A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
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Saturday meditation, daily habit, no walking.

So; another week with good meditation and daily habit, but very poor walking.

Sunday meditation, daily habit, no walking.

The report is given, so I have no reason not to go walking anymore. Grrr.

Sunday morning Stomach Vacuum D11, Total body D3, 3*matsyasana.
This morning Stomach Vaccum D12, Total body D4, 3* balance asanas.

128 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).

Darling Nephew and his sweetie stayed until yesterday, it was very nice seeing them - he's a sweetie, and she seems to have good influence on him and is a very nice, very dynamic, well balanced young woman. House feels strangely calm...
Though I won't miss the later dinners (when you think I usually don't eat dinner when alone...), and additional food...
Thursday we have my father's goddaughter arriving for a week, a young lady of 17, just had her "bac" (end of high school exam in France) with flying colors and is starting a good school to prepare for the ingeneering schools entrance exam. Very very different from my Nephew, but I really love her too, we call each other "auntie from the heart" and "niece from the heart" ;)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Wednesday meditation, daily habit, and 5,000 steps.

This morning Stomach Vaccum D15, Total body D7, 3*matsyasana.
"yoga" day was plank day, it was tough (broke positions a few times, I am afraid, but went back in, LOL), but did it.

131 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Time flew, as we were taking care of dad's goddaughter, AKA my niece-from-the-heart, who is visiting us.

Thursday meditation, daily habit, walked.
Friday meditation, daily habit, walked.
Saturday Meditation, daily habit, walked.

So this was at last a good week for my three goals - meditation, daily habit, and over 5,000 steps/day.

Sunday Meditation, daily habit, walked.

Friday did Stomach Vacuum D16, Total body D8, 3*balance asanas.
Saturday did Stomach Vacuum D17, Total body D9, 3*matsyasana.
Sunday did Stomach Vacuum D18, Total body D10, 3*matsyasana.
Monday/ this morning did Stomach Vacuum D19, Total body D11, 3*matsyasana. tendon strengths days are always ... interesting, LOL! My knee felt a bit strange afterwards but it is fine now so should be good. Maybe I was not careful about alignment. I'll have to remember this.

135 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).

So with my niece-from-the-heart, we went to thalassotherapy one afternoon - always a treat! And for me, finishing with the legs exercise in a swimming pool - including walking in a quite cooler water, felt really really good. I think even my knee felt good from it. We also visited an older city with a castle where one of our most famour writers was born (chateau de Combourg, writer is Chateaubriant) ; and yesterday we took a motorboat trip to one of the capes around (cap Frehel), I really enjoyed the wind, the waves, seeing the birds... It had been long since I had not been on the water, and the weather was perfect, with movement but no big waves, all the sailboats around us were at a nice speed. We passed by areas where I used to sail (sailboat) with my dad when I was a teen, so nice to see them again from the sea... In short, great prolonged week-end, but also a bit tiring! I think next week-end the parents will have trouble making me go anywhere, LOL.
Also baked (again) the brownies recipe from the Moosewood cafe cookbook using a gluten-free flour mix I really find efficient, incorporating almonds (broken in smaller pieces) and chocolate chips ; Niece downed them like there was no tommorow, LOL ! (and my parents did too).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Tuesday Meditation, daily habit, walked my 5,000 steps (let's keep this streak going...).

This morning did Stomach Vacuum D21, Total body D13, 3*matsyasanas.

137 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).

Niece-from-the-heart is leaving us today, looks like the summer is slowly coming to a close...
Oh, I remember sharing last year how it all blew up between my parents and my second bro. He came this summer, and stayed 3 days - without incidents, so that's a good progress. That's the good. Bad is that mom's definitly losing independance with her eyesight loss, and that's both sad to see - and makes her mood very volatile, which isn't always easy. But I (and dad) get why, so... Such is seeing your parents grow older, I guess. And I /am/ lucky to get to see them grow older.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Friday Meditation, daily habit, but no walking - we went for a visit after work, but was not the 5,000 steps.
Saturday Meditation, daily habit, but no walking, it was a rainy, autumn-like, miserable day (well, we made it nice inside, but outdoor it was miserable!)

