An Unexpected Party


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Neck Mobility Workout (2 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Hand Tendons (1 min, 30 sec)
Universal Warmup (6 min)
Power Hold Challenge day 28
Full Body Stretch (4 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


I added some knee and back mobility exercises to the wellness package, so I get to exactly 15 minutes :LOL:
I feel a little guilty not doing the yoga sun salutation which is an excellent exercise but I don't always feel like doing it because it's too demanding.
The wellness package, on the other hand, is entirely made up of exercises that even in the worst physical and mood conditions I have no excuse not to do :)
I do two good workouts in the gym and two of Muay Thai, the rest is optional.

Have a nice day bees

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Satchel Paige


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Universal Warmup (6 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Kettlebell Warmup (10kg, 3 min)
Strength training in the Gym (1 h)
Power Hold Challenge day 29
Surya Namaskara (5 min)
Shoulder Stretch (4 min)
Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)
Baddha Parivrtta Malasana (2 min)
Supta Virasana (1 min)
Baddha Konasana (forward, 1 min)
Chakrasana (30 sec)
Paschimottanasana (1 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge

📌 Hug Challenge


Today I did a good workout in the gym, I'm satisfied :)
My shoulder still bothers me a bit but I can train easily as long as I lower the weights used, otherwise the adjustment to the training routine works well.

Have a nice day bees

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. Aldous Huxley


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Neck Mobility Workout (2 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Hand Tendons (1 min, 30 sec)
Universal Warmup (6 min)
:completed:Power Hold Challenge day 30
Full Body Stretch (4 min)



Muay Thai (1 h, 30 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


Replacing the sun salutation with Full Body Stretch was a good trick, it works and the wellness routine goes smoothly :)
Last year I had arthritis problems in my fingers, this year I was more careful, I did mobility exercises every day and I even wore half gloves at home if I was cold and I had no problems :)

Have a nice day bees

Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise. Sigmund Freud


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Neck Mobility Workout (2 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Hand Tendons (1 min, 30 sec)
Universal Warmup (6 min)
Power Punch Challenge day 1
Full Body Stretch (4 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


The next time I want to test my limits I have to remember how long it takes me to recover from an injury :P
The shoulder isn't too bad but I have to be careful and patient for a while longer but I can train so in the end I was lucky :)
But I'm getting some great satisfaction from Muay Thai kicks :LOL:
I couldn't resist and started another challenge, I miss choosing a program and a challenge every month, thinking about it for days and then adjusting the training as I understand what works and what doesn't.
I can do at least one quick challenge though, so: Power Punch Challenge! :strong:

Have a nice day bees

Love has no age, no limit; and no death. John Galsworthy


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
I couldn't resist and started another challenge, I miss choosing a program and a challenge every month, thinking about it for days and then adjusting the training as I understand what works and what doesn't.
Impressive that you did some of the 5 stars programs...
On all you did, do you have any programs preference? And why? :)


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Impressive that you did some of the 5 stars programs...
I did some of them at difficulty level I ;)
The infamous Fighter's Codex Day 15 is by far the most grueling workout I've done :LOL:
On all you did, do you have any programs preference? And why? :)
I liked all the fitness RPGs and I find them a really great way to train while having fun, I especially loved Carbon & Dust.
Then there are programs that I found particularly successful: Spartan Trials, The Olympian, Athena’s Playbook, Combat HIIT but it's a personal taste :)


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
The infamous Fighter's Codex Day 15 is by far the most grueling workout I've done
WTF is this one :-D even the level one seems sooo hard! GG

I liked all the fitness RPGs and I find them a really great way to train while having fun, I especially loved Carbon & Dust.
Then there are programs that I found particularly successful: Spartan Trials, The Olympian, Athena’s Playbook, Combat HIIT but it's a personal taste :)

:yas: I'll do them one day and I'll like them all.
The RPG programs looks great indeed! I'm doing pathfinder this month, I'll enjoy it for sure.
Thanks for your reply


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
WTF is this one :-D even the level one seems sooo hard! GG
At level III difficulty there are 2 hours of grueling training :LOL:
:yas: I'll do them one day and I'll like them all.
The RPG programs looks great indeed! I'm doing pathfinder this month, I'll enjoy it for sure.
I find RPG fitness programs a good way to do a sort of reset of training and start again from a blank sheet of paper, all while having fun :)


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Neck Mobility Workout (2 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Hand Tendons (1 min, 30 sec)
Universal Warmup (6 min)
Power Punch Challenge day 2
Full Body Stretch (4 min)



Muay Thai (1 h, 30 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


Standing Full Body Stretch poses are a good balance exercise :)
I almost forgot... today marks 5 years of continuous training with Darebee :yas:

Have a nice day bees

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne Frank
Last edited:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,156
"Striving to be the change."
Happy DAREBEEversary @Fremen !

