Rainbow Dragon's Lair

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
Ugh... Squeaky floors... So annoying...
I find it more funny than annoying. No one lives here but me and Shelby, and Shelby goes to bed when I do and doesn't get off the bed again until I get up in the morning. So it's not as if anyone's running around on our squeaky floors while we're trying to sleep. The radiators were mildly annoying when they were clanging all the time. But my landlord actually paid a professional to service them, and now they are blessedly quiet. Now if only I can convince him to put the stupidly bright driveway lights on a switch so we can turn them off at night, we'll be golden. (That one's likely a long shot. The driveway lights aren't malfunctioning. They're designed to be on all night. But they throw a lot of light pollution into my bedroom at night, and I know my upstairs neighbours don't want them on all night either. So it won't hurt to ask.)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
November 30:

A full and productive day. Up at 6AM for gaming with @'rin and @sleep_twitch . Then breakfast. Then a hike with Shelby. Shelby got short-changed on Friday due to my Thursday night stunt. So this day we did a proper walk, first through the Village (where Shelby, unsurprisingly, made a new friend), then off to our local conservation area. Shelby insisted that we not skip the grove that is across the road from the main trails. So we did that. Then back to the trails around the savannah and along the ponds. Where we saw a big ol' beaver!

I have seen evidence of beavers (gnawed trees) in this area before. But this was my first time seeing the animal in person in this area, and my closest encounter with a beaver ever.

I spotted him first in the water. Then he dove under a sheet of ice. I thought that was likely the last I would see of him. But there was a good look-out spot just a bit further along the trail. So we went to that. I was looking out over the pond where the ice sheet ended, thinking the beaver might re-surface there, when I heard rustling in the brush nearby. I turned to look, and there was the beaver, climbing up out of the water not 10 metres from where we were standing! It climbed up the embankment until it was pretty much level with us, then got to work on a tree.

We watched the beaver work for maybe five minutes. Then--because she was being so quiet--I turned to see what Shelby was doing. She was just standing there watching, perfectly still and quiet.

"Good girl, Shelby!" I whispered. Not quietly enough. Because then the beaver spooked and rushed back into the water. Still: it was a pretty sweet encounter!

After our hike, some lunch. During which I accidentally knocked over my water. A full beer-stein of it. All over my desk, my chair, the floor (hardwood floor, near a box of printer paper and a computer tower). Oops! Since I had to move so much stuff to clean up the mess anyhow, I took advantage of the opportunity to re-organize my work space the way I have been meaning to.

My work space is in a sun room that's off the dance hall. It's a decent-sized room. But narrow. There are windows all along three of the walls, and the fourth wall has French doors in the middle of it. (Fancy. But I don't close the doors to my office ever. So they just get in the way.) My desk is tiny. (It's one of those wheeled jobbies for swinging over a hospital bed.) But there's also a futon in here (for Shelby), huge radiators right smack dab in the middle of both short walls, a cupboard for my art supplies, a filing cabinet, plus various other storage solutions cobbled together from crates and plastic storage bins. It was cramped, and a mess (because I didn't have enough storage solutions in here for all the gear I use on a regular basis), and my monitor was jammed into a corner--which was fine for working at my computer but less fine for when I need to see the screen for a workout I am doing in the dance hall. So I did a little re-org:


Much better!

Then I re-organized my dance hall to put my ghetto blaster and CDs in there (where they belong! Plus, I need the space in the feast hall--where they had been previously--for overflow kitchen stuff.)

By the time I had finished all of this, my new toy had arrived. So, of course, I needed to put that together!

What should I call her?


Now I wanted to do ALL THE THINGS! My music was in the dance hall. Perfect for dancing! But I could now also see my computer monitor from the middle of the dance hall. Perfect for doing a video-guided yoga flow. (Which I love and have many of but have not done at all since moving here due to the whole not being able to see the screen from anywhere I had space to move issue.) But then there was my new toy, all shiny and new and red, sitting there patiently waiting for me to get back to my pulling work. On the other hand, the Challenges I am the most behind on are the ones in my evening schedule. I need to stop skipping them!


What to do?

Shelby made the decision for me. She reminded me that she had not been outside since we got back from our visit with the beaver. Which had been a long time ago by that point. So we went out for our evening walk.

By the time we got back from that, and I'd stripped off all of the clothing it's necessary for me to put on to go outside here this time of year, it was after 9:30 PM. And I still had some work I needed to finish up this day on my computer. So in the end I only had time to do one workout. Le Plat Principal won out.

Le Plat Principal:
Push & Pull (modified to body rows in place of pull-ups): Day 20
Better Arms: Day 20
Flex Hang (modified to active hangs): Day 20
Power Grip: Day 20
2000 One-Legged Calf Raises*: Day 20

* I'm repeating this challenge doing one-legged calf raises now. For rep days I will complete the set # of reps on each leg. For hold days I will do 3 x 30 seconds on each leg.

