
Five Minute Plank 4 (2x10 supermen) - And then I noticed I skipped day 3 when I was logging
CoS 30 (1m30s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==
Five Minute Plank 3 (30s elbow plank) - There, I fixed it

A little bit later...

+150 vertical cuts while playing games.

I had an another relaxing day today. Unfortunately, DnD was cancelled, but it was for a good cause. My DM took her EMT certification exam today. I am so proud of her. She has been working hard towards this goal.

1 good thing today: My foot hurt less when I was done with all that working out and for hours afterwards. I know, I know, don't over do it just because it feels better. I promise I won't.

Also, enjoyed mead treat tonight. :heart:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 14 July Wins: (274 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 6,640
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

Peloton (Bradley) - 5m Warm Up Ride
Peloton (Robin) - 30m The Greatest Showman Ride :heart: :tired: Out of comfort zone a little again, but I think it was worth it.
Peloton (Alex) - 5m Cool Down Ride
Peloton (Rebecca) - 10m Full Body Stretch
Peloton [Beginner Yoga] (Aditi) - 20m Foundations of Movement (Restorative)

And then, I was just so hungry and it was getting late. I'm going to focus on getting to Ronin tomorrow. If I ride, it will be a low impact I think.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 15 July Wins: (275 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 8,204
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

Peloton (Alex) - 5m Warm Up Ride
Peloton (Robin) - 15m Low Impact Ride
Peloton (Ally) - 5m Cool Down Ride
Ronin's Blade 26
Peloton (Matty) - 10m Evening Stretch
Peloton [Beginner Yoga] (Anna) - 30m Foundations of Movement (Week 1 Wrap-up)

It was a day. By the time I got home, I was peopled out and my foot was so painful. And yet, all I could think of was going for a ride. Turns out, that ride was one of the few times today that my foot didn't hurt. Right now, it is a little twingy. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day. However, I am seeing a correlation to being barefoot all weekend and only a little foot pain and wearing shoes and having much more foot pain. I did also try out my new carbon fiber toed shoes today and that might not have helped at all. I'll wear my normal shoes tomorrow and see how that goes.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Tuesday, 16 July Wins: (276 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 6,122
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

P (Robin) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P (Bradley) - 30m Disney Ride
P (Alex) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Matty) - 10m Full Body Stretch

Nice, quiet day in the office. Had to leave early to take cats to the vet for their wellness exams. I have two healthy little boys. Well, one of them is not so little, but we are working on it. Wore my usual shoes today and my heel was fine.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 17 July Wins: (277 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 10,066
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

At work: P (Anna) - 15m Morning Walking Meditation - Finally, really woke up about 1/2 through this. Yeah, I had already been at work for 2 hours. 😅
At work: P (Anna) - 10m Peace Meditation - Uh, yeah, something at work was really ticking me off, so I decided to meditate to calm down.
Added together: Ronin's Blade 27 is satisfied

P (Ben) - 10m FTP W ⬆️ Ride
P (Ben) - 20m FTP Test Ride :tired: :toohot:
P (Tunde) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P [Beginner Yoga] (Aditi) - 20m Foundations of Class (Sun Salutation)
P (Aditi) - 10m Restorative Yoga

It was a day. I slept not so great, despite getting normal amounts of sleep. I had to put out a fire right away in the morning and I took the walk during it while I waited for someone else to complete their part so that I could do mine. The walk was alright. Heel twinged a bit, but settled after a little. Thankfully, it was a cloudy day, so I wasn't a puddle afterwards. Then some office tea just rubbed me the wrong way and annoyed me, so I had to calm down. Didn't feel particularly productive today, but I got done what needed to be done. Now, time for some more sleep and hopefully tonight will result in a better rested me.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 18 July Wins: (278 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 6,168
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

P [Beginner Yoga] (Anna) - 20m Foundations of Class (Open Standing Poses)

It was a day. I was having a good, productive-ish day and we even got to leave early today. Then on the ride home, my head started throbbing and I was feeling quite miserable. So, I didn't go out to paint scrolls likes I had planned and ended up eating too much pizza. (Thin crust, lots of veggies and only ham for my protein, so ultimately, not the worst pizza). But I didn't break my streak and as of right now, my headache is down to a dull roar. I should be able to sleep it off the rest of the way. Heel is a little unhappy from yesterday and doing yoga less warmed up than I usually am really made me aware of how my foot is doing tonight. Tomorrow I will put together a list of stretches. But not tonight. I'm too sleepy now.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 19 July Wins: (279 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 7k+
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