The infamous Fighter's Codex Day 15 is by far the most grueling workout I've done :LOL:
Ah, yes. I remember this one well. Took me 64 minutes to complete at Level I. (That's 64 minutes of work time, not counting breaks. I needed very extended breaks to get through all those push-ups.)


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Universal Warmup (6 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Kettlebell Warmup (10kg, 3 min)
Strength training in the Gym (1 h)
Power Punch Challenge day 3
Surya Namaskara (5 min)
Shoulder Stretch (4 min)
Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)
Baddha Parivrtta Malasana (2 min)
Supta Virasana (1 min)
Baddha Konasana (forward, 1 min)
Chakrasana (30 sec)
Paschimottanasana (1 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge

📌 Hug Challenge


Today I was definitely satisfied with my training in the gym, I finally think I have found a training program that I like and gives me satisfaction :)
A few years ago a forum participant who is no longer here had used to count the effort made and the tons lifted overall in the various exercises, this thing has remained in my head.
Strength training in the gym is not fun for me but useful and since it is useful I come up with fun ways to do it so that I don't get bored and abandon it.
I also realized that I am less interested in reaching heavy weights lifted (relatively for me) but rather in being able to make a strength effort for longer.
Furthermore, I realized that it is much more difficult for me to hurt myself if I don't get close to the maximum weight I can lift but if I do more repetitions with a lower weight.
So more volume for me from now on :LOL:

Have a nice day bees

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Neck Mobility Workout (2 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Hand Tendons (1 min, 30 sec)
Universal Warmup (6 min)
Power Punch Challenge day 4
Full Body Stretch (4 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


One of the factors on which I make mistakes regarding training is rest and I do it even beyond training, I sleep badly and don't rest enough, it's time to start working on it :)

Have a nice day bees

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Furthermore, I realized that it is much more difficult for me to hurt myself if I don't get close to the maximum weight I can lift but if I do more repetitions with a lower weight.
I had to same problem. And that's why I do less heavy, less rest between series and more reps. Then I can burn and feel my muscle and it hurt them also.
Centurions series are great :)
I'm training all at home so it's also for security purpose that I don't put my max on the bench or squats for example.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
I had to same problem. And that's why I do less heavy, less rest between series and more reps. Then I can burn and feel my muscle and it hurt them also.
Centurions series are great :)
I'm training all at home so it's also for security purpose that I don't put my max on the bench or squats for example.
The game is always finding the thing that works and is good for you :LOL:


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Neck Mobility Workout (2 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Hand Tendons (1 min, 30 sec)
Universal Warmup (6 min)
Power Punch Challenge day 5
Full Body Stretch (4 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


When I think about my progress in the gym, the thing I'm most proud of is the final stretching sequence with difficult yoga poses that I can still do :LOL:

Have a nice day bees

God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. Voltaire


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Universal Warmup (6 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Kettlebell Warmup (10kg, 3 min)
Strength training in the Gym (1 h)
Power Punch Challenge day 6
Surya Namaskara (5 min)
Shoulder Stretch (4 min)
Uttanasana with hands clasped (1 min)
Baddha Parivrtta Malasana (2 min)
Supta Virasana (1 min)
Baddha Konasana (forward, 1 min)
Chakrasana (30 sec)
Paschimottanasana (1 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge

📌 Hug Challenge


I had more trouble shopping for bags and cases of water than going to the gym :LOL:

Have a nice day bees

Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay. Simone de Beauvoir


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Neck Mobility Workout (2 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Hand Tendons (1 min, 30 sec)
Universal Warmup (6 min)
Power Punch Challenge day 7
Surya Namaskara (5 min)



Muay Thai (1 h, 30 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


As soon as I allowed myself the luxury of not "necessarily" doing the yoga sun salutation if I don't feel like it or don't feel up to it... I felt like doing it again :LOL:
I have always had problems with "authority", even my own :LOL: :LOL:

Have a nice day bees

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Edward Everett Hale


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

📌 First Thing Water Challenge
📌 Five Rites Workout - (instructional video) [10 min]
📌 Wu Qin Xi - (instructional video) [15 min]



Neck Mobility Workout (2 min)
Rotator Cuff Workout (1 min, 30 sec)
Hand Tendons (1 min, 30 sec)
Universal Warmup (6 min)
Power Punch Challenge day 5
Full Body Stretch (4 min)



📌 Daily Gratitude Challenge
📌 Counting Victories Challenge


Very quiet training today considering that last night after Muay Thai I was quite exhausted :LOL:

Have a nice day bees

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Mark Twain