So, for the week, good for meditation and daily habut, but only 4 days out of 7 walking.

Sunday Meditation, daily habit, and yes, walking,

Regarding exercise:
Saturday did Stomach Vacuum D24, Total body D16, 3*balance asanas
Sunday did Stomach Vacuum D25, Total body D17, 3*matsyasana
Monday / this morning did Stomach Vacuum D26, Total body D18, 3*balance asanas

142 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).

Nice WE, Friday evening after sending my work report we went for a visit in a "Malouinière" - the manors that the merchands from St Malo in 18th century (those who were launching ships to trade goods around the world - and sometimes fight the English and Dutch as "corsaires"), built for their families outside of St Malo , both for health and as status markers ; this one had a very nice garden, and they had set a nice bar-tent where we enjoyed a good aperitif.
Saturday was rest at home, away from the rain. Played Diablo III (seasonal fun), and discovering Stardew Valley.
Sunday was a walk in another large park that has very pretty views over the sea and the river Rance.

And we are back to the grind, my bee friends. Now, @Damer 's latest video made me wonder what kind of metrics (if any, but measureable goals are always nice, aren't they?!) I may set for next year...


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Tuesday Meditation, daily habit, and did my 5,000 steps,

This morning did Stomach Vacuum D28, Total body D20, 3*balance asanas

144 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).

So, next month, we'll see what the new challenge is, but thinking of doing some abs challenge if the new challenge isn't appealing, and continue chest and shoulder stretch / balance alternance. For chest and shoulder, the superman-with-goalpost-arms should be a nice one this month. Wonder if it has an proper asana name? Calling on the yogi bees here ;)
For the challenge,

may be the thing.

Still pondering about goals and markers, after that small video. Yes, I'd like to set some endurance goals / markers (speed during my daily walk, for example), but the inconvenient I see, peronally (and it is a very personal thing) is that, well.. Never know if/when my ticker-tocker will decide again to play Brubeck instead of Bach, and when that happens, all bets are off, for a while, and I have to come back. So, seeing progress is super motivating, but risking a backslide like that - and actually numbering it, is, for me, disheartening.
For strength, there is length of planks or number of abs, but I don't do them to fail often enough to note that. No more weights, so that's also not a good marker.
But I can still keep goals of regular exercise, definitly, LOL. And there are markers like "how many stairs can climb up without feeling (too) winded". That one is actually an interesting one, since a decrease could be an alert that the heart's starting to misbehave too (and should have warned me a few days before my cardiac inssuficency in 2019...). So that's a measure I should take regularly. As long as the knee agrees of course, but that can be also an interesting marker on the knee!

Disgressions about setting goals and markers off, kiddos, back to your programs, LOL!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Wednesday Meditation, daily habit, and did my 5,000 steps,

This morning did Stomach Vacuum D29, Total body D21, 3*matsyasana

145 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).

Stomach vacuum has been a very interesting exercise, I can't say I "see" physical change, but I can definitly feel more control over these core muscles, and better breath awareness too, that's definitly been a learning experience.

So, our admins are again treating us ;) Well, the monthly challenge isn't a great idea for my knee, so I will stay with the option I thought yesterday. New program is impressive work, all three difficulties! My tendancy would go toward the mid-level, but I am afraid it would be a bit too much high impact. However, the easy version may be a good bet for December (always busy with the Christmas Calendar and the Christmas tree here, LOL).
Just counted, Total Body should be done next week Saturday ; I drive back to Paris Saturday or Sunday. So, methink I will do some yoga or light stretching Sunday 8th , and probably start SOMA40 Monday 9th. I think we have our plan for next month set up, bees!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,936
"Striving to be the change."
For chest and shoulder, the superman-with-goalpost-arms should be a nice one this month. Wonder if it has an proper asana name? Calling on the yogi bees here ;)
The only asana name I know for the superman shape is Locust. The standard Locust is with arms back along your sides. For different arm positions, I would just call it a modified Locust.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
The only asana name I know for the superman shape is Locust. The standard Locust is with arms back along your sides. For different arm positions, I would just call it a modified Locust.
Goalpost-arms-locust then it shall be ; thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon:heart: .