The handlebars on my new pull-up tower are not as cushy as the ones on my doorframe bar. But they are grippy enough and do the trick. (The middle section, useful for close-grip work, is nicely cushioned. But not the handles that extend outside the frame.) I did not feel awesome about doing body rows from the cross bar on the tower. (From a weight-bearing perspective I expect the tower could handle it. But the positioning is a bit awkward. And that bar isn't designed for hanging from, so isn't the most comfortable for that purpose.) So I've switched to doing parallel grip body rows using the triceps dips handles. (The tower works great for this.) I did not love doing triceps dips from the lower support bars of the tower (due to the same uncomfortable grip issue as trying to do body rows off the middle bar). So I did those on my cork yoga blocks. (Sure, one could do full-on hanging triceps dips using my new toy. But I cannot get back up again from those if I lower more than ~ 1/4 of the way down at the moment. Plus I started this Challenge doing the heels-on-the-ground version of dips. So I will continue with the heels-down version to complete the Challenge. I find doing dips from my yoga blocks to actually be more intense than they were on the bar I was using in the park. Plus they feel safer for my shoulders and also feel like I am targeting the work in my triceps better when using the blocks. So wins all around here.)

By the time I'd finished Le Plat Principal it was my screens off curfew. So I shut down my computer. After that I just did my Quiet Room yoga flow. (Don't need the computer for that, since I have all of Angie's music on CDs.)

running: :x: - The spirit was willing. But I ran out of time.
hiking: 11.2 km

nothing this day (just some SS administrative stuff)
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 148,126 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 45 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 45 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 5/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar:
GBOT: :rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 6

Consecutive days of working out: 83
Consecutive days of French study: 1475
Last edited:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 1:

My main workout this day is TOP SECRET! (I was testing some things for my Secret Santa gift.)

running: :x:
hiking: 6.5 km

Got my story for the week done!
new fiction words: 2200
fiction YTD: 150,326 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 46 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 46 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 6/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 9

Consecutive days of working out: 84
Consecutive days of French study: 1476

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 2:

First Thing Water Challenge: Day 17
1-Minute Meditation Challenge (modified to 5 min/day): Day 17
"Quiet Room" yoga routine: :v:
1-Minute Cardio Challenge: Day 15
1-Minute Plank Challenge: Day 17
1-Minute Yoga Challenge: Day 17

running: 3 km in 17:44 :D
hiking: 6 km

My first winter run of the year! (Well... not winter winter, like @PETERMORRIS966 and @princess_sarena have been running in. But the temperature was below freezing, and it was snowing.) I took things easy because there was snow and slush and potentially ice on the ground. Fortunately, I made it out before sunset. Which was a good thing as it enabled me to see where I needed to slow down and where I could safely pick up my pace. I retraced the same route walking with Shelby less than an hour later, and areas that had melted in the afternoon sun had frozen over again, making everything much more slippery.

Secret Santa stuff
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 150,326 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 46 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 46 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 12
SOOT: 10

Consecutive days of working out: 85
Consecutive days of French study: 1477

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 3:

running: 3 km in 18:33
hiking: 7.2 km

Had to take my run a bit slower this day as there was both more ice and more people on the sidewalks. (And it takes longer to get around people when the sidewalks are snow-narrowed, and I cannot just run on the grass to get around them.) Still it was nice to get out there.

Shelby made a new friend on one of our walks whose human was packing treats. So she was happy.

I was feeling some minor muscle strains this day though from the previous days' bracing to avoid slipping on the ice. So decided not to do anything beyond hiking and running this day.

Secret Santa stuff
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 150,326 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 46 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 46 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 15
SOOT: 13
GBOT: 12

Consecutive days of working out: 86
Consecutive days of French study: 1478

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 4:

18 min. yoga flow
5 min. meditation

running: :x:
hiking: 8.5 km

No run this day because the paths were good and icy, and the wind was harsh. Shelby is brave though. So she still did two (shorter) walks. Plus I had to get groceries for a dinner party I'm hosting on Saturday. Took my old lady shopping cart with me and was glad I did. (It's a long walk home from the grocery story when I have too much stuff to fit in my knapsack so have my arms laden down as well.) The sidewalks were too messy for the cart. But the roads, having been ploughed and salted, were clear, and in my subdivision are safe enough to walk in in the middle of the day. So that's what I did.

Secret Santa stuff
new fiction words: ? (writing this day was handwritten)
fiction YTD: 150,326 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 46 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 46 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 1/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 18
SOOT: 16
GBOT: 15

Consecutive days of working out: 87
Consecutive days of French study: 1479

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 5:

one-legged glute bridges for @princess_sarena

running: :x:
hiking: 10.3 km

A pleasant hike with Shelby in the morning. But we had to keep it short because we were expecting our landlord and his rep to pay us a visit. Arrived back home to a message that the visit would need to be re-scheduled on account of the weather. I then went back out to get a few more things for Saturday's dinner party. (Had to leave the subdivision to do that, so wanted to make certain I got it done before the bad weather hit here.) It was snowing for the walk back home, but still not too bad.

By our evening walk, everything was completely snowed in. And the snow was still coming down. Hard work to trudge through the snow, but with the wind at our back it was still quite pleasant. The return journey, however, was less fun. Walking into the wind in a snow squall = a lot of snow in one's face and eyes. I'd put Shelby's shirt on her to give her some protection. But she did not much enjoy walking into that blowing snow. She kept stopping to try to shake it off--and there was I trying to tell her really the best thing to do was to keep going because things were not going to get any better until we made it back home.

