696 Days


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 11.19.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 1: 4/4, 2/2, 2/2. Total = 8/8
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
4. 6 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 43 minutes.
5. Moving Mango: Day 7: Pink Roses | PILATES on Positive Thinking ‐ 21 Days of Bloom - Pilates to plant Trust.

❤️50PUIOG: Piece of cake.
❤️Boxing: This was intense today but I think I went out a little too hard because I started to run out of gas towards the end. There's nothing like kickboxing to the Crue. 🔥🥊
❤️MM: I did this in the evening. How I've missed Pilates.

Notes:. Day 1/9. Today was pretty good. Scott’s doing better in some respects but has a ways to go in others. I am giving the 50 push-ups in one go challenge another shot. I have failed at this challenge multiple times but I feel like I have a better base this time. The walk was cold but not bad. At least it was sunny and I had no problems with my foot. I did Pilates after dinner. I need more Pilates in my life.✨


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 11.20.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 2: 6/6, 2/2, 2/2. Total = 10/10
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
4. March step variations: 5 min (3 times throughout the day during football)
5. 2 mile walk outside. 40 minutes

❤️Boxing: Good workout today. Better pacing.

Notes: Day 2/9. Football Sunday. Today was blah. Scott had a little set back and my contacts were fucked up. I am wearing a trial pair since the prescription changed. Also, the Broncos are terrible.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 11.21.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 3: 10 10 seconds push-ups plank hold. 3 sets.
2. Moving Mango: Day 8: Gladiolus - YOGALATES Workout | 21 Days of Bloom - Pilates to plant Trust
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
4. Boxing: 30 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
5. 6 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 43 minutes.

❤️50PUIOG: I really dislike the push-up plank hold part of the challenge.
❤️MM: This seemed more intense with more shoulder work...and my shoulders aren't too flexible. On top of that, I forgot to turn off the security alarm when I got up so when Scott went down to the basement, it went off and scared the shit out of me...definitely caused a heart rate spike.😹
❤️Boxing: This is the longest high intensity workout I've done in a long time and it kind of kicked my ass. Speedbag was slow but it probably could have used some air.

Notes: Day 3/9. Today was a better day. Scott was doing OK but the good news is that his ear biopsy came back benign. I liked doing the pilates and getting back to the longer workout.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 11.22.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 4: 8/8, 4/4, 2/2. Total = 14/14
2. 6 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 43 minutes.

Notes: Day 4/9. Today was blah. Scott had a minor setback and his PT appointment was canceled. I went to the eye doctor to get my prescription adjusted. The eye doctor seemed pretty flummoxed by the new results. She did say that the contact prescription is a calculation. She didn’t have the new prescription in stock for me to try. So she had to order them. I blew off my planned workouts but at least we walked 6 miles.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 11.23.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 5: 10/10, 4/4, 4/4 Total = 18/18
2. Moving Mango: Day 9: Lily - FULL BODY with Weight Workout | 21 Days of Bloom - Pilates to plant Trust
3. YWB: 15 Min Morning Yoga WAKE UP Stretch
4. 6 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 43 minutes.

❤️50PUIOG: I noticed this is feeling more difficult with the 20 seconds rest.
❤️MM: I did not use the optional light weight but I could still feel it. The leg exercises towards the end were pretty tough.
❤️YWB: I LOVED this one. So relaxing. 😻

Notes: Day 5/9. Today was ok. Scott’s Morning issues are due to how he sleeps but he has no choice. I blew off the afternoon workout but at least I did Pilates in the morning.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 11.24.2022
1. Jessica Valant Pilates: 5 Minute Pilates Abs Workout
2. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
3. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 6. 10/10, 6/6, 4/4 Total = 20/20
4. Foundation Light Day 1: Level 3, no rest.
5. Foundation Light Day 2: Level 3, no rest.
6. 3 mile walk outside. 35 minutes.
7. TV Workout. 1 set.
8. March step variations: 5 min (2 times throughout the day during football).

❤️JVP: Quick but I could feel it.
❤️50PUIOG: I struggled with the second and third sets. Especially the second set.
❤️FL D1: I could feel the leg raises because of Pilates yesterday.
❤️FL D2: I did regular squats and squat hold. I kept my feet moving during the upper body exercises (except the hold). My shoulders were on fire. I was surprised and humbled by this.
❤️TW: I only did 1 set because the loveseat was uncomfortable.