Thursday Meditation, daily habit, and did my 5,000 steps, Not sure I will be able to do it tonight, as rain is forecasted (and going out for a walk at lunch isn't such a possibility when I am in Bretagne with my parents). We will see after work.

This morning did Stomach Vacuum D30 :star:, Total body D22 (modified the very low reverse lunges to regular reverse lunges), 3*balance asanas.

146 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).


Shieldmaiden from Greece
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"I just work here."
Happy Birthday 🤗🤗🤗

Happy Birthday Party GIF


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Thank you sooo much all, both for the congrats and the birthday wishes! First a little sports account of the WE, and then more about that new turn around the sun ;)

Friday Meditation, daily habit, and did my 5,000 steps; finally.
Saturday Meditation, daily habit, and did my 5,000 steps.
Sunday Meditation, daily habit, and did my 5,000 steps;.
Monday / todayMeditation, daily habit, but did not do my 5,000 steps.

So, for last week, Sunday to Saturday, good for meditation and habit , still not good for daily walking but better.

Friday did Total body D23.
Saturday did Total body D24.
Sunday did Total body D25, started First thing plank challenge D1, and 3* (10 goalpost-arm supermans, then hold it to count of 10).
Monday / this morning did Total Body D26 - who the heck gave me tendon strength on my birthday? Mean, mean, mean! :chuckle:,Plank challenge D2, 3*balance asanas.

149 consecutive days of exercise (D120 on 04/08).

Next post for my birthday post...


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Alchemist from France
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So, yeah. Officially, from today on, this wolf went 'round the sun 50 times. Yep, half a century. When you think I was not supposed to survive teen years!!! That's just incredible, and makes me already so thankful.
Happy Love You GIF by Barbara Pozzi

The day was just wonderful. Usually, I don't take my birthday off, but this time ... yeah. I wanted to mark the day. My parents of course wished me my birthday as soon as I woke up (we're together in Bretagne), and though I do not have the presents yet, I am gonna get so spoiled, LOL! Then a deluge of messages came, from facebook, from diffferent channels, my older bro suprised me with a game to download (on steam), one of my best friends made the sweetest AI image with guinea pigs to wish me my birthday... Really made me feel so special. Then we went to lunch at a friend of my parents, who also spoiled me so sweetly! And of course tonight I find all your messages, so thank you , merci ;) !

I'll just add that part of my birthday gift is Wednesday, when we'll be going to a gastronomic restaurant by the seaside, should be quite a special experience! I will tell you!

So, to that past year. I can say things are much, much better at work, with all the tensions with the discussion on our team done and gone. Phew. I am in a good place, to be made better but I can see and reflect how, so that's a huge plus. Exercise, I have been fairly consistent as I could. Well, heart-wise... That's been another session on the arrythmia-merry-go-round, but it solved pretty well, and I hope the fix can last better this time. Another lesson that I must listen to my body, and adapt, but step by step we grow.

And what will I make of these for next year? Welll... of course continue working out, dear bees! The regimen of program + one challenge and one other movement seem to work. I should continue working on my balance with the additional movement or challenge, integrate some knee strengthening or abs strengthening there too - three continuous goals for a globally fit body.
Once total body is done, I have SOMA, and the bokken program, as goals ; the new cardio program - light version, could work well for December. Afterwards, we will see.
Still as much as possible twice weekly to the gym - yoga and either body balance or the weight class.