We saw someone out running near the beginning of our walk, and the outward bound journey was pleasant enough, I thought I might go out for a run myself after we finished Shelby's walk. But the return journey with the snow blowing into our faces cured me of that idea. Plus: after simply walking through all of the fresh snow for 3km, I was tired. So we called good enough good enough.

Open office hour Zoom meeting for one of my online writing groups. Did not get a lot of work done. But the discussion was interesting.
new fiction words: not a lot, mostly did some editing
fiction YTD: 150,326 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 46 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 46 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 2/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 21
SOOT: 17
GBOT: 17

Consecutive days of working out: 88
Consecutive days of French study: 1480

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
My parking spot this morning:


My garbage bins (completely inaccessible--and today was garbage collection day!):


The back door to the house:



We had significant snowfall here on Monday. And snow removal is the landlord's responsibility. So when no one had been by to clear it by Tuesday afternoon, I messaged the landlord's rep about the problem.

Yesterday (Thursday) afternoon someone finally came by with a plough. But they only ploughed out part of the main driveway and the space in front of the garage (where my upstairs neighbours park). They actually pushed the snow from the rest of the driveway into my parking spot, making it worse than it was before!


Also: our main laneway is shared with the house next door. That house is owned by a couple of seniors. The man is seventy years old. He has a snowblower, which he uses to plough the main laneway. All of it. It is a long and wide driveway (~ 1.5 x the width of a normal single driveway in my neighbourhood, and stretching all the way from the road, between the two houses, and extending behind them a bit.) It takes my neighbour hours to get it done, even with a snow blower.

Most of the time my landlord does not need to take care of the main driveway, because the next door neighbour has already done it long before the service my landlord hires shows up. But yesterday the service my landlord hires did come. But they only ploughed 2/3 of the shared laneway. Even worse: when they backed up out of the laneway afterward, their plough dragged snow back onto my neighbours' side of the driveway. And our snow removal people just left it there and took off.

Now they are making excuses:
we have had a lot of snow dumped all at once. Much more than normal unfortunately...
Their first priority is to clear the drive ways so people can get in and out.

  1. They didn't clear my driveway! I cannot get into it at all!
  2. Failing to clear the back porch and stairs is a safety hazard!
  3. Failing to plough 1/3 of the driveway is just mean--Our 70-year-old neighbour clears the whole width with a snow blower he has to push! The snow removal company has a freaking plough on a truck!
  4. Actually dumping snow onto the neighbours' side of the driveway and leaving it there is WTF sort of universe are you people living in that you fantasized that would be okay?! level of arsehattery.
  5. The next door neighbours tell me this sort of behaviour from the snow removal company my landlord hires is typical.
These people are professional contractors selling their services to my landlord as a snow removal company. And this is how they behave.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
I’m jealous about the snow! :eheart:
Ugh! You can have it, @FlowersandPetals !

Your pics gave me back some nice memories of Buffalo winters, LOL!
Ugh! I could live without it myself!

Sure: snow is fun out in the countryside for snowshoeing and skiing and tobogganning on. But here in the city, with people living so close together, and so many houses (like ours and our neighbours') with parking behind the houses, making for very long driveways that need to be ploughed out and nowhere to push all that snow to. And that's not to mention the mess on the roads!

I was fortunate re: the garbage this morning. Garbage for landfill collection is only every other week here, and this week was my neighbourhood's week. Composting collection is every week. (One needs it to be every week. That stuff stinks if you keep it hanging around too long!) My kitchen compost bin was very full from all the cooking I did this past week, I need to do a lot more cooking today and tomorrow for tomorrow's dinner party, and I currently cannot access my larger outdoor bin (the one that I'm supposed to dump the small kitchen bin into to put out at the curb). So I really needed to get my compost collected! Recycling collection is also every week here. I don't worry so much if I miss a week, because products for recycling don't smell bad. But my indoor recycling bins are fairly small (and were full because I missed recycling collection last week), and the outdoor bins I also cannot access at the moment.

Most people put their waste products out at the curb the night before collection day. I try to avoid doing this because a.) we have a lot of wildlife in the neighbourhood that gets into bins and spreads refuse around, and b.) we often have high winds that knock bins over and blow the refuse around. In the winter we also have the problem of the snow plough coming around before the waste collection trucks and burying bins that were put out the night before. (Which definitely happened here this morning. I saw a lot of stuff that was not collected, either because the waste collection people couldn't safely reach it, or perhaps because they didn't even see it.) This week I didn't have the option of putting my stuff out the night before in any case, since I could not access my large bins, and we're not allowed to put loose bags or the small kitchen bins out at the curb.

Fortunately for me, garbage collection starts after 7AM, and I get up before 7AM and work from home in the room at the front of my apartment. So I was able to just watch for the trucks coming and then quickly throw my boots on and run outside to hand my garbage directly to the waste collection workers as they passed. (I am also fortunate in that my upstairs neighbours are young, and the guy is quite strong. He had already cleared our front steps and front walk and even busted through one small section of the snow plough ridge before the first garbage truck arrived. So I didn't need to go mountain climbing to take my garbage out to the truck!)

Hugs for the aggrievements.

Thank you @PetiteSheWolf & @FlowersandPetals .