Notes: Today was an only ok Thanksgiving. Scott was not feeling good but at least he seemed to be feeling better after the 2 mile walk in between games. I basically watched football and worked on the Journal Project all day and evening. In IL, my parents went to my aunt and uncle’s house. The food was good (my mom brought stuff too) but my poor aunt had a migraine. 😿 My other aunt was incredibly rude, showing up late not hungry because she already had dinner somewhere else.

So, Foundation Light. I have completed all the Level 1 and 2 programs (and a few Level 3). I decided to do all of the programs, even if I have the badges already. In True Dawn Fashion, I will do it in my own wacky order. Starting with Level 1, oldest, then newest, then second oldest, then second newest. And so on. And so forth.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 11.25.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 7: 15 seconds push-up plank hold, 3 sets
2. Jessica Valant Pilates: 10 Minute Stress Relief Exercises - Pilates Workout for Stress and Anxiety
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
4. 8 mile walk outside. 2 hour and 19 minute walk outside.
5. Foundation Light Day 3: Level 3, no rest.

❤️50PUIOG: This was hard.
❤️JVP: This was just like relaxing yoga.
❤️FL: I did this in the evening. Very quick.

Notes: Day 7/9. Today was fun. We walked 8 miles in sunny and almost 60° weather and talked about our plans for the basement. After the purging and organizing, it will involve more boxing stuff. Yay!🥊🔥
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 11.26.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 8: 12/12, 4/4, 4/4 Total = 20/20
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
4. 6 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 44 minute walk outside.
5. Foundation Light Day 4 | Tendon Strength: Level 3, no rest.

❤️50PUIOG: This was a struggle.
❤️Boxing: Speedbag was better but my kicks were a little sloppy.
❤️FL: Not my favorite but at least it was quick.

Notes: Day 8/9. Vacation is winding down. Scott told me this morning that his recovery is stalling…probably because he has to sleep on that side. He has a sore hip on the other side. Ugh. I’m glad we did the 8 miles on Friday since it was cooler andd breezy today.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 11.27.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 9: 12/14, 2/6, ¾ Total = 17/24
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
4. Foundation Light Day 5 | Fast Pace Cardio: Level 3, no rest.
5. Foundation Light Day 6 | Abs & Core: Level 3, no rest.
6. March step variations: 5 min (3 times throughout the day during football).
7. 2+ mile walk outside. 37 minute walk outside.

❤️50PUIOG: This fucking sucked. I felt weak.
❤️Boxing: This was a good session. Tha last one of vacation though.
❤️FL D5: Felt like march step variations without the march steps. 😺
❤️FL D6: I did the flutter kicks on the floor without issue.

Notes: Day 9/9. A melancholy football Sunday. And the Broncos were terrible.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 11.28.2022
1. 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge Day 9 (Second attempt): 12/14, 4/6, 4 /4 Total = 20/24
2. Foundation Light Day 7 | Strength: Level 3, no rest.
3. Boxing: 40 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
4. 4 mile walk outside. 1 hour 8 minute walk outside.
5. YWB: 15 Min Morning Yoga WAKE UP Stretch

❤️50PUIOG: Better than yesterday but it still sucks. Tomorrow I will do 10 and Wednesday I will go for my third attempt.
❤️FL: Regular squats. I kept my feet moving during upperbody exercises.
❤️Boxing: I haven’t done 40 minutes of boxing in a long time. I do admit that it was tough. I did pace myself and went to basic combos at the end.
❤️YWB: Perfect Yoga for crappy day.

Notes: Rough day after vacation. My work computer sucks, my mom is pissed because I told her we couldn’t come out and Scott is having a rough time again. His attempt to sit in the office didn’t go well.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 11.29.2022
1. 10 push-ups in one go.
2. Foundation Light Day 8 | Tendon Strength: Level 3, no rest.
3. SBY: 20 minute Evening Yoga Stretch | Bedtime Yoga for Stress & Tension

❤️SBY: Nice but almost too chill.

Notes: Too cold to walk. Scott tried the office again and it didn’t work. My back was stiff so I didn’t work out.
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