P (Tunde) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P (Robin) - 45m Your Day One Ride - Okay, that was my 1st 45m ride. More below, since I am getting wordy.
P (Bradley) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Bradley) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
P [Beginner Yoga] (Kristin) - 20m Foundations of Class (Neutral Standing Poses)

I did better than I hoped for, but I had to stop coming up into 2nd position (standing on bike, hands gently resting on handle bars) because it made my heel hurt. Good to know there are still limitations to what is "okay" on the bike. I made it, I was successful. She had us reflect on the last 100 days and I was proud of the progress I have made up to this point. I look forward to the next 100 days of my fitness adventure, big or small, restricted or not. I am feeling much more ready to accept what the podiatrist might say because in the end, I am here working out for me. Like I have heard many times, you must know your goal in order to possess the desire to put in the effort to achieve it. I want to be healthy and fit, not for anyone else but myself. I want to be strong and steady. I want to be flexible and capable of great efforts of cardio. All of this strengthens only me and makes me a better, more resilient individual. Looking back, I am grateful to everything Darebee, not just since I got back, but for everything that you have given me over the years. A determination and commitment to being better when I was unemployed and depressed about having a hard time finding a job as a fresh graduate. An outlet for stress when I was in not only University, but community college as well. Hive, I love all of you, and Darebee team, thank you a million times over. I look forward to the next 100 days (and beyond) with all of you, no matter the strange adventures I am about to undertake between the podiatrist and the weight loss climic peeps (yeah, this part is going to be super *interesting*).

Today was drive to the next town over to see the dentist, who was very happy with my gums and their journey back to healthy. Long drive back, finished with returning the box for the new toothbrush I bought to get one that actually contained said toothbrush. Then this super extra bike ride. Tomorrow, I want to dial it back, but we'll see what the impulse control has to say about that. Tomorrow, I really want to hit Ronin's Blade up. I wanted to do so today, but I, well I expended my energy in an unplanned way.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Saturday, 20 July Wins: (280 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 7k+
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

P Lanebreak - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P (Tunde) - 15m Low Impact Ride
P (Ally) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Alex) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
P [Beginner Yoga] (Anna) - 20m Foundations of Class (Backbends)

Haha, best laid plans. On this day, my left elbow hurt. So, I paid attention to it when riding and discovered that it hurt from clenching the handle bars and probably from going to standing more than I was yet used too.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 21 July Wins: (281 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 7,290
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

P (Ben) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P (Robin) - 20m Broadway Ride
P (Bradley) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Robin) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
P [Beginner Yoga] (Kristin) - 20m Foundations of Class (Forward Bends)
P [Beginner Yoga] (Aditi) - 10m Foundations of Class (Meditation) 🧘‍♀️
Ronin's Blade 28
Ronin's Blade 29 - sided with the Kitsune :dizzy: :imp:
Ronin's Blade 30 - sided with the Kitsune :completed: :yas:
Lovely ending! Excellent program!! I will likely do this again at some point. :love:

Oh yeah, I am on top of things today!! Already been grocery shopping and did meal prep and now I've also completed my workout. Once I got in the groove on Ronin, I just didn't want to stop. Glad I waited until today and that I was able to take the time to enjoy it all.

Now, to scrounge up something for a late lunch. :noming:

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@MadamMeow @Fremen Thank you!! :flowers:

Monday, 22 July Wins: (282 days)
☀️ 🌙 Did reflections in log book
Steps: 5,069
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Logged my food & exercise in log book

P (Ally) - 5m W ⬆️ Ride
P (Ally) - 15m Disney Ride
P (Leanne) - 10m Extra 10: Low Impact Ride
P (Emma) - 5m C ⬇️ Ride
P (Bradley) - 5m Post-Ride Stretch
P [Beginner Yoga] (Kristin) - 30m Foundations of Class (Week 2 Wrap Up)

Alright, new plan. Finish Yoga Program next Monday and hopefully by then my left elbow will be over me locking it up a few of days ago during that 45m Ride. I think I want to take Xpress Tone next. I do want to go back and finish 60 Days of HIIT, but I am still grounded until I see the podiatrist (and my foot hurts a little from the 180 turns yesterday, which I am not sorry about). From the preview, I should be able to do this one and I don't have it yet. But, I need to give my elbow a bit to stop being angry. At some point, resume or restart Zen. With the Yoga & Meditating I've been doing, there is no reason I couldn't complete Zen. Especially now that I am learning how to use blocks properly to help support me better.

:jacks: Keep on kicking Bees and have a good one!
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