Large snowfalls do cause problems here. (Mostly because businesses don't have the sense to close their doors for a day so everyone can stay home.) But for the most part a large dump of snow causes people to come together and try to help one another out. Like my next-door neighbour ploughing the whole width of the driveway because he has a snow blower. And my upstairs neighbour shovelling out the snow plough ridge because he's strong enough to do that. But yeah: when the people who are actually being paid to do the job, and who have the most powerful equipment, cannot bother to do it right, that irks me.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
That actually makes it much worse. Why? Because they don't really care...
They should care. Because there are plenty of other people willing to step in and take the contract away from them if they do a shit job with it.

Unfortunately in my situation I have no control. I can report the issues to my landlord (which I have done). But it is then up to him to decide what to do about it. (Most likely he will speak with the contractor and either get them to do better or replace them. Because being a residential landlord is his business, and he wants to protect that business.)

If I was a private home owner, however, I would not hire a snow removal company in the first place unless I had references from other private home owners that the company did good work. (Unfortunately, my landlord tends to speak with other landlords. Understandable because that's who he has shared interests with. But just as my landlord cannot see first hand the shitty work the contractors he hired did, the other landlords he talks with likely do not see problematic work first hand either.) Most likely I would simply hire contractors on a per job basis, in which case the contractor would not be paid at all until after they had completed the work to my satisfaction.

Unfortunately, with snow removal where I live now, a lot of companies want payment up front for the entire season. A landlord pretty much has to go with this option, since they have a legal responsibility to their tenants to clear the snow. (Hiring someone by the job, only when one needs it doing, can result in long wait times to get the job done after a heavy snowfall like we've had here this week. A private homeowner may or may not be able to wait that out. A landlord likely cannot.) Even so though, if I had contracted directly with a snow removal company for the season, I would a.) have made certain we had an agreement up front, before I gave the company any money, as to exactly what the company would be doing on my property and when, and b.) complain to them immediately if they failed to deliver on what they had promised. I also could and would report them to the Better Business Bureau and give them plenty of negative word-of-mouth reviews if they failed to correct the issues I pointed out to them.

Having a landlord in the middle definitely gets in the way of the property being serviced properly in a timely manner. (The problem with my parking spot being ploughed in may actually have been caused by the landlord failing to explain to the snow removal company that that space on the property is a parking spot. It's certainly not obvious that it is when it's covered with snow.)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 6:

running: :x:
hiking: 10.1 km

Shelby wanted to go to our local conservation area trails this day. So we did. It was pretty back there (what all of you folks envying our snow imagine it is like: crisp and white and clean) but hard work hiking through snow over a foot deep. Shelby is strong and could do it. I am strong too. But hiking definitely counted as a workout this day!

Worked on a short story. Mostly plotting, so not a lot (if any) actual story words. Made good progress though.
new fiction words: ? (not a lot)
fiction YTD: 150,326 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 46 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 46 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 3/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 24
SOOT: 20
GBOT: 18

Consecutive days of working out: 89
Consecutive days of French study: 1481

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 7:

Dinner party day! Cooked all day. My friends arrived for dinner at 5PM. (Had to feed them early as they were attending a concert after, which one of them was singing in--so she had to leave extra early.) I made whole wheat baguette (served with the pesto I made back in September from the huge amount of basil I was gifted back then), roasted parsnip soup, eggplant tomato pasta, kale pasta casserole, and for dessert: chocolate orange cranberry scones, stollen bites, and banana muffins. Plus one friend brought a Christmas pudding, which was made by a work friend of his. Everyone enjoyed the company and the food, and we had fun flaming the pudding.


15 self-directed flow

running: :x:
hiking: 10 km

Only two short walks around the block with Shelby during the day as I had much food to prep for the party. Plus I had to go to the library to pick up an item I'd requested that had been waiting for me for a week and would get put back in the system if I didn't grab it this day. (The library, thankfully, is very close.) Shelby and I did our main walk in the evening, after all of our dinner guests had left. We hiked on the Thames Valley Parkway (the paved trail that follows the river here). It had been ploughed, but I think not salted. So it was pretty easy to walk on. We just needed to be careful of icy spots. It was a pleasant end to a wonderful evening.

DreamCasters (online writing group I belong to) Zoom meeting in the afternoon. I listened in while prepping food for my dinner party.
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 150,326 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 46 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 46 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 4/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 27
SOOT: 23
GBOT: 20

Consecutive days of working out: 90
Consecutive days of French study: 1482

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 8:

Was inspired to try tricep extensions after reading @Mamatigerj 's log. Was pleased to discover I can do them smoothly from my knees now. (On my toes I can go down smoothy, but to get up I need to lift one elbow before the other.)

