Neila's Journal


Well-known member
Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
Pronouns: They/she
Posts: 246
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
At least I've done well on the fitness front :shine: I can feel good about that. I did well on Clean & Press today. As in: I didn't die and I could maintain proper form throughout. I ate well and I hit all of my macros and micros. I resisted the temptation of cutting my Calorie budget to compensate for yesterday's excess. Instead, I focused on protein and reduced my fat intake but I kept the totals the same. It worked out nicely :drink:

What went well today: I caught up with all of my laundry, the basket is completely empty :welcome:

I would like to gently point out that you list a bunch of things that went well that day. But then in the went well section, you only have the laundry being done. And after both sections, you try to say you did nothing really. It's so easy to miss, even when it's in front of you, the small things you did well and got done. (I do too.) But you're doing really well and should be proud of yourself. :)


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 130
Happy Birthday to the queen of DAREBEE!!!

Happy Birthday GIF by Eat'n Park


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 1,011
"I just work here."

6AM Workout

:v: 30 minutes stepper
:v: Gratitude Practice
:v: 10 minutes meditation

Morning Workout
:v: Exercise of the Day
:v: I Bite Back Workout / recorded

Evening Workout:
:v: 90 minutes walking on the treadmill


: breakfast carrot oat cake (x1 protein boost) 19 g protein
Cake: protein chocolate tofu cake 1/3 25 g protein
Snack: apple slices with yogurt (x1 protein boost) 19 g protein
Lunch: tortilla wraps with mushrooms and yogurt sauce (x1 protein boost) 34 g protein
Dinner: cauliflower onion pizza 1/2 16 g protein

Total Protein Today: 116 g



Sleep Score: 82 (good)

✓ no liquids after 6 pm ✓ earplugs ✓ in bed by 10 pm

The Day

Phew... Today was a bit crazy. My water heater broke so I had to have a nearly cold shower this morning, then the kitchen tap broke and theeen I saw that Olitto managed to rip his jacket open somewhere. It was all so bad that it was actually funny :amused: I dealt with everything eventually but it all took forever. After a very late lunch, me and @Damer went to the rock climbing gym. It was empty so we tried pretty much all of the paths except for the hard ones. I have no idea how anyone can grip those! You need to be a freaking lizard-sticky-hands. It was pretty fun initially but it got boring after 20 minutes or so. Plus, by then I was ready for the day to be over already :tired:


I made pizza for dinner but I had to rush it. The crust didn't have enough time to dry out.... and it became a cauliflower-pizza-scramble :hehehe: but it was still delicious.

What went well today: I had cake for breakfast!
How I felt today: OLD :hehehe: I was in high spirits, though. I had fun today even though I didn't do anything that special.

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!! :thanku: And have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone! See you tomorrow!
Long Live The Hive! :unicorn:
And thank you for stopping by :morelove:


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 1,011
"I just work here."

5AM Workout

:v: 30 minutes stepper
:v: Gratitude Practice
:v: 10 minutes meditation

Morning Workouts
:v: Exercise of the Day
:v: Hard People Workout x 2 sets / recorded
:v: Centurion Plus Workout / recorded
:v: Clean & Press Workout x 5 sets

Evening Workout:
:v: 90 minutes walking on the treadmill


: creamy onion tofu with mushrooms and green beans (x1 protein boost) 30 g protein
Pre-Workout: spirulina protein shake 17 g protein
Treat: 3 carrot cake bites with my coffee 5 g protein
Lunch: eggplant wrap with hummus and cucumbers 22 g protein
Snack: 170 g baked sweet potato 3 g protein
Dinner: roasted broccoli with peas and yogurt mustard sauce (x2 protein boost) 46 g protein
Total Protein Today: 129 g



Sleep Score: 86 excellent! :hoppy:

✓ no liquids after 6 pm ✓ earplugs ✓ walking 90 minutes before bed ✓ in bed by 10 pm
Awake: 5:10 am, Up: 5:20 am

Woohoo! And my actual sleep time is actually 6h5min. I slept like the dead. Or like a rock. Walking for 90 minutes before bed for days will do that to you. It's amazing but it's unsustainable, I don't think. Maybe if I increase my carbs... It's something to think about for sure. I can still work while I am walking so it won't cut into my schedule that much. Decisions, decision... :ohyes:

The Day

Today was a good day. Nothing special happened. After i walked the boys this morning, I stayed in all day and worked, sweatpants and all. On the plus side, I completed all the major tasks for today and I didn't get distracted... much. Also, check out what landed on my desk today:


I am looking forward to reading it over the weekend :bounce:

My hot water is fixed. My kitchen tap is replaced. And I've fixed Ollie's jacket last night. It's not the prettiest needlework out there but it's holding together.
Everything is back to normal :kcoffee:

I only have some housework and my walk left for today.

Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone! See you tomorrow!
Long Live The Hive! :unicorn: And thank you for stopping by :morelove:


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 1,011
"I just work here."
The 1st month of the year is DONE! 11 to go.


5AM Workout

:v: 30 minutes stepper
:v: Gratitude Practice
:v: 15 minutes meditation

Morning Workout
:v: Exercise of the Day
:v: Rebounding Workout on the trampoline x 1 set
:v: Stomach Vacuums Workout
:v: Tendons & Core Workout
:v: Hollow Hold Master Workout

Evening Workout:
:v: 90 minutes walking on the treadmill

Active rest day today for me! I am just doing some light cardio and light workouts today :moves: I forgot how amazing The Stomach Vaccums Workout makes me feel. Damn, there are so many workouts I want to do daily but THERE ARE JUST NOT ENOUGH HOURS in the day! 4 minutes here, 4 minutes there... it adds up! Still, I've got to figure it out.

Weigh In Day

Weigh in day today. Time to face the music :pmode:

Weight: 52.70kg, -350g since last week
Body Fat: 16.6%, -0.2% since last week

I increased my skeletal muscle but my overall muscle dropped by 170g. I am burning through fat AND muscle right now. Sigh. I'll keep this up for another 2 weeks and then it'll be time to re-calibrate. I'll see how it goes. I want to drop to 14% body fat by the end of the year. Where I am right now it's like pulling teeth. Sure, it can be done much faster but not without jeopardizing by metabolism and overall health. Even this is probably too fast but that's why I am writing everything down, so I can process and readjust, if necessary. I want to get there eventually. So long as I get there, I am happy, however long it takes. I would prefer to get there before my 40th birthday, though :loveit:


Breakfast: creamy onion tofu with zucchini & mushrooms + spirulina protein shake 49 g protein
Lunch: lettuce & mince salad with yogurt sauce 35 g protein
Treat: two clementines, two dates stuffed with chocolate 2 g protein
Movie Snack: 100 g (3 oz) air-popped popcorn 13 g protein
Dinner: creamy chia tofu banana split with peanuts and chocolate chips 22 g protein

Total Protein Today: 125 g



Sleep Score: 83 (good)

✓ no liquids after 6 pm ✓ earplugs ✓ walking 90 minutes before bed ✓ in bed by 10 pm

Awake: 5:00 am, Up: 5:10 am
Actual Sleep Time: 7h 23m
I slept for a long time but I only had 3 sleep cycles and I only got 37 minutes of deep sleep. I carbo-loaded today so I'll see how it affects my sleep tonight :excited:

The Day

What went well today
: A friend brought a whole box of organic oranges and clementines. I had two today while enjoying the sun. They were juicy and sweet!


How I felt today: happy, fulfilled and content

Today was great. Nothing happened, it was just a simple uneventful day but it felt wonderful. I've done this for a whole month now. Despite my strict regimen since the beginning of the year, I feel freer than ever. I just feel comfortable in my own skin again. I feel satisfied with how I am progressing and improving, every single day. If I knew how being this accountable to myself would drastically change my life for the better, I would have done it sooner. I feel like a whole new me and I achieved that in a single month. I am excited to see what happens in two month, three and six. I am determined to see the project "Neila 2.0" through. I honestly thought it would be too restricting to stick with and that it would be pure torture... and in the beginning, especially the first 3 days, it was! Then... things slowly started to change. It became easier and easier to keep going. My hope is to rewire myself completely by the end of this journey so I wouldn't need to record this much again and just live like this intuitively. Possible? Maybe. I am taking this one day at a time, one step at a time. I love how it's going and I love how I feel. Having now done this for a month, I am beginning to feel a lot less fragile and more sure on my feet. I am calmer and more centered. And this journal is 100% the reason why. It's my emotional anchor :wand:

If you are struggling right now. This is for you:

BABY STEPS. Don't think about tomorrow or how long it will take you to get where you want to be. Don't think of how difficult it'll be. That's tomorrow's problem. Today, just write things down. Make it through today. Crawl, if you have to. It doesn't matter how slowly your are going, you will get there in the end so long as you keep on moving! Find your anchor, nail yourself to it and show up like it's your job.

You don't feel it yet, you don't know this yet. It's worth it. You are worth it.

Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone! Long Live The Hive! :unicorn:
And thank you for stopping by :thankyou:


Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,919
If you are struggling right now. This is for you:

BABY STEPS. Don't think about tomorrow or how long it will take you to get where you want to be. Don't think of how difficult it'll be. That's tomorrow's problem. Today, just write things down. Make it through today. Crawl, if you have to. It doesn't matter how slowly your are going, you will get there in the end so long as you keep on moving! Find your anchor, nail yourself to it and show up like it's your job.

You don't feel it yet, you don't know this yet. It's worth it. You are worth it.
You have no idea how much i needed to read (and re-read) this right now.


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 413
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Your little doggie is so cute! :cheeks: