Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I was able to make another segment before my brother's favor came by
  • Stormy is getting better and better about moving!
  • He can now climb over the small fence they got to contain him
  • He's also learning to run which is adorable
  • Unfortunately, Mom's doing the majority of the watching and doesn't take pictures!
  • I'll see what she's taken tomorrow and try to get some myself the next time we watch him
  • It's been a quiet day otherwise!
  • (Though I am so glad I took Saturday as a lazy day)
  • Nobu insisted on cuddles just before I started crafting
  • I asked my sister if that looked comfy and she said it did 😂
  • Haven't wanted to watch anything new, so the last two days have been reruns: The Mummy and Top Gun: Maverick
  • I made it to bed!
  • Though Nox leaves shortly before I get into bed, it does mean my feet have a warm spot, so it's a silver lining!
  • Good: 1/3 of the way through the big project!
  • Happy: I'm making progress!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Another segment done!
  • I'm getting really worried about connecting these together, though
  • I'll figure it out eventually!
  • I'm hoping to make another segment tomorrow, but it's also laundry day, so we'll see
  • Planned a supper for the Autumnal Equinox and there are several new recipes I'm looking forward to making!
  • Weather changes have my head aching, which is fun 🙄
  • It's been a really quiet day
  • Good: got to bed!
  • Happy: quiet and productive day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I managed a new segment and a revision of my favorite bracelet!
  • Between Nobu*, laundry, and sundry chores that segment took twice as long to complete
  • But it's done and that means I'm halfway there!
  • I'm taking tomorrow to draft and maybe try attaching a segment or two
  • My back needs the break
  • *Cuddles!
  • Then I had to do laundry, found one of his favorite balls, and couldn't craft until he wasn't being a maniac
  • He got his revenge! 😂
  • I didn't mention yesterday that I watched Death Becomes Her
  • Been a while on that one!
  • I'd actually love a remake that's not campy. A full on horror movie. That'd be fun!
  • Today I just listened to my own thoughts
  • I think that's part of what took so long 🤷‍♀️
  • Fell asleep on the couch 🥲
  • Good: finally remade my bracelet
  • Happy: halfway done with my project!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
You know, it's not your usual style of music, but every time this band pops up in my mix, I think of you! :ss:

Ice Nine Kills, all of there songs are basically horror movie themed.

I love INK! I've been listening to older music right now, but I had an entire year where I only listened to Christmas music, so this too will pass eventually 😅

INK is one of the things that actually led me to horror movies again. I watched a few some years back and fellow Bees gave me a list to watch (@NancyTree was so helpful!) but then I lost both any desire to watch movies AND the list. Thanks, brain 🤦‍♀️

Thanks so much for sharing! If I didn't know them, this definitely would have made me curious!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • Today's song: nothing specific
  • Moved to several songs, but most were slower. One was by The Jackson 5 that I did dance to
  • I said no crafting. Then I noticed a mistake in my bracelet (😭). Then I drafted a new design. Then I made the new design. Then I made the new design with matte colors.
  • I love the new design, at least?
  • The matte colors are so subtle!
  • I also got to a few stores and had lunch with Dad
  • So it's been a productive day!
  • Stormy is so mobile! He still stumbles a bit, but he's so fast!
  • He's teething, so gentle chewing is happening. It's so cute 🥹
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  • As cute as he is, my 3 day reprieve is a delightful thought
  • My boys are getting bolder in approaching Stormy
  • It's tense, but not bad
  • A good day overall!
  • Good: feline interactions were gentle
  • Happy: silent weekend in two days!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • We're all super curious to see how his markings grow, @NancyTree!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • It's been a busy day!
  • Got supplies to make apple butter!
  • A large greenhouse nearby sells apples this time of year
  • Did I know I could buy a half bushel?
  • Nope!
  • (I'm giddy)
  • Nine apples have been used so far!
  • (The apple sauce isn't my best, but that's because I didn't use Jonagold; otherwise it's 🤤)
  • Apple butter tomorrow will use some more. I think I'm going to be making several batches 😅
  • I had several very quiet hours today!
  • And A, my brother's girlfriend, sent me pictures!
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  • And! I woke to this!
  • It's been a very good day!
  • Good: productive day!
  • Happy: applesauce turned out really well!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I put on music as I washed dishes in the hope it would get me to move
  • No go. I did shuffle a bit?
  • Apple butter is done!
  • That was a process!
  • I want to try it cold (I definitely made more than the recipe said and canned only half of it 😶) to really get a feel for the texture
  • I blended the peels, too, and hot the fiber is definitely noticeable
  • If I don't love it, I have plenty of apples to try again!
  • Other than that adventure, it's been a lovely, quiet day
  • All my crafting was food related, though I have a few designs I will be working on after this
  • I don't know what caused it, but Nox surprised me today
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  • I was speechless with happiness!!
  • I've had 12 hours of quiet today and they've been perfection
  • Tomorrow will have a few less, but still be wonderful!
  • Good: from start to finish, the apple butter took less than 11 hours
  • Happy: NOX!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I crafted most of my new designs
  • Took my mini loom into the back room and enjoyed the warmth and fresh air
  • It did wonders for my sinuses!
  • I also organized all of my excess thread
  • That took a while!
  • Watched: Ouija: Origin of Evil, Doctor Who
  • Quija was pretty boring. Acting was quite well done and the story wasn't bad, but it was so slow! I had it on 1.5x speed and couldn't tell!
  • Decided to go back to DW for the rest of my organizing
  • Mom and Dad are home safe. Festival season is officially finished.
  • I made it to bed night before last and very much did not last night
  • Mostly silent day was wonderful!
  • Brunch and Tyler tomorrow!
  • Good: looking forward to my large product after this detour
  • Happy: everyone is home safe after a delightful day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • No song
  • Lazy day!
  • We all slept in/lazed about in bed long enough brunch became lunch
  • I didn't get to my last design yesterday because I wanted to see where a change would lead me
  • Drafted that last night and made both today
  • I don't dislike either, but I think I'm going a slightly different direction
  • Some designs are perfect busy, others need a bit of simplicity
  • (This one is the latter)
  • I'm feeling the lack of shades in my beads with some new designs 😭
  • All the more reason to focus on my big project!
  • Watched: As Above, So Below
  • Meh. I was just waiting for how the characters would die. Of all the stupid things to do...
  • Brother sent me this:
  • The differences! 🥹
  • He's using the litterbox entirely and eating the wet food unprompted!
  • Hopes for tomorrow: cookies, segment, new design
  • I have nothing on, so I should be able to do it all!
  • Good: took a lazy family day
  • Happy: Tyler worked me over quite well!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • No song
  • My day got away from me a bit!
  • Completed everything I set out to do!
  • The cookies are puddles, but they taste good!
  • I have so much apple butter I'll make another batch soon
  • I waffled between 2 recipes and obviously chose the wrong one!
  • New segment done!
  • Also finished the new design with two different color backgrounds
  • Then asked my sister for help 😅
  • She's my artistic support!
  • Watched: Annabelle: Creation, World War Z, Doctor Who
  • I think I would have liked Annabelle more if it was visible
  • Why are horror movies so dark??
  • Are they afraid the story won't hold up to light??
  • I yawned several times 🤷‍♀️
  • World War Z was not bad! I'm not the biggest fan of zombie movies, so this one surprised me
  • I recommended it to my mom, actually, which shows the level of horror it doesn't have
  • Fell asleep on the couch two nights ago, did not last night, and just woke from a nap (at 8:30???)
  • I'll get there 😬
  • Good: finished my list
  • Happy: the back room table is a great height for crafting!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics Yesterday and Today
  • Yesterday was a very relaxed day
  • Considering how my back feels today, I'm very glad I didn't push it
  • Finished another segment today
  • Watched: Killer Klowns from Outer Space
  • That was a movie!
  • Prime recommended it to me and I'm not unhappy, just confused on why it was made in the first place
  • Today's song: nothing in particular
  • Shuffled along to several songs while making dinner
  • No song yesterday
  • Today's been a quieter day and tomorrow will have a lot of running around with (most probably) no crafting
  • My back really isn't very happy right now
  • My sister sent me this:
  • Her boyfriend just enables her inner cat lady 😂
  • My baby cuddled with me last night after several days of ignoring me
  • He's lucky he's cute!
  • Got to bed (late) on Tuesday, did not last night
  • Good: didn't push to make anything else
  • Happy: made more applesauce 🤤


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
Hello again, Bees!

It's been both busy and lazy days since my last post. Supper went super well. It took some serious running around to get everything for it and all the cooking happened day of. Which led to 2 lazy days! I had more planned for today, but Dad wanted lunch and company. Time well spent!