I am not abandoning any of the challenges I started. It's just been a busy week! I will get back to my regular programming soon. (Though likely in a piecemeal fashion, since we do have the DARE Tree this week, the Snow Fight the week after, and then the Secret Santa gifts drop the week after that. So there will be lots to keep me busy!)

running: :x:
hiking: 14.7 km

Did a long hike with Shelby up the TVP. Shelby wanted to go further. (She is my little Energizer bunny on a hike, she just keeps going and going and going... ) Eventually I got her to turn around by stopping on a bridge to take some photographs. (Shelby was not fooled. She knew that when I started walking again I was walking in the wrong direction. But she is more amenable to turning around after a break than simply turning around and backtracking on the spot.) It was a pleasant day for hiking. So we saw lots of other people and puppies out, plus birds and fish. Lots of geese (Canada), ducks (Mallards, including a couple of leucistic females), gulls (Ring-billed or Herring. Difficult to tell due to poor lighting and most of the birds being youngsters. The one adult bird I caught on camera is in the water with its face turned away from me--so no ID help there! I'm leaning towards Herring Gulls, because they look to be bigger than nearby Mallards, which one would not expect in a Ring-billed), European sparrows (House), North American sparrows (Dark-eyed Juncos), plus a Red-tailed Hawk, a pair of Bald Eagles, and a few Northern Cardinals and Black-capped Chickadees. Not good lighting for photography at all. But here are a few photos:








Wrote my short story for the week: a Christmas-themed story in my Thieves' Guild universe.
new fiction words: 2469
fiction YTD: 152,795 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 47 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 47 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 5/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 30
SOOT: 24
GBOT: 22

Consecutive days of working out: 91
Consecutive days of French study: 1483


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 303
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I love Juncos! When I worked from home, before the tree died and we had to remove it, I had a family of Chickadees and a family of Juncos who would play right outside my window all winter.

With your vast amount of writing, is there a spot you are posting online that we might be able to read? I love short stories and fanfics and such, being unable to dedicate a lot of time to reading due to 2 chaos warriors in my home the small chunks are easier to enjoy.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
I love Juncos! When I worked from home, before the tree died and we had to remove it, I had a family of Chickadees and a family of Juncos who would play right outside my window all winter.

With your vast amount of writing, is there a spot you are posting online that we might be able to read? I love short stories and fanfics and such, being unable to dedicate a lot of time to reading due to 2 chaos warriors in my home the small chunks are easier to enjoy.
The writing I am doing now will be sent out to professional markets. It will be available to read once it is sold and published. Which may take some time.

I have been doing a challenge this year to write a short story a week. Which has been good in that it has kept me writing during a year when things became so stressful, I definitely would have stopped writing all together if I did not have that weekly deadline to meet. But it has meant that I haven't done much this past year other than write the stories. i.e.: I have submitted very few of them to paying markets. And when the few I did send out were rejected by the first market I sent them to, I did not send them back out to different markets.

Currently I have 5 weeks left in my story-a-week challenge. I'm going to see it through because that's how I roll. (i.e.: It would suck, psychologically, for me to quit now.) But once the challenge is complete I will be switching my focus to getting all of the stories I have written this year sent out to paying markets, and keeping the stories out there until they sell. (Well. Most of them. One of the stories is my Secret Santa story, which will get posted right here on DAREBEE on December 22!)

Once all of my already-written stories are out making the rounds, I will get back to writing new stuff, mostly focusing on writing stories targeted for open submission calls for markets I want to get into. (Although, as with all of my older stuff, if a story gets rejected by the first market I send it to, I will send it back out to a different market. There are a LOT of paying markets out there for short fiction these days!) I also have a novel-length WIP I want to get back to. (But that will be self-published, and it will do better on launch if I have built a bit of a following through short fiction sales first. So that's not the first priority right now.)

I also have a series of zombie-apocalypse-themed workout adventure stories, called "Get Fit for the Zombie Apocalypse". These are interactive stories (like CYOAs) but the choices you make in the story influence not only what happens next in the story but what workout activity you need to do to deal with whatever trouble your choice just got you into. The first two of these stories, "Drug Bust" and "Too Many Cooks" are currently available for sale on Amazon for cheap cheap. I have two more stories in the series I want to publish. But I won't be putting them on Amazon for 99 cents. (Amazon charges an outrageously high distribution fee for ebooks priced below $2.99. So it's not a great deal for authors to price books so low. Amazon actually keeps most of the money from these sales.)

I wanted to put all four of my Get Fit stories together into one book and run a Kickstarter campaign for it. I have some great ideas for stretch goals (a "Get Fed in the Zombie Apocalypse" cookbook, YouTube videos of me demonstrating each of the various exercises, etc.) and higher tier rewards (private fitness classes where I would take you through a reading of the story and lead a workout of whichever exercises get chosen, private "Get Zen in the Zombie Apocalypse" yoga classes, guided nature hikes including tips on how to stay safe out there in a zombie apocalypse, etc.). I even got a couple of friends to dress up as zombies and run around in the cold and rain and mud, pretending to attack me so I could fend them off with my fitness moves for the intro video for the Kickstarter. But then my mother got sick, and my whole life got thrown into upheaval. So that project is on hold at the moment. (I still want to do it. But some things will need to be reconsidered now that I have moved into a city and no longer have access to a car.) Anyhow... eventually the 99 cent Get Fit ebooks will come down from Amazon and be available only in the larger compilation (which will eventually become available on Amazon again, as well as other ebook retailers--but I'll be able to price it at that sweet spot between $2.99 and $9.99 where authors actually get to keep most of the money).

I also have two novelettes which I have self-published on Amazon: Chimera Junction and Anne & Mary on the Hyperspace Seas. These are also currently available for 99 cents. But once I get my act together I will up the price to $2.99 (which is more in line with what other authors are charging these days for works of this length, and also means I'd actually keep a meaningful percentage of the sale price, instead of just giving most of it to Amazon). I will also get it distributed widely to other ebook retailers. (None of my stuff is in KDP. I have no obligation to sell exclusively with Amazon. It's just that Amazon is by far the biggest market. So I listed there first. And then my situation re: looking after my father became too stressful for me to keep up with my writing at all, and I never got around to listing the books anywhere else.)

