At the break of dawn


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,077
Nice pics, actually it is quite visible there! I remember being taugh how to differenciate a grass snake and a viper, but it seemed to me all methods (scales on head, shape of tail I can remember) meant going way too near to the beastie in case it was a viper, ROFLOL! (not that those in France are very dangerous, but still you'd rather avoid a viper's bite if you can).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,077
Yeah, in France the only dangerous snake is the viper (and there's no dangerous spider), so unless kid / aged / ill, a bite may be nasty but shouldn't kill you if treated in reasonible delay. In Australia? Eeek. You got spiders, snakes, crocs (or that family), fishes, octopi, and plenty of other dangerous, venomous or poisonous stuff!

ETA : but let us not forget the animal responsible for the most (human) deaths is ... the mosquito, because of paludism and the other parasites it can carry. Toxicology is fun, but parasitology is fun! Sometimes (?) disgusting, but fun!


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Reminds me of the time my daughter (about 6) saw a snake when we were out walking. "Look, snake," she said, walking towards it. I lunged at her and grabbed her back. It was a brown snake. Not funny...
Seriously not funny... damn!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
@Gandhalfit yes it was 😊
@JCU yw, it's a cute snake
@PetiteSheWolf haha yeah.. with this one I saw the band on it's neck immediately so it was pretty clear. I hope to spot a viper one day (and have my camera on me..)
We have only 3 types of snakes of which the viper is also the only venomous one.
@TopNotch ough, that's scary... glad you grabbed her in time


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
Monday April 10th
I got a lot of stuff done today, even though I woke up feeling exhausted with a numb arm and neck pain.. I bought an open cupboard for my sports equipment (before it was just spread over the floor) and put together a CD rack and screwed it to the wall. Also changed the bed sheets which is always fun for Pico, but this time I was too slow/not attentive enough so she sky dived and hit my arm (it was a beautiful jump).
I planned for a short hike, but after getting >3000 steps in Ikea I skipped it
▪️  Program Arms of Steel chair edition , day 27
▪️  Abs Ab crunch, with 2x1 kg ankle weights
▪️  Challenge wall sit, day 16, 20 sec

Stes today: 6090

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (1/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (0/2)
🙂 Ab workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (1/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (1/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
🙂 Getting 2 chores done (2/2)

Exercise streak: 381 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 9 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 0 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 150 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0


I think she needed to get rid of some tension from me being busy in the house all day 😅



Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
@JCU Oh yes they are.. 😅
@PetiteSheWolf yes, she better be..

Tuesday April 11th
Tonight I was late from work, Pico came fetch me from the car 🥰 she's so cute. And then she wanted to come when I was doing my daily walk, also really adorable!
▪️  Program Arms of Steel chair edition , day 28, lvl 1+
▪️ Challenge wall sit, day 17, 2.20 min

steps today: 5324

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (2/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (2/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (2/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (2/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (2/2)

Exercise streak: 382 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 10 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 1 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 151 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
Wednesday April 12th
Today I started with my painting project in the shower/bathroom. I regret it already.. I got most of the old paint off the wood, but I get really insecure if I'm not sure what I'm doing.. maybe I should've hired a painter.. 🙄
▪️ House maintenance scraping off paint, I guess a total of 3-4 hours?
▪️  Hike 2.89 km. It got dark so had to cut it short
▪️  Program Arms of Steel chair edition , day 29
▪️ Lower body
- 3x20 squats with 5.5 kg dumbbell
- 4x10 lunges
- 3x20 bridges
- 3x10 calf raises
- 3x20 lying side leg raises
▪️ Challenge wall sit, day 18, 2.5 min

Steps today: 8338

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (3/7)
🙂 Leg workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (3/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (2/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (2/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
🙂 Getting 2 chores done (3/2)

Exercise streak: 383 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 11 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 2 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 152 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
@Nihopaloa thanks! You're right, hiring a painter is always a possible plan B. Checked some things I doubted about with a few coworkers, so I think I can move on now. If I'm not working late again 🙄

@Tileenah thank you! I'll keep that in mind. I usually don't have much patience, especially not with multiple day projects 😅 but cutting it in multple small project might help

Thursday April 13th
I had a short night with many wake ups and was awake too early.. went to work without doing my hair. My colleage gave me a compliment, that I look really great :blink: and asked if I had another color glasses, or was wearing make up.
Well apparently those huge bags under my eyes do the trick. 😅
I planned to do the last part of de-painting, but I had to work pretty late and then I was too tired. So tomorrow is another chance. I hope to be done soon though, I have to shower at work and don't really like that 😅
▪️  Hike 2.48 km
▪️  Abs 2 min abs, with 2x1 kg ankle weights and additional 5.5 kg dumbbell on the sitting twists

Steps today: 7620

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (4/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
🙂 Ab workouts at least twice a week (2/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (4/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (3/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (3/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (3/2)

Exercise streak: 384 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 12 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 3 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 153 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
Friday April 14th
Was working really late, but it was fun with colleages.
▪️ Program Arms of steel chair ed , day 30. :completed:

