Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @JCU @Maegaranthelas @TopNotch - Both aches faded as the day went on. Gotta start getting to sleep earlier so I don't feel so blargh in the mornings though.

A full week done, woohoo! :yas:
My back is about 75-80% healed up, but I'm still going to stick to these lighter exercises to the end of the program:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Leg Raises (EotD) done (3 sets of 10),
Day 7 of Recovery done,
Day 7 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 7 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 2 of Gladiator done,
Day 21 of Daily HIIT attempted (It was Burpee day, but since I have to be so careful getting up and down, I did Squats instead),
Stretched done.

Going to take advantage of a break in the rain to try and get some gardening done, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Getting the week off to a good start:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Sumo Squats (EotD) done,
Day 8 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 8 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 3 of Gladiator done,
Day 22 of Daily HIIT done,
Day 8 of Recovery done (Couldn't hold poses 3 and 6 for the full minute, they're hard on the old spine!),
Stretched done.

Managed to get half the front lawn mowed yesterday, let's see if I can finish the job today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Only did the important bits today, back is bad again:-

Universal Warmup done,
Day 4 of Gladiator done,
Day 9 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 9 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 9 of Recovery done.

Didn't manage to get much mowing done at all yesterday, before I scrunched my spine, hopefully I can get it done later in the week. But today is going to be a lazy, watch old Dr. Who episodes kinda day, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Managed a bit more today:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Squat Hold Calf Raises (EotD) done,
Standing Core (WotD) attempted (1 set),
Day 5 of Gladiator done,
Day 10 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 10 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 10 of Recovery done,
Stretched done.

Gotta drag a load of paperwork to the local government office today, prove who I am. Don't know why us Brits are so against ID cards, would make life simpler, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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you don't use Id cards ? :blink:

Nope, it's kind of assumed that everyone has a passport and a driving licence, so it gets complicated when you don't.

Missed a couple of days, been very frazzled looking after an extra poorly Housemate, but tried to do a bit today:-

Universal Warmup done,
Day 11 of Recovery done,
Day 11 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 11 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 6 of Gladiator attempted (Legs were too sore to do that final set of Lunges),
Day 23 of Daily HIIT attempted (managed 3 sets).

Housemate is feeling up to going for a walk, so that's today sorted out, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Wasn't sure I'd get anything done today (I'm running on about 3 hours sleep), but I wrapped up the week fairly well:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Calf Raises (EotD) done,
Day 12 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 12 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 7 of Gladiator done,
Day 24 of Daily HIIT done (Was too slow for Burpees, so swapped for Squats),
Day 12 of Recovery done (My body did not like some of the pretzel shapes I twisted it into).

Got a Farmers Market to go to today and I'm making the intriguing-sounding Cheeseburger Soup for dinner, hopefully I'll be nice and tired after that, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@GentleOx - Thanks! Had a bit of a lay-in today. Didn't get around to making the soup, but it looks very yellow in the recipe.

A bit late exercising today, but managed everything:-

Universal Warmup done,
80 Chest Expansions (EotD) done (Over 3 sets),
Day 13 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 13 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 25 of Daily HIIT done,
Day 8 of Gladiator done (Had to do a plain Plank rather than a 1-Armed one, but I lasted the whole minute),
Day 13 of Recovery done.

Yesterday was a bit of a write-off.
Tried going to the Farmers Market but had to turn around and come back home, which put the Housemate in a bad mood, so I just hid in my room for the rest of the day.
Hopefully today will go better and I can make my soup, see y'all tomorrow!


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Back and legs are a bit sore this morning so I just did what I could:-

Universal Warmup done,
Kanary (EotD) attempted (1 set, struggled with kicking today),
Day 14 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 14 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 14 of Recovery done,
Day 9 of Gladiator attempted (2 sets, just couldn't manage that last set of Lunges).

Made my Cheeseburger Soup last night, it's a bit weird but very tasty, got some left for tonight's dinner.
Today's main task is to go to the Doctors for a check-up. They want some blood, so I'm desperately trying to stay hydrated so they don't struggle so much to find my veins this time :cry:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Cheeseburger soup? really :blink: ?can you tell us how you are doing this please?

Yep, the recipe is here:- Cheeseburger Soup.
Personally, I don't think it tastes like cheeseburgers (More like spaghetti bolongnese) but it is yummy.

Got up a little late, but managed almost everything today:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold (EotD) attempted (Got to about 40 seconds),
Day 26 of Daily HIIT attempted (Couldn't manage that final set of Jumping Jacks),
Day 10 of Gladiator done,
Day 15 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 15 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 15 of Recovery done (All done!),
Morning Mobility done.

Finished the Recovery program, it was a little too easy for me, but I imagine it would be great when you're feeling really blergh but still want to do a bit of a workout.
I also did well at the Doctors, still over-weight (I suspect I probably always will be) but perfectly healthy otherwise, more importantly they got my vein on the first attempt! :yas:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Bard from The Netherlands
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"I sing and I know things"
:fireworks: for recovery =D
Also, BMI is an incredibly poor measure for health, so if your health markers are good and you feel fit and capable, your weight is probably great as it is =)
The podcast Maintenance Phase did a fantastic episode on all the ways BMI does not make sense, if you ever want to learn more about it.
In any case, I am very happy you are in good health =D And that you didn't have to get stabbed multiple times!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @CODawn @TopNotch @Fremen @Obsinosterous @Maegaranthelas @MadamMeow @JCU @graoumia

@Maegaranthelas - I agree. It would probably do me some good to lose some of those excess kilos, but I'm healthy and quite a bit fitter than I used to be, so I'm not going to worry too much.