You can find info re: all of my ebooks via my Goodreads Author Page here: https://www.goodreads.com/rainbowdragon

But for some free reading of my stuff, check out: http://rainbowdragon.ca/ -- This will eventually be my professional author website (yet another thing I need to get done in the new year) with links to how people can sign up for my mailing list and purchase my fiction where it's available for sale. At the moment however, it is still just a personal page with links to a bunch of (older and quirky) stuff you can read for free. (Note: the link to my dog's blog goes to my previous dog, Kendal's blog. Shelby does have a blog too. But she has not updated it in a very long time.)

Thank you for your interest in my writing!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
Just curious - does Shelby wear shoes in the snow?

I tried shoes for Trudy (my golden retriever). With her longer fur, or maybe just the shape of her paw pads, she would get snow stuck in between the paw pads, where it would melt, refreeze, melt, refreeze, and turn into nasty hard lumps of ice. And then she would need to stop to try to lick them out. So I got her some shoes. But she had them off before we even made it out the door! Short of tying those things on so tightly they cut off her circulation, they were just not going to stay on her feet. So I just accepted our winter walks would include a lot of stops for me to help her get the ice balls out from between her toes.

I did try the shoes on Shelby once in the house, since they obviously were not going to work for Trudy. I think she had them off even faster than Trudy did! Anyhow, Shelby isn't bothered by walking in snow, ice, slush, whatever. She can keep going all day with no issues. The same was true of my previous dog, Kendal, who was also a lab. Every golden I've known has had the issue with ice balls forming between their paw pads, but no lab I've known has had problems walking in snow.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 9:

Slacker day. Just some climbing and lifting of things around the house, plus hiking with Shelby. Rainy day too, so hikes were short.

running: :x:
hiking: 7.2 km

ORNAMENTS Progress: (putting this here now to remind myself while keeping fewer browser tabs open)
Pinecone: 0/2000 punches
Snowglobe: 0/600 squats
Hot Cocoa: 0/200 push-ups
Star: 0/1000 jacks
Stocking: 0/500 kicks

A lot of my current Challenges will help with these. (Better Arms for the Pinecone, Squat Hero and a couple of the days I have left for 1-Minute Cardio for the Snowglobe, Push & Pull for the Hot Cocoa, and Daily Kicks for the Stocking.) So that's great! No jumping jacks left amongst my current WIPs though. Will have to add a few of those in as a warm up each day. (It will be good training for the upcoming Snowfight.)

Just Secret Santa admin work this day.
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 152,795 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 47 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 47 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 33
SOOT: 27
GBOT: 25

Consecutive days of working out: 92
Consecutive days of French study: 1484

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 10:


First Thing Water: Day 19**
1-Minute Meditation (modified to five minutes): Day 19**
1-Minute Cardio: Days 16-18
1-Minute Plank: Days 18-19
1-Minute Yoga: Days 18-19

Push & Pull (modified to body rows in place of pull-ups): Day 21
Better Arms: Day 21
Flex Hang (modified to active hangs): Day 21
Power Grip: Day 21
1000 Calf Raises (modified to do one-legged calf raises, doing all the reps on both sides): Day 21

Daily Kicks: Days 11-12
Squat Hero: Days 10-12
Iron Core: :x: ***
Glutes of Steel: :x: ***
Daily Gratitude: Day 12**

* I'm giving up on the whole morning/plat principal/evening thing. I actually did do the "morning" and "plat principal" workouts before noon on this day. But that's rare. I was hoping that once Shelby and I got settled into our new place we could form some sort of regular schedule. But our life just doesn't allow for it. If Shelby needs to do business, we need to go for a walk. (She cannot just go out in the yard here as she did in our old home.) Grocery runs take a long time and need to be scheduled around the weather now that I have no car (and cannot afford the store that is in our neighbourhood). Our longer walks are scheduled around the weather too. Social activities happen when they are available to me. (I work from home, alone. I cannot afford to join a fitness club or sports league. All of my local & semi-local friends are either retired globe-trotters who are seldom home, or they have jobs that force them to leave the house and be around people all day, so when their work day is over all they want to do is curl up at home alone. Nobody lives super close to me, so my whole not having a car thing makes it difficult for me to visit my friends in any case. And though I tell them repeatedly, "You know where I live. You are welcome in my home any time! Come and visit me!" they seldom do. So when I have opportunities to do social things, I take them--even when this means seriously disrupting my schedule. I make no apologies for this. Having a social life is important to one's mental health, and this is what I need to do to have one.) Home workouts can happen at any time. So they do.

** I have done all of these for more than 30 days already. I just didn't track them on the days when I didn't do the physical workouts in their same grouping. So now that I'm doubling up on Challenge workouts to earn my Ornaments, I'm just going to progress them at the same rate as the furthest ahead challenge in their group.