For weight, I gained about 4 pounds between the hospitalisations / forced rest and this summer's parental diet ; as I come back home Sunday, afterwards I will watch seriously my diet, and I will at the end of each week put my weekly average weight and body fat % (in hidden for our fellow bees who have issues with it, wouldn't want to bring discomfort to any bee). It may take 2 full months , maybe three, but my goal is to be back under 43, ideally under 42.5 kg by end November.
(reminder, I am 4'8'' / 1m42, so these are reasonible goals)

Remember this little video on setting general well-being goals ? Well, I can say that mine are having no back pain (abs), no/low knee pain (quads exercises, squats and balance - the kinesitherapist was indeed strong on working my balance); and regularly check I can go up two or even better, three, flights of stairs of my appartment building without feeling out of breath. That sounds like good meters. So, for this start of a new half-century, here we go, bees! Onwards, encouraging each other; having fun and taking good care of these body of ours!

Basketball Howling GIF by Worcester Wolves


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Thank you @Maegaranthelas and all those who clicked on my posts ;)
Forgot to put, but it is also roughly my hive-versarry, been there since fall 2016! 8 years. Thank you to all the Dareteam that make this site so rich and encouraging!

Monday / this morning did Total Body D26 (messed the days somewhere up), Plank challenge D3, 3*balance asanas (Total Body had exercises very close to superman+goalpost-arms so I am switching between my two additions).

150 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Tuesday meditation, daily habit, not walking enough.
Wednesday meditation, daily habit, walked my 5,000 steps.

Yesterday Wednesday did Total Body D27, plank challenge D4, 3*modified superman.
Today Thursday morning did Total Body D28, Plank challenge D5, 3*modified superman.

152 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).

The restaurant yesterday was ... extraordinary, really. Location is very nice, we sat in a little english-club-like salon before and after lunch (aperitive and café), and for the lunch we had a nice view of the Mount St Michel bay. They respected perfectly our dietetary restrictions (warned wayyyyy beforehand I needed gluten-free and mom can't eat oysters). The meal was 10 different small dishes, all seashell or fish or alguae-based, with very fine spices (the restaurateur's father is well known in France for his spice selections) ; each was really unique, with lots of subtleties and interesting takes, really going from one surprise to the other. I will specially note oysters served with a floral sherbet - I felt like I was rediscovering oysters , and an alguae ice-cream topped with caviar (and with some roasted seeds for interesting contrast). Yeah, super expensive - like it is a real special birthday treat, not for every year!!!, but an experience we really loved and will remember.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
Thank you @Damer and LOL for the achievement unlocked!!! Thank you @graoumia , @Anek and @MadamMeow too (aww, hope kitty didn't hurt its pawsie helping his friend! :happy: )

Thursday meditation, daily habit, did not walk - I worked late and wanted to listen to the editorialists discuss our new prime minister and what may come.

Today morning did Total Body D29, Plank challenge D6, 3*balance asanas.

153 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,073
So, Friday, Saturday and Sunday no walking, but meditation and* daily habit.

Week sunday to Saturday : good for meditation and daily habit, bad for walking. Now that I am back in Paris, that'll change.

Saturday Total Body D30 :star::worried: , plank challenge D7 and 3*modified supermans.
Sunday 10 mins downdog yoga, plank challenge D8, 3*balance asanas. We drove back to Paris.
Today SOMA40 D1, Plank challenge D9, 3*modified supermans.

So, total body was a very good program, the "build" days tended to be a bit long, but overall it is very well balanced, good work dareteam!
Back to Paris, it feels strange but I am falling kickly back into my old routines, spots, shops ;) Feels good. This afternoon I'm going with my parents to get the second part of my 50th birthday present - they do are spoiling me!

I had the letter from the hospital waiting for me once back (should have been forwarded to Britanny, thank you postal services for not doing your work...) ; apparently no additional drug yet (relief) but he confirms the osteoporosis diagnostic. I see that doc mid-November, and the ob-gym of this team early october, guess it will be a point of discussion. In the meantime, vitamine D3 supplement and dailly skyr.

156 consecutive days of exercise (D150 on 03/09).