Exercised every day, stretched not so much, and danced only while cooking or showering. So swaying, more like.

Tomorrow will be back to a normal schedule (bullet points included!).

Cats! Nobu cuddled! (And was very insistent on grooming me.) Brother sent a photo of Stormy, too!

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Killer Klowns was not at all a bad movie, @GentleOx, just not noteworthy. I forgot it about as soon as I watched it. Almost violently eighties in style, the stereotypes were strong and the plot and acting corny enough to make it chuckle worthy. If you want a bizarre, campy movie, I do recommend it! And I had no idea it was made into a video game, but that makes a lot of sense!

I did watch another two movies that I had to put on 2X speed and am sorry I watched. Terrifier 1 & 2. L, my sister's boyfriend, told me they're the worst (goriest) horror movies he's ever seen. He knows people, his sister included, who have either paused the movie, or walked out of the theatre entirely. I went in sceptical but curious.

Don't watch them. The plots are crap, the writing is crap, the directing is meh, and the gore is so badly fake it's ridiculous. The only thing I can praise is the acting, specifically Thornton as Art.

Regarding the gore, I was outraged (a hacksaw can't do that!!) at the scene in the first movie, and rolled my eyes at the second. I feel like anyone who couldn't handle it never watched Hellraiser or similar.

Please, if anyone suggests you see any movie containing Art the Clown, say no. Want a silent killer? Friday the 13th. Gore? Hellraiser. Killer clown? Anything with Joker. Save yourself hours of boredom and cinematic outrage.

Sorry about that rant! Had to get that off my chest 😅

I hope to craft tomorrow and may watch something new. May also rewatch something good.

Good: supper went well and took several days off

Happy: great to see my sister and her boyfriend and have two days of relaxation


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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 674
"So sleepy!"
Cuddly kitties. I like.

I'll have to get around to KKfOS, as a podcast I listen to has recommended it.

I watched Terrifier as well, and I have to comment that you have a strong stomach if you made it through the gory bits (which is all the film has, really). I couldn't be bothered with Terrifier 2. At least Hellraiser had some gravitas to it. A movie with similar gore, but much better writing was Bone Tomahawk, which was set in the old west.

Keep writing reviews, you do it well!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Pour Some Sugar on Me, White Wedding
  • Doing dishes is an excellent time to dance!
  • It takes things a little longer, but much more fun!
  • My day has ended much better than it started
  • (I forgot the laundry detergent? Twice??
  • I was able to catch it the second time, thankfully. Only had to redo one load 🤦‍♀️)
  • Definitely didn't want to make supper, but once it was started, everything flew by!
  • Clean up and dancing both had me smiling!
  • Did craft another segment, but didn't close the warps or finish the endings
  • That's a tomorrow activity!
  • Cuddles last night and today!
  • I seem to be making it to bed every other night lately. That's an improvement!
  • I made it yesterday!
  • Mini rant: my local bead store is an outlet, so when they sell out it's gone. I miscalculated and needed one more tube of beads. I've been using Light Topaz Transparent. I found Transparent Light Topaz in the store
  • Why can't they just use numbers?? 😭
  • I found a seller online, thankfully, and received new beads today
  • I'm going to finish my coffee and relax for the rest of the night
  • It's been a pretty good day overall!
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: Nobu has been demanding cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
I'm very lucky to have a cuddly kitty, @GentleOx, and take every opportunity to immortalize him! Glad you like it, too!

I think it's how unrealistic most horror movies are that keep me from being bothered. Smells are my kryptonite (formaldehyde? 🤢) so if I can't smell it, I can ignore it. Unless it's a really good story, I won't be able to ignore how fake things are.

Terrifier 2 had a much better plot (in that it actually had one, even if I didn't like it) while also having more gore. The extra half hour may have helped with that 🤷‍♀️

I'll add Bone Tomahawk to my maybe list. I have to be in a very specific mood to want a western movie. Thanks for the recommendation!

