Rainbow Dragon's Lair

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,131
"Striving to be the change."
January 10:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: (moving meditation, shavasana)
Dance / Yoga: :v: (Quiet Room)
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v: (Hand Tendons)
calf raises: :v: (Ankle Recovery)
plank: :v: (Plank Hero)
feathered peacock: :v: (60 sec. dolphin)
hip flexors: :v: (Total Body Strength)
hip abductors: :v: (Iron Core)
glutes: :v: (Glutes of Steel, Iron Core, Total Body Strength)

Programs & Challenges:
Push & Pull: slow negative pull-ups
Iron Core: Day 30 - :completed:
Glutes of Steel: Day 30 - :completed:
Fit December: Day 30
Total Body Strength: Day 10
Standing Abs: Day 10
Plank Hero: Day 10
Daily Hug: Day 8

running: :x:
hiking: 7.5 km

new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 163,772
story-a-week challenge: 51 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 51 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar:
SOOT: :x: (-15)
GBOT: :x: (-13)
GR: :x: (-13)

Yeah. Sleep schedule is a bit messed up. It's going to be tough to get things back on track this weekend with my friend's party Saturday afternoon, then my own party on Sunday, plus needing to get a short story written this weekend. But I'm going to do my best! (I need to be at least semi well-rested to get through my birthday workout on Monday!)

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 70
SOOT: 50
GBOT: 60

I think I will zero these on my birthday. See if I can take this stuff a bit more seriously next year.

Consecutive days of working out: 124
Consecutive days of French study: 1516

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,131
"Striving to be the change."
Short post tonight as the deadline for my final short story for my year of writing a short story a week is in 4.5 hours. And I haven't started yet. But I wanted to stop in here to say:

51 years ago today my family and I crossed Rainbow Bridge over Niagara Falls and set foot on Canadian soil for the first time. I have celebrated "Rainbow Day" on the 12th of January every year since. While I am grateful every day for the many blessings of my life in Canada, I set aside this day every year to reflect upon them and give thanks for them, most especially for the many people who have blessed my life in Canada. These days, because of the World Wide Web, and the connections it allows up to make across vast distances, my life has been blessed by people who themselves live all over the world, such as you lovely Bees here in the DAREBEE Hive. So to all of you who stop by my check-in thread here, cheer on my successes, offer support during the hard times, and share the journey with me, from snowy Canada to wherever you are in the world, from my heart to yours:



Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 309
"We both know that there are real monsters. But there’s also real heroes that fight monsters. And that’s me - Buffy"
Canadian Flag GIF by Pudgy Penguins

From one Canadian to another: :heart::eheart::heart:


Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 627
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
As you know, i love push-ups ;), i can join you with your 54 pushups, and with overhead clench and unclech. Would you enjoy some elbow and knee strikes ? we could also do 54 sec of chair pose, twisted or not ? I will keep on thinking about some other exercices to completeyour list :)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,131
"Striving to be the change."
Thank you, thank you, everyone!
Another short update. Lots to do today!
Thank you for the new gifts @Syrius & @graoumia ! I've added those, plus some extra things from Plank Hero and Total Body Strength. (I fell behind on those this weekend due to all of the partying. So I might as well catch up as part of my birthday workout!)
Just one more exercise to pick now. What should it be?


Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 627
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"

I did with you
54 push-ups
54 split lunges
54 butt kicks
54 seconds elbow plank
54 sitting twists
54 seconds tree pose
54 bicep curls
54 sec. overhead clench/unclench
54 knee strikes
54 elbow strikes
54 sec. chair pose
54 sec. twisted chair pose
54 crunches
54 cross crunches
54 scissors
54 seated knee-to-elbows
54 step jacks

enjoy your day :heartsit:


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,700
Birthday exercises completed with you:

54 Jumping Jacks
54 Calf Raises
54 Punches
54 Bicep Extensions
54 Butt Kicks
54 seconds Tree Pose
54 Bicep Curls
54 seconds Overhead Clench/Unclench
54 Toe Tap Hops
54 High Knees
54 Seated Knee-to-Elbows



Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,947
I have done today:
  • 54 knee-to-elbows from Standing Abs Challenge
  • 54 high knees from Exercise of the Day
  • 54 jab+cross combo punches
  • 54 plank shoulder taps
  • 54 toe tap hops
  • 54 climber taps
  • 54 bridge taps
  • 54 windmills
  • 54 split lunges from day 12 of SOMA 40+
  • 54 side lunges from day 12 of SOMA 40+
  • These weren't on your list, but were in the workout, so i did 54 of them as a gift:
    • 54 overhead tricep extensions from day 12 of SOMA 40+
    • 54 tricep extensions from day 12 of SOMA 40+
  • 54 sec. downward facing dog
  • 54 sec. upward facing dog
  • 54 scorpion twists
I was hoping to join in the dancing, but my knees and my cough won't allow it.
Thanks for a great workout. I hope you are having a very happy birthday!