Missed yesterday through a lack of enthusiasm, back at it today:-

Universal Warmup done,
Day 16 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 16 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 11 of Gladiator done (Regular Plank),
Day 27 of Daily HIIT done,
Morning Mobility attempted (Struggled with some of the more bendy poses).

Gardening today, if the rain stays away, and meatballs for dinner, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Arm day today, found it pretty tough!

Universal Warmup done,
40 Alt Arm/Leg Raises (EotD) done,
Day 17 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 17 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 12 of Gladiator done,
Day 28 of Daily HIIT done,
Foothold (WotD) done.

Yesterday I managed to get the gardening done before the rain started, couldn't get out to buy an onion though, so meatballs have moved to tonight, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another week wrapped up!

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Knee-to-Elbow (EotD) done,
Day 18 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 18 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 13 of Gladiator done,
Day 29 of Daily HIIT done,
Divergent (WotD) attempted (I tried but I didn't seem to have enough room to really stretch out today).

I think the rain is going to trap me indoors all day today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Got the week off to a good start! :strong:

Universal Warmup done,
100 Side-to-Side Chops (EotD) done (Spread over 3 sets),
Day 19 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 19 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 14 of Gladiator attempted (Regular Plank, can't seem to break the 1 minute barrier),
Day 30 of Daily HIIT done (All done!),
Stretched done.

Daily HIIT was a fun challenge, I was extra useless on the Burpee days though, it was very rare that I managed more than 1 in 15 seconds :flat:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @NancyTree @Obsinosterous @MadamMeow @Fremen @HellYeah @PetiteSheWolf @JCU

Overdid pushing the Housemate around town on Monday, so took yesterday off, tried doing a bit today but there were too many W-Extensions!

Universal Warmup done,
60 Toe Tap Hops (EotD) done,
Day 20 of Vitality attempted (2 sets, arms were just too sore for a final set),
Day 20 of 30 Days of LIIT attempted (2 sets, another one that was too tough for my arms today),
Day 15 of Gladiator done,
Stretched attempted (Arms let me down again).

Gotta figure out dinner tonight, it's going to be chicken something, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Did well today:-

Universal Warmup done,
10 Stacked Push-Ups (EotD) done (Did Knee ones),
Day 16 of Gladiator done,
Day 21 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 21 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Stretched done.

Dinner last night ended up being Chicken Pilaf, tonight's is Tuna Nicoise (It's finally salad season! :salad:).
Housemate has been doing well staying awake when we watch Dr. Who, so we've started watching Moon Knight (She likes it so far), hopefully we'll eventually get back to having movie nights.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Didn't do great today, my left heel hurts so I struggled a bit:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Backfists (EotD) done,
Day 22 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets. Couldn't do much with either the Lunges or Calf Raises),
Day 22 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 17 of Gladiator attempted (Just couldn't Plank at all today),
Stretched done.

Feeling pretty low today. Tried watching some Moon Knight last night, but the Housemate fell asleep about 10 minutes in and stayed like that until I woke her up to put her to bed (And she can't remember watching the show at all, so I won't bother putting it on again), I know it's a silly thing to get a bit depressed about but it's really got me wondering what's the point of anything.
Anyways, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @JCU

It's hot today! :toohot:

Universal Warmup done,
100 W-Extentions (EotD) done (The horror! :shoked:Spread these over 3 sets),
Day 18 of Gladiator attempted (My foot feels better than yesterday, but I still couldn't manage the full load of Lunges),
Day 23 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 23 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Stretched done.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Even hotter today :tired:

Universal Warmup done,
40 Side-to-Side Lunges with Toe Point (EotD) done (Heel wouldn't let me do the Toe Points),
Day 24 of Vitality done (3 sets, Couldn't do the Hamstring Stretches),
Day 24 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 19 of Gladiator done,
Stretched done.

Had a Farmers Market and a Craft Fair to go to today, but, once again, it doesn't look like we'll get there. I'm just not going to bother planning to go anywhere anymore.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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:thanks:@MadamMeow @Maegaranthelas

Howdy y'all!
Between the hot weather and an ongoing case of the melancholies, I'm really not feeling like exercise at the moment.
But with today being both the start of a new week and a new month, I thought I'd try, I really struggled but I got almost everything done:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Raised Arms Hold (EotD) done,
Day 25 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 25 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 20 of Gladiator attempted (Still can't break the 1 minute Plank),
Stretched done.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep this up, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @JCU @graoumia

A second day done:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Balance Front Kicks (EotD) done (20 a leg),
Day 21 of Gladiator attempted (Couldn't manage all the Lunges),
Day 26 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 26 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Stretched done.

Stupid weather, it's been too hot to do any chores outside for a while but now it's cooled down it's started raining, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Day 3:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Squats (EotD) done (Did 60 seconds because that's what the timer was set for),
Day 27 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 27 of 30 Days Of LIIT done (3 sets),
Day 22 of Gladiator done,
Stretched done.

Actually feel like cooking for dinner rather than just heating something up, so I'm making Prawn Risotto, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Day 4:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Wall Sit (EotD) done,
Day 23 of Gladiator attempted (Did worse at Planks than usual, had sweaty, slippery hands),
Day 28 of Vitality done (3 sets),
Day 28 of 30 Days of LIIT done (3 sets),
Stretched done.

Of course the weather is nice when it's grocery shopping day, I'll get the gardening finished eventually, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Not feeling too great at the moment, wanted to finish the week off strong, but didn't get much done before I started feeling pukey though:-

Universal Warmup done,
50 Side-to-Side Jumps (EotD) done,
Day 29 of 30 Days of LIIT attempted (1 set),
Day 29 of Vitality attempted (1 set),
Day 24 of Gladiator attempted (Not quite 1 set).

Hopefully I don't spend all of today asleep like I did yesterday, see y'all tomorrow!