*** These two are possibly on hold for the next few days as they don't help me advance on my Ornaments progress. We'll see how things go.

running: :x:
hiking: 15.7 km

I so wanted to do a run this day! The weather was so mild! (And won't stay that way for long.) But I needed to get groceries from the store that is 4.5 km away from where we live. Items that are staples of my diet, that I cook with every week but that are either much more expensive at the stores closer to me, or not available in those stores at all. So I figured I should take advantage of the last day I'm likely to have for a long while in which the sidewalks won't be a mess of snow and slush and ice to take my old lady shopping cart to the store and load it up. So that is what I did.

Got a lot of food, including a lot of cheese (which I love, but which is generally super expensive here) for < $CDN 200. So that was great! It was both tiring and time-consuming though. (To move those things one still has to bear a significant amount of its weight on one's arm. And I purchased more food than I could fit in the cart, so had to carry a big bag of onions--which split open before I made it home--with my other arm.) And I did some damage to the cart, I had it loaded up so heavily.


This cart was brand new when I brought it to London. My mother had bought it a couple of years ago and then never used it. (When she bought this there was no way she was ever going to go shopping without a car ever again in her life. And it's not something she would have been able to use with a car. If it had anything in it, she wouldn't have been able to lift it into the car. But she liked to buy things.) I kind of thought when I brought the cart here that it would not stand up long to what I was likely to ask of it. But it is convenient to have a cart that is fully enclosed. (I do also have one of the old school model of these carts--the one that is just a wire frame. But it is so old my mother did use it herself. In the 1970s! It's wheels are worn down to nubs. And no matter how I pack it, things tend to bulge out and eventually fall out between the wire bars from all the jostling of dragging the thing across the long distances that I ask of it. It's looking like I'm going to need a new grocery shopping solution soon. But for now my home is well-stocked with food.

By the time I made it back home, however, it was late in the day. And I had already had a good workout! So I decided any additional mileage for the day needed to be taking Shelby for a proper walk.

Pinecone: 500/2000 punches
Snowglobe: 128/600 squats
Hot Cocoa: 54/200 push-ups
Star: 200/1000 jacks
Stocking: 198/500 kicks

Punches and push-ups are things I only do every other day with my current schedule. (And those are not Challenges I want to double up on.) So the plan is to do 500 punches and 50 squats on each of December 10, 12, 14, & 16 to earn the ornaments. The Push & Pull Challenge doesn't get me to 50 squats in one day, however. So I did some extra. Then I decided I really should do 54 push-ups on push-ups days, not 50, to prepare for my birthday workout. (Someone is bound to gift me with push-ups.)

The Snowglobe and Stocking I will finish up easily by speeding ahead on the Squat Hero and Daily Kicks Challenges. And for the Star, I'm simply adding in 200 jacks per day as an extra thing for 5 days.

Just Secret Santa admin work this day.
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 152,795 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 47 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 47 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 36
SOOT: 30
GBOT: 28

Consecutive days of working out: 93
Consecutive days of French study: 1485

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 11:


First Thing Water: Day 21*
1-Minute Meditation (modified to five minutes): Day 21*
1-Minute Cardio: Days 19-20
1-Minute Plank: Days 20-21
1-Minute Yoga: Days 20-21

Push & Pull (modified to body rows in place of pull-ups): Day 22
Better Arms: :x: **
Flex Hang (modified to active hangs): Day 22
Power Grip: Day 22
1000 Calf Raises (modified to do one-legged calf raises, doing all the reps on both sides): Day 22

Daily Kicks: Days 13-15
Squat Hero: Days 13-15, Day 21
Iron Core: :x: ***
Glutes of Steel: :x: ***
Daily Gratitude: Day 15*

* I have done all of these for more than 30 days already. I just didn't track them on the days when I didn't do the physical workouts in their same grouping. So now that I'm doubling up on Challenge workouts to earn my Ornaments, I'm just going to progress them at the same rate as the furthest ahead challenge in their group.

** Skipped this one because my arms could not face that volume of triceps dips after the previous day's grocery hauling. I need to keep up-to-date on the punching days of this challenge, however, to complete the Ornaments requirements in time. So I'll be doing this Challenge's days out of order for a bit now.

*** These two are possibly on hold for the next few days as they don't help me advance on my Ornaments progress. We'll see how things go.

running: :x:
hiking: 12.3 km

Shelby's turn for a long walk this day. (Not a super long walk. But at least her usual standard 12 km per day.) We hiked up the TVP again. Saw a red-tailed hawk near the north end of the trail again and three of them at the river forks. Lighting was lousy again, however. I was not able to get a decent photo. I did snap a few pictures of the gulls. Caught a couple of adult birds on camera this time. So I can now confirm that my earlier guess was correct. These are indeed American Herring Gulls (Larus smithsonianus).




The bird in the bottom photo is an adult in non-breeding plumage. The pink legs and lack of a black band near the tip of the bill in an adult bird indicate this is a Herring Gull. (The only other similarly-plumaged bird in my area is the Ring-billed Gull. But adult Ring-bills have yellow legs and a black band around the bill.)