Of the two of us, you're much better at reviews! I'm always worried about giving spoilers!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • No crafting
  • My brother left several big things here when he moved out because they didn't fit in his new place
  • They now fit
  • So I helped take things apart and move them
  • Good workout, bad time management
  • Did get to see all of my siblings and that was lovely!
  • (I'm comfortable calling the significant others my siblings. If either relationship was to end I'd be devastated)
  • I do want to push through with my crafting
  • 5 more segments! Then knitting together 😭
  • Nobu and Casper both have cuddled today!
  • Good: helped brother
  • Happy: siblings! Pizza for supper!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Did some running around!
  • My usual coffee shop is renovating, so we had to find another seller of whole beans
  • It took a bit of driving, but we did!
  • Quality to be decided tomorrow!
  • Another segment done!
  • I have to knit the loose ends in, but that's much faster than closing the warps (~15 minutes each 😭)
  • Watched: Doctor Who
  • Going by how my left pec is hurting, I think I slept wrong last night
  • I get to bed 3 days in a row, 8 hours last night, and my body rewards me with pain 😭
  • Tomorrow's plan: make and can applesauce, make another segment, at least take apart a design, if not remake it with new beads
  • Nobu cuddled last night and today!
  • Of course, I took that picture, removed my hand, and he went to the other couch 🥲
  • Good: made another segment
  • Happy: new coffee shop is lovely and will be a return visit even if the coffee isn't great!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • I now know my left calf is still tight
  • I apparently got used to that
  • No song
  • I forgot I was going to change my sheets today
  • That was an added exercise I didn't need today
  • The applesauce kicked my butt!
  • I made a triple batch, so needed my big stock pot
  • The slow cooker is so much easier and less stressful!
  • But smaller, unfortunately 😔
  • It's done and canned at least!
  • Finished another segment!
  • That's now 3 I have to knit the loose ends of
  • I also rewarded myself with mini m&ms when I finished wefts. 25 of one color 😭
  • Tedious but easy, at least!
  • I ended up making the design with new beads without taking apart the other 2
  • Comparison is almost useless (they're so similar 😭), but I like having it
  • If I can, I'm hoping to make 2 segments either tomorrow or Monday. The last will be more single color wefts, so that's easier
  • Nobu demanded cuddles multiple times and then had zoomies
  • A sent me pictures! This is my favorite
  • He's getting so big! 🥹
  • Good: finished my list
  • Happy: quiet night home alone!


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Scout from WNY
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  • That's after a kiss, @MadamMeow! It's the best way to get him off my lap; weirdo hates kisses 🤷‍♀️
  • I'm so glad I can share the adorableness!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Pushed through with two segments and finished knitting all the others
  • Only have to figure out putting it together 😬
  • I watched Doctor Who yesterday and listened to music today
  • Also didn't make it to bed two days in a row now 😭
  • Today has been both productive and lazy
  • A very good Sunday!
  • Good: finished two segments
  • Happy: tomorrow's segment is almost all one color, so it'll be quick and then I'M DONE!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge
  • I definitely did variations as the numbers increased!
  • Otherwise, it was a very easy challenge!
  • All 16 segments are complete!!
  • I managed to put together 3 horizontal pieces, but the verticals need an adjustment
  • I think I know what I want to do, it's just a lot of leaning over and I needed to give my back a break
  • I'll hopefully finish it tomorrow!!
  • It's giving me great hope for Mom's Christmas present, because I'll need to stitch that together, too
  • Otherwise I may get a frame and switch segments as the seasons change
  • I have plenty of time to figure that out!
  • Watched: Prom Night
  • As a slasher flick, it was disappointing
  • As a mystery, it was quite well done!
  • I love movies made in the early 80s, because they're still so 70s 😅
  • Today's song: several that I moved to after my shower
  • Nobu cuddled last night and I fell asleep on the couch, though I did wake up earlier than usual!
  • I'll count it as a half success
  • Good: finished crafting!!
  • Happy: stitching segments together is much easier than I worried it'd be!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433