Steps today: 5131

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (5/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (2/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (5/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (3/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (4/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (3/2)

Exercise streak: 385 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 13 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 0 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 154 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
@Montserrat thanks! I did like it and would definitely recommend it. But I think you better can do it standing. If you want to do it sitting: use a chair without arm rests. Or better, use a stool. It gives you full range of motion for your arms

@Tileenah @TopNotch @JCU @PetiteSheWolf @Fremen @daejamurrachan @manuela :tu:

Saturday April 15th
This morning I made a walk into town to get some groceries and work tools for my painting project. Apparently my window is fixed to the window frame with a  torx screw. And I didn't have a  torx screwdriver. So I went to the work shop, got myself a set of different sizes because there was no indication on the screw what size it was. Got home. And all the sizes in the set are too small..
They didn't have any other sizes at the shop, my uncle was coming over with his girlfriend (sounds weird about a 70 year old man..) for lunch and after thag I had to go to a birthdayparty from my nephew.
On the way there I bought a better set, with a ratchet screwdriver (if I got that right), but didn't have the chance to test it yet. To be continued.
▪️  Walk ~ 30 min into town
▪️  Challenge Wall sit, day 19, 2.40 min

Steps today: 5504

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (6/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (2/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (6/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (3/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (5/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (3/2)

Exercise streak: 386 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 14 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 1 day (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 155 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0
Last edited:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
@Whirly @CODawn @Silent Wolf @Anek :thanks:

Sunday April 16th
I hiked 10+ km and my calf and achilles are both fine! :dance: and I had a Dutch pancake afterwards, so yummie!
▪️  Hike 10.74 km, 290 meters elevation gain
▪️  Program Ironborn, day 1, 5.5 kg
▪️  Challenge wall sit, day 20, 20 sec

Steps today: 17043

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (7/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (2/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (7/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (4/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (6/5)
🙂 Going to bed in time 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (3/2)

Exercise streak: 387 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 15 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 2 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 156 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0

Food porn

With bacon, cheese, leek, and on top feta, onion, tomato. So good!



Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Belated Congratulations on Arms of Steel C.E.

It is a bit weird but, my 93y.o. grandad just broke up with his 80y.o. girlfriend so... you know, life happens.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
@Gandhalfit thanks! Yeah, it's life, but 'girlfriend' is a word I associate with young people XD though compared with your 93 yo granddad, my uncle is still young ;)

Monday April 17th
I have DOMS in my glutes from the elevation gain yesterday. I really need to train that properly if I want to be able to hike 1300m elevation in a month...
▪️  Hike 2.48 km.
▪️  Challenge wall sit, day 21, 2.50 min

Steps today: 7782

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (1/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (1/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (0/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (3/2)

Exercise streak: 388 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 16 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 3 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 157 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0




Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
@JCU @Whirly @Tileenah thanks! 😊

Tuesday April 18th
▪️  Hike 3.41 km
▪️ Lower body
- 3x20 squats with 5.5 kg dumbbell
- 4x10 lunges with 2x2 kg dumbbells
- 3x20 bridges with medium mini band
- 3x15 calf raises
- 3x20 lying side leg raises with medium mini band
▪️  Challenge wall sit, day 22, 3 min

Steps today: 9284

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (2/7)
🙂 Leg workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (2/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (1/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (0/2)

Exercise streak: 389 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 17 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 4 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 158 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
Wednesday April 19th
▪️  Hike 2.57 km
▪️  Abs Six Pack , with 2x1 kg ankle weights and additional 5.5 kg dumbbell on the sitting twists
▪️ Challenge wall sit, day 23, 3.10 min

Steps today: 5098

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (3/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
🙂 Ab workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (3/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (2/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (0/2)

Exercise streak: 390 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 18 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 5 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 159 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0
Last edited:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
Thursday April 20th
 Arms Upperbody Builder, 5.5 kg

Steps today: 5026

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (4/7)
▪️ Leg workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (4/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (3/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (0/2)

Exercise streak: 391 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 19 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 6 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 160 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,616
Friday April 21st
I'm not feeling well.. My stomach bothers me; pains, nausea, tired. So tried to go home early from work but of course that didn't happen. Lied on the couch after getting home, made a walk, did my leg exercise and am off to bed now. Hopefully it'll be better with a good night's sleep.
▪️ Lower body
- 3x20 squats with 5.5 kg dumbbell
- 4x10 lunges with 2x2 kg dumbbells
- 3x20 bridges with hard mini band
- 3x15 calf raises
- 3x20 lying side leg raises with hard mini band
▪️Challenge wall sit, day 24, 20 sec. I was so happy it was only 20 sec today

Steps today: 5598

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (5/7)
🙂 Leg workouts at least twice a week (2/2)
▪️ Ab workouts at least twice a week (1/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (5/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (3/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (2/5)
🙂 Going to bed in time 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (0/2)

Exercise streak: 392 days (1st day Mar 26 2022)
Step streak: 20 days (186)
Daily walk streak: 7 days (141)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 161 days (1st day Nov 12 2022)
Meditation streak: 0