Pinecone: 500/2000 punches
Snowglobe: 278/600 squats
Hot Cocoa: 84/200 push-ups
Star: 400/1000 jacks
Stocking: 468/500 kicks

Just Secret Santa admin work this day.
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 152,795 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 47 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 47 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 39
SOOT: 33
GBOT: 31

Consecutive days of working out: 94
Consecutive days of French study: 1486

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 12:


First Thing Water: Day 23*
1-Minute Meditation (modified to five minutes): Day 23*
1-Minute Cardio: Days 22-23
1-Minute Plank: Days 22-23
1-Minute Yoga: Days 22-23

Push & Pull (modified to body rows in place of pull-ups): Day 23
Better Arms: Day 23 (but Day 22 was skipped)
Flex Hang (modified to active hangs): Day 23
Power Grip: Day 23
1000 Calf Raises (modified to do one-legged calf raises, doing all the reps on both sides): Day 23

Daily Kicks: Days 16-17
Squat Hero: Days 16-19
Iron Core: :x: **
Glutes of Steel: :x: **
Daily Gratitude: Day 19*

* I have done all of these for more than 30 days already. I just didn't track them on the days when I didn't do the physical workouts in their same grouping. So now that I'm doubling up on Challenge workouts to earn my Ornaments, I'm just going to progress them at the same rate as the furthest ahead challenge in their group.

** These two are possibly on hold for the next few days as they don't help me advance on my Ornaments progress. We'll see how things go.

running: :x:
hiking: 5.4 km

So. Freaking. Cold. Wrapped Miss S. up in a blanket like a little hot dog to take her out for her walks.

Pinecone: 1100/2000 punches
Snowglobe: 409/600 squats
Hot Cocoa: 150/200 push-ups
Star: 600/1000 jacks
Stocking: 660/500 kicks - :completed:

Secret Santa admin work + work on a new short story
new fiction words: ? - writing was handwritten
fiction YTD: 152,795 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 47 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 47 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 1/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 42
SOOT: 36
GBOT: 34

Consecutive days of working out: 95
Consecutive days of French study: 1487

Finally convinced my slumlord to clear the snow from the back stairs, my parking spot*, and the area where I need to store my garbage bins. (*He did not clear the whole spot. But he did clear enough I can probably park at least a small car back there, which is all I am likely to need for the winter.) It took 11 days. And I had to use stronger language than I would have liked. (But perhaps the stronger language is what he understands. I pretty much parroted the language he uses back at him.) Some ice remains because my slumlord waited to see if a thaw would take care of the problem for him, but all the thaw did was wet the snow enough that it turned to hard ice when freezing temperatures returned. (Setting aside the fact that expecting me to wait for the thaw was an entirely unacceptable breach of contract, not to mention a violation of health and safety standards, I told him there was too much snow for the thaw to take care of it. But he chose not to believe me.) So the work, when it was finally done, was much harder than it should have been. But I can now use the back exit of my home, access my garbage bins, and even park a small vehicle in the parking spot I am paying for! Progress. (At least for now.)

I really hate being back in rental housing. Don't get me wrong: I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. I am not discounting my blessings. But for-profit rental housing in this country has become a vile and predatory industry. And holy shit I wish I had a way out of it!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
And now my oven is not getting up to temperature.

Wonder how long it will take my slumlord to fix that?
(My upstairs neighbours have been in their unit 6.5 years. They tell me they have had continuous problems with their oven which the slumlord has never fixed properly.)

The oven was the only appliance in this apartment I actually liked!


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,865
"Striving to be the change."
December 13:


1-Minute Cardio: Days 24 & 29
Squat Hero: Days 23, 25, & 26
push-ups: 53
jacks: 400

Special programming this weekend because Boreal's "Songs for a Snowy Season" concert and Winterbirds CD release in London is this Sunday night! This means that a.) I must refresh the colours in my hair, and b.) I must rehearse!*

Painting a rainbow in one's hair takes a long time, during which it is not advisable to do activities involving jumping around and/or not being upright. And rehearsing involves dancing! (The concert venue here is tiny. I expect the audience might be packed in very tightly with no space in which to dance. So I need to get all of the dancing out of my system before the concert, just in case. If I get to dance during the concert too, that will be a happy surprise!) Consequently, on Friday I concentrated exclusively on Challenges and extra exercises that would help me earn Ornaments, because I know my ability to do so over the weekend will be limited.

* Apologies to anyone if I commented on your thread today and left a bunch of typos and/or anything else that did not make sense. I was not wearing reading glasses, due to having bleach in my hair. My screen is only 36" from my face here, and text looks pretty fuzzy to me at that distance without corrective eyewear these days. I was actually pretty impressed with my eyes for focussing well enough that I could understand what you all had written! But if I added typos into what I wrote, I just couldn't see them. Also: I don't normally write with music on, because I sing along to the lyrics and sometimes end up typing the lyrics instead of what I'm meaning to write. So if there are random Boreal lyrics interspersed amongst anything I've written or will write this weekend, you'll know why!

running: :x:
hiking: 8 km

Hiked without Shelby's hot dog blanket during the day, but she wore it for our after dinner hike.

Pinecone: 1100/2000 punches
Snowglobe: 539/600 squats
Hot Cocoa: 203/200 push-ups - :completed:
Star: 1000/1000 jacks - :completed:
Stocking: 660/500 kicks - :completed:

worked on short story
new fiction words: ? - writing was handwritten--not even going to try typing this up until I have glasses on and no music playing!
fiction YTD: 152,795 + ? (still have some hand-written stuff to type up)
story-a-week challenge: 47 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 47 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 2/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
SOOT: :rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 45
SOOT: 37
GBOT: 37

Consecutive days of working out: 96
Consecutive days of French study: 1488