  • :thanku: @Fremen, @VacTom, @Anek, @Obsinosterous, @MadamMeow!
  • Basics
  • This month's schedule:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Calf Raises Challenge
  • Daily Dance
  • Splits Exercises
  • Bike ride?
  • The weather is turning and I'm interested in getting out again!
  • Despite initial plans, it was just too hot to want to leave the house this summer
  • Today's song: several as I did laundry
  • That was a day early because I see Kayla tomorrow
  • (I'm so thankful. The pain my back is in 😭)
  • I finished stitching the rows together!
  • Unfortunately, stitching the rows to each other is still a work in progress
  • I have an idea to try tomorrow that I don't think will work, but will at least be easy
  • I do have elastic for bracelets somewhere that's another idea
  • I have time before seeing Kayla
  • This design has done me dirty, though
  • One of the rows is 2 warps bigger (HOW???)
  • And one segment is a weft short (again: HOW???)
  • Depending on how things work out tomorrow, I may be able to easily fix the missing weft
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Nobu cuddled last night (I got to bed!) and Casper joined me as I slept for the fifth night in a row!
  • Good: finished stitching the rows
  • Happy: Kayla tomorrow, Tyler the day after!!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @NancyTree!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • Kept everything light and easy today
  • Kayla helped immensely!
  • Woke up sore enough I didn't work on my project at all
  • That's a Friday or Saturday problem
  • Tomorrow I see Tyler and Beetlejuice!
  • I woke to 2 cats and then Nobu joined me on the couch
  • (After getting to bed!)
  • Truly, a great morning!
  • He couldn't decide if we were cuddling or playing, though
  • He's so goofy!
  • Had a nap a bit ago and am looking forward to an early night
  • Good & Happy: saw Kayla!


Well-known member
Warrior from The Yellow Submarine in the Merry Old Land of Oz
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Posts: 347
"I’m so happy, cause today I found my friends. They’re in my head."
Congrats on 1000 squats!!

I've never watched Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th, but I did watch The Ring as a kid. It terrified me. I'm not a big fan of masked villians, though. Masks terrify me.

Stormy is such an adorable kitty! I miss when my babies were that little. Are they fostering him?


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Scout from WNY
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Thank you, @Laura Rainbow Dragon!

Thanks, @LizardFriend95! Masked villains are easier for me, actually. Reading faces is really hard for me, but body language is pretty easy. Stormy is their forever cat! They were thinking of getting another and the distribution system worked!

Daily Exercise w EC and 1,000 Calf Raises were all I did. Tyler stretched me well enough! Danced a bit as we were shopping, actually! I apparently do that now! 😅

Beetlejuice was awesome! They definitely worked to make a movie that has echoes of the first, but is fully unique. The twists! The turns! The humor! I was cackling at one point! I'm learning I'm partial to movies around 80 minutes, so this was a bit long (~100), but not slow in any point. If you like the characters, are not expecting a direct sequel, are okay with random style changes (I think it's stop motion?), can put up with some despicable people, and are looking for a good time, I definitely recommend it!

It rides the line of campy at times and I absolutely love that!

My cousin came by and it's always a joy to see her.

And some sort of black magic happened last night.


What is this? He jumped up voluntarily! He nudged me for scritches! He was purring!! Nox!

Good & Happy: it's been a great day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Conga!
  • That song has a great beat! Really easy to dance to!
  • I had an idea last night on how to finish my big project
  • Did I do that today? No.
  • Wanted to make a design with new beads and am so glad I did!
  • I think it finally fixes the dislike I had!
  • (It's a background color that was just not sitting with me. Third time is the charm?)
  • Then I had an idea in the shower that literally made me gasp
  • That got (mostly) made in the time I was going to work on the big one
  • I'll get to it tomorrow!
  • I fell asleep on the couch two nights in a row
  • Both times Nobu was cuddling
  • I'll take the trade-off!
  • I ran out of coffee two days ago. My taste buds are crying.
  • Good: finally happy with my design
  • Happy: if this new design works out, it opens so many doors!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • Today's song: several, including White Wedding
  • Danced around as I made supper
  • Got my coffee!!
  • I'm very happy 😊
  • No crafting today
  • Chores got away from me a bit
  • Plus I was on supper and tired enough to not want to fuss
  • (Dancing is a great way to perk up, though!)
  • Stormy update!
  • His colors are becoming so defined!
  • My Nobu cuddled last night, but I managed to get to bed!
  • He also cuddled today and said hold my paw quite clearly 😂
  • Multiple new design ideas came to me
  • Really need to finish the big project and get to them!
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: had several quiet hours tonight


