Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Mage from United Kingdom
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:thanks: @Tileenah

Thanks! @JCU - I'm getting better slowly, it's more annoying than anything, I never used to get colds now I can't seem to shift them!

Did a bit more exercising today:-
Chapter 57 of Age Of Pandora done (3 sets, Killed Bensen, didn't want him causing any trouble in these last few chapters),
Day 10 of Square One done (3 sets, Housemate wasn't up to it today),
Day 4 of Daily Kicks done.

Started re-watching The X-Files last night, still holds up after all these years (So far at least), see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Cold is still hanging around, luckily it was a light day:-

40 Sit-Up Elbow Strikes (EotD) done (In 2 sets as Crunches),
Day 5 of Daily Kicks done (3 sets),
Day 11 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate).

Made Banana Muffins yesterday, just gotta try and eat them all now, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Thanks! @Tileenah @JCU

Very tired today, up most of the night looking after a poorly Housemate (She had eaten most of a big bag of sugar-free sweets, I swear it feels like I'm caring for a giant toddler some days :giveup:), managed to struggle through a bit of everything though:-

Chapter 58 of Age of Pandora done (2 sets at level one),
30 Jump Squats (EotD) done (In one go, pretty weak jumps though),
Day 6 of Daily Kicks done (2 sets),
Day 12 of Square One done (2 sets).

Might crawl back in to bed later, but for now grocery shopping!
See y'all tomorrow!


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Druid from Colorado
Posts: 79
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Marilyn Monroe"


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@TopNotch - In this case, it was so my diabetic Housemate could eat sweets without me nagging.
@Tileenah - :LOL:
@daejamurrachan - Unfortunately I think pretty much all sugar-free stuff has that effect if eaten in quantity.

Still a bit stuffed up, but managed most of my exercises today:-

2 Minutes Balance Hold (EotD) done (In one go),
Chapter 59 of Age of Pandora done (At level 1, Infinity Chops are hard! Had to drop all the getting up and down partway though set 2, it was hurting my back),
Day 7 of Daily Kicks done (3 sets),
Day 13 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate).

Nice and sunny today, gonna find somewhere nice to walk. See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Another day wrapped up, was supposed to be a light day, but I wanted to finish Age of Pandora:-

80 Knee Strikes (EotD) done (In two sets),
Chapter 60 of Age of Pandora done (3 sets, couldn't do all the Squats though, kept getting leg cramps. Finally all done! :yas:)
Day 8 of Daily Kicks done,
Day 14 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate).

Had a lot of fun doing Age of Pandora but I'm glad it's over (I simply took far too long to finish it), I'd love to see more programs with this level of interactivity in the future but I get that they would be a huge resource sink for the Bee Team.
Didn't do quite so well story-wise though, I think I chose almost every wrong option!

Starting Bootcamp tomorrow (If I can do a 3.5 program, then I can do a 4 program and then I can injure myself trying a 5 program!), see y'all then!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Tileenah @Gandhalfit @Fremen @roman @JCU @PetiteSheWolf

Healing up slowly, can't stand up for long at the moment, so this week (At least) it's going to be arm exercises that I can do sitting down:-

Biceps Blast done (3 sets with Housemate, didn't do the bent over bits),
I Do Not Yield done (3 sets with Housemate).

Gotta try and get to the shops later for some groceries, that's going to be "fun", see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Little late today, but I've done a bit more exercising:-

Day 15 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate, couldn't do all the Forward Bends though),
Slowpoke done (3 sets with Housemate).

Still hurt, so I'm not pushing myself yet.
Tacos for dinner (Although Taco Wednesday doesn't have the same ring to it), see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
It's been a few days, started using my bad back as an excuse to be lazy.
Was determined to get back to it this week though:-

30 Single Leg Bridges (EotD) done (Over 2 sets),
Days 9 and 10 of Daily Kicks done,
Day 1 of Bootcamp done (3 sets. Burpees on day one, what madness is this? Managed a handful of vaguely Burpee-ish things),
Day 16 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate).

Gotta do the first lawn mowing of the year today, my most hated of chores :stomp:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Tired, realised I've fallen back into my old habit of spending far too much time on social media again :type:
Going to have to work on that, but first, exercise:-

60 Seconds Jumping Jacks (EotD) done (In one go),
Days 11 and 12 of Daily Kicks done,
Day 2 of Bootcamp done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 17 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate).

Managed to mow 1 of the 3 lawns yesterday before it got too much for my back (Despite the nice weather lately, the grass was still pretty wet and I had to stop every couple of feet to unclog the mower), and now it's raining so the rest will have to wait.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Maybe it's a stupid question but, as someone who never had a garden(?), why not let it grow?


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,311
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Maybe it's a stupid question but, as someone who never had a garden(?), why not let it grow?
dog appears GIF

She'd lose the dog!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Maybe it's a stupid question but, as someone who never had a garden(?), why not let it grow?
I'd get in trouble with the Landlord, it's in the rental agreement to keep it mowed.
Plus the neighbours start giving you the evil eye.

A light day today:-

30 Plank Leg Raises (EotD) done (Over 2 sets),
Day 13 of Daily Kicks done (Couldn't double up today, 30 kicks is somehow more tiring than two lots of 28),
Day 18 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate).

Still raining, not sure what to do with myself today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Yesterday turned out pretty good in the end, the weather brightened up so I could get a bit more mowing done (I'm halfway there!) and the grocery store was selling premium ice cream dirt cheap :yas:

On to today:-
80 Balance Leg Swings (EotD) done (In one go plus I kept my balance),
Day 14 of Daily Kicks done,
Day 19 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 3 of Bootcamp done (3 sets, so much leg wriggling :standby:).

Gonna try and get some more lawn mowed, plus it's Soup Day (Pea and Ham), see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Another day done:-

60 Seconds Elbow Strike
(EotD) done (In one go with Housemate),
Day 15 of Daily Kicks done,
Day 20 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 4 of Bootcamp done (A much harder day than I thought it would be, had to split all the leg wriggling into 2 batches of 30 seconds, thighs couldn't manage the whole minute!).

Another grey and horrible today, so outdoor chores and a spot of painting I think, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Missed yesterday, massively overslept, made up for it today by getting up early:-

30 Push-Up Shoulder Taps (EotD) done (Over 3 sets, 10 regular Push-Ups, 20 Knee ones),
Day 16 of Daily Kicks done,
Day 21 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 5 of Bootcamp done (3 sets, still bad at Jumping Lunges).

Taking the Housemate to a Farmers Market this morning, hopefully it stays sunny, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,296
Missed another day :sad:, was just feeling too tired and blergh Monday (I think spending a big chunk of Sunday walking around in the rain didn't help), back at it today:-

30 Seconds Leg Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 17 of Daily Kicks done,
Day 22 of Square One done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 6 of Bootcamp done (3 sets with Housemate (She did the arm portions of the exercises), those Curl Lunges are tough!).

Finally warm enough to read at night, so I could finish World War Z, overall I found it a bit disappointing, thought it really floundered at the end.
Gotta look in the pile see what's next, see y'all tomorrow!