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Going by how quickly it passed, I think I ate something that didn't agree with me last night
  • That wasn't pleasant and I've been rather tender today
  • It's been a very quiet, lazy day
  • This month's (that came nearly 2 weeks late 😤) flavor is lethargy
  • That's becoming more common
  • Since it absolutely kills my motivation, I think I'm going to start scheduling a work break around it
  • Taking 4 days off won't hurt if I can plan it
  • Mental health reminder: don't feel guilty when your body and mind necessitate a break
  • I only have 2 small chores tomorrow and it should be my last day, so fingers crossed I can at least make something small!
  • Nobu cuddled last night and I made it to bed!
  • He cuddled this morning when I was particularly cold, this evening when I was particularly warm, and is now ignoring me
  • Cats!
  • Good: was feeling well enough to leave the house
  • Happy: I'm feeling much better!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • It's been a much better day!
  • Slept in, tried a new bead work*, attached two rows of my big project!!
  • Also completed the chores I needed to
  • *Unfortunately, I need another type of thread. Not giving up, just postponing
  • It's a fun little diversion, so I'm not too fussed
  • Nobu cuddled!
  • The cutest was the kneading with his front legs fully extended 🥹
  • He did not cuddle last night and I still managed to fall asleep on the couch 🥲
  • I'm going to do my best to finish the big project tomorrow
  • Connecting the pieces isn't exactly as I want it (it's very noticeable in certain lights), but I'm willing to break out the watercolors if necessary
  • It will be finished!!
  • Good: worked on the big project!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • No song
  • IT'S DONE!!!
  • Currently being pressed by books to see if the puckering can be settled
  • If not, it's my first attempt and I'll be happy with it anyway!
  • (I will notice every. single. imperfection. forever. 😭)
  • It was a gigantic learning experience all around and one I'm happy I undertook
  • I'm still planning Mom's Christmas gift, but that's 16 individual pictures that will be stitched together
  • It's not one big piece I'm trying to make look like a whole
  • A picture will come when it's framed, so in a few days
  • I finished it hours ago and have just let my mind be free since
  • I may craft tomorrow, but I may also just focus on laundry and relaxing
  • Nobu cuddled!
  • He did not last night and I got to bed!
  • Good & Happy: IT'S DONE!!! 🎉


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Thanks, @NancyTree, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @Anek, @LizardFriend95, @MadamMeow!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I danced a bit as I did laundry
  • Talked with my sister for about 2 hours
  • That was lovely!
  • Tendonitis in my left elbow is acting up
  • At least it's after I'm done?
  • The heat isn't working upstairs, so I woke to 17° and very cold toes 🥶
  • Socks to the rescue! And cats, because Casper loves his cuddles
  • Pressing with books helped immensely!! My sister gave me an excellent idea (double sided tape) to help stability when framed. Fingers crossed!
  • Final tally: ~40 hours of work, 21,000 beads, at least 250 meters of thread, and 1 beading needle (😭)
  • I'm hoping to get the frame tomorrow!
  • Nobu has been cuddling today. He stole my hand and I had zero complaints!
  • (I may have looked almost exactly like this 🥹)
  • Local greenhouse is selling Jonagold apples! I don't have to find a farm to get some!
  • I'll be getting those tomorrow most definitely and making all the applesauce!
  • I may not craft tomorrow with the chores that will take me out of the house, but I have ideas!
  • Good & Happy: I'm still riding the high of finishing!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Celebration
  • Bounced around to several other songs too
  • I found my apples!
  • Another half bushel, each averaging this size:
  • So. Much. Applesauce!!
  • Also got my frame
  • There are so many places I can see where I need to improve, but as the first project this size, I'm quite happy!
  • May adjust the matting that came with the frame. I need to figure out where it's going to live first!
  • No crafting. Had to go to a few more stores than anticipated
  • Still had a wonderfully productive day!
  • Good: found my apples
  • Happy: tomorrow is going to be a great day!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Wow! That is quite the beading project! Looks to be ~ 20K beads, yeah?

I just found my old beading loom recently when I was preparing to move house. (Turns out my mother had had it for many years, hidden in amongst all of her things that she moved to the house in the Booming Metropolis and then never unpacked in 20 years of living there.) I'd like to get back to doing some work with it. I'm thinking nothing quite so ambitious as your project though!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
It's about 21K, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, and most definitely my most ambitious yet!

I still do bracelets mostly, with some smaller designs as earrings. A fun one that preluded the lion was my elephant.


Couldn't decide on color (there are 3 now, none quite right, and the tusks are driving me crazy) and they're mostly just fidget at this point since I don't know what to do with them. They're 1/16 of the lion in size, so fit well in the palm. As an experiment in size and